Taken By Storm Part 8

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"So what you tell me is that my brother Cullen will not leave this land."

"Would you leave yours?"

Burke shook his head. "No. It is my home. But many are leaving Scotland. There is a chance he may want to emigrate."

"Many have no choice.""Perhaps Cullen won't have a choice.""The wealth you say is his will grant him a choice," Storm said.He'd never thought of that. He'd just a.s.sumed Cullen would want to return to America with him and claim his share of the inheritance, though his return wasn't necessary. The money was his whether he lived in Scotland or in America.

Burke rubbed his chin. "You have given me much to think about."

"It is good to be prepared for all possibilities."

"Even miracles?" he teased.

She laughed. "Are you promising me a miracle, Mr. Longton?"

"If it were in my power I'd make certain you get one.""You are a strange man.""Good strange?" he asked with a cautious laugh."I believe so. You demand and yet you have a tender heart.""Shhh," he warned, pressing a finger to her lips. "That's a secret that cannot get out."She nodded, a.s.suring her silence.He stared at her a moment, caught by the beauty in her blue eyes. The color had settled to the bold blue of a sky after an angry storm. He slowly slipped his finger away from her mouth, running it down her pet.i.te chin to stroke the gentle flesh beneath.

"You are beautiful."

Her eyes remained fixed on his as if caught up in their depths, and then suddenly she turned her head away, his finger drifting off. She stood and walked away from him.

He watched her go even though he wanted to run after her and keep her beside him, just a bit longer.

"One," she called out.

Burke stood but remained where he was. "One what?"

"One man," she said, continuing to walk. "I've seen only one man naked, and he was my husband."

Chapter 7.

S torm woke before dawn's first light. This was the time she felt most alone. This was the time she missed her husband the most. She pushed the painful memories away. It did no good to dwell on them. He was dead, and nothing would bring him back. No amount of tears would ease her pain, though she had shed them endlessly.

Nothing but time would relieve her suffering. It had been three years since his death, and still at times the hurt felt raw, as if it had been yesterday that she had felt his arms around her, his lips kissing her.

She ran her fingers over her lips, recalling Burke's kiss. Dare she admit that it actually felt good?

She attempted to dismiss the thought as she quickly jumped out of bed and dressed with equal haste. Unfortunately, the disturbing thought refused to be ignored and lingered in her mind.

She was being ridiculous. So what if she enjoyed Burke's kiss? What difference did it make? It meant nothing, and there would not be another kiss. It wasn't worth wasting her thoughts on.

Storm slipped on a brown wool vest over her long-sleeved tan s.h.i.+rt, the morning chill reminding her that autumn had finally arrived. She descended the rope ready and eager for breakfast.

Activity around the campfire alerted her to a possible problem. The mornings were always quiet around the camp. She and Janelle would share the morning meal, Malcolm sometimes joined them, but Tanin was never seen until after sunrise.

He was there now, however, along with Malcolm and Angus, which meant something had happened.

Storm approached them and they all turned quiet. "What's wrong?"

Tanin answered. "We received word that William and Philip were captured before they could reachGlencurry.""Where were they taken?""They're on their way to Mullvane, where I was held," Malcolm said."Probably caught by the soldiers sent to find the escaped prisoners."Everyone around the campfire jumped at the sound of Burke's voice as he stepped out of the darkness."I thought you were still sleeping," Storm said."You'll find I'm an early riser." Burke tossed a slim stick into the fire. "So what do we do about freeing William and Philip?""We see to that," Storm said. "You remain here.""I feel responsible for them.""I gave them the order, not you.""Still, they went to rescue my brother. I can't sit by and do nothing," Burke said emphatically."If I order-""If you order, which I ask you not to do," Burke requested firmly. "You are short two men to help with the rescue. You know I'm skilled-""And I know that you don't-""I'll follow orders. I give you my word on it," Burke promised.He was right about her needing the help, and though her men remained silent, she knew they thought the same. She had always considered their suggestions when an escape was planned and she had no doubt

they agreed with Burke.

"You promise you will obey my every command-" She held her hand up to prevent his quick response.

"My every command, even if it means you leave me behind."

The shock on his face answered for him, but she had to admit he was quick to rein it in.

"I'm not saying it would be an easy thing for me to do. My first response would be to protect you and

get you the h.e.l.l out of there under any circ.u.mstances. But I respect your command and will respect your orders. I can't promise, however, that I won't object now and again."

"But you will follow my orders," she confirmed.

"I give you my word."

"Then we appreciate your help in rescuing William and Philip." Storm moved aside, making room for

Burke to join them at the campfire. "We need to find them before they reach the prison."

"I thought the same," Tanin agreed. "We should leave immediately."

"We'll need to be careful of any soldiers that may have been left behind in hopes of finding the rest of

us," Burke offered."True, and we'll need to split into two groups and cover the two possible paths they could have taken,"Storm explained. "We'll reunite where the two paths converge. And if anyone should be captured, it willbe up to the other group to free everyone."

"Hear that, Malcolm?" Tanin teased. "Don't make us free your sorry a.s.s again.""Watch it, Tanin, or I might be tempted not to rescue you when you get caught."Angus gave a hardy laugh, his wide girth rolling with the timbre. "Tanin has never been captured.""There's always a first time." Malcolm grinned.Storm let the men have their fun. It was their way before a rescue, teasing one another, yet knowing each one of them would do whatever was necessary to help the others. Her small group had formed a bond

that had strengthened with time and would no doubt grow even stronger.

