Dark Water_ Flood And Redemption In The City Of Masterpieces Part 12

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Unless indicated, all translations are by the author.

Part Two

Or rather, Dante tells you: Dante Alighieri 2000, XIV.1054 Dante Alighieri 2000, XIV.1054 Two years later Francis was dead: Sabatier and Sweeney 2003, pp. 124 Sabatier and Sweeney 2003, pp. 124ff; Hudleston 1965 They were going to make a man: Baldini and Casazza 1982, pp. 716 Baldini and Casazza 1982, pp. 716 Their names and careers were always entwined: Ghiberti 1998, II.2; Vasari 1991, pp. 33 Ghiberti 1998, II.2; Vasari 1991, pp. 33ff . . . quando Icaro misero: Dante Alighieri 2000, Inferno Inferno XVII.10911 XVII.10911 Dante was acquainted with Cimabue: Dante Alighieri 2003, XI.9496 Dante Alighieri 2003, XI.9496 In subsequent years, fire: Machiavelli 1960, II.31 Machiavelli 1960, II.31 As in other floods: Aiazzi 1845, pp. 210 Aiazzi 1845, pp. 210 Io fei giubetto: Dante Alighieri 2000, Inferno Inferno XIII.14351 XIII.14351 It would take 150,000 gold florins: Villani 1537, III.12.ii Villani 1537, III.12.ii There were also individual witnesses: ibid. ibid.

