Fires Of Prophecy Part 9

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"What?" Jiron asks in confusion, not sure if he heard correctly.

"James!" Tinok yells, pointing to where he ran into the forest. "It's the fever making him do this. We're not under attack!"

Once he realizes what Tinok is trying to tell him, he says, "We've got to help him!" He gets to his feet and looks toward the forest where James entered just as another explosion of immense proportion erupts to the sky.

"We can't!" yells Tinok over the wind. "He'll kill us without even realizing it."

"But..." Jiron says, wanting to help him, but recognizing the truth in Tinok's words. Then he looks around the camp, wood everywhere, a section of the forest near their camp is simply gone. Trees are toppled over, most of the horses have run off, frightened. They gather together and he asks Ca.s.sie, "What should we do?"

"Nothing to do," she explains. "He doesn't realize what he's doing. It will run its course if it doesn't kill him first."

"How long?"

Shrugging, she says, "Who knows? I guess we'll find out when the noise stops."

They look off into the forest as more lights are seen and explosions heard. A light rain begins to fall a few minutes later and after it has fallen for awhile, the sound of explosions from the forest lessens until it is once again quiet, bringing an eerie calm to the night.

"Should we find him?" Delia asks as the rain continues to fall, plastering her short, dark brown hair to her head.

Shaking his head, Jiron says, "Not in the dark, we might get lost. Besides, there is no guarantee that he's done." So they settle down to wait for dawn. None are able to get any rest, what with the rain soaking them and their concern for their friend. Sometime before morning comes, the rain stops.

When dawn at last arrives, they are able to see the extent of the damage wrought by James during his fever induced rampage of the night before. Around them, trees are either blown apart at the base or toppled over, one upon another. Pieces of wood are simply everywhere, the wagons themselves have a layer of broken branches and wood chips covering them.

Most of the horses have found their way back, three of the draft animals and four of the mounts. A quick look around the surrounding area turns up one more mount and the other draft animal.

"Should we go look for him now?" Jiron asks Ca.s.sie.

"Since we haven't heard anything for a couple hours, it's fairly safe to say that he is no longer a danger," she says. "We need to find him to see if he's okay."

Indicating the path of destruction, Tinok says, "I don't think it is going to be too hard to follow his trail."

"No," agrees Jiron, "it won't." Leading the group, he follows the trail of broken trees through the forest. They come across area after area that shows signs of rampant destruction. "I wonder what he thought he was fighting last night?" he says.

"Yeah," Tinok replies. "What could warrant such power?"

"In his state of mind," Ca.s.sie explains, "he could have been imagining almost anything."

They come to a section of the forest where the trees look odd. Delia taps one out of curiosity and gasps, "It's stone!"

The others come over and feel it, mystified at how James could have done something like that. "Incredible," exclaims Tinok.

Continuing on, they finally reach a point where the destruction ends, but James is no where to be seen. "James!" Jiron calls out, looking through the trees as far as he can.

When there's no answer, Delia says, "We better split up."

Jiron nods, saying, "That might be wise, but let's not get too separated." He looks at each in turn and says, "If in five minutes you haven't found him, turn around and come back here."

They all agree and then head out into the forest, each calling for James.

Weak as a new born lamb and his shoulder aflame with pain, James regains consciousness. His head is fuzzy and it's hard to formulate thoughts. He realizes that he's covered in leaves and tree limbs, and that everything is damp. Unable to even lift his arms to remove the foliage from him, he lies there, wondering just how he came to be here.


Suddenly alert, he hears his name being called from far away. They'll never find me here! They'll never find me here! Afraid they might pa.s.s him by, he starts to panic. He tries calling out but only a weak rasp comes out, "Help!" Afraid they might pa.s.s him by, he starts to panic. He tries calling out but only a weak rasp comes out, "Help!" Why am I so weak? Why am I so weak?

He tries again, "Help!" this time managing a little volume.

"I think I heard something!" he hears someone shout.

"Where?" another voice asks.

"Not sure," the first voice replies. "James! Where are you?"

He can hear several people moving through the forest, near and around him. Giving it one last try, he shouts, "Over here!" Again, it only comes out barely audible.

"There!" he hears someone shout. "It came from that way."

Suddenly, Delia comes into view as she walks right by where he's laying. He moves his hand slightly, but it catches her eye.

"Here he is!" she cries out excitedly. "Are you alright?" she asks him as she places her hand on his forehead.

Shaking his head no, he just lies there.

When everyone approaches, she says, "His fever's gone, but he says he isn't good."

"Let's get him out," Jiron says when he sees him lying there, all but his head and one arm is hidden beneath the broken branches.

They all help to get the limbs and leaves off of him and then help him to stand. But in his weakened condition his legs are unable to support his weight and they just give out under him. So Jiron and Tinok move to help him, Jiron on the left and Tinok on the right.

When Tinok tries placing James' right arm over his shoulder for support, he cries out in pain from the stress that's being put on the wound from the crossbow bolt. Realizing they're not going to be able to do it that way, Jiron tries lifting him in his arms, but James is too heavy for him to attempt to carry all the way back to the campsite.

"I got an idea," Ca.s.sie says. Grabbing Tinok she says to the others, "Just make him comfortable and we'll be right back."

They run back the way they came, back toward the wagons.

Jiron sets James down on a fallen log and stays beside him, keeping him upright. "What's she going to do?" he asks Delia.

"Not sure," she replies.

"What happened to you last night?" Jiron asks James.

"Hmmm? What do you mean?" he asks in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't you remember anything from last night?" Jiron asks him.

"Last thing I remember is lying on the ground back at camp," he explains. "Then nothing until I woke up here, hearing you calling my name. Why?"

