Fires Of Prophecy Part 14

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"We'll look into that when we get to the next big town," he replies.

"That may be wise," she agrees as they make their way back to the group. Ezra and little Arkie have already lain down near the fire and the rest have bedded down as well. James and Delia join them, the last thought going though his mind before sleep takes him is what's going on with Jiron.

Chapter Ten.

Before they head out in the morning, they transfer as much cargo as possible from one wagon to the other, clearing a spot for Ezra and Arkie. Roland and Tinok ride point on horses while James drives the now fully loaded wagon. Delia takes the reins of the other while Ezra and Ca.s.sie ride in the back with Arkie.

Everyone is becoming quite thirsty since they gave the bulk of their water to the horses, enabling them to continue pulling the wagons. Pus.h.i.+ng on, they continue under the glare of the desert sun, slowly eating away the miles. Roland tells them of an oasis along the road ahead where they'll be able to get water.

A little past midday they arrive at the small oasis and note several other travelers who are already there, filling their water bottles and taking a break from the road. A man sees them coming and waves a friendly greeting, Roland answers and then turns to James, saying, "He's just a merchant, nothing to worry about."

In dire need of the water at the oasis, they pull in and Tinok takes the horses over one by one to drink their fill. Delia and Ca.s.sie gather everyone's water bottles and take them over to the pool to fill them.

James sees Ezra near the palm-like trees growing around the oasis, picking some of the fruit hanging from the branches. "What's she picking?" he asks Roland.

"She's taking some dates off the trees," he replies. "It's the custom to take a few, leaving the rest for other travelers."

James nods his head in understanding and walks over to the closest tree, picking one. It's an odd looking fruit, purplish in color with red lines going through it. Placing it to his mouth, he takes a bite and discovers it has a slightly bitter taste, though not altogether unpleasant.

When Roland sees that he's finished the fruit, with only the pit left, he says, "You're suppose to throw it near the edge of the oasis."

"What?" James asks.

Indicating the pit in James' hand, he says, "Throw it on the ground, away from the other trees. It's a tradition, so that other trees may grow thereby filling the desert with fruit."

Finding a likely spot, he tosses the fruit over near the edge where it lands amidst some bushes. Looking back to Roland, he sees him nodding his approval.

The other merchant, who had been sharing the oasis with them, begins to leave and waves a cheery goodbye as his wagons pull back onto the road, heading north.

They make their stop brief, just long enough for all the horses to drink their fill and have a quick meal. Ca.s.sie stays in the wagon with Ezra, having her meal with a playful Arkie who continually tries to grab her food. Tinok casts glances over to her every time he hears her laughing.

James notices that he's longing to go over to her so he says, "Why don't you go help Ca.s.sie watch Arkie and have your meal. I can finish this alone."

"You sure?" Tinok asks, hopefully.

"Wouldn't have offered if I wasn't," he replies.

"Thanks," he says and then hurries over to the wagon, climbing in beside Ca.s.sie. She sees him coming to join her and smiles.

"That was nice," Delia says to James as she comes up behind him.

Looking back over his shoulder, he replies, "Oh, it wasn't much. Besides, we were almost finished anyway."

"They sure do like each other," she observes as they both watch them sitting and talking together, Arkie going from first one then the other.

"Yes," he agrees, "they sure do."

James finishes the watering and feeding of the horses then takes his meal and walks over to sit under one of the trees by the water. Peaceful, just the way he likes it. As he eats, he can't help but worry over the delay of Jiron's return. He should have been back by now, he reasons. Thinking nothing but the worst, he continues eating.

Before he's done, he hears several riders coming down the road from the north. Getting up, he hurries back to the wagons and reaches them just as the riders turn off the road into the oasis. Soldiers!

Seven enemy soldiers and a civilian enter the oasis and dismount by the pool of water, letting their horses drink. They glance occasionally over at James' group, but otherwise pay them no heed.

Roland notices how everyone has tensed up with the appearance of the soldiers. He comes over to James and whispers, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," James replies, not wanting to get Roland involved.

"Right," he replies in a tone saying he doesn't believe that.

