Taken By Storm Part 9

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"She's lost some blood," Storm heard Burke say.She suddenly felt light-headed, weak almost, as if she were about to faint. The thought shocked her. Shecouldn't faint. She reached out, grabbing the arm in front of her.

"Tanin!""It's all right, Storm, I've got you."That wasn't Tanin. It was Burke.

"You need to sit," Burke said firmly.

She leaned on his arm and attempted to push to her feet.

"Stay put," Burke ordered.

"I need to stand," she said adamantly.

"Not when you're about to faint," Burke said.

She turned to Tanin, trying to shove Burke aside. "You know what to do."

Tanin responded with a strong slap to her face.

Chapter 8.

B urke lunged at Tanin with a roar and would have beaten him senseless if Malcolm and Angus hadn'tgrabbed him and held him back."What the h.e.l.l is the matter with you?" Burke yelled, his face red with anger."Mind your business," Angus said harshly."She's hurt and needs-""To stay on her feet and stay strong," Angus finished."She's a woman-""She's our leader first," Angus corrected."Let me go," Burke all but snarled.

"Let him go," Storm ordered sharply after shaking her head clear, and the men obeyed.

Burke walked over to her and got more annoyed when he spotted her red cheek. "That wasn't necessary. I would have helped you."

"By letting me faint and delaying us from leaving?" She shook her head. "That isn't helping me. We're

leaving now," she called out.

"You're in no shape to walk," Burke argued, though he doubted it would make a difference. Storm was a stubborn one, and as Angus had pointed out, she was their leader.

"I have no choice," she insisted. "We must get back home before nightfall or we risk being caught. Now if you don't want to be left behind, Mr. Longton, I suggest you keep up with us."

She turned and set a quick pace, her men following suit.

Burke mumbled several oaths, scooped up his bow and arrows, and took off after them. He was still reeling from the vision of Tanin slapping Storm across the face. Her head had jerked to the side and she would have stumbled if Tanin hadn't grabbed her arm.

That Tanin's action had prevented her from fainting didn't matter to him, she had suffered an injury and needed tending, not abuse.

"Couldn't have done it, could you?" Malcolm asked, having slowed to walk beside Burke."If you mean slugged her, no, I couldn't have.""Then you would have failed her. Would you have preferred that?"Burke didn't answer, and not another word was spoken until they reached camp hours later."Tanin, see to things," Storm ordered. "I'm going to see Janelle." She walked off, her strides slow.Burke looked at Tanin."Go. If she does not find my mother in the shelter on the ground, she will need help getting up the tree,"

Tanin said.

Burke took off and would have whether Tanin approved of it or not. He had worried about Storm on the whole journey home. She had kept a quick pace, which couldn't have helped the pain in her shoulder.

Yet she had not complained once. He wasn't certain if she had been courageous or stupid. What did it matter now, as long as she was all right.

He found her with her hands held firm to the thick rope. Her head rested against it as if uncertain she had

the strength to keep hold.

He didn't bother to ask her if she needed help. He walked over, slipped his arm snugly around her waist,tucked her against his body, and ordered, "Put your arm around my neck and hold on."She looked up at him, her blue eyes filled with pain.He almost spewed a plethora of oaths but instead ignored his anger and addressed her pain."Hold on to me. I won't let you go. I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered his promise in her ear.

Her eyes drifted shut and her head descended slowly to rest on his shoulder.

"I'm here, Storm, I'll take care of you." His words alarmed even him, but then he felt compelled to look

after the pint-sized, stubborn woman. No one else did, at least not the way he would-leader or not.

He continued to hold on to her as he walked her through the open door of the tree house.

A tall woman with long white hair that lay in a single braid over her shoulder turned at their entrance. She

had remarkably beautiful skin with few wrinkles, though one sensed her advanced years.

"Her shoulder took a deep slice," Burke explained, reluctant to release Storm.

