Taken By Storm Part 5

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Storm didn't even turn and acknowledge him.

"He is not a man of his word."

"You've dealt with him before?"

"Yes, to my regret," she said.

Sorrow clearly filled her voice and Burke ventured to guess, "You lost a man to him?"

"Yes," she admitted reluctantly and looked about to say more, but remained silent.

Burke waited, giving her time, realizing the memory hadn't been a pleasant one and that perhaps she didn

't wish to recall any more of it.She took a breath and continued. "He has a small dungeon beneath his manor house. He imprisonstenants on whatever charges he creates-"

She paused, and Burke wondered how many such painful memories she must have endured while helping people.

She sighed and went on. "He then charges the families for the food and the cell."

"What if the family has no money?"

"The prisoner starves to death and then the family is charged to remove his body or it's tossed in the woods for the animals to feed on."

While the information disgusted Burke, it also gave him a shred of hope. "Then there's a good chance Ican buy my brother's freedom.""I'm not sure about that."


"That someone who poached on Dunwith land was taken to Glencurry for imprisonment doesn't make sense."

"What do you think is going on?"

"That's what we need to find out, but first we have to determine if it's your brother being held at Glencurry."

"Tanin and I can go and find out," Burke suggested, anxious that his brother might need his help this very

minute and he was wasting precious time.

"No. I will send what men I choose."

"I will not see my brother suffer," Burke said firmly. "If I go and discover it is Cullen, I can make

immediate arrangements to have him freed."

"How? You have no money."

That stopped Burke, but only for a moment. "I'll make certain the earl understands that he'll receive

plenty of money in two weeks.""In which time your brother will more than likely starve if he hasn't already."Burke raked his hair with his fingers in frustration. "I can't stand by and do nothing.""You're not," Storm a.s.sured him. "If my men ascertain it is your brother and they believe they can easily free him, then they will do so and return to camp with him."

"I want to be part of the rescue," Burke insisted.

"You would only be a hindrance. You are not familiar with Glencurry land or the manor itself. I will send

men who know it well. The best thing you can do for your brother is to wait here.""You ask a lot.""I give a lot-your brother's freedom."Burke reluctantly admitted to himself that she made sense but it didn't ease his annoyance. He made one more attempt. "I could wait along the trail."

"You can wait at camp, and that settles it."

Burke held his tongue, realizing she tested him. Would he follow her orders or not? If he didn't, would

she refuse to help him any further? He wouldn't take a chance with his brother's life. He would do as sheinstructed though it rankled him."We'll do it your way.""We will always do it my way, Burke." She smiled.He grabbed her chin and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Don't count on that."

Chapter 5.

S torm was relieved that they would reach camp shortly. She had kept her distance from Burke since last night. She was still stunned that he had kissed her-not that it was a pa.s.sionate kiss. It was over as fast as it started. It was the idea that he had the audacity to even do it.

And what had she done?

She had stood there speechless and watched him walk away and bed down for the night. She had not even reprimanded him or warned him never to do it again.

Why? Why hadn't she reacted?

The last time she had been kissed was by her husband, Daniel. It was a quick kiss good-bye. It was also their last kiss. No man had touched her lips since then, not until last night when Burke had kissed her.

It had stunned her and made her consider Burke as a man and not just an annoyance. He wasn't anything like her Daniel. Her husband had possessed a quiet strength and had often teased her about her demanding nature. He'd say it was her young age, she being barely twenty then.

She was, however, now twenty-and-five years, no longer a young la.s.s in more ways than just age. She wondered over Burke's age. He seemed older to her, perhaps thirty or more, or perhaps life had made him appear older.

Burke was the complete opposite of Daniel. The American was brash and vocal about his opinions and wants, where Daniel had been gentle in tone and demands-not that he didn't get his way; he just did it with a gentle love.

She couldn't see Burke being gentle. He exuded an arrogant confidence that demanded things be his way. Yet he had deferred to her, with reluctance, but again in the end it was for him to get what he wanted-his brother's freedom.

She couldn't blame him. She had fought so very hard for her husband's freedom, but to no avail. She had lost him, and it had been her fault.

"How far are we from camp?"

She jumped and nearly tripped if it hadn't been for Burke's quick reaction. He slipped his arm around her waist and plopped her back on her feet to continue walking.

"You really need a keeper, and, lucky you, I'm available."

Storm couldn't help but smile at his grin. He wasn't handsome, as her Daniel had been. His features were more rugged, each line and groove a distinct map that proved he was a man who had traveled life's trails with strength and had emerged victorious. He was a man you knew would be there for you in the thick of things and would never leave your side.

Her heart fluttered at the thought of such strength and honor.

"So, am I your keeper?"

Storm shook her head. "More like my jester."

He laughed. "I like your sense of humor."

"You are the only person who believes I possess one."

"I can attest to it since I have seen it firsthand," he said with a thump to his chest.

A strong chest, she thought. His s.h.i.+rt had spread wide, revealing thick muscles, and his shoulders were

broad and in a way defiant, as if he challenged any who approached him."So I claim myself your official keeper," he said emphatically."I don't need a keeper.""This is, what? The fourth time I've saved you?" he reminded."You only think you've saved me. I can a.s.sure you that I can save myself.""When you can prove that to me, then you'll no longer need me as your keeper.""I need to prove nothing to you," Storm insisted."Afraid you do." He was even more insistent. "You see, my father raised me to protect women. Not that I haven't met women who can protect themselves, but there comes a point when a man is needed."Storm laughed. "No, there comes a time when a man thinks he's needed.""I disagree," Burke said with a shake of his head. "You mark my words, there'll come a time you'll need me.""I don't believe so, but I will keep your prediction in mind.""Good, then when the time comes you won't deny my help.""I would never be foolish enough to deny necessary help.""Then you'll be sure to accept it," he said much too confidently."We're home," Tanin said, rus.h.i.+ng past them.Burke looked around."Don't let your eyes mislead you," Storm advised and took his hand. "Stoop," she instructed, and together they ducked beneath a thorn-covered arched bush, then squeezed through a row of dense trees to emerge into a clearing.

"I'll be d.a.m.ned," Burke said.

"Be careful of your words, Mr. Longton," Storm warned with a smile. "Some claim this is the devil's


Storm was proud of the home she and her group had carved out of the forest. Homes were fas.h.i.+oned in the trees, pulleys were constructed to provide water and necessities, weapons were stored in the hollow of hundred-year-old trees. Life was lived here with purpose and joy.

"This is amazing," Burke said, his neck arched back as he examined the housing in the trees. "It must have taken much work."

"It was a labor of love by many," Storm a.s.sured him.

"It would certainly appear that way."

People called out hearty welcomes to Storm and she responded in kind. She watched as Tanin greeted his wife, Ellie, a tall, slender, red-haired beauty whom Tanin had loved since they were young. It always relieved her when she saw the two reunite in a hug. They were so very much in love, and Storm didn't intend Ellie to suffer her fate of losing a husband.

"I know you will always return him to me safe," Ellie called out with a wave.

"Count on it," Storm said.

"That's a strong promise," Burke said.

"And one I intend to keep. Now let's see where we're going to put you."

"Right beside you," he demanded.

Storm raised her brow.

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Taken By Storm Part 5 summary

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