"You woke up in the middle of the night and all h.e.l.l broke loose," he tells him. "You were fighting something, Ca.s.sie thinks you were just being delusional because of the fever. You were throwing magic around, creating havoc as if you were under attack."

James just stares in disbelief as Jiron recounts what happened and the destruction they saw as they came to search for him.

"At first we thought we were under attack," he continues, "but then realized it was the fever doing it to you. Then you suddenly ran off into the forest and for a while we heard you blowing things up. It lasted well over an hour before you finally stopped. Couldn't come for you until morning, didn't want to risk getting lost and separated."

"Sorry," James says apologetically.

"No one got hurt," Delia says, "and it seems that it was good for you, the fever's gone."

They sit there and wait for the return of Ca.s.sie and Tinok. Just when Jiron is about ready to leave to find them, they show up carrying a stretcher they made with two long tree limbs and a couple of blankets.

They set it down near James and then Tinok and Jiron help him onto it. With Jiron in the front and Tinok taking the rear, they begin to carry him through the forest and back to camp. As they enter the areas of destruction, James is reminded of a similar instance back near Trendle. He just shakes his head in regret at all the uselessly destroyed trees.

When they pa.s.s by the petrified tree, Tinok asks, "How did you do that?"

"What?" he asks, lifting his head a little to see what he's talking about.

"That tree there," he replies, indicating it with a nod of his head.

"What's wrong with it?" he asks again, confused.

"It's as hard as stone," he explains.

"Let me see," he says and they carry him close enough so he's able to touch it. When he feels the tree, he tells them, "Petrified, I would guess."

"Petrified?" Ca.s.sie asks.

"Petrification is when minerals in the ground are absorbed by a living organism and over time turns as hard as rock," he explains.

"How did you do that?" Tinok asks.

"I don't know," he admits. "But I plan on thinking about it, now that I know it can be done."

They resume carrying him until they get back to the camp, where they lay him down and start a fire to warm him. Ca.s.sie replaces his bandage with a fresh one containing more of her poultice.

Once they have the fire going and James has eaten his fill, he says, "We better get going, we've still got to get to Korazan before the slavers do."

"Are you well enough?" Jiron asks.

"No, but we have little choice," he replies. "I can rest well enough in the wagon."

"Alright," Jiron says, "let's get ready to go." He and Tinok begin the process of securing the traces on the draft horses. When they're set, they help James up onto the wagon, again next to Delia. Tinok and Ca.s.sie take up the second wagon and Jiron rides point. The five remaining horses are tied in line in the rear.

"Let's go," Jiron says, as he begins to ride down the road with the wagons following behind.

This time, Delia and Tinok are much more able to properly control the wagons, and are able to make better time. They follow the road for the rest of the day, at times having to stop while everyone except James, gets down and helps push one when it gets stuck in the mud.

Just a brief stop for lunch and then they resume their journey. James drifts in and out of sleep throughout the day and by the time they make camp that night, he's regained enough of his strength to be able to come down from the wagon by himself.

They get the horses unhitched and picketed before making camp. Tinok gets a roaring fire going to help keep them warm through the night and then they eat the last of the rations that were in the wagons. "Hope we get somewhere soon," comments Tinok.

"Afraid of going hungry?" Delia asks with a smile.

"No," he replies defensively, "just tired of being in the mountains."

"I find it relaxing," James interjects. Everyone turns and looks at him as he continues, "They've always brought me peace."

"There is something tranquil about them," Ca.s.sie adds. She then rests her head on Tinok's shoulder who places his arm around her, keeping her warm. Jiron and Delia glance at each other and smile.

They sit there by the fire, the pop and crackle of the wood lending a peacefulness to the night. It isn't long before James has fallen asleep. The rest soon follow.

The next morning, the overcast sky of the day before has made way for a beautiful sunny morning, once the remaining cloud cover has burned off. Everyone's mood is much improved and are soon on the road. As he rides along in the wagon, James realizes that the sun is rising on their left. Heading south Heading south, he figures.

About midday, the road begins to descend gradually and everyone is glad that they will soon be out of the mountains. Everyone that is, but Tinok who says, "I don't know why you're all so happy."

"What do you mean?" Delia asks. "I thought you wanted to be out of the mountains."

"I do, but once we're out of the mountains, we're going to be in Empire territory again. Doesn't that make you the least bit nervous?" he asks.

"A little," she replies, "but I like to hope for the best."

"Besides," adds James, "we now have a reason for being there. I think we've even got a letter that will allow us to pa.s.s through."

"I hope so," Tinok replies. He quiets down, keeping his brooding thoughts to himself.

The trees begin to thin and they can see off in the distance where they will be coming out of the mountains. A road appears further down, running along the base of the mountains going east to west.

An hour later, they finally reach where the road they've been following will be leaving the protection of the trees as it makes its way out to the main road. They pause only momentarily as they check for any travelers who might observe them leaving the mountains. Not seeing anyone upon the road, they quickly make their way out upon it.

"Which way?" Jiron asks James.

"Let's try east and see if a road hooks up with this one that's heading south," he suggests. "If we find that this road turns to the north further along, we'll double back and see what's to the west of us."

Jiron turns his horse eastward and leads them down the road.

Chapter Seven.

They travel half a day after leaving the mountains when they see a town coming up ahead. It appears rather small, just several buildings at a juncture of converging roads. As they near, they realize this town shows no sign of the Empire's occupation. The citizens go about their daily business and children can be seen running around, playing in the streets.

"Wonder why this town remains untouched by the Empire?"

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Fires Of Prophecy Part 9 summary

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