Territory: Prequel Part 5

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"What?" One of the guys sounded genuinely offended. "Come on baby. Two men, two ladies, what's the problem?"

Chloe smirked, she knew Marissa was a huge fan of the opposite s.e.x, but nothing turned her friend off more than a pushy guy. She watched as Marissa turned abruptly to the man that had remained silent. She stepped close and pressed her body into his. "Well if he's gonna pout, then I'll take your number."

The guy jerked his wallet out of his back pocket and yanked out a business card as he smiled and handed it to Marissa. The other guy cursed under his breath and stomped off.

"I'll call you." Marissa kissed the guy on the cheek, leaving a smudge of red lipstick on his smiling face before she turned to Chloe, "Come on, we'll grab a booth." Marissa stopped to rap her knuckles on the bar, "Celeste, two bottles of Bud light please." Then she followed Chloe to a booth by the window.

"I thought you said you haven't been here before," Chloe whispered staring at the bar tender as she grabbed the two requested bottles of beer from the cooler behind the bar.

"I haven't." Marissa smiled broadly pulling a ten-dollar bill from her sequin purse and holding it out to the approaching bartender, "But I'm a fast friend." She winked at the bartender, "Keep the change."

Chloe accepted a bottle from her friend and took a sip watching the bartender leave, "Hey big spender, you just gave her like a four dollar tip."

"Keeps 'em coming back." Marissa lifted the bottle to her lips and took a long swallow before righting the bottle, "So," she sobered, "how you doing? How's your mom?"

"Fine," Chloe took another drink of her beer. "We're both fine. I'm just..."she sighed eyeing the bar, not sure what her problem was.

"It's gonna take some time. I know you're not big on patience Chlo, but you can't force this."

"I know," she dropped her chin to her upraised palm, "I just"

"Well, your worlds been tipped. It's gonna take you a while to get right again."

"It's not just Donnie, it's..." G.o.d, how do I talk about Dell without sounding like a narcissistic a.s.shole? "Do you remember Dell Blackbird from school?"

Marissa leaned forward bracing both elbows on the table and resting her folded hands under her chin. "Sure." She studied Chloe, "I saw him at Donnie's funeral. I can't believe he had the nerve to show up."

"Right?" Chloe barked. "My mom's been acting like I shouldn't have been offended by it, like it wasn't out of line. Then he showed up at her house..."

"What!" Marissa dropped her hands, "He showed up at your mother's house?" Her lip curled in derision, "That is so f.u.c.king cla.s.sless." She kept her eyes on Chloe but lifted a hand and signaled the barmaid to bring two more beers. "Please tell me you put him in his place."

"I didn't have to."

"No! Your mother wouldn't!"

Chloe smiled at the mental image of her mother cursing out Dell. "No, she didn't either. When I answered the door, he got sick or something. He just fell and was holding his stomach."

The bartender set two more bottles on the table and Marissa slid her another ten without looking, "It was probably guilt eating away at his gut!" Her mouth twisted adding emphasis to her words. The bartender left Marissa's change and walked away.

"I don't know what it was but," she stopped to stare at Marissa unsure how much she wanted to divulge.

"Oh don't you f.u.c.king dare look at me that way. You know I'm good for it. Spill!"

She smiled then it faltered as she lowered her voice and took a healthy drink of her beer. "Then I ran into him again at the grocery store." She blushed, "It was so f.u.c.king embarra.s.sing!"

"Why? What happened?"

"Honestly, I still have no idea. He was talking to my mom when I found her and I was going to hide, but I'd already been seen. When I shook his hand....Christ, I don't know if it was anger or exhaustion or what, but I..." her cheeks grew redder, "I pa.s.sed out."

"WHAT!" Marissa shrieked drawing the attention of half the bar as she burst into laughter and grabbed her temples, "You pa.s.sed out?"

Chloe started laughing at her friend's reaction, "G.o.d shut up!" She eyed the bar, "Everyone is staring."

"f.u.c.k 'em!" Marissa had Chloe pinned with her gaze, "So come on," she motioned rapidly with her hands for Chloe to continue, "did you hit the floor, did you fall on your face, did you..." Marissa rose up out of her seat and curled her feet underneath her in giddy antic.i.p.ation, "Oh G.o.d, please tell me you didn't land on Dell!"