However, as Niccolo Machiavelli: Machiavelli 1960, II.32 Machiavelli 1960, II.32 There was a decline of religious faith: Filippo Villani quoted in Baxandall 1971, p. 73; Salutati and Ullman 1957, III Filippo Villani quoted in Baxandall 1971, p. 73; Salutati and Ullman 1957, III Mars, deposed from his place: Shulman 1991, p. 134 Shulman 1991, p. 134 For example, Brunelleschi: Machiavelli 1960, IV.5 Machiavelli 1960, IV.5 A boy like Leonardo: Starnazzi 2002, p. 132 Starnazzi 2002, p. 132 Cosi, giu d'una ripa discoscesa: Dante Alighieri 2000, XVI.1035 Someone would have to write all this down: Machiavelli 1960, VIII.20, VIII.9 Machiavelli 1960, VIII.20, VIII.9 It was the time that would later be called: Sieni 2002, pp. 5354 Sieni 2002, pp. 5354 Leonardo escaped the charges: Da Vinci, Codex Arundel, fol. 236v Da Vinci, Codex Arundel, fol. 236v When the Medicis were deposed: Da Vinci, Codex Leicester, fol. 15v Da Vinci, Codex Leicester, fol. 15v The contents were to include: Da Vinci, Codex Trivulzanius, fol. 35v Da Vinci, Codex Trivulzanius, fol. 35v Amid all the causes: Da Vinci 1970, pp. 2627 Da Vinci 1970, pp. 2627 In The Book of Water The Book of Water: Da Vinci, Paris I, fols. 72r, 87r Da Vinci, Paris I, fols. 72r, 87r The mind of Leonardo: Da Vinci, Codex Leicester, fol. 34r Da Vinci, Codex Leicester, fol. 34r The next four years: Nicholl 2004, p. 352; Menduni Nicholl 2004, p. 352; Menduni Dizionario Dizionario 2006, p. 242; Nicholl 2004, p. 345 2006, p. 242; Nicholl 2004, p. 345 Work began the following year: Da Vinci 1970, pp. 428 Da Vinci 1970, pp. 428ff; Nicholl 2004, pp. 35760; for a full and fascinating account see also Masters 1998 Nicolo di messer Bernardo Macchiaveli: Sieni 2002, p. 71 Sieni 2002, p. 71 Machiavelli lived on in his country house: De Grazia 1989, pp. 32021; Masters 1998, p. 4 De Grazia 1989, pp. 32021; Masters 1998, p. 4 I liken her to one of those ruinous rivers: De Grazia 1989, p. 211 De Grazia 1989, p. 211 Divisions: Da Vinci, Windsor Folios, fol. 12665v Da Vinci, Windsor Folios, fol. 12665v He did, however, find his way into the botteghe botteghe: Rubin 1995, pp. 70, 80, 88 Rubin 1995, pp. 70, 80, 88 Quivi il silentio: Boase 1979, p. 28 with Giotto's name: Vasari 1991, p. 30 Vasari 1991, p. 30 Except for the month each year: Rubin 1995, pp. 3536 Rubin 1995, pp. 3536 Vasari seized on the idea: ibid., p. 147 ibid., p. 147 In October 1546 the Farnese Pope: Colti 1989, p. 68; Ciatti et al. 1999 Colti 1989, p. 68; Ciatti et al. 1999 for the inscription above Christ's head: Harpath 1981, pp. 6364 Harpath 1981, pp. 6364 Vasari meanwhile flourished: Boase 1979, p. 41 Boase 1979, p. 41 Vasari was in the midst of these labors: Aiazzi 1845, pp. 1521; Baldini et al. 2006, p. 13; Boase 1979, pp. 183, 339 Aiazzi 1845, pp. 1521; Baldini et al. 2006, p. 13; Boase 1979, pp. 183, 339 the cellars flood every winter: Buonarroti Archives, MIL clix, Rome, December 31, 1546 Buonarroti Archives, MIL clix, Rome, December 31, 1546 But Vasari would always think of himself: Nicholl 2004, pp. 39194 Nicholl 2004, pp. 39194 By way of thanks for this: Baldini et al. 2006, pp. 3336; Rubin 1995, pp. 3540; Boase 1979, p. 183 Baldini et al. 2006, pp. 3336; Rubin 1995, pp. 3540; Boase 1979, p. 183 For his second edition Vasari: Boase 1979, pp. 183, 149 Boase 1979, pp. 183, 149 Vasari's tendency was to praise: ibid., p. 142; Rubin 1995, p. 53; Boase 1979, p. 298 ibid., p. 142; Rubin 1995, p. 53; Boase 1979, p. 298 On February 11, 1564, Michelangelo died: Hall 2005, p. 224 Hall 2005, p. 224 It would also be, insofar as Vasari could manage it: Boase 1979, p. 385 Boase 1979, p. 385 Over the next four years: ibid., pp. 172, 21820; Vasari 1991, p. 104 ibid., pp. 172, 21820; Vasari 1991, p. 104 Vasari went to Milan: Boase 1979, p. 65 Boase 1979, p. 65 to replace Cimabue's cross over the altar with a ciborio ciborio: Leoncini 2004, pp. 6771 Leoncini 2004, pp. 6771 in his old age Michelangelo: Hall 2005, p. 95 Hall 2005, p. 95 Vasari understood this: Boase 1979, p. 118; Frey 1923, I.133 Boase 1979, p. 118; Frey 1923, I.133 In Florence, more than anywhere else: Vasari 1991, pp. 25758 Vasari 1991, pp. 25758 varnished with beverone beverone: Shulman 1991, pp. 11619 Shulman 1991, pp. 11619 Galileo Galilei, dead in 1642: Menduni Menduni Dizionario Dizionario 2006, pp. 13435, 19495 2006, pp. 13435, 19495 Medici-era laws were rescinded: Caporali 2005, pp. 18081 Caporali 2005, pp. 18081 They were all here together now: Leoncini 2004, pp. 97101 Leoncini 2004, pp. 97101 In 1854, like so much else, Vasari's ciborio ciborio: Ferri 2006, p. 109 Ferri 2006, p. 109

Part Three

Percy took yet another river walk: Holmes 1974, p. 547 Holmes 1974, p. 547 the Arno seemed a yawning gulph: Sh.e.l.ley 1823, chapter 1 Sh.e.l.ley 1823, chapter 1 a fond, foolish Icarus: Sh.e.l.ley 1826, chapter 4 Sh.e.l.ley 1826, chapter 4 Twentieth-century demographers: Thatcher 1996 Thatcher 1996 At the bridges of Florence: Menduni Menduni Dizionario Dizionario 2006, p. 107 2006, p. 107 The following year Giuseppe Aiazzi: Aiazzi 1845 Aiazzi 1845 You shall see things: Ruskin 1887 Ruskin 1887 like a room in a novel: quoted in "Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Florence," quoted in "Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Florence," golden Arno as it shoots away: Browning 184852, III Browning 184852, III The picture, not the king: ibid., X ibid., X I heard last night: ibid., I ibid., I There was another flood: "Una citta e il suo fiume," 2006. "Una citta e il suo fiume," 2006.

