The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 17

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Being friends meant that sometimes you just had to pull back until the other person was ready to talk. It d.a.m.n sure didnat give me license to hara.s.s him. Even if that was exactly what I wanted to do. aNope. I figure youall tell me when youare ready. Besides, so long as you have a job, we can cover the rent and stuff with no problem.a He rubbed his palm along his jaw. aWhat makes you think Iall move in here? I still have a lease at the other place.a Iad known that, and I didnat care. All he had to do was agree to share the apartment we stood in. Iad take care of the rest.

aIt wouldnat cost much to break the lease. Besides, this place puts you a h.e.l.l of a lot closer to the campus. You can take on some and still work.a Rocking back on his heels, he eyed me. aAnd what about you? How can you afford it?a Time to lie again, I thought. aI work for a private investigator. Money comes when Iam given jobs, and the pay is good.a He rolled his eyes at me. aFigures. Fine, Iall move into your stupid, big apartment and try to go back to school. Happy?a I rushed him, hauling him up from the floor in a bear hug. aI knew you wouldnat be able to say no!a aPut me down. Youare gonna break my freakina ribs, a.s.shole,a Josh said, gasping as I heaved him up and down.

I set him back on the floor, and he took a half-hearted swing at me.

Dodging it, I said, aCome on. Letas go get your stuff packed. We still have to go get furniture and s.h.i.+t today, acause Iam not sleeping on the floor again tonight.a Walking back to Joshas apartment, I had a little extra bounce in my step. That was until Josh hit me with a question I hadnat seen coming.

aBefore you got here, where were you? I know you werenat home because Mom would have said something,a he said.

My steps faltered slightly, but not enough to give away the fact that Josh had blindsided me. Scotland. Airen. d.a.m.n it. Would I ever not hurt thinking about her?

aHere and there,a I said, blowing off his question with a shrug.

Josh stayed quiet for a minute, but then he said, aYou really arenat gonna tell me? After nosing your way in my business? Thatas cold, bro.a aScotland.a It popped out of me before I could stop it.

Josh came to a halt, tugging my arm. aNo s.h.i.+t?a Squinting against the sunlight, I could see the questions building up in his eyes. The city bustled around us. Cars rolled past as drivers honked at other drivers.

Somewhere in the distance, an ambulance siren wailed, and I found myself rubbing my chest over my heart.

Josh had no idea how much hurt I had inside of me. He had no idea what that one question made me feel.

aYou know I have like a million things Iam gonna ask you right? Man, Scotland. Iad love to go to Scotland,a he rambled on as he let go of my arm and we continued walking side by side. aDo they wear kilts all the time? And are there really fairy hills, or whatever they call them?a Pulling my thoughts from Airen, I gave Josh a weird look. aFairy hills?a aYeah, bro! Donat tell me you donat know about the old stories they tell,a he said, huffing that I wasnat as excited as he was about magical creatures based off myths.

aThey donat wear kilts all the time, Josh. And no, I didnat get a chance to check out the countryside while I was there,a I answered as we came to a stop outside his apartment.

aWhat about the pubs? Did you go to one? Howas their beer?a he asked, firing off more questions I couldnat answer.

The coffee shop came to mind instead. aI didnat really have time to do all that.a aNo time?a he questioned with a voice straining an octave above normal.

I pushed him in the direction of the stairs to his apartment, aHurry up and unlock the d.a.m.n door before weare both mugged.a Joshas eyes darted around. I felt bad for saying it, but it had at least halted his questions for the moment.

Once inside, Josh made his way back to his room as I made my way over to the small window that looked out to the street below.

What I wouldnat have given to see Airen again and hold her one last time. To tell hera what exactly? That I was sorry and even though I wanted her more than I wanted my next breath, I couldnat have her.

Closing my eyes, I leaned my head against the cold gla.s.s and sighed deeply.

aWhat about the way they talk? Iad love to go over there and learn how to talk like them.a Josh carried on our conversation from earlier, practically yelling it from his room so Iad hear him.

Pus.h.i.+ng myself away from the window, I caught a glimpse of someone walking down the street. She looked a little lost with her hands shoved in her pockets. There was something familiar about her. Squeezing my eyes shut, I forced myself to step away from the window. Seeing Airen in other girls was the last straw. Even if the girl in question had the exact same color hair as her. Iad never move on if I kept doing that to myself.