"Worse!" Chloe moaned.

"WORSE?" Marissa shrieked again and inched closer to Chloe s.n.a.t.c.hing her hands up into her own, "What? Tell me, I'm dying to know!"

Chloe eyed her friend over her bottle after she jerked a hand free to finish it off before wiping her lips with the back of one hand, "He caught me and carried me to my mom's car."

Marissa's eyes widened and her jaw fell open, "Are you s.h.i.+tting me?"

Chloe shook her head.

"Not for nothing Chloe, but he is one fine, and I do mean fine, piece of a.s.s." Marissa threw back her head and laughed throatily. "That is f.u.c.king great!"

"It's not funny Marissa!" Chloe pouted, "It was humiliating. I'm supposed to be hating the guy and there he was catching me and carrying me around the d.a.m.n supermarket parking lot for the whole town to see. Then when I saw him again..."

"Wait!" Marissa held up a hand. "You saw him again?"

Chloe nodded.

Marissa still had her hand up when she turned to find the bartender and shouted across the room, "Celeste, we're gonna need some shots!"

Rolling her eyes, Chloe shook her head at her friend. Good 'ol Marissa, she could always rely on her friend to make a mountain out of a mole hill. She smiled. Marissa may have been a bit of an exaggerator, but it was nice to finally talk freely about what was going on in her life.

When Celeste returned with two shots, both Marissa and Chloe picked up the and eyed each other silently before downing the dark liquid without even knowing what it was. The amber concoction burned and Chloe coughed and sputtered, barely catching Marissa's order of two more shots and two more beers as she placed a twenty on the bartenders drink tray.

"Okay," Marissa took a deep breath ready to continue, "now when exactly did you see him again, and what exactly happened that time?"

Still disgusted from the foul tasting shot, Chloe took a drink of her beer and swished it around her mouth before she spoke. "Needless to say, we didn't get any shopping done, so I went back to the market the following day. I was in the frozen food section and he came up and wanted to talk."

"About what?"

Shrugging, Chloe took another sip and realized she was getting buzzed, "I have no idea. I walked away when he tried to touch me."

"Touch you where?" Marissa's eyes widened and she smiled perversely.

"Not like that! He tried to grab my arm."

Marissa fell back against the cus.h.i.+on of the booth staring whimsically over Chloe's head, "I'd so let him touch me anywhere he wanted."


"What? The guy's a f.u.c.king G.o.d."

"Anyway, he followed me out to the parking lot and said that something was happening and we needed to talk, that our confrontation was coming." She dipped her eyes to her bottle and used a polished finger nail to start peeling the edge of the label. "He's really kind of freaking me out."

"Well what did he say was happening? What does that even mean?"

"I don't know. It's just...weird stuff's been happening around him, and I..."

Marissa cut her off, "Weird stuff like what?"

Chloe chewed on her bottom lip before blowing out a breath, "When he touches me it feels...different."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Marissa leaned forward, "Touches you? You said he tried."

"Look," Chloe eyed the bar, annoyed that the bartender wasn't back with the distraction of shots, "I don't know what's going on. I just know that things are getting weird."

Marissa screwed her face into a look of skepticism, "Well you said he spoke of a confrontation. What'd he mean by that?"

"Again, I don't know."

"You know what we should do," Marissa eyed Chloe intently; "we should get a restraining order."

Chloe laughed, "A restraining order? And what are we going to say when we file for one?" She changed her tone to sound mocking, "This man has been catching me when I faint Officer, I demand you keep him away from me!"

Marissa started laughing and was distracted when Celeste came back with their round, "Okay, you're right that'll never hold up." She took the shots off the tray and placed one in front of herself and the other in front of Chloe before she s.n.a.t.c.hed the beers off the tray and eyed the change that remained before smiling at Celeste and pus.h.i.+ng the tray away, "Keep it."

Alone again, Marissa took up her shot gla.s.s and clinked it off Chloe's. "Cheers." She slammed the shot and winced. "Maybe confrontation is code for he wants to bend you over a table and..."

"Marissa!" Chloe felt herself blush.

"Hmm," Marissa's eyes narrowed in scrutiny, "It would appear young lady that you aren't as opposed to that type of confrontation as you'd like me to believe."

