Territory: Prequel Part 12

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"Everything alright?"

Chloe swallowed hard, "Yeah. Look Dell, I don't think that I can sta..."

"Chloe!" The exuberant exclamation had Chloe turning to eye Mama as she came in through the back door carrying two brown paper sacks laden with groceries. "It's so nice to finally have you in our home!"

Mama's eyes twinkled with delight and when Dell crossed to take the burden from her arms she crossed to Chloe to squeeze her tightly in a warm embrace. "Dell said you've eaten dinner, but in the morning I'm making my famous biscuits with chocolate gravy." Mama leaned back and held Chloe at arm's length to stare at her before squeezing her again, "So good to have you."

"Thank you!" Chloe offered in a hushed tone before finding Dell. "Can I, um, talk to you?"

Dell placed the sacks on the counter and bent to kiss his mother's head. "Pony'll bring in the rest." Then he made to grab Chloe's hand, which had her jumping back. "Sorry. I forgot. Come on, we can talk in my office." He led her down a corridor she'd been down before and entered the room at the furthest end. Inside he took a seat at one of the two chairs that sat facing each other in front of the desk. He didn't speak, but simply stared at her waiting for her to initiate the conversation.

"I thought it hurt you to touch me. Seems like a dumb thing to forget!" She was tense and because of it, she instantly reverted to her old habit of insulting him at every opportunity.

Dell just smiled at her wordlessly, his brows hiking in question.

"I'm sorry. That was rude."

His grin broadened. "It did hurt to touch you, but for some reason the pain seems to be lessening with every encounter."

Chloe looked at a cus.h.i.+on that sat on the seat opposite him, feigning disinterest. "Will it fade for me too?"

"Why? Dying to get your hands on me?"

She scowled at him, "Don't be an a.s.s."

He laughed and she eyed him then.

He could tell she wanted to speak, but was holding back. "Ask Chloe."

"It doesn't make sense that if we're mates that it would hurt us to touch. Doesn't it make more sense that it's proof that we're not meant for each other?" She was startled by the bark of laughter that erupted from him.

Still laughing he stood crossing to hold out a chair, "Have a seat Chloe."

Without a good reason to refuse, she was relegated to accepting the proffered seat. "I-I don't think I should stay."

Dell reclaimed his seat, directly across from her. "This again? I thought the issue was resolved."

"It was but I'm not sure. It's probably not a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I've just had a revelation of sorts and I don't think this is the best place to come to terms with what's happened."

"You don't know any of us Chloe, and we don't know you. There'll be no judgments here. Plus you'll be pampered by Mama's culinary skill and won't have to worry about the monotony of city life or work for the entire weekend." He shrugged a shoulder, "Sounds like the perfect environment to get your head straight."

She knew she'd lose. No matter the excuse, no matter the logic in her argument, she was destined to do Dell's bidding. "Well," she looked around the office, "I'm not just going to be waited on. I'll pull my weight Dell and that's not negotiable."

He smiled approvingly, "I wouldn't expect any less from you Chloe."

"So," she stood, "what do we need to do tonight?"

He reclined in the chair, crossing his hands behind his head. "Depends. Are you hungry?"

She clamped a hand to her belly, "Not in the least. I'm still stuffed from dinner."

"Good, then we have time to play."

"Play?" she eyed him quizzically. "What does that mean?"

He stood and smiled, "Follow me."

Chapter 16.

Chloe followed Dell down the hallway to a large sitting room where a fire burned brightly in a large stone hearth. Decorated with dark leather furniture and s.p.a.ced over an ornate rug, the room felt warm even without the heat loaned from the fireplace. Dell led her to a closet. He pulled out a coat and a matching pair of snowsuit overalls then held them up to her body.

"I'd guess you and Cindy are about the same size." He motioned with his chin to a closed door behind her. "Take these in the bathroom and put them on. I'll go grab you some socks. What size shoe do you wear?"

With her arms full, she used her chin to tuck the clothing down so she could see him, "Six, but..."

He didn't let her finish. He disappeared before she could protest.

Inside the bathroom she frowned at the overalls. She knew Cindy didn't particularly care for her and wondered how angry she'd be once she saw Chloe traipsing around the compound in her clothing. She was contemplating how she was supposed to manage the overalls in her tight skirt when a light knock sounded at the door. When she opened it, Dell shoved more clothing into her arms.

"I got you some long underwear too," his eyes dropped to her bare legs and stayed there, "I don't think you'd be able to...uh..."


A flush singed his cheekbones as his eyes found hers, "Sorry. I was...what was I saying?"

She grabbed the clothing out of his hand, "I honestly have no idea." She used her hip to close the door then quickly dressed.

When she came out of the bathroom Dell was waiting on her. He too was dressed in cold weather gear, but while she felt like a bulky snowman he was sleek and s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. Black leather combat boots peeked out from under form fitting jeans. He wore a thick black coat, matching skullcap, and leather gloves.

"Ready?" He smiled eagerly.

"For what? An avalanche?" She slowly shuffled out of the bathroom.

A gloved hand reached for hers and she jerked back.

"It's okay," Dell held up a hand and wiggled the thick fingers. "We've gotta touch skin to skin to be afflicted.

When he reached for her hand a second time she allowed him to close a gloved hand around her slender fingers and draw her down the hall. They crossed through the kitchen where Mama, working some dough on a board, didn't look up as she ordered, "Be careful."

"We will."

Chloe's belly somersaulted. Why would we need to be careful?

Outside, Dell led her to the side of the house where two four-wheelers were parked.

"Take your pick." He motioned toward the vehicles.