The sounds coming from Joshas room drew me down the hall to investigate. When I stuck my head inside, I saw his suitcases open on his bed. He was stuffing everything in them without even folding anything.

aAlmost done,a he said, grabbing a handful of hangers from his closet and tossing them on top of his other clothes.

Two pair of shoes later, he had everything packed. All that would need to be moved was the bed.

aWe can take a couple of trips and get that,a I said, nodding at the bed, aover to the new apartment.a He waved off my plan, saying, aNot mine. It was here when I moved in.a Unzipping a suitcase, Josh put it on the floor and stripped his bed down, tossing sheets, pillow, and the thin comforter head brought from home inside of it. aAll set,a he said, fighting to push everything down so that he could close it.

TWO HOURS LATER, WE LEFT the furniture store, having given the delivery truck instructions to be at the new apartment in an hour. Iad paid a hefty chunk of money to ensure wead have our furniture delivered before nightfall.

Not up for walking all the way back to the apartment, I asked the store manager to call us a cab.

aProbably would have been faster walking,a Josh mumbled beside me as the cab rolled slowly through the streets.

It seemed like every d.a.m.n car in the city was out for a drive.

My fingers tapped a frustrated beat against my leg. We were only three blocks from the apartment and waiting made me fidgety. It wasnat being in a car that bothered me. Being in a car that hadnat moved for the last three minutes did.

Pulling out my wallet, I tossed a twenty over the seat and gestured for Josh to get out.

We made it one block before he started up again. aSay something in Scottish.a aWhat the h.e.l.l does that even mean? They speak English just like we do,a I said, elbowing him.

He rubbed his arm. aYou know what I mean.a I quirked my eyebrow at him. aWhat makes you think I can talk like them?a He rolled his eyes at me in response. aOh, come on. Just one sentence. I know you had to have picked up something while you were there.a I chuckled, wondering if I did, would he let it go. aAye, I picked up a thing or two, but I canna do it all the time. Ye ken?a He hooted, startling a couple walking past us. aThat was awesome!a I side-eyed him. aAnd itas the one and only time Iall do it, so donat ask again, ye wee numptie, or Iall gie ye a good skelp.a He grinned. aNo worries, Ia whoa, what do we have here?a I went on instant alert as the direction of my gaze sought out what Josh was looking at.

On the top step of our apartment sat a girl with her chin tucked in as she hugged her arms against her chest tightly. Hearing our approaching footsteps, her head lifted and my heart stopped.

aAiren?a Her name came out as a whisper.

Slowly, she got to her feet as I made my way closer to her.

It had to be a dream. She couldnat be standing within armas reach.

aWhoas that?a Josh asked, b.u.mping his hand into my arm.

She came down the steps like an apparition. And I would have believed she was one, except Josh could see her too.

Her hand extended out to Josh. aAiren Campbell. You are?a Joshas lips pulled into a huge grin as he answered. aHalfway in love.a She snorted, pulling her hand back as she said, aSeems a bit of an odd name.a Her eyes flicked over to me. ah.e.l.lo, Aiden.a I swallowed hard. aAiren,a I said, fighting the urge to pull her against me.

Josh cleared his throat. aShe yours, Aiden?a I growled in response, making Airen jump.

aIall take that as a yes. Iall just go unlock the door and give you a minute to catch up,a he said, wiggling his hand for the keys.

I didnat take my eyes off her as I handed them over.

Neither of us spoke until Josh was inside with the door closed behind him.

aI hope ye donat mind me showing up like this,a she said, nervously biting her lip as she waited for me to answer.

aWhy are you here?a I asked, sounding a little gruff from the overwhelming flood of emotion rolling inside of me.