James just looks back at him, not giving him anymore of an explanation.

The soldiers have all dismounted and are filling their water bottles from the pool. The civilian, oddly enough is remaining on his horse. James glances over to him and realizes that he's staring right at him.

A shock of recognition runs through him. Jiron! Jiron! His eyes widen in recognition and then he nods his head, letting Jiron know that he recognizes him. Not wis.h.i.+ng to alert the soldiers to the fact they know each other, James leisurely makes his way over to where Tinok is in the back of the wagon with Ca.s.sie. His eyes widen in recognition and then he nods his head, letting Jiron know that he recognizes him. Not wis.h.i.+ng to alert the soldiers to the fact they know each other, James leisurely makes his way over to where Tinok is in the back of the wagon with Ca.s.sie.

As he approaches, Tinok hops out of the wagon and comes up to him. Excited, he starts to say, "James! Do you..."

Putting his finger in front of his lips for silence, James nods and whispers, "I know."

"What are we going to do?" he asks quietly, casting glances over to where Jiron sits.

"Let's take the wagons down the road a ways and wait for them to come," he replies. "We could ambush them."

"We should do it now!" insists Tinok, a little too loud. A soldier looks over in their direction at the outburst, but otherwise continues about his business.

"What about the girls?" counters James.

"If they leave here," Tinok argues, "we may lose the chance to get him back!"

Roland comes over and joins them, "What's going on?"

"They have our companion over there," James tells him, nodding toward where Jiron sits, secured to the horse.

Roland looks over and sees him there, "Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Looking into their eyes is answer enough. "Are you crazy? Do you know who that is over there?" He indicates the officer in charge.

James shakes his head and says, "No."

"His insignia shows him to be a Commander of Ten," continues Roland.

"So?" Tinok replies, obviously not impressed.

"A Commander of Ten only becomes one by being the best with the sword and usually totally ruthless," he explains. "Any ordinary man taking him on, dies!"

"Still, we must rescue our friend," insists James.

Nodding, Tinok agrees.

"You're both crazy!" Roland exclaims.

Tinok grins and says, "Probably."

James tells him, "Go back and have the girls start moving the wagons out of here."

Roland gives him a look of utter disbelief at what they intend to do, but he turns and starts walking back toward the wagons.

Tinok looks at him in surprise and James says, "You're right, we need to do this here, now, before they have a chance to get back on their horses."

They watch as Roland reaches the wagons and begins speaking to Delia and Ca.s.sie. Delia looks at them and slowly nods her head, Ca.s.sie starts to cry out to Tinok, but Delia puts her hand over her mouth and quietly whispers in her ear. With a pained look to Tinok, Ca.s.sie gets on the second wagon and is soon following Delia, who's leading the first wagon back to the road.

Looking to Tinok, James says, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," he replies, "Let's do it!"

James gathers several stones and Tinok readies his knives. About this time, the Commander of Ten has noticed that the wagons are rolling away, yet two have stayed behind. He says something to one of his men and the soldier starts walking over toward them.

As the soldier approaches, he says something to them in his language. Getting no response, he puts his hand on his sword as he continues to advance. By this time, all of the Commander's men are aware of what's transpiring. They start to flank out, and begin encircling them.

Not waiting any longer, James lets loose with a stone, propels it with the force of his spell and strikes the approaching soldier square in the chest, blasting out the back.

As his man falls to the ground, the Commander shouts out a command and his men, as one, draw their swords. The whisking of them all coming out at the same time makes an eerie sound.

James throws a second stone and takes out another of the advancing men. The four remaining soldiers fan out quickly, coming at them from different directions. Suddenly, he feels the p.r.i.c.kling sensation that tells him magic is being worked just before he hears a shout from the Commander. Turning in his direction, he sees a green blob arcing through the air toward him.

Thinking fast, he creates a s.h.i.+eld surrounding himself just before the green blob hits. It begins to spread, covering the s.h.i.+eld in a green, sticky substance. Through the green goo, he sees Tinok being hard pressed by the man he's fighting, with the others coming fast. His opponent is very skilled with the blade and there's three more coming to join him.