"They're both basically operated the same so it doesn't matter which one you take." He turned to point at the larger four-wheeler, "Mine's just got a larger motor is all. It's faster, stronger."

Taking a step backward, she frowned apologetically at him, "I'm sorry. I don't know how to drive one of these things."

His eyes grew wide. "You've never driven a four-wheeler?"

"No," she responded sadly. She hadn't experienced much in life. She was always too busy being responsible and playing things safe. Over the course of her young life she'd turned down more offers for exciting adventures than she'd care to ever admit.

He reached out and grabbed her elbow pulling her closer, "It's okay. I'll show you. Climb on." He didn't wait for her to move before he lifted her effortlessly from the ground and placed her on the four-wheeler then began explaining the basics of operation.

After ten minutes he finally quieted and smiled, "So you think you can handle it?"

Chloe winced pulling her gloved fingers from the handlebars and turned to eye his four-wheeler. When she spoke her voice was so low that any other person would have missed it. "Can't I just ride with you?"

As if he hadn't even considered the prospect, Dell sobered momentarily before moving quickly. He jerked the keys out of the ignition and pocketed them before bending and lifting her off the machine to carry her to his.

"You're right," he responded eagerly. These things are pretty difficult to get the hang of. Besides, the terrain'll be rough so it's best you ride instead of drive. I should have suggested it. I apologize."

Smiling to herself, Chloe bit the inside of her cheek to keep from informing him that after his tutorial she was confident that she'd be able to sufficiently operate the machine. The only reason she wanted to ride with him was out of fear that she'd get lost somehow in the unfamiliar area.

She scooted back to give him room to mount the four-wheeler and when he started it and began to pull away, she locked her arms tightly around his waist. She felt vibrations in his back indicating his laughter and, a.s.suming he was laughing at her, she loosened her hold.

Dell drove past the barn and Chloe watched as Briggs and several other males loaded into a black truck similar to Dell's.

"Boys night out?"

Dell slowed to a stop. "They are all unmated males that are viable candidates for your affection. My wolf won't tolerate their proximity to you without having to a.s.sert dominance. It's best for everyone if they steer clear of you."

Chloe paled, "Would they..."

Dell smiled, "No. They know better, but I won't tolerate prospective candidates in your presence. It can't be helped. Something in our wolf DNA that forces me to protect you, fight for you."

"Briggs is mated."

Dell shook his head, "No. Briggs is dating. There's a huge difference. While we all like Jessika, she isn't his mate."

"How do you know? Couldn't they learn to love each other?"

"They think they love each other now. But that's not enough. Like I said before, mates are pre-destined. Someone doesn't become your mate simply because you want them to, they either are or aren't."

"What if your selected mate denies you? Would you ever find a replacement?"

Dell heaved a reluctant sigh, "Not that I've heard of."

Chloe smiled snidely, "So I'm your only shot?"

He shrugged once, staring straight ahead. "Looks like it."

Her smile slowly faded, "I'm sorry about that, I wish..."

"I'm not," he cut her off then revved the engine and the four-wheeler pulled away from the compound.

Almost a half mile from the front door of the compound Chloe's eyes snagged on what appeared to be a huge fire pit. Large boulders encircled the pit and it looked as though full trees had been used as the fodder.

"What's that?"

Dell slowed the four-wheeler to a stop. "That's the stronghold." He smiled over his shoulder. "It's where the pack holds ceremony, where we meet."


"Don't worry," he revved the engine, "you'll find out what it's for soon enough."

She wanted to ask what he meant, but bit her tongue instead. They'd never get anywhere if she kept making him stop to answer questions.

"They drove for a long time. Chloe had been forced to wrap her arms tightly around his waist when they'd traversed a particularly steep patch of road and when the road leveled out she simply kept her arms where they were.

The scenery was breathtaking. She'd always loved the rugged beauty of Montana and viewing it now with Dell, she knew memories were being created that would imprint themselves on her heart and mind forever.

The early Montana rains gave way to mountain snows that crusted the earth in sparkling crystalline flakes that smelled crisp and fresh, reminding Chloe of Dell's scent. It was strong, masculine, and distinctly Montana.

They traversed higher than she'd ever been on the mountain. The road tapered to a thin strip that crested an extremely narrow pa.s.s. Looking down she saw that the ledge was a sheer cliff of around three hundred feet straight down. She buried her face in the back of Dell's coat and felt his body rumble with laughter. A few moments later she pulled her face back to see that they'd successfully navigated the pa.s.s.

Finally as the four-wheeler crested a slight hill she saw an adorable cottage nestled under a stand of trees. A dark-skinned couple worked together in front of the cottage, the man chopping wood with an axe while the pet.i.te woman stacked the logs against the home.

As Dell and Chloe drew closer, the couple turned and approached.

By the time Dell turned off the four-wheeler's ignition, the couple was stepping through the gate of a worn post and rail fence that encircled the cottage.

"Hi Lloyd!" Dell shouted before embracing the man in a ma.s.sive hug. He turned and lavished the same on the woman. "So good to see you both."

He turned to Chloe. "Chloe, this is Lloyd Porter and his wife Phyllis."

Chloe extended her hand to accept Lloyds as he beamed at her, "So nice to meet you Chloe." Lloyd looked from her to Dell a bit mischievously, "And how do you all know each other?"

Chloe opened her mouth. "We're...uh..." she turned to eyed Dell, "We're..."

"She's mine." Dell supplied proudly.

Unable to stop the warmth that seeped through her at his claim, Chloe blushed and smiled at Phyllis before shaking her hand.

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Territory: Prequel Part 12 summary

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