When the twenty-six-year-old Henry James: Edel 1953, pp. 3012 Edel 1953, pp. 3012 In 187374 both Henry James and John Ruskin: Edel Edel Conquest of London Conquest of London 1962, p. 149 1962, p. 149 The world as it stands: James 1984, p. 998 James 1984, p. 998 He was a man of personal genius: Bradley and Ousby 1987, p. 318 Bradley and Ousby 1987, p. 318 Goodness!-that I can't draw it: ibid., p. 330 ibid., p. 330 Henry James heard about them in 1887: Edel Edel Middle Years Middle Years 1962, pp. 21719, 21920 1962, pp. 21719, 21920 Certainly there is a little subject: ibid., p. 217 ibid., p. 217 But in 1889: Samuels 1979, p. 89 Samuels 1979, p. 89 to scientific criticism Cimabue: Bellosi 1998 Bellosi 1998 Bernard Berenson decided he must stay: Samuels 1979, pp. 12832 Samuels 1979, pp. 12832 Mary secured her separation: ibid., pp. 193, 24042 ibid., pp. 193, 24042 giving tactile values to retinal impressions: Berenson 1952 Berenson 1952 To ill.u.s.trate his point: ibid. ibid.

Lily was pleased by her view: Furbank 1978, pp. 8384 Furbank 1978, pp. 8384 Of course, it must be a wonderful building: Forster 1907 Forster 1907 The art historian R. H. Cust: Samuels 1979, pp. 390 Samuels 1979, pp. 390ff But after a few afternoons at Cust's: Furbank 1978, pp. 8485 Furbank 1978, pp. 8485 Evening approached while they chatted: Forster 1907 Forster 1907 It looked little like what my imagination had pictured: Lees Lees Scenes and Shrines in Tuscany Scenes and Shrines in Tuscany 1907, p. 2 1907, p. 2 Towards four o'clock: ibid., p. 4 ibid., p. 4 what it is which brings the Americans: ibid., p. 39 ibid., p. 39 For my part, I love the story: ibid., p. 296 ibid., p. 296 Ah, Madonna, how much: ibid. ibid.

That evening in May: ibid., pp. 298, 278 ibid., pp. 298, 278 Laws of Art: Sborgi 2001, p. 16 Sborgi 2001, p. 16 Dine first-dine well: Craig, Edward Gordon Craig Papers, March 1917 Craig, Edward Gordon Craig Papers, March 1917 Incipit Vita Nuova: Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Agenda 1917 by-and-bye you may go: Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Corrispondenza DNL a David Lees, September 3, 1933 Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Corrispondenza DNL a David Lees, September 3, 1933 In 1926 The Last Supper The Last Supper: Ciatti et al. 1999. Ciatti et al. 1999.

