Dark Water_ Flood And Redemption In The City Of Masterpieces Part 13

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CRISTINA A ACIDINI: High school student and mud angel in 1966. Now superintendent of museums in Florence and chief of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure UMBERTO B BALDINI (19212006): art historian and theorist of art restoration. From 1949 director of the Gabinetto dei Restauri and from 1970 of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, which merged with the Gabinetto in 1975 (19212006): art historian and theorist of art restoration. From 1949 director of the Gabinetto dei Restauri and from 1970 of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, which merged with the Gabinetto in 1975 PIERO B BARGELLINI (18971980): belletrist and mayor of Florence (18971980): belletrist and mayor of Florence BERNARD B BERENSON (18651959): art historian and connoisseur (18651959): art historian and connoisseur BRANCACCI C CHAPEL: Frescoed c. 1425 by Masaccio and Masolino, in Santa Maria del Carmine CESARE B BRANDI (190688): art restoration theorist and founder of the Ist.i.tuto Centrale per il Restauro in Rome (190688): art restoration theorist and founder of the Ist.i.tuto Centrale per il Restauro in Rome FILIPPO B BRUNELLESCHI (13771446): architect of the Ospedale degli Innocenti, Santo Spirito, the dome of the Duomo, and the Pazzi Chapel at Santa Croce (13771446): architect of the Ospedale degli Innocenti, Santo Spirito, the dome of the Duomo, and the Pazzi Chapel at Santa Croce CAMALDOLI: monastery of the Camaldolese Benedictine order in the Casentine Forests ARNOLFO DI C CAMBIO (C. 1240C. 1310): sculptor and architect of the Basilica of Santa Croce and the Duomo (C. 1240C. 1310): sculptor and architect of the Basilica of Santa Croce and the Duomo CAPO D'ARNO: source of the Arno on Monte Falterona CASA DEL P POPOLO: Community center and Communist Party headquarters in the Santa Croce quarter ORNELLA C CASAZZA: restoration theorist/scientist and restorer, with Paola Bracco, of the Cimabue Crocifisso Crocifisso and the Brancacci Chapel and the Brancacci Chapel CASENTINE F FORESTS: mountainous wilderness southeast of Florence that includes Monte Falterona CENACOLO: a painting of the Last Supper (also referred to as L'Ultima Cena L'Ultima Cena) CHROMATIC ABSTRACTION: four-color infilling technique devised by Ornella Casazza for large gaps in the Cimabue Crocifisso Crocifisso MARCO C CIATTI: director of the restoration laboratory of Opificio delle Pietre Dure at the Fortezza CIMABUE (C. 12401303): nickname ("bull head") of the Florentine painter Bencivieni di Pepo EDWARD G GORDON C CRAIG (18721966): actor, producer, director, scenic designer, and author (18721966): actor, producer, director, scenic designer, and author CROCIFISSO: "crucifix," here one painted on large planks by Cimabue c. 1288, about fourteen feet in height, and hung over the high altar of the Basilica of Santa Croce DONATELLO ( (C. 13861466): Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi, sculptor of the Baptistry 13861466): Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi, sculptor of the Baptistry Maddalena Maddalena DUCCIO DI B BUONINSEGNA ( (C. 1255 1255C. 1318): Sienese painter and probable creator of the Rucellai 1318): Sienese painter and probable creator of the Rucellai Madonna Madonna TADDEO G GADDI (C. 13001366): architect of the Ponte Vecchio and painter of (C. 13001366): architect of the Ponte Vecchio and painter of The Last Supper The Last Supper and and The Tree of Life The Tree of Life in the Santa Croce refectory in the Santa Croce refectory GIOTTO DI B BONDONE (C. 12671337): apprentice to Cimabue and painter of the Peruzzi and Bardi chapels at Santa Croce as well as the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, and frescoes at the Basilica of Saint Francis in a.s.sisi (C. 12671337): apprentice to Cimabue and painter of the Peruzzi and Bardi chapels at Santa Croce as well as the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, and frescoes at the Basilica of Saint Francis in a.s.sisi SUSAN G GLa.s.sPOOL: art student and mud angel in 1966. Now a translator and painter in Florence GORGA N NERA: "black throat," a lake near the Capo d'Arno, in legend connected underground to the Tyrrhenian Sea MARCO G GRa.s.sI: restorer/mud angel in 1966. Later curator of the Thyssen art collections and now a private restorer based in Florence and New York FREDERICK H HARTT (191491): art historian and lieutenant in the Commission for Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives of the U.S. Army. Author of (191491): art historian and lieutenant in the Commission for Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives of the U.S. Army. Author of Italian Renaissance Art Italian Renaissance Art and cofounder of the Committee to Rescue Italian Art in 1966 and cofounder of the Committee to Rescue Italian Art in 1966 NICK K KRACZYNA: artist, married to Amy Luckenbach LA V VERNA: rugged wilderness in the Casentine Forests where Saint Francis received the stigmata DAVID L LEES (19172004): photographer (19172004): photographer DOROTHY L LEES (18801966): author and journalist (18801966): author and journalist LUNGARNO ( (PLURAL, L LUNGARNI): streets fronting the Arno AMY L LUCKENBACH: artist, married to Nick Kraczyna MAESTa: a panel painting of Madonna and infant Jesus with angels and saints GIOVANNI M MENDUNI: middle-school student in 1966. Now director of L'Autorita di Bacino del Fiume Arno (Arno River Basin Authority) JOE N NKRUMAH: chemist and book restorer. Now retired director of the National Museum of Ghana and conservator of the National Museums and Monuments Board in Accra, Ghana GIUSEPPE P POGGI (18111901): Florence city engineer and urban planner (18111901): Florence city engineer and urban planner UGO P PROCACCI (190591): art historian and theorist of art restoration. Founder of the Gabinetto dei Restauri and later superintendent of monuments and fine arts for Florence (190591): art historian and theorist of art restoration. Founder of the Gabinetto dei Restauri and later superintendent of monuments and fine arts for Florence BRUNO S SANTI: art history postgraduate student in 1966. Now superintendent for the historic, artistic, and anthropological heritage of the province of Florence JOHN S SCHOFIELD: art and art history student and mud angel in 1966. Now an architect and building conservator in Cornwall, England TRASPORTO: separation of a work's painted surface (and sometimes ground) from its supporting panel or canvas; or, in the case of the Cimabue Crocifisso Crocifisso, the removal of painted canvas from wood panels.

