Territory: Prequel Part 20

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She jerked her chin free of his grasp, "I don't want your pity Dell. Or your guilt."

He rolled her onto her back and pinned her body under his. Stormy amber eyes darkened dangerously. "I offer you neither." He let his eyes rove her features before his expression softened. He lifted a thumb to swipe away one of her tears. "I give you my love Chloe." His eyes searched hers, "And whether you want it or not, it is yours. All my love, all my heart." He dropped his head and gently kissed her lips.

Chloe sucked in a breath when his lips brushed hers. "Don't." She turned her head and stilled when he growled.

"Look at me Chloe."

She didn't move.

"Look at me!" Dell commanded angrily drawing her eyes back to his. "There's nothing I can do about the change that's going to happen, about what you'll become. But if you don't want me Chloe, if you don't want us." His words stalled as he drew in a shaky breath and dropped his eyes to her lips. "I'll accept your decision. I won't like it and I'll try not to fight against it, to let you go, but for you," his eyes found hers, "I'll do it."

Trembling under his weight, Chloe was shocked to see the emotion that glistened in his eyes. "You'll let me go. Let me live my life in peace?"

He dropped his eyes to her throat, "If that is what you want."

"And if I found another?"

His eyes snapped to hers and Chloe gasped at the rage in them. "There will be no other. Not now. Not ever Chloe. You may leave here and choose to be away from me, but you will always be mine!" His face inched closer to hers, "Don't ever forget that!"

Chloe stared at his angry eyes before finally turning her head to stare out the window. "I-I don't know what I want Dell. I might have chosen this," she looked at him, "chosen you." She swallowed hard, "But I wasn't given a choice. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm scared and I'm worried for my mother. I need to know what all of this means. What's going to happen to me?"

Sighing, Dell rolled her to her side and pulled her back until he was spooning her. "It'll be alright Chloe, I swear it. Once the change takes place tonight, you'll s.h.i.+ft on the first full moon."

"The ceremony?" she asked tremulously.

Dell stalled for a moment. "The ceremony Mama was referring to is a wedding ceremony. Typically when a female is changed it is out of mutual affection. Her wedding night marks her first steps into our world."

Hugging her arms tighter to her body Chloe winced when the pain she'd suffered earlier slowly began to ebb its way back into her midsection. "So what about us?"

He breathed heavily into her hair. "You'll still change, regardless. It'll be a different type of ceremony, a welcoming."

"And then?"

"Then you'll be one of us. A member of our pack. You're expected to reside here at the compound, but because of our circ.u.mstances I can permit you to reside offsite."

"Permit me?" she couldn't disguise the sarcasm in her voice.

"I am the Alpha Chloe. You must comply with my commands."

"Or what," she bit out angrily, "you'll kick me out of your pack?"

"No," he rolled her again until she was staring up at him. "I won't need to. As Alpha I can compel any member of my pack to do as I command."

Delicate brows furrowed, "Compel?"

"Forget it," he fell back against the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"No," Chloe rolled until she was hovering over him, "what do you mean compel?"

His eyes darted to hers then back to the ceiling. "Induce."

Her eyes widened, "You mean force?"

"Not the way your thinking." He looked at her, "I'd never hurt you Chloe."

"Then force how?"

"I'm the pack leader Chloe. All members are required to obey."

She made to get up, but his hand on her arm stopped her. "Let me get this straight. I'm going to be a member to a pack where the Alpha can force me to do things that I don't necessarily want to do?" She twisted her arm, "Could you compel me to have s.e.x with you?" When he didn't answer she prodded, "Dell?"

"I would never do that."

"But you could?" she demanded angrily.

"It could be done," he got up and turned to tower over her as she sat perched on the edge of the bed, "but I'd never do that to you Chloe."

"Dell what do you expect me to..." her words died and she paled dangerously. Her hands clamped on her belly and she held her breath.

"CHLOE!" Dropping to his knees in front of her Dell grabbed her hands, "You've got to breathe through it baby."

She shook her head and her hands clawed tighter into her belly.

"Breathe Chloe d.a.m.n it!"

She sawed in a ragged breath and it was expelled just as quickly on a long moan. Her fingers found his shoulder and clawed in the material of his s.h.i.+rt. "Deeeeeeell?"

Dell quickly got to his feet and lifted her from the bed. He sat and cradled her on his lap while one hand rubbed fervently at her back. "It's gonna be okay." His eyes lifted and relief swamped him when Mama entered carrying a tray of food. The look of confusion on her face was disturbing.

Mama set the tray down on the dresser. "She shouldn't be this bad this soon." She approached and lifted a hand to Chloe's cheek. "Hmmm."

"What?" Dell barked. He stood with Chloe still in his arms to pace the room as he gently rocked her while she continued to moan. "What does that mean? What's happening?"

Mama shrugged, "You're the Alpha. Things are always different with the Alpha. Stronger, more powerful."

Dell cursed under his breath and looked at Chloe. Her face was no longer ashen, but now highly flushed. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her hands, still clamped at her belly, began to tremble. "What do I do?"

"What I told you do to," Mama crossed to the door and pulled it open, "help her change, or watch her suffer through it." She exited the room quietly, pulling the door firmly closed behind her.

Chapter 26.

Dell's eyes dropped to Chloe's flushed features that were contorted in pain. He wanted her, he always wanted her, but how did he convince her that s.e.x would ease her pain. It sounded ridiculous and advantageous even to him.

He turned sad eyes to the untouched tray of food. He knew she'd need the strength the nourishment would provide, but now there was no hope of getting her to eat. "Chloe, can you eat?"

She just moaned and lifted a trembling fist to ball it in the front of his s.h.i.+rt as she turned her head and panted against his chest.

f.u.c.k! He crossed to the bed and tried to set her down, but her fist tightened in his s.h.i.+rt.