James changes the nature of the s.h.i.+eld and it bursts into flame, searing off the green goo, leaving him covered in a film of fine ash. Quickly, he tosses his last stone at one of the men advancing upon Tinok and catches him in the thigh, literally blasting off his leg at the hip. The man falls to the ground with a cry of pain.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees that Roland has snuck around the oasis and is coming toward where Jiron sits tied to the horse. But then his attention is again turned to the Commander who's drawing his sword and advancing upon him.

James readies another spell and a bolt of energy flies from his extended hand, striking the Commander full on the chest where it explodes in a shower of sparks. When the sparks clear, James sees him still standing there, untouched.

Grinning evilly, the Commander continues his advance upon him.

Another spell and the ground erupts under him. Still, he marches on.

James quickly glances over to where Jiron had been, but now only sees the horse with an empty saddle. Turning his attention back to the advancing Commander, he considers the situation. He must be protected in some way! He must be protected in some way! James begins backing up, prolonging the inevitable contact, trying to come up with some sort of solution to the problem. James begins backing up, prolonging the inevitable contact, trying to come up with some sort of solution to the problem.

Catching a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye, he sees Jiron coming to Tinok's aid as he joins the fight.

If I can't use magic on him directly...

Concentrating once more, he brings his hands together and then as he lets loose the power, he spreads them apart.

With a crack, the ground under the Commander opens wide. Losing his balance, he falls into the gaping hole. Once he's fallen below the top of the hole, James again unleashes the power and with a clap, brings his hands back together again. The sides of the hole containing the Commander smash together, closing with finality.

He looks around quickly and sees Roland, Tinok and Jiron coming over to him, the remaining soldiers lying dead on the ground.

Jiron is covered in bruises and his clothes are stained with blood, but otherwise in high spirits. "Thanks," he says when he approaches James.

"You're welcome," he replies. "Glad to see you're alive."

"So am I," Jiron replies. "I didn't ever expect to see you two again."

"We were beginning to get worried about you," Tinok chides him. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you when we catch up with the others," he says. They each grab one of the soldier's horses and mount. Riding quickly, they catch up with the girls in no time at all.

The girls stop the wagons when they see them coming. Once her wagon has come to a stop, Delia gets down and rushes over to Jiron, giving him a big hug when he dismounts from his horse.

Returning the hug, he asks her, "Miss me?"

With tears of relief running down her face, Delia replies, "A little." And then she smiles.

Ca.s.sie runs and gives Tinok a warm hug and kiss as well. He kisses her repeatedly until Jiron finally has to break them up. A little red faced, they realize what they were doing.

"Now," Tinok says, "what happened?"

"Well..." he begins as he relates to them all that had happened, up to the point where he ran out of the burning house and was captured. "When they took me back to the jail, the Commander had someone begin interrogating me."

"How?" Ca.s.sie asks, wide eyed.

"The usual, I'm sure," he replies. "Anyway, this messenger comes in and gives him a letter. When he's done reading it, he barks out some orders and before I knew it, I was being tied on a horse and we all began riding hard to the south. We eventually stopped here, fortunately for me, and the rest you know."

"What were they asking you?" James inquires.

"Mainly, they wanted to know what happened to the men that were garrisoned at Mountainside," he explains. "Since I was hiding there and had killed a couple soldiers, they felt I obviously knew something."

"Of course you did," interjects Tinok.

"Of course," agrees Jiron. "But they didn't realize that."

"What about the backpack?" James asks.

"I left it in the building that was on fire," he says. "I saw it catch fire myself so there should be no more worries from that."

"Thanks," James says. "I'm sorry you got hurt, though."

Looking at James tiredly, Jiron says, "So am I." He then turns his attention to Roland and says, "Just who are you and why did you untie me? Not that I'm complaining or anything."

They relate the events which led up to Roland and his family joining them. When Tinok explains the devilish monster walking out of the dried up Oasis, he breaks into a laugh, "Wish I could've seen that!"

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Fires Of Prophecy Part 14 summary

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