Taken By Storm Part 6

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"I am your keeper."

She poked his chest. "Not likely."

He grabbed her finger. "I'm about to invest a large sum of money in you, which gives me the right to

remain close by your side. Keeper or not, I intend to be your shadow while I'm here.""You are persistent.""Some call it demanding.""I'm the demanding one here," Storm said."I thought you were commanding.""Finally you have it right.""Good, so where's your place in the trees?"Storm walked off with a shake of her head, leaving him to follow. He was right on her heels."Grab hold of me," she said after wrapping her arm around a thick rope."Now there's an order I can follow," Burke said, slipping his arm around her waist and grabbing hold of the rope with her.

With a kick of her foot to the counterweight at the base of the tree they took flight, gliding up until they

came to rest on a platform built between two thick branches.

Storm secured the rope to a broken branch and joined Burke at the wooden railing, his awe obvious in his wide brown eyes.

"It's breathtaking," he said."It's safe," Storm corrected. They could see the forest for miles in all directions. In addition, she had sentries posted at various positions throughout the forest. No one could approach the hideout without their knowledge. Their home was impenetrable.

Storm walked past Burke to enter her home tucked in the confines of the sprawling branches of the

generous spruce.

It was one room, large enough to hold a narrow bed and a small table. A chest sat at the end of the bed,and pegs in the wall held a cloak and a nightdress."This doesn't look big enough for both of us," Burke remarked upon entering."It's not," Storm advised."I'm not leaving your side and don't-""Follow me," she instructed and walked out of the room around the walkway that circled the thick tree trunk to enter another room similar to hers, though it contained only a single bed and small bench with acandle on it.Burke tried out the bed and shook his head. "This bedding needs stuffing.""That's something that will keep you busy.""There's that sense of humor of yours again," he chided with a smile.

"We all pull our weight here," Storm said seriously."You won't find me slacking. I'll do what's necessary, though a good commander uses the talents of histroop and doesn't waste them on petty things."

"Which is why you'll be joining Malcolm to hunt for food today."

Burke nodded. "Now you're using my talents wisely. What about my brother? Shouldn't we see tosending the men right away?""I'll see to it.""I want to be there when you talk with the men you send.""It's not necessary," Storm said and turned to leave.He grabbed her arm and swung her around."It's necessary to me. I want to know whom you send. I want to hear their plans and offer advice if called for."

"We've been through this. Leave me to my talents as I leave you to yours." She reached out, placing her

hand over his. "If it is your brother, my men will bring him back."

Burke relented. "I should find Malcolm and go hunting."

"A wise choice. Have him also take you to Janelle. She will supply you with clothing while she repairs

your garments."

"You have a seamstress?" Burke asked with a laugh.

"She is Tanin's mother and a healer and excellent with a needle."

"You have no talents with a needle?"

Storm had once enjoyed st.i.tching garments for her husband and herself and was quite skillful with a

needle. Daniel had remarked that she should start st.i.tching baby garments, for it wouldn't be long before

a wee one was on the way.

She had started a wee garment, in hope that it would soon be needed, just the day before her life had plunged into darkness.


She shook the painful memories from her head. "I have no time to st.i.tch."

He pulled her slowly toward him. "You should rest."

"No time." His brown eyes reminded her of the rich earth. She had loved to dig in the soil with her hands

when planting her garden. It was almost as if she could feel its potent fertility.That's how it felt looking into his brown eyes-potent and fertile.She yanked her arm free and stepped away. "Burke, about that kiss.""What kiss?" he asked, shaking his head. "If you thought that was a kiss, then you haven't known a man.

That was just a friendly peck."

"No friendly pecks then," she ordered, feeling her neck grow hot and knowing in a second her cheeks would glow bright red.

"Fine with me," he said, walking past her to the door.

She took a deep breath, attempting to stem the tide of heat rus.h.i.+ng to her face before she turned to catch

up with him. She gave it a second or two and swerved around.

Burke stood in the open doorway, his hands clasped overhead to the frame and a wicked smile on his face.

"Can't let you go without tasting a real kiss."

She had no time to protest. He scooped her up into his strong arms and planted his lips against hers, soft,

smooth, hard, rough; the mixture t.i.tillated and pa.s.sion tingled her body down to her toes. When he

finished, he set her on her feet, making sure she was steady before he released her and walked to the


"Now that's a kiss," he said without looking back.

Chapter 6.

B urke rode down the rope with a fire in his loins. He had wanted to make certain Storm tasted a real kiss but he never intended to get such pleasure from it. She was a mere wisp of a woman, a beauty for sure, but not his type. He liked women large and st.u.r.dy with good hips that could bear him children without his worrying he'd lose his wife in childbirth.

No, Storm wasn't his type. He'd forever worry about her. Lord, a good gusty wind would blow her

away, not to mention what a harsh Dakota winter would do to her.He shook his head. Why the h.e.l.l was he thinking of her in Dakota Territory? He wasn't here to find awife. There were plenty of women back home interested in filling that position. He was here to find hisbrother, and he'd do well to keep his mind on that.

She lived in the trees.

d.a.m.ned if he didn't admire the home she had carved out of the forest for her group. Only a woman with

extraordinary strength and courage could manage to create and sustain a home in the wilderness. She really wasn't that different from the women who braved the American frontier.

But she was so tiny. Where did she find the strength?

"Heard you are hunting with me today," Malcolm said, coming up to him.

How did he know that? Storm had just informed Burke of it.

Malcolm slapped him on the back. "Storm gave orders to Tanin to relay to me and others before entering


"She certainly stays on top of things."

"She devises plans before we even finish discussing the issue." Malcolm shook his head. "She's


It was obvious the good-looking youth admired her. Burke also wondered if he had feelings for hisleader, but then it wasn't his business."Did other men receive orders as well?" Burke asked.Malcolm nodded. "They already left camp."Burke almost swore aloud. d.a.m.ned if she hadn't played him for a fool, making him think she had yet to talk to the men she would send to rescue his brother when all along her decision had been made and the men sent on their way.

"Ready to hunt?"

He sure was. He was ready to hunt Storm down and give her a piece of his mind."I'd rather have gone with William and Philip than hunting," Malcolm continued. "They've had the mostsuccess in rescues. Storm always sends them on the difficult missions. They're the most skilled."

Burke immediately regretted his anger. Storm hadn't wasted a minute in seeing to his brother. She had sent her best men, and for that he was grateful. He would make sure to tell her.

"Come on," Burke said. "I'm going to teach you a thing or two about hunting."

Malcolm proved a skilled hunter, and with a few tips from Burke and an hour of practice, he was fast becoming an expert. In no time they easily snagged several hares.

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Taken By Storm Part 6 summary

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