She pulled in a deep breath, looked me square in the eye, and answered. aI came to say I was sorry for the way I acted at the hospital.a I wavered in place. All shead come for was an apology? aI donat know what to say to that.a She picked up her hand, reaching out as if to touch me, but stopped before she did. Her hand fell to her side as her eyes s.h.i.+mmered with unshed tears. aI shouldna let ye leave without talking to ye. Thereas a lot we havenat said.a I didnat understand what would make her catch a flight across the ocean just to say she was sorry. aThatas a long trip just to apologize.a She shoved her hands in her pockets and took a step back, glaring at me. aIt was. Now I can see I was wrong. Good-bye, Aiden.a My hand shot out, grabbing her sleeve as she turned to walk away. aYouad leavea just like that?a She tugged free of my hold and spun on me with sparks snapping in her eyes. aYe canna have it both ways, Aiden. I came to find ye, apologize to ye, and see where I stood in yer life!a A tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away with a quick swipe. aI made a mistake, and Iall no be where Iam no wanted.a When she tried to jerk away from me again, I yanked her against me, holding her close. aWho said it was a mistake?a She pushed against my hold, but there was no way in h.e.l.l Iad let her go. aYour face haunts me every d.a.m.n night when I close my eyes. You pop up in my thoughts at the most random times, and I play h.e.l.l to push your image away. I canat go a single day without thinking about you. Do you think Iam just gonna let you walk away from me? Let you leave now that I have you back in my arms?a She stopped struggling and b.u.mped her head into my shoulder. aAfter ye left, I was so lost without ye. How did you become so important to me, Aiden?a It was the same d.a.m.n question Iad asked myself over and over again to the point of insanity.

aWhat are we supposed to do? I donat know how not to want ye?a she sobbed, wrapping her arms around me.

Whatever notions I had about keeping my distance crumbled. My hands found her face and I tilted it up, staring down into the mossy green of her eyes. aStay with me. Donat leave.a I caught her gasp with my lips, kissing both of us senseless as she swayed into me.

As selfish as it was, I wasnat going to let her go. Not then. Not ever.

Her hands fisted into the collar of my jacket as she broke the kiss. aIam no going anywhere, except inside. Itas freezing out here.a I didnat feel a thing as hot as my blood burned for her.

Reaching up, I took her hands in mine, noticing how cold she really was. aBefore we go in, I need to ask something from you,a She nodded. aOkay, what is it?a Sighing, I laid it all out for her. aJosh is one of my best friends. One of six of them. Youave met Ace and Eli, but there are more to our group. Josh and Mark. Neither of them knows about mea about who I work for or what I do. I havenat told them, and I donat plan to tell them.a She blinked slowly. aYer asking me to not say anything about something I donat even know about?a I nodded, attempting a smile for her. aI promised wead talk about that, and we will. I wonat have any more secrets from you, but once you knowaa She brought her hand up along my chest, under my jacket, settling her palm over my heart. aI promise ye, Aiden. All yer secrets are safe with me.a I hugged her tight, not wanting to let go for fear shead disappear. aIam counting on it, Airen.a aBefore we go in, I have something to ask of ye too,a she said, pulling back to look at me.

aWhatas that?a I asked, tipping my forehead against hers and breathing in her scent. Iad missed every d.a.m.n thing about her, and I wanted to immerse myself in her scent all at once.

aKiss me again,a she whispered, placing her lips against mine.

It was a simple kiss, but one that rocked my entire world out from under me.

Airen had come for me. Shead put it all on the line to be with me, even knowing the danger my life could bring. All of my attempts to put her behind me and move on shattered when shead taken a leap of faith and sought me out.

For that, Iad never let her go. She was the other half of me that I never knew existed. And there was nothing in the world I wanted more than her. If it took me the rest of my life, Iad show Airen just how much she meant to me.

After I tucked her under my arm, we made it up the first step when she stopped and put her hand on my shoulder. aIad have fought tooth and nail for ye if youad tried to keep me away.a Pulling her hand up to my lips, I kissed the tips of her fingers, aI would have let you. Iam that crazy about you. I thinka I think Iam falling in love with you, Airen. It scares me a little, but it excites me even more.a She quirked her eyebrow at me. aIall have te let Aunt Brenda know her tea worked then.a She chuckled and then said, aCause as sure as the sun rises, Iave fallen head over heels in love with ye as well.a Before I could pull her down and kiss her, the sound of a truck pulling up alongside us broke us apart. The furniture guys were opening the back of the truck, ready to move everything inside.

aLooks like weall have a bed to sleep on tonight,a I said, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

aWho said anything about sleep?a She grinned from ear to ear when my face heated.

I wasnat embarra.s.sed. Not one d.a.m.n bit. I was turned on, ready to scoop her off the steps and carry her to the room, bed or no bed.

aExcuse us,a the guy carrying one end of our new couch said as he waited for me to move.

Putting my hand on Airenas hip, I ushered us up the stairs and held the door open for the couch to be brought in.

aMy suitcase!a Airen said, slapping her hand to her forehead. aLet me just fetch it real quick.a aI got it,a I said, catching her with a quick kiss to her lips and making my way down the stairs.

