Taken By Storm Part 50

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"So do I," Burke agreed as they kept pace with each other and the group.

"She says you are my brother and that your s.h.i.+p waits to take Alaina and me to America with you."

"Storm speaks the truth. We should be meeting up with the others shortly. Alaina is with them."

He heard his brother gasp and felt and understood his relief.

"I never thought this possible," Cullen said. "But then I never thought I had a brother."

"You do," Burke confirmed. "Shall I tell you the story?"

"Please, I am anxious to hear it."

Burke started from the beginning when their father left Scotland, leaving his young son behind with his sister-in-law, the child's only relative since his mother had pa.s.sed. With no chance of owning land in

Scotland, his father had decided to journey to America to build a life for him and his son.

Burke went on to explain how their father had returned, only to discover that his sister-in-law had died, leaving no sign of the child. He spent years searching for Cullen, but was never able to find him.

"Father's heart broke a little more with each unsuccessful trip," Burke said. "He'd leave America with

such hope of finding you, but he never did."

"Yet you found me," Cullen said.

"Luck and Storm. Without either of them, I would have never located you. I also had hired men to track

you down and one had given me a good place to start. Storm took it from there.""I don't know what to say," Cullen admitted with a shake of his head."'h.e.l.lo, brother' would be a start."Cullen stopped walking and held out his hand. "Thank you, brother. You have saved my life."Burke reached out and gave Cullen a huge bear hug. "d.a.m.n, I've waited a long time to do that."They were quick to keep going, both realizing the importance of time and both anxious to reach safe port as soon as possible.

Burke continued to tell him about their father and the wealth that awaited him.

"I'm wealthy?" Cullen asked incredulously.

"Extremely," Burke said with a satisfied grin.

"The news just keeps getting better."

Burke explained more about what awaited him in America and then finally asked the question that had

haunted him all these years.

"What of your life?"

"Not much to tell," Cullen said. "I remember being pa.s.sed from family to family until an old man took me

in. He was a bow maker and an excellent archer. I lived with him from the time I was ten and he taught

me his skills. His home was high in the Highlands, which is why Father probably had difficulty finding me.

It's a land unto itself."

"Lady Alaina had mentioned your skills with a bow."

Cullen's face brightened. "How is she?"

"As eager to see you as you are to see her. She really does love you, you know."

Cullen shook his head. "I've wondered time and again how a lady such as herself could love a man like

me.""Why wouldn't she?"Cullen stared at him as if he were daft. "She is a lady. I am but a peasant.""Not in America. Besides, you're probably wealthier than her father."

"Truly?" Cullen asked in disbelief.

"Without a doubt. I offered the earl one of our gold mines in exchange for your release."

Cullen shook his head. "One of our gold mines?"

"Yes, and the fool thought he'd get the gold mine, you, and me. Now not only does he lose all three but

his daughter as well."

"That makes me happy," Cullen said with a grin that turned to a wince.

"That lip looks painful."

"My heart feels too much joy to acknowledge pain."

The brothers smiled and continued walking. There'd be time to talk more of their past, but for now they

hurried their steps toward the future.

In an hour's time, they reached the area where Alaina waited along with the others from camp. Theywould all travel from there to Burke's s.h.i.+p, and by nightfall tomorrow they'd be on board and setting sail.The problem was, they wouldn't be safe until they were on the s.h.i.+p. Soldiers probably were already beginning to prowl the woods in search of them, and being they had a good head start, they had to keep

it that way.

Everyone was advised to keep their voices hushed while Burke and Storm saw to organizing the group in sections and placing one of Storm's men in charge of each section.

"Where's Alaina?" Cullen asked, anxiously searching the sea of faces.

"Can't find her?" Burke asked with a grin.

Cullen gave a frustrated shake of his head, while glancing from person to person until...

"That's my Alaina," he said softly when what appeared to be a young lad removed a stocking cap and

her long red waves fell free.

He rushed to her side, scooping her up in his arms and hugging her tightly to him. Alaina buried her face

in his chest and when she lifted her face, tears stained her cheeks. Cullen kissed them away and they held on to each other as if they never intended to part.

Burke watched them, his smile wide.

"It must feel good to have found your brother and to reunite him with the woman he loves," Storm said,

taking Burke's hand.

He grasped on to her. "I only wish my father could be here. He had searched so long and hard for


"I think he knew that you would not fail him and died with a peaceful heart."

Burke leaned down and kissed her. "Did I tell you I love you today?"

She nodded. "While you carried me."

"Well, I'm telling you again. I love you."

She poked him. "I think the Longton brothers love-""For life," Burke finished, stealing another kiss."You mean I'm stuck with you until I die?""Longer," he said. "You're never getting rid of me."She tapped her chin. "Maybe I should reconsider?"Burke laughed heartily. "The deal is sealed, sweetheart, you're all mine.""Really?" Storm said and moved to step away from him.Her hand still in his, he yanked her back to him. "You're mine-" He kissed her forehead. "Mine-" He kissed her nose. "Mine!" He kissed her lips slowly and easily until her arms wrapped around his neck

and the kiss turned deep and intoxicating.

"Soldiers have been spotted."

Tanin's warning tore them apart.

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Taken By Storm Part 50 summary

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