Her instincts had been right about each man she had chosen. Their personalities had varied, but they possessed equal strength and determination and were willing to work for a common cause-the betterment and equality of the Scottish people.

"Ready yourselves," Storm informed them. "We leave in ten minutes." She turned to Burke. "Go with Malcolm. He will show you what weapons are available for your use."

"Do you trust him?" Tanin asked when Burke was out of sight.

"I see no reason not to, though sometimes it is what we don't see that can harm us.""It's odd, don't you think, that William and Philip should be captured while on a mission concerninghim?"

The thought had crossed her mind briefly, but she had dismissed it. Should she have? Should she be more vigilant about Mr. Longton? Or had her character judgment been correct? Was he truly an honest man?

"It may be a coincidence, and I got the impression that you favor Burke Longton," Storm said."He is a skilled man, but he's not a Scotsman."She smiled. "So are you saying he can't be trusted?""I'm saying that he has skills that can help us, but we should still be cautious until we can determine for a fact that he can be trusted."

"I would not place the group in jeopardy."

"I know that, and I know if it proves necessary you will rid the group of Mr. Longton," Tanin said. "Now

it's time for me to get ready. I will take Burke in my group."

"No," Storm said. "You and Angus will take the creek path. Malcolm and Burke will travel the northeast path with me."

"As you say," Tanin said with a nod.

It was easy for her to tell when Tanin disagreed with her decisions. His manner became rigid, his responses curt. "You don't agree. Speak your mind, Tanin, I expect it of you."

He didn't waste a minute. "Malcolm has yet to rein in his overzealous enthusiasm when on a mission and Burke is still a stranger to us. Leaving you to-"

"Teach Malcolm the finer skills of fighting and learn more about Burke. Trust me."

"I always have or I wouldn't follow you. But know this-if either one gets you in trouble, they'll be answering to me."

Storm smiled. "I'd have it no other way."

Hours after they left the camp, Storm signaled for Burke and Malcolm to stop. This was the point where she expected the soldiers to be waiting. The three crouched down and Storm used a stick to scratch a diagram in the earth of where she felt the soldiers lay in wait.

Burke offered a plan of action and Storm agreed. It took only minutes to capture the three soldiers, two of whom had been sleeping.

Hands tied, mouths gagged, the soldiers were led along the path with them. It was another hour before they heard the clang of swords and surmised that Tanin and Angus were in the thick of battle.

Storm ordered Malcolm to tie the prisoners to a tree before she and Burke took off and leaped in to join the melee.

They were outnumbered for sure, but not out-skilled. Storm attempted to make her way to free William and Philip of their restraints. It proved difficult until Burke caught on to her actions and jumped in front of her, fighting off the enemy with a sword. A weapon he had claimed he had no skill with, though it looked otherwise.

She had Philip nearly freed from the thick ropes that bound his wrists, when he shouted a warning to watch out. She gave the rope one last slice and swung around to face her attacker, but not fast enough. His blade sliced her shoulder, though she had moved quickly enough to avert serious damage.

Philip grabbed her sword and ended the man's life in one swift thrust, then quickly freed William, who picked up the dead man's sword and joined in. Philip threw Storm her sword and grabbed another off a dead solider.

Storm ignored her wounded shoulder, and in no time, the soldiers were conquered. A few ran off in the end, dragging a couple of wounded with them.

"Gather what weapons and items we need off the dead and be ready to leave," Storm instructed. "There could be more soldiers close by."

"We didn't see any when we came along the creek," Tanin informed her.

"We caught three from where we approached," Malcolm said.

"Then this could be the lot of them," Philip said.

"I don't want to take any chances. Hurry," Storm ordered.

"You're hurt," Burke said loudly and shot the men heated glares. "Can't you see that she's bleeding?"

"Looks like a flesh wound. Time for that later," Tanin said without concern and walked off, as did theother men, to follow Storm's instructions."Let me see that," Burke demanded and reached out.Storm stepped out of his reach. "I gave you orders.""The others can see to it. Your shoulder needs tending.""Tanin was right. It can wait."Burke shook his head. "I don't think so. That wound needs cleansing and dressing.""And we need to be out of here in two minutes. So either help the men or I will." She plopped down on the rock, the throb in her shoulder causing her stomach to roll."Tanin," Burke called out, and in a second the tall man was at his side. "This is more than a flesh wound.""I gave orders-""Be quiet," Burke ordered. "Your injury needs tending now.""He's right, Storm," Tanin said after examining the wound. "It's deeper than it looked at first glance.""Then bandage it, and Janelle can see to it when we reach camp."Burke pushed Tanin out of the way. "I'll take care of it. Finish helping the men so we can get out of here."Much to Storm's surprise, Tanin took off."I didn't know you were in charge," she snapped."I issued the same orders you would have and Tanin knows it," Burke said and shook his head. "I'm not trying to usurp your command, and if you weren't so stubborn you'd admit that this wound does need

immediate attention. So let's get it wrapped and you back to camp as quickly as possible."

Storm marveled at how fast Burke worked. He tore her ripped sleeve off her s.h.i.+rt and used it as a bandage. She winced from the pain and he apologized for hurting her.

The man did have a tender heart and nice eyes. Storm really liked his eyes. They were deep brown and filled with confidence. He was a man who knew what he wanted and went after it.

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Taken By Storm Part 8 summary

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