Tucked up against the side of the steps, hidden from view, was a single suitcase and a small overnight bag.

For as small as they were, they had some heft to them. Pulling the strap of the overnight bag onto my shoulder, I waited as the delivery drivers maneuvered the kitchen table up the stairs. Seeing it reminded me that there wasnat a single thing in the fridge or cabinets.

I carried Airenas bags back to my room, depositing them inside the closet, and made my way back to the living room where Josh and Airen had struck up a conversation.

aHere,a I said, handing over my bank card to Josh. aWe need groceries. Do you mind going and getting a few things to hold us over until tomorrow?a Josh took the card, looking between Airen and me. aI never woulda thought, but then again, who could have seen this coming? Be back in a little bit.a He smirked, shoving the card into his front pocket as he made his way out the door.

aI like him. Heas nice,a Airen said, moving to sit down on the couch.

aI think he likes you too. Or it could be your accent,a I said, sitting down beside her and pulling her against me.

aMy accent? I donat have an accent,a she said, playfully shoving her hand against my chest.

I caught her hand in mine. aYes, you do. And itas s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. Just remember something when heas following you around, hanging onto your every word.a aAye, and what shall I remember then?a she said, trying to catch a yawn that came out of nowhere with her hand.

I chuckled. aTired?a aAm pure done in, aye. Iave been awake since the night before my flight,a she answered, snuggling heavily against my side.

aWell, as soon as the bed is put together, Iall be tucking you right in it,a I answered, brus.h.i.+ng her hair behind her ear.

aThat feels lovely. I like the way ye touch me, Aiden,a she said. Her voice hinted that she was drifting off to sleep. aWhat did ye want me to remember?a she asked, attempting to keep our conversation going, but failing miserably at it as her head lolled into my neck.

Her soft breathing told me shead lost the fight of staying awake before I could tell her that even though Josh hung onto every d.a.m.n word she said, Iad be the arms shead fall into. The one whose heart and soul was connected to hers.

She didnat need that reminder though, because deep down, I knew she understood it, just as much as I knew hers belonged to me. There werenat words needed to acknowledge it. It was there plain as day with the way she held onto me even as she slept, and the way Iad never let her too far out of my thoughts. We were one.

My heart warmed as it expanded to the point of bursting. She was in my arms, right where I wanted her to be. Right where she belonged. And Iad never let her go.

To my husband, the other half of myselfa better known as himself, I love you. Thank you for being the most amazing partner in life.

To my kids, out of everything a parent is supposed to teach their children, I hope you will always remember one thinga your dreams. Follow them and be happy.

To my parents, your excitement and support encourages me every day. Thank you for always being there for me.

To my awesome betas, Kendall, Meg, Tarnya, and Sabina. Thank you for everything. I love getting feedback from you.

A special thank you to Kendall McCubbin for answering all my questions and helping make sure the dialogue, setting, and overall tone of the book rang true. Although, she did bust me on the fact that my characters took on an Edinburgh accent instead of the intended Glasgow one. Oops. So for the readers that picked up on that, Iad like ye to ken that itas no Kendallas fault on that point, aye?

To Rebecca Gaskill, words cannot express the grat.i.tude I have for you. Your willingness to be the last set of eyes before each book is published means so much. Much more than I can say, and that says a lot because I write books. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so amazing.

To my bestest, Candace Knoebela **SQUISH**

Such a small word for the monumental meaning behind it.

To my readers, thank you for all of your support.

This book was especially fun for me to write.

I truly hope you enjoyed it!.

Sonya Loveday, first and foremost is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to purchasing her first laptop in 2009, and publis.h.i.+ng her first novel, Casted, in 2013.

In early 2014, Sonya expanded Casted and then went on to publish Spelled, the sequel to Casted in March, wrapping up the series, and her stint with Paranormal Romance. For now.

Not long after the completion to the Casted Series, Sonya tried her hand at New Adult/Coming of Age, a sub-genre of Contemporary Romance. Thusly, the Six were born with The Summer I Fell, which released at the end of July 2014. The demand from readers was instantaneously, which brought about End Note, the second book of the series in December 2014.

To date, Sonya lives in Central Florida with her husband, and two kids, and is currently working on the fourth book of the Six Series and a super secret project with fellow author Candace Knoebel. Be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming news on Sonya's website!.


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The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 17 summary

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