But regardless of the condition: Samuels 1987, pp. 342, 36465 Samuels 1987, pp. 342, 36465 Five years later Duveen: ibid., pp. 43235 ibid., pp. 43235 Kriegbaum was also an authority: Menduni Menduni Dizionario Dizionario 2006, pp. 23132 2006, pp. 23132 Afterward, atop a hill: Huss 1942, p. 2 Huss 1942, p. 2 Only a year after he'd joined the Uffizi: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 249; Shulman 1991, pp. 57 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 249; Shulman 1991, pp. 57ff But Ugo Procacci was not simply an earnest young art historian: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, pp. 2526, 4243 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, pp. 2526, 4243 Despite that, when Mussolini declared war: Carniani and Paoletti 1991, pp. 835; Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 249 Carniani and Paoletti 1991, pp. 835; Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 249 Every day, another piece of good news: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 140 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 140 He was one of the most thoroughly humanized: Samuels 1987, pp. 48182 Samuels 1987, pp. 48182 Chi potrebbe distruggere una tale bellezza?: Pieraccini 2003, p. 357 Hartt would have found Procacci: Hartt 1949, pp. 39, 41 Hartt 1949, pp. 39, 41 A little before nine: ibid., pp. 4243 ibid., pp. 4243 In the morning Ugo Procacci leaned out: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 41 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 41 The view that met the Allies: Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 5 Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 5 Hartt made sure guards: Hartt 1949, pp. 1821 Hartt 1949, pp. 1821 The Wehrmacht continued to sh.e.l.l: ibid., pp. 1819, 3435 ibid., pp. 1819, 3435 When Hartt reached the Pitti: ibid., pp. 4647; Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 20 ibid., pp. 4647; Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 20 Hartt made inquiries: Hartt 1949, pp. 6566 Hartt 1949, pp. 6566 Through luck and persistence: ibid., p. 51 ibid., p. 51 The design for this masterpiece: ibid., p. 36 ibid., p. 36 David Lees had been gone seven years: "Da Agnelli al Papa, Una Vita Dietro L'Obiettivo di David Lees," in "Da Agnelli al Papa, Una Vita Dietro L'Obiettivo di David Lees," in Firenze Mostre Firenze Mostre David Lees, L'Italia nelle Fotografie di Life (2003) David Lees, L'Italia nelle Fotografie di Life (2003) Your time is too necessary: Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Corrispondenza DNL-ECG-David Lees, November 5, 1948 Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Corrispondenza DNL-ECG-David Lees, November 5, 1948 Three years after the end of the war: Procacci 1947, Mostra di Opere d'Arte Trasportate a Firenze Durante La Guerra (1947) Procacci 1947, Mostra di Opere d'Arte Trasportate a Firenze Durante La Guerra (1947) Just then, it seemed that "Cimabue": Maginnis 1997, p. 76 Maginnis 1997, p. 76 Taking on Baldini: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 250 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 250 There would be no more floods: Caporali 2005, p. 181 Caporali 2005, p. 181 Vasari's Last Supper Last Supper remained in the refectory: remained in the refectory: Ciatti 1999 Ciatti 1999

Part Four

"The Fatal Gift of Beauty": Life International, February 11, 1963; Life, Life, July 13, 1964 July 13, 1964 David-now living in Rome: Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Agenda 1965 Lees, Fondo Dorothy Nevile Lees, Agenda 1965 From Dante's celestial vantage point: Caporali 2005, p. 184 Caporali 2005, p. 184 This did not seem remarkable: Pintus and Messeri 2006, pp. 1819 Pintus and Messeri 2006, pp. 1819 Upstream thirty miles from the city: Gerosa 1967, pp. 1213 Gerosa 1967, pp. 1213 In the Palazzo Vecchio the mayor of Florence: D'Angelis 2006, p. 74 D'Angelis 2006, p. 74 Nonetheless, by eleven o'clock: La n.a.z.ione, November 4, 2006 Romildo Cesaroni worked as a night watchman: Nencini 1966, p. 33 Nencini 1966, p. 33 Later, around three A.M. A.M.: ibid., p. 11 ibid., p. 11 The first dead inside Florence: D'Angelis 2006, pp. 7677 D'Angelis 2006, pp. 7677 In most of Florence information: Caporali 2005, p. 185 Caporali 2005, p. 185 Around five o'clock: D'Angelis 2006, p. 80; Gerosa 1967, p. 54 D'Angelis 2006, p. 80; Gerosa 1967, p. 54 All at once, at seven in the morning: D'Angelis 2006, p. 82 D'Angelis 2006, p. 82 The water has arrived in the Piazza del Duomo: ibid., p. 94 ibid., p. 94 Still farther up the hill: Inside the Uffizi, Procacci: Gerosa 1967, p. 70 Gerosa 1967, p. 70 By now other parts of Florence's: ibid., p. 57 ibid., p. 57 Closer to the Uffizi: Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 168 Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 168 Another artist and writer: Coccioli 1967, pp. 15, 23 Coccioli 1967, pp. 15, 23 In the salone salone of a residential hotel: of a residential hotel: Taylor 1967, pp. 3435 Taylor 1967, pp. 3435 Some things could not be explained: Pintus and Messeri 2006, p. 18 Pintus and Messeri 2006, p. 18 For example, Delia Quercioli: Coccioli 1967, p. 52 Coccioli 1967, p. 52 Azelide Benedetti lived: La n.a.z.ione, November 6, 1966 By six o'clock that evening: Menduni Menduni Dizionario Dizionario 2006, pp. 31, 328 2006, pp. 31, 328 More than once, Don Stefani wrote: Stefani 1967, pp. 4 Stefani 1967, pp. 4ff; Batini 1967, p. 43 Per mezza Toscana si spazia: Dante Alighieri 2003, XIV.1618 No one could yet say: D'Angelis 2006, pp. 104, 108 D'Angelis 2006, pp. 104, 108 Everyone was standing by the Baptistry: Gerosa 1967, pp. 52, 80 Gerosa 1967, pp. 52, 80 People had said the foundations: Taylor 1967, p. 69 Taylor 1967, p. 69 It's said that Father Cocci: Sebregondi 2006, pp. 2627; Sebregondi 2006, pp. 2627; La Repubblica La Repubblica, September 26, 2006; Gerosa 1967, p. 55 It was almost as if the farther away: Hughes 2006, pp. 331 Hughes 2006, pp. 331ff That is one kind of knowledge: Taylor 1967, pp. 75, 58 Taylor 1967, pp. 75, 58