"It's okay baby," he crooned, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

Chloe released her hand and Dell placed her on the bed. She instantly curled into a tight ball, pulling her knees close to her chest.

Dell ripped off his s.h.i.+rt while toeing off his shoes. He quickly stripped then started removing Chloe's shoes. When he'd gotten her socks and shoes off, he used strong hands to rip the back of her s.h.i.+rt and began peeling it from her clammy skin.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you comfortable," he lied.

Her hand clamped over her s.h.i.+rt at her breast to hold it in place. "I'm cold."

"You're burning up love." He tugged on her s.h.i.+rt, "Trust me Chloe."

She loosened her grip and allowed him to remove her s.h.i.+rt. He threw the tattered garment on the floor then rolled her to unfasten her jeans and pulled them from her legs.

The fire still burned brightly in the hearth, so Dell crossed and flicked off the light casting the room into a warm glow. He peeled back the covers on the bed and lifted Chloe to place her between the sheets before he climbed in beside her and pulled her into his arms.

Her slight form s.h.i.+vered and she cuddled closer to his warmth before she froze. "Are you naked?"

He winced. "Yes."

Her confused eyes found his, "Why?"

He had to tell her. "Chloe, the transition is going to be difficult. I can lessen your pain, if you let me."


"I spoke with Mama. She said you're body needs..." he tightened his hold on her. "My DNA will quicken the transition. The more of me you have, the easier it'll be on you."

She tilted her head to frown up at him. Sweat beaded on her nose and forehead. "DNA?"

His mouth lifted at one corner, but his eyes remained serious. "We need to make love Chloe. I need to claim you, mate you."

She s.h.i.+vered and dropped her head back to where it rested on his arm. "Is there another way?"

He couldn't help the stab of rejection that pierced him. "No."

"Can we wait? See if I can tough it out?"

"We can." He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head, "But know that if it gets too bad, I won't ask your permission Chloe. I'm not going to let you suffer when I can ease your pain."

She merely nodded and drew in a deep breath. There was silence between them before she spoke. "I'm sorry Dell."

"For what?"

"For this. For what you'll have to do if I'm not strong enough. I don't want you to have to take me that way, out of obligation."

"It isn't obligation Chloe, and I'm looking forward to easing your pain." He quieted for only a moment. "And I'm the one who's sorry Chloe. I should have prepared you. I should have asked you." While part of him felt guilt over his actions, the wolf within didn't bother disguising his pure joy. She was going to change tonight! She was so close to being his that he could taste it. His mate. His!

Chloe had dozed off from the exhaustion of fighting the change. She'd struggled for hours, relegated to simply focusing on breathing to get through the worst of it. Finally, her worn muscles had relaxed when sleep had claimed her.

Pain tore through her abdomen and forced her awake as she sat bolt upright and gasped in agony.

"Chloe!" Dell sat up and grabbed her arms.

Throwing the blankets off, she scrambled to the edge of the bed. She dropped her feet to the floor and made to stand but her knees buckled and she fell to the floor as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her belly spasmed painfully and she moaned in anguish. She bit her bottom lip to suppress a scream and wasn't surprised when she tasted the coppery tang of her own blood.

Dell knelt on the floor beside her. "It's happening." He brushed the hair back from her face. "Are you okay, can you handle it?"

Unable to speak she shook her head before sawing in a ragged breath. "Dell..." there was a quiver in her voice.

Her plea was all he needed. Dell lifted her body easily until she was positioned on her knees with her upper body bent over the bed. His strong hands ripped away the whisper of lace that was her panties and he slid a finger to her entrance. He was relieved to find her wet. Her body was in fact ready to take him. He nudged her legs wider and rose on his own knees behind her nudging the head of his c.o.c.k against her p.u.s.s.y. He was startled when she didn't wait for him, but thrust back and took him to the hilt on one loud moan.

"Please Dell," she panted, "make it stop!"

He grabbed her hips and began thrusting into her. His hips slammed into her a.s.s for several moments before he quickened his thrusts wanting to fill her quickly to ease her pain. She screamed his name and he felt her tighten around him with her climax. The fist like grip around him had his warm seed jetting deep inside her.

When his release shot into her, Chloe felt warmth blossom in her abdomen and lance through her limbs. The pain ebbed but didn't disappear entirely. She lay flat on the bed with Dell still buried deep inside her as her shaking muscles whined. She turned her head and her imploring eyes met his as he rested over her back.

"Again?" His eyes were serious.

Chloe's eyes dipped to his bare thigh that braced her own. "Can you?"

He smiled challengingly, "I'm only part man Chloe." He slowly pulled his still rigid c.o.c.k nearly out of her before driving it deep. "Remember that."

He f.u.c.ked her repeatedly until her body was finally sated and her eyes drifted closed as the exhaustion and relief from the pain finally overwhelmed her. Sleep claimed her while Dell was still buried deep inside her.

Easing from her Dell lifted her from the floor and placed her under the covers before disappearing into the bathroom to return with a warm, wet, cloth. He gently swiped her brow and her cheeks before pulling back the covers to clean the evidence of their love making from between her thighs. Then he climbed into bed behind her and pulled her into his arms, praying that the change would finally occur and grant his mate the rest she so desperately needed.

Chapter 27.

Chloe woke and tried to stretch but the soreness that tore through her limbs had her eyes snapping open. Memory came flooding back and she lifted her hands to cover her face as mortification seared her. She'd begged Dell to make love to her and he had. Repeatedly!

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Territory: Prequel Part 20 summary

You're reading Territory: Prequel. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Susan A. Bliler. Already has 671 views.

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