Waving a hand dismissively, Chloe s.n.a.t.c.hed up her shot and downed it quickly hoping to quell some of her apparent discomfort before she chased the shot with a long swallow of beer.

Marissa smiled knowingly keeping her eyes on her friend. "Hey, I don't blame ya! I'd let him bend me over a table any day." She laughed loudly.

"Look, I don't want to talk about this anymore. What's up with you? How's work?" The s.h.i.+ft in conversation worked, and Chloe felt herself relaxing as the topic steered from her and Dell to Marissa's monotonous work week.

Too many beers and too many hours later, Chloe peeked at her watch and cringed when she discovered it was nearly closing time. "We better go."

Marissa smiled then sighed, eyeing the bar, "You're right. Wait here. Those two goons are still at the bar. I'll get 'em to give us a ride home."

"Pa.s.s!" Chloe exclaimed standing quickly only to brace her hands on the table as she swayed. "I'll get myself home." She watched as Marissa pulled lipstick and a pocket mirror from her purse and re-did her lips before smacking them together.

"Fine," Marissa hauled herself up and turned glossy eyes to the bar. "I'll take 'em both." She erupted into a peel of laughter.

"Marissa, maybe you should just go home. I can drop you off or call you a cab?"

"Why on G.o.d's green earth would I want to go home alone when there are two viable and willing specimens at the bar," she crooked a finger to beckon the two men who'd been watching her since she rose, "who are eager to satisfy my needs."

Fear sobered Chloe momentarily. "You don't know them."

The men approached and Marissa eased herself out of the booth, stopping to loop an arm through one of each man as they stood on either side of her before she winked and licked her lips devilishly, "They don't know me."

Ignoring the two men Chloe grabbed Marissa's shoulder, "You sure you wanna do this?"

One of the guys grabbed Chloe's elbow and jerked her into his chest, "Come on baby, you can come too."

Chloe pulled back, "I don't think so."

Marissa giggled and slapped the guy on the arm, "Leave her alone, she's not as...adventurous."

Quickly grabbing her purse, Chloe turned imploring eyes to Marissa, "We could go have breakfast, head back to my apartment. You could stay with me."

Marissa shook her head, "Don't worry about me." She pulled tighter on the two men on either side of her and smiled, "I'm exactly where I want to be."

She knew from past experience that taking two guys home wasn't anything new for Marissa, but it still left Chloe feeling like a worthless friend when the trio stumbled out the front door and out of sight. Celeste approached and was picking up the numerous empty bottles and shot that littered their table when Chloe asked, "Do you know those guys?"

Celeste shrugged, "Sure. Well the one anyway. His name is Hank, he's a metal worker. He's a good guy, don't worry. He wouldn't hurt your friend."

"What about the other guy?" Chloe eyed the door nervously.

"The grabber? Not sure, just heard Hank call him Mitch.e.l.l. Tonight's the first night I've seen him. But Hank's a straight arrow. Tough as nails too, he won't let Mitch.e.l.l rough-up your friend."

The revelation while meant to be comforting had the opposite effect. "Thanks." Chloe hurried out the door, hoping to find Marissa still in the parking lot. She wasn't, but Mitch.e.l.l was.

Chapter 10.

Chloe quickly changed course and jerked the keys out of her purse as she dropped her eyes and headed for her car.

"Hey!" she heard Mitch.e.l.l yell. "You're friend and Hank ditched me."

She walked faster, fingering the key to her ignition as she hit the auto b.u.t.ton that unlocked the doors. Her heart rate kicked up when she heard the unmistakable sound of shoe leather slapping on the concrete indicating that Mitch.e.l.l was running towards her.

"Hey pretty lady, wait."

She was almost to her car when Mitch.e.l.l grabbed her arm and spun her to him. He grabbed both elbows and pulled her body into his as he breathed foul air down on her. "Where you going?"

"Home. Let me go!" she tried to pull from his grip, but he only held her tighter, sliding his arms to wrap them around her body.

"I heard you tell your friend that we could go to your apartment."

"I meant me and her." Chloe frowned up at the taller man, "Let me go. You're drunk."

He leaned closer, "Don't be like that."

Having had enough, Chloe shoved at him and tried to jerk free. She'd grown up with an older brother, and had learned at an early age to defend herself against a larger male. "Get your f.u.c.king hands off me!"

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Territory: Prequel Part 5 summary

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