Part Five

As they waited, Procacci and Baldini: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, pp. 7172, 253, 21; Gerosa 1967, pp. 8485; Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 24; Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, pp. 7172, 253, 21; Gerosa 1967, pp. 8485; Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 24; La Repubblica La Repubblica, September 26, 2006 The Casa del Popolo had managed: Principe 1966, pp. 136265 Principe 1966, pp. 136265 Luciano Camerino undertook: Gerosa 1967, pp. 12425; Batini 1967, pp. 6364 Gerosa 1967, pp. 12425; Batini 1967, pp. 6364 Nearby a group of neighbors: Principe 1966, pp. 136768 Principe 1966, pp. 136768 Simultaneously Procacci, Casama.s.sima, and their colleagues: D'Angelis 2006, pp. 12829 D'Angelis 2006, pp. 12829 That was what began to happen to Cimabue's Crocifisso Crocifisso: Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 198 Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 198 Talking of his first sight of Ugo Procacci: ibid., p. 191; ibid., p. 191; Time Time, November 25, 1966 You might say all this: Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 187 Carniani and Paoletti 1991, p. 187 No one in Florence thought that art: Coccioli 1967, p. 25 Coccioli 1967, p. 25 Don Luigi Stefani had other misgivings: Stefani 1967 Stefani 1967 There was a brother working in the Chapel: Gerosa 1967, photo insert Gerosa 1967, photo insert At eight o'clock on the morning: Principe 1966, p. 1371 Principe 1966, p. 1371 When they got to the Piazza Santa Croce: ibid., pp. 136870 ibid., pp. 136870 There were even rumors about art: Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 23; Hughes 2006, p. 340 Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 23; Hughes 2006, p. 340 Later, in his study: Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 107 Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 107 A week after the flood: Principe 1966, p. 1377 Principe 1966, p. 1377 there were two cities: Gerosa 1967, p. 116 Gerosa 1967, p. 116 But it was also dangerous: The The Sunday Times Sunday Times (London), November 13, 1966 (translated from Nencini 1966, p. 41) (London), November 13, 1966 (translated from Nencini 1966, p. 41) Lorenzo, Ida, and the rest: Nencini 1966, pp. 3942 Nencini 1966, pp. 3942 Even then, much of Florence was literally: Bietti 1996, p. 4 Bietti 1996, p. 4 The angeli angeli had their own rumors: had their own rumors: Taylor 1967, pp. 14041, 149 Taylor 1967, pp. 14041, 149 On February 24: ibid., p. 177 ibid., p. 177 The Crocifisso Crocifisso of Cimabue was continuing: of Cimabue was continuing: Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 31 Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 31 In some paintings: Hoeniger 1999, pp. 151, 158 Hoeniger 1999, pp. 151, 158 CRIA's adoption list: CRIA Archive (1966), box iv CRIA Archive (1966), box iv The report laid the blame: ibid., fascicle 7 ibid., fascicle 7 a fanciful, corny reimagining in pastel: National Geographic, July 1967 Although the painted surface of the Cimabue: Baldini and Casazza 1982, pp. 3132; Giusti 1981, pp. 7274 Baldini and Casazza 1982, pp. 3132; Giusti 1981, pp. 7274 Unlike some of their predecessors: CRIA Archive (1966), correspondence, November 23, November 29, 1968; December 23, 1969 CRIA Archive (1966), correspondence, November 23, November 29, 1968; December 23, 1969 Firenze Restaura also revealed: Baldini 1972, pp. 5657 Baldini 1972, pp. 5657 Nothing, absolutely nothing: ibid., p. 57 ibid., p. 57 Inside the flesh of the wood: Baldini and Casazza 1982, pp. 3641; Giusti 1981, pp. 7586 Baldini and Casazza 1982, pp. 3641; Giusti 1981, pp. 7586 December 14, 1976, was a Wednesday night: La n.a.z.ione, December 15, 1976 In spite of irretrievable losses: Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 29 Baldini and Casazza 1982, p. 29 They can do it if they want to: Shulman 1991, p. 209 Shulman 1991, p. 209 Contrary to the mood expressed: Paese Sera, "Cronoca Firenze," August 29, 1977 Baldini and Casazza had defenders: Ragghianti 1977, p. 217 Ragghianti 1977, p. 217 Baldini himself didn't respond: Baldini 1978, translated in Price et al. 1996, p. 356 Baldini 1978, translated in Price et al. 1996, p. 356 And with that, he continued on his way: Giusti 1981, pp. 92 Giusti 1981, pp. 92ff On leaving in 1982 for his new post: Shulman 1991, pp. 123, 139; Conti 1985, pp. 39; see also Beck 1993, pp. 3362 Shulman 1991, pp. 123, 139; Conti 1985, pp. 39; see also Beck 1993, pp. 3362 This is what happens to a historian: Shulman 1991, pp. 212, 221 Shulman 1991, pp. 212, 221 The Brancacci restauro restauro was completed: was completed: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 255 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 255 In retirement he'd turned his expertise: The The Independent Independent (London), December 7, 1989 (London), December 7, 1989 Nearly seven hundred years: Maginnis 1997, p. 71; Bellosi 1998, p. 273; Price et al. 1996, p. 7 Maginnis 1997, p. 71; Bellosi 1998, p. 273; Price et al. 1996, p. 7 Cimabue's greatest gift: Bradley and Ousby 1987, p. 318 Bradley and Ousby 1987, p. 318

