Fires Of Prophecy Part 10

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Delia glances to James and shrugs. "Maybe it's in the Empire?"

"Could be," he agrees. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Jiron leads them toward the town and as they draw near, the people become aware of their approach. Most only pausing a moment to glance in their direction before continuing about their business.

One of the buildings has a sign of three barrels hanging above the door. Figuring it to be a shop where they can purchase supplies, they pull up and stop in front. James and Jiron go inside while the others wait with the wagons.

Within the shop, they find a man in the process of straightening up his inventory. When he sees them coming through the door, he turns toward them and smiles. "Welcome, welcome," he says as he goes over to greet them. "How may I help you today?"

"We just need some supplies before heading on," James tells him.

"We have a wide selection of goods for the traveler," the shopkeeper says. "What might you be interested in?"

"Just some travel rations and water bottles," he replies.

"You don't seem very busy," Jiron comments when he notices they're the only ones in there.

"Business has been a little slow of late," he says. "With the war going on and all." He places several packages of rations on the counter, and then asks James, "How many water bottles do you require?"


The man reaches up to a shelf and removes five water bottles, placing them on the counter next to the rations.

"The Empire didn't come this way?" Jiron asks.

"We're sort of on the border," he explains. "We're not really apart of anyone, yet they all think we are apart of them. Sometimes it's confusing, but everyone tends to leave us alone her in Bindles."

"How far is it to Korazan?" Jiron asks.

"About three to four days," the man says. "Are you going there?"

"We have some goods to deliver there, yes," James replies.

"If you would deliver a couple packages for me," he offers, "I could let you have this for free." He indicates their goods on the counter. "Plus, when you delivered them, you would receive a bonus as well."

James thinks for a second and then says, "Sure, we could do that for you."

"Excellent," the merchant exclaims. "I've been waiting for some time for a trader to pa.s.s through who would be willing to take it. Just wait here a moment and I'll bring it out."

While he's in the back, Jiron comes closer to James and whispers, "Why are we doing this?"

"Gives us more credibility if questioned," James replies.

Jiron suddenly understands and gives James a nod with a slight smile.

The man returns from the back with three packages and a bill of lading. "Take these three packages to Zi-Aldan in Korazan. Not sure exactly where he is located, but if you inquire at the local merchant's guild, they should be able to direct you to him."

"Very well," James says as Jiron collects their goods. The merchant hands him the bill of lading and then picks up his packages to carry them out to their wagons. James holds the door open for him as they leave his shop. Tinok gives them an odd expression as the merchant walks over and deposits the packages in the back of his wagon.

Extending his hand, the merchant says, "I appreciate you doing this for me."

James shakes his hand and replies, "Glad we could be of a.s.sistance." He climbs up onto the wagon and sits next to Delia. Then he gives the merchant a slight bow as he says, "May you have prosperous dealings."

The wagons begin rolling away as the merchant says, "You too sir, you too."

They continue through town and when they come to where the roads converge, Jiron automatically turns to follow the road going south. As the town begins to fall away and finally disappears behind them, the terrain gradually becomes more arid. Trees and bushes make way for scrub brush, as well as the occasional tumbleweed. Kind of looks like the area around Bakersfield Kind of looks like the area around Bakersfield.

The air becomes drier the further south they progress and the temperature starts to rise. They had warm, even hot days before, but nothing like this. James is literally baking under the sun, sure that he's going to end up with a dilly of a sunburn.

The road meanders along this desert-like territory for many miles before they begin to approach another small town. The citizens here all wear long flowing robes, kind of like the middle easterners wore back on Earth.

There's a company of the Empire's soldiers garrisoned here and when they enter the outskirts of town, an officious looking man steps out of a building just ahead of them. James' pulse begins to beat faster when he realizes the man means to intercept them. As he approaches he raises his hand, signaling for them to stop.

"Greetings," he says to them as they roll to a stop.

"Good day to you as well," James replies, giving him a small bow.

"What brings you through Arakan, good merchant?" the official inquires.