TRATTEGGIO: fine hatching used to infill gaps in damaged painting. Applied with four colors in chromatic abstraction GIORGIO VASARI (151174): painter, architect, courtier, and art historian (151174): painter, architect, courtier, and art historian VELINATURA: securing and consolidating the painted surface of an artwork with rice paper (or, in emergencies, Kleenex) applied with Paraloid acrylic resin


This book owes itself entirely to the stories and, still more, the kindness of dozens of people in Florence and elsewhere who were generous in sharing their recollections and thoughts with me. In particular Nick Kraczyna, Lorenzo Lees, Giovanni Menduni, and John Schofield opened their life stories to me with an unstinting patience. Marco Ciatti, Susan Gla.s.spool, Sandro Pintus, and Ilaria Sborgi were also extraordinarily helpful.

I am also indebted to the following individuals who gave me the benefit of their expertise and experience: Cristina Acidini, Kirsten Aschengreen Piacenti, Ma.s.simo Becattini, Carla Guiducci Bonnani, Paola Bracco, Anthony Cains, Ornella Casazza, Cosimo Chiarelli, Marco, Richard Haslam, Bruno Santi, Ken Shulman, Allesandro Sidoti, John Spike, Mich.e.l.le Spike, and Joyce Hill Stoner.

I also owe a great debt to the librarians and staff of the following inst.i.tutions: Archivio Contemporaneo, Biblioteca Vissieux, Florence; Biblioteca Berenson, I Tatti, Florence; Biblioteca Comunale, Florence; Biblioteca Marucelliana, Florence; Biblioteca n.a.z.ionale Centrale, Florence; Biblioteca Uffizi, Florence; the Conservation Center of the Inst.i.tute of Fine Arts, New York University; Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge; and the Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven.

Much of my stay in Italy was made possible through the vital support of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation.

As ever, my reader and writer friends Patricia Hampl, David s.h.i.+elds, Jeff Smith, and Gregory Wolfe sustained and supported me in myriad ways as I wrote this book. I especially want to thank David, who selflessly brought his acute and generous intelligence to bear on several drafts of the ma.n.u.script.

My agent, Marly Rusoff, has been a constant and enthusiastic advocate of all my work and of this project in particular. Her energy and wisdom have been essential in inspiring, shaping, and completing the ma.n.u.script as well as in bringing the book to Charles Conrad, whose editorial is equaled by his love of Italy. It has been a privilege to work with him and his a.s.sistant, Jenna Thompson.

Finally, my love and infinite grat.i.tude to my children, Andrew and Tessa, and to my wife, Caroline, who have been i migliori compagni di viaggio i migliori compagni di viaggio on the Arno. on the Arno.

Florence and Seattle 20052007


ROBERT CLARK is the author of the novels is the author of the novels In the Deep Midwinter In the Deep Midwinter, Mr. White's Confession Mr. White's Confession, and Love Among the Ruins Love Among the Ruins, as well as the nonfiction books My Grandfather's House My Grandfather's House, River of the West River of the West, and The Solace of Food: A Life of James Beard. The Solace of Food: A Life of James Beard. He lives in Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton. He lives in Seattle, Was.h.i.+ngton.


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