Part Six

The Last Supper had not, in fact: had not, in fact: Ferri 2006, p. 93; Menduni Ferri 2006, p. 93; Menduni Dizionario Dizionario 2006, p. 408 2006, p. 408 So The Last Supper The Last Supper remained in storage: remained in storage: Bietti 1996, p. 32; Ferri 2006, p. 93 Bietti 1996, p. 32; Ferri 2006, p. 93 Three years later the Vasari was moved: Ferri 2006, pp. 9294 Ferri 2006, pp. 9294 Ferri was not only a professional journalist: ibid., pp. 103, 1079 ibid., pp. 103, 1079 depots of shame: Panorama, November 21, 2003 Suddenly, reporters and photographers: ibid. ibid.

The Fortezza could try refastening the paint: Ferri 2006, p. 95 Ferri 2006, p. 95 The Vasari had, of course, been damaged: ibid., pp. 87, 96; ibid., pp. 87, 96; La Repubblica La Repubblica, January 20, 2006 And, after all, what, Ciatti asked: Greco 1986, pp. 45568; see also Ciatti et al. 1999 Greco 1986, pp. 45568; see also Ciatti et al. 1999 Meanwhile Marco Ferri's investigations: Ferri 2006, p. 39 Ferri 2006, p. 39 the recklessness of those who had allowed: La Repubblica, October 8, 2006 Only the arrogant superficiality of a few journalists: Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 21 Ciatti and Frosinini 2006, p. 21 The city was a "monoculture": Ferri 2006, p. 24 Ferri 2006, p. 24 Giorgio Vasari had been a realist: Vertova 1965, p. 80; Conti 1973, p. 54 Vertova 1965, p. 80; Conti 1973, p. 54 The most divided, most discordant, most quarrelsome: Pintus 2006, p. 21 Pintus 2006, p. 21 And I found there was indeed a final Baldini: Baldini and Vigato 2006, pp. 3537, 19293 Baldini and Vigato 2006, pp. 3537, 19293 We cannot confer eternal life: Shulman 1991, p. 23 Shulman 1991, p. 23


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