"Traveling through to deliver some goods in Korazan," James replies nonchalantly.

"Do you have a letter of travel?" the official questions. "Anyone not of the Empire requires one to be allowed to pa.s.s through our territory."

James reaches into his s.h.i.+rt and brings out the official looking letter and hands it over to him. His heart racing, he glances to Jiron and sees his right hand on a knife as he stares intently at the man as he reads the letter. He knows if it's not what James had been hoping it was, they'll have a fight on their hands.

The man reads the letter and then hands it back to James, saying, "Very good, all seems to be in order. Hope you enjoy your stay here in Arakan."

Everyone visibly relaxes as James takes the letter back. "Do you have a carpenter here in town?" he asks.

"We do have a blacksmith who doubles as our carpenter in emergencies," the official says. "You'll find him further down the road and a little off to the right. You can't miss him."

Signaling Delia to get the wagon moving again, he says, "Thank you, sir."

"You're most welcome," he replies as he turns to walk back to the building he came out of.

"A carpenter? What for?" Jiron asks.

"I want some shade to keep the sun off me," he explains. Already the back of his neck, not to mention his nose, cheeks and arms are all beginning to turn red. He can feel the heat burning into them.

They go down the road and soon hear the sound of metal being hammered. Turning off the road toward the sound, they come to the blacksmith's shop. They find him working under an awning, hammering some hot metal as he turns it into a horseshoe.

When he sees them approaching, he hammers the metal a few more times, inspects his work and then lays the horseshoe atop the anvil. He places the pincers he was using to hold the horseshoe on a nearby table and then comes over to greet them.

"What can I do for you today?" he asks.

"Was wondering if you might have some long boards and nails I could purchase?" James asks. "And maybe the use of a hammer for a few minutes?"

The man nods, and says, "Got what you need out back," he replies. "But if there's any hammering to be done, I'll do it. Follow me." He leads them around the side of the awning covered area to where he has piles of rough cut boards along with a pile of "What will you be needing it for?" he asks.

James gets down and walks over to him, "We're not use to the intensity of the sun down here, so would like to create a framework above the wagons which we could secure some blankets to, in order to have some shade."

He looks at the wagons and says, "I got the stuff for that, it'll cost a gold and seven silvers."

"Alright," James says as he opens his pouch and takes out the money, handing it over. "How soon can you have it done?" he asks.

"About an hour," he replies. "I have to finish the shoe I'm working on before I start."

"Is there a place where we can eat while we wait?" he asks.

The blacksmith points back the way they came and indicates a two story building. He says, "You can find something over there at the Cracked Pot."

"Thank you," James says as he returns to the others. "It's going to be about an hour," he tells them, "so we may as well get something to eat while we wait."

They get down from the wagons, Jiron and Tinok secure the horses to a hitching post near the blacksmith's shop. They then walk over to the building the blacksmith had indicated and find an old pot with a sizeable crack running down the side hanging out front. Opening the door, they enter the common room and sit at a table near an open window through which a slight breeze is blowing.

Once seated, a girl comes over and starts to talk to them in the Empire's language. James holds up his hand and says, "I'm sorry, but we don't speak your language."

"Sorry," she says with an accent as she switches to their speech, "but we don't get many who don't speak our language."

"That's alright," replies James. "What's available?"

"We have roasted goat or sliced goat placed between chunks of bread," she says. "The goat is a silver each, and the other is four coppers."

"Sliced goat?" James asks to everyone. They all nod their heads and he says, "Okay, five of those please, and ale all around." He digs out two silvers and hands them to her, "Will this cover it?"

"Yes sir," she says, placing the money within a pocket. "I'll have it out in just a few minutes." She then turns and heads to the kitchen to prepare their meals.

"Sure is hot here," Jiron comments to no one in particular.

"You said it," Tinok responds. "I've never seen it like this before. I mean, sure, back home it got hot, but this is insane."

"Just make sure to drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated," James tells everyone.

The girl returns from the kitchen with a tray laden with a large heap of sliced meat and three loaves of bread balanced on one hand, while in the other she has a pitcher and five mugs. Jiron gets up to help her as it looks like she's about to lose it.

