Taken By Storm Part 51

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"How far?" Storm asked.

"An hour or less. We need to get moving," Tanin advised.

"We'll move out in groups, dividing and meeting up just outside of St. Andrew," Burke instructed.

Cullen and Alaina joined them.

"Once my father learns of the escape, he will send men to St. Andrew to make certain your s.h.i.+p doesn't leave port," Alaina said.

"The earl knows Burke's s.h.i.+p is docked at St. Andrew?" Storm asked.

Alaina nodded. "He questioned me about the American and I answered." She shook her head. "I amsorry. I shouldn't have told him.""It isn't your fault," Cullen said, holding her close to him. "Your father has his ways of getting information."

"Our best bet is to get moving and keep moving," Burke advised. "We have to get to my s.h.i.+p. We're

going to go in groups."

"Alaina and I will stay with you and Storm," Cullen said.

"Wouldn't have it any other way, brother," Burke said and slapped him on the back. "Let's get going."

They left, spreading out, and kept a hectic pace. They had to make certain to keep the soldiers a good

distance away from them. From what Tanin had told Burke there were more than a few soldiers, and that

meant it would be more than a mere skirmish.

They would have a battle on their hands, and Burke wouldn't take the chance of possibly losing Storm again. Now there were his brother and Alaina to worry about.

It wasn't difficult for Burke to maneuver in the dark, but he knew the others weren't finding it easy,

especially Lady Alaina.She had slowed them down considerably."Go ahead," Cullen said at one point. "We'll catch up.""No," Burke and Storm had said in unison.As far as they were both concerned, they all would remain together."I'll do better when dawn breaks," Alaina said. "I'll be able to see where I walk then."Burke smiled. "You're doing fine, don't worry."His brother, however, sent him a look that he understood. Daybreak brought light, which meant the group would be more visible, making tracking them easier.Several hours after sunlight, Cullen informed Burke that they needed to rest."Alaina cannot keep up this pace," Cullen said."She doesn't have a choice," Storm said, sounding harsh."She's not like you," Cullen argued. "Used to endless treks through the woods day or night.""Storm is right" Alaina said, coming up behind Cullen. "I don't have a choice. Now let's go."Cullen grinned. "That's my woman." And hurried after her.They kept going long into the afternoon and Burke was near ready to breathe a sigh of relief. They were getting closer and closer to St. Andrew and his s.h.i.+p. They were going to make it.

The yell pierced the air like a sharp knife and brought everyone to an abrupt halt.

"Malcolm's group," Storm said and drew her sword before charging forward through the woods.

The melee was a clash of swords and fists, and chaos reigned for some time.

Burke had no time to worry about Storm. It seemed he fought off soldier after soldier. Sweat and blood

soon tainted the chilled air along with moans of the wounded and dying.

When it finally ended, Burke stood looking around at the carnage, searching and praying that Storm wasn

't among the wounded or dead. Relief flooded him when he saw her bending over a body.

It was with a smile that she helped Malcolm up.

She was all right and so was Malcolm.

Burke headed toward her, and her bright smile registered her own relief that he was all right. He,

however, didn't like how quickly it had faded, and he halted in his tracks, not wanting to turn around and

see what had caused Storm to lose her smile and turn pale white.

He feared it was his brother, Cullen, and he silently prayed and swore and d.a.m.ned the powers that be that they had better not have taken Cullen away from him. He would never forgive them, never forgive himself for not having protected his brother after finally having found him.

Burke gathered his strength and swerved around.

He froze and his heart near stilled.

Cullen knelt on the ground, Alaina in his arms, and blood covering her chest.

Chapter 37.

S torm followed Burke to his brother's side. As soon as she got a look at Alaina's wound, she knewdeath was imminent. She grabbed hold of Burke's arm and felt his muscles tense beneath his s.h.i.+rt andlooked at his face.

His pain tore at her heart, and she was reluctant to glance down at Cullen, for she knew his pain would

doubly stab at her heart.

Cullen's anguished voice drew her glance to him. "G.o.d, Alaina, you should have stayed where I told you."

She tried to shake her head but could only manage to turn it to one side.

"It should have been me. It should have been me," Cullen cried, and as gently as he could slipped his arm beneath her head and leaned down to press his cheek to hers.

Storm gently eased Burke away from the couple, knowing they needed these last moments alone

together."Don't try to speak," Cullen urged."I must." Alaina struggled with her words. "You must listen."Storm heard no more since she and Burke moved a distance from the couple.He suddenly grabbed her and wrapped her tightly in his embrace. "G.o.d, I'm so grateful you're alive."Tears quickly stained her cheeks. She not only cried for Cullen's loss but she cried in relief that she and Burke had survived. She knew Cullen's pain, had lived it herself, and she ached for his suffering, but she also rejoiced in good fortune, for in death there was also life.

"We need to get out here," Storm said, shoving her husband away from her and wiping her tears away.

"She's right. More soldiers will be coming," Cullen said.Burke and Storm turned. Cullen stood, his s.h.i.+rt stained with Alaina's blood and his cheeks stained withthe last of his tears.

"We will bury Alaina first," Burke said.

"No!" Cullen near shouted.

Storm looked past him to see Alaina lying on the ground, her arms crossed over her chest as if she lay in

peaceful repose. "We can't just leave her."

"That was what she wanted," Cullen said.

Storm knew he presently held himself together with the anger and pain of her death, but soon, very soon,

the pain would be beyond bearing and he would break.

"Why?" Burke asked.

Cullen looked to Storm. "You understand, don't you?"

Storm nodded. "Alaina wants her father to see her, to know that it was her choice to join you, to know

that she was finally free of him."

"She stays as she is," Cullen said and walked off, not looking back.

They were soon on their way again, the wounded being helped and their pace hurried. They would never

withstand another attack. They had to reach St. Andrew by dark and board the s.h.i.+p. It was their only


Cullen remained silent for the remainder of the journey. Storm had cautioned Burke to leave his brother be, that once on the s.h.i.+p he could talk with him, that Cullen would probably want to talk and that Burke should be there when he did.

She told him not to worry about anything else but Cullen. She would see to settling her people. He was

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Taken By Storm Part 51 summary

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