Janelle hurried to his side. "Help her to the chair."

Burke did as directed, anxious for Storm to receive adequate care. He feared her wound could prove

deadly. He had seen much lesser wounds prove someone's demise.

"I wrapped it as best as possible," Burke offered, stepping aside but not too far. He felt the need to remain close to her side. Storm might need him, if only to hold on to a friendly hand against the pain.

"This requires st.i.tches if it is to heal properly," Janelle said when she finally uncovered the wound.

"Do what you must and get it over," Storm encouraged.

"I'll help," Burke offered."There is nothing for you to do, begone," Storm ordered.Burke laughed. "I don't think so. I'm staying right here.""And if I don't want you here?""It doesn't matter," he said, squatting down on his haunches beside her. "I'm staying by your side."Storm reached out hesitantly, finally pressing her hand to his cheek. "You are a stubborn one.""Dependable, Storm," he corrected. "I'll be there for you when necessary."Her smile was sad and touched his heart. He didn't know what it was about this woman that made him feel so protective of her. It made no sense, and yet he didn't fight the notion. He simply did what he felt was right, and it felt right to see to her safety.

"This will be painful," Janelle said.

Burke winced while Storm simply nodded.

"What can I do?" he asked, anxious to help in any way he could, though more anxious to ease her pain if possible.

"Hold her," Janelle said. "It will be easier for me and less painful for her if she remains still."

Burke grinned, pressing his nose to Storm's. "How lucky am I? I have an excuse to hold you."

He almost regretted his words after they left his mouth, especially when he witnessed the confused look

on Storm's face. She didn't seem to know what to make of his remark, though it was obvious. He enjoyed holding her.

"Have you ever felt the sting of st.i.tches?" Storm asked, resting her head on his.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and moved in close beside her, leaving her injured side free.

"Sting, you say?" He guffawed. "I'd say more like a needle pulling your flesh together."

"Thank you for so vividly reminding me."Burke was quick to amend his response and take her mind off her pending pain. "I'm a coward at heart.""I don't believe that for a moment."Burke was impressed by the seriousness of her tone. "Why not?""You have proven yourself a courageous warrior in the short time I have known you. I doubt the sting of st.i.tches would upset you."

Janelle cleansed the wound, then signaled him that she was near ready to begin, and Burke hoped to distract her as much as possible.

"Twenty-five st.i.tches is what did the trick," he said, keeping his head rested against hers.

"Tell me," Storm said, her hand reaching out to grab hold of his. "Was it a blade, an arrow, a fierce fight

that won you the honor of a scar?"

"It was..." He paused, meeting her eyes so close that he could tell that one eye was slightly bluer than the other. "A pitchfork."

"A pitchfork?" Storm asked with a gasp as the needle pierced her skin for the first st.i.tch.

"A mighty weapon, I might add," he said dramatically. "I was but a lad of ten years and challenged by friends to take a dive into the haystack."

Burke hurried to continue when Storm squeezed his hand as Janelle made the next st.i.tch. "It was a dare I could not refuse."

"Your honor was at stake," Storm agreed.

"You understand," he whispered, and his lips drifted to her ear as her hand squeezed his harder.

"Honor must be defended," Storm said with difficulty as Janelle made a third st.i.tch.

"And I did a superb job," Burke bragged, and was relieved to hear Storm chuckle and rest her head to his shoulder. "I positioned myself just right for the dive."

Storm glanced up at him, and he was caught in the depths of her blue eyes. Her pain was obvious but so was her strength. They battled for dominance, and he had no doubt which would be the victor.

"Without making certain of what awaited you?"

"I was ten," he offered as an excuse.

"And about to learn a hard lesson," she said with a cringe.

He pressed his cheek to hers and whispered in her ear. "I now look before I leap."

Storm laughed as Janelle finished the last st.i.tch. Burke stepped away so that Janelle could bandage her shoulder.

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Taken By Storm Part 9 summary

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