"Thank you," she says gratefully, smiling at him as he takes the tray from her and places it on the table.

He gives her a slight bow and says, "Anything for a pretty lady."

The girl blushes, then places the pitcher and the mugs on the table. "If there's anything else you require, just let me know." She then returns to the kitchen.

"Stop bothering people," Delia says to Jiron sternly.

"What?" Jiron exclaims. "Can't a guy give a girl a compliment?"

She just glares at him.

James takes his knife and cuts off two slices of bread and then takes a slice of meat, placing it between them. Taking a big bite, he's reminded of a hamburger from back home, though the flavor is a little stronger than what he's used to.

Everyone begins taking the bread and making 'goat burgers'. The break from the trail is nice, what with being in the shade and a nice breeze coming in through the window. They finish eating before the hour is up and relax around the table until it's time to return to the blacksmith's. Tinok takes the last of the bread and stuffs the remaining goat inside it as he leaves the table, eating it on the way over.

They're surprised at what awaits them back at the blacksmith's. Not only did he construct a frame for each wagon, but has also installed an off-white cloth covering for each as well.

Seeing them enter, he comes over to them and asks, "How do you like it?"

"Very nice," James replies admiringly. Not only will anyone sitting on the driver's bench be out of the sun, but it covers the entire wagon as well, shading the holding area.

"You're mounts looked thirsty," he tells them, "so I took them over to the well and gave them water." He indicates a well off to the side with a two foot trough sitting on the ground next to it.

"Thank you," James says.

"You're welcome," the blacksmith says as he leaves them to go back and work on more horseshoes.

They get back on the wagons, Jiron on his horse, and resume their journey to Korazan. The shade provided by the covering helps immensely to alleviate the worst of the sun's heat. Though it's still incredibly hot, at least they're no longer at risk of severe sunburn. Jiron though, doesn't seem to be bothered by being out in the sun on his horse.

After riding for a ways, Delia asks, "What would you have done if that paper turned out to not to have been a pa.s.s?"

James shrugs, "I don't know, that would have depended on what he did."

"Think we'll be able to play this off in Korazan?" she asks.

"Hope so," he replies. "Not sure what else to do if it doesn't."

They continue on in silence, every once in a while pa.s.sing a caravan or other travelers going in the opposite direction. After one of the caravans, Jiron slows down until the wagon James is riding upon comes abreast of him and then asks, "Did you see those men in the caravan, the ones wearing only a brown loincloth?"

"Yeah," James said, "I noticed them."

"I think they were slaves," he tells him. "The people who were captured when the City fell were dressed similarly when they were being marched south."

"Thanks," James replies, "I didn't know that."

Jiron gives him a quick nod then resumes his place at the front of the caravan.

As time goes by more and more travelers pa.s.s, some having slaves accompanying them, others not. Whenever he sees them his anger blossoms, even though he is impotent to do anything about it. He would free them all if he could, but doing that would bring down the wrath of the powers that be. Miko must be his first and foremost concern right now.

Not having reached the next town by the time the sun begins to near the horizon, they decide to pull over and make camp off the road a ways. The wagons are pulled in close to one another and the horses are picketed in a group nearby. They set about making camp when Tinok comes over to James with his water bottle and asks, "Have you got any extra water? Mine's all gone."

"A little," he replies. "I was trying to make it last."

"Can I have some?"

"Sure," he says, handing him his bottle.

As Tinok drinks the last of his water, he begins to realize they may be in trouble. Out in this heat, they're not going to last long without water. Then he glances over to the horses and realizes they've not had any water since the blacksmith's earlier in the day. They must be really thirsty by now. They must be really thirsty by now.

He looks around the horizon for a source of water, but only scrub brush can be seen. This could be bad This could be bad, he realizes. Calling them all together, he asks, "Who has water left?"

Ca.s.sie and Jiron raise their hands, while Tinok and Delia shake their heads.

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Fires Of Prophecy Part 10 summary

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