The Beautiful Series: A Beautiful Idea Part 12

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I didn't understand where this was coming from. I moved up on my elbows so my face was directly aligned with his and kissed him. I pulled away and started to giggle. "Not one bit silly." I then turned completely serious and cupped his face in my hands and looked directly into his eyes when I said, "I love you Maddox. That will never change." He smiled his beautiful smile and kissed me back but pulled away again. "Are we getting back together?"

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders and gave him my smarta.s.s answer. "I mean, I guess since I love you and all. You know?" He started laughing and kissed me again but pulled back.

Ok seriously I'm getting really p.i.s.sed off. Shut up Maddox and kiss me already!

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows and he laughed again. "Okay one more sweetheart. Are you still moving out?" My smile disappeared. I knew after last night and everything that had happened that I wouldn't be moving out but I didn't want to crush Patrick. He was so excited and we had been planning out all these things that we would have been doing, but Maddox was more important because in the simplest of ways I was totally, completely, hopelessly, endlessly in love with him.

I could see he was starting to get nervous because I didn't answer him right away and I began to giggle. I saw his frown quickly disappear and a grin replaced it. He started laughing and then began to tickle me. "You are such a little tease!"

I started laughing really loudly and before I knew it he had both of my arms over my head and he said, "Surrender." I shook my head back and forth and said, "Never." He looked at me and this mischievous smile came across his face which made me a little nervous. Deliciously nervous.

He moved his head so his lips were barely grazing mine and he whispered in a s.e.xy low moan, "Oh I will convince you sweetheart." He still had my hands pinned above my head when he started to move down my body and suck, kiss, and lick his way to where he knew I would be ready for him. He began to let go of my hands but lifted his head. "Keep your hands above your head sweetheart." Shakily, I moved my hands back above my head and held onto the headboard. I wanted to touch him but this experience was definitely going to be one I would always remember.

I felt him smile against my belly b.u.t.ton and then he groaned. "Open your legs up wide sweetheart." I obeyed and he moved down lower and I felt the vibrations of his moan against me. He moved my lips apart and blew cool air on my c.l.i.t and I got goose b.u.mps all over the place. I started to move my hips up because I needed the release but Maddox said, "Stay still sweetheart."

With all of my willpower I lowered my hips and heard him chuckle. I looked down at him and saw that he was watching me. He could clearly see that I was getting annoyed and I said, "b.a.s.t.a.r.d." His lips twitched and before I knew it he was licking me, sucking me, and flicking me with his tongue. He was going crazy and he buried his face in me. I felt the beginnings of a powerful o.r.g.a.s.m building up when Maddox stopped abruptly and moved up my body.

I was about to protest and tell him to keep going but he ripped a condom open with his teeth and as soon as he had it on he slid right inside me. I started to unwind my hands from the headboard but Maddox stopped and said, "Keep your hands up there sweetheart." Sadly I obliged and he kept going. He was moving at a deliriously slow pace that just p.i.s.sed me off so I wrapped my legs around him for him to go deeper.

He smirked at me. "You want me to go faster?" I looked at him and I realized there was something going on with the way he was acting. "Yes Maddox." He chuckled and said, "Do you surrender?"

Oh you have got to be s.h.i.+tting me? Really? That motherf.u.c.ker thinks he's going to get me to surrender just with his body? Never!

My face must have given him his answer because he started to swivel his hips.

Okay maybe he might just change my mind. Oh who am I kidding?

"Surrender yet?" I couldn't form words so I just shook my head back and forth and moaned something incoherently. Maddox started to pull out and I was about to protest but he slammed right into me and I screamed, "YES MADDOX!" He pulled out of me again and said, "I need to hear you say it Isabelle." Before I opened my mouth he slammed into me again and I screamed my answer. "YES MADDOX, I SURRENDER. JUST f.u.c.k ME ALREADY!"

I didn't even get to finish saying, "already," because he was pulling out so just the tip was inside and he was slamming right into me. He had an arm by my head and the other was wrapped around my wrists at the post of the bed. After that no words were said. Just the bed creaking, moaning, and grunting coming from both of us and our bodies slapping together.

I felt the beginnings of an o.r.g.a.s.m when Maddox said, "Isabelle?" I bit my lip and shook my head back and forth. Before I knew it the hand that was wrapped around my wrists traveled down my body and as soon as his thumb rubbed against my c.l.i.t I started to spasm and shake. He pushed into me two more times and then stilled. He was still rubbing my c.l.i.t drawing out my o.r.g.a.s.m as long as he could. I thought I was going to die from how strong it was. I screamed and moaned and grunted. I screamed, "MADDOX," over and over and over again.

When my body started to come down from the high I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I heard Maddox chuckling and my eyes opened. He was looking down at me and he had this huge smile on his face. I laughed and shook my head back and forth. "You are such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. You know that right?" He laughed louder this time and his body started shaking. I pushed him off me and as soon as his back hit the mattress I was on top of him pus.h.i.+ng his arms over his head.

The image was actually really pathetic because if he wanted to Maddox could have broken me in half. He was looking up at me with such love and care in his eyes though. It made me smile even more and right before I kissed him on the lips I said, "But you're my b.a.s.t.a.r.d and I love you."

Maddox wrapped his arms around me and then spun us so I was lying on my back. I started to move my head up to kiss him but he backed away and got up off the bed. "This is just how I want you when I get back," and with that he put on some boxers and walked out of the room.

I bit my lip and smiled to myself because I couldn't believe how quickly things had changed within the last twenty-four hours. I never thought waking up yesterday that today I would be naked in bed with Maddox laughing and giggling. I started to look around my room and saw all of the boxes. I had totally forgotten about moving in with Patrick. I quickly got up off the bed and before I used the restroom I put on Maddox's t-s.h.i.+rt from last night. I couldn't help but sniff the collar because it reminded me of Maddox and his scent steadied my crazy nerves. The cologne mixed with his scent was my undoing.

After using the bathroom I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. My heart was beating so fast but I knew I had to have this conversation. I scrolled through my contacts and stopped on Patrick's name. Before I could psych myself out, I hit his name and I lifted the phone to my ear as it began to ring. I thought it was going to go to voicemail but I heard, "h.e.l.lo?"

"Hey Patr a"

"Oh hey gorgeous. What's going on?"

My heart was beating out of my chest and Patrick must have realized something was wrong because he said, "What's the matter?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Maddox and I got back together." I heard squealing and cheering coming from the other end and I started to smile. Between the clapping and yelling Patrick said, "So what's the matter gorgeous? I thought this was supposed to be a good thing?"

I began to pick my nails. "It is... "

"But...?" There were a few seconds of silence and then I said, "But that means I can't move in with you." There was silence for a long time and I looked at my phone to see if maybe Patrick had hung up on me but I saw that the call was still going through. "h.e.l.lo?"

I heard sniffling on the other end and could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Patrick, I'm so sorry. I can still move in with you if you wa a"

"Absolutely not Isabelle! I'm so happy for you guys. Don't you dare move in with me because I won't allow it. You understand me gorgeous?"

"But then why are you crying?"

He started to laugh and said, "It's stupid really. It's just I can't believe how much you care about me. I mean, I had my grandparents and then I met you and oh, I just love you Isabelle. You will always be my best girlfriend. But as your bestest friend in the whole wide world it is my duty to not let you move in with me. However, I do expect girl nights at least once a week with wine and gossip and ice cream. Oh and chick flicks!"

I started to giggle and wiped the few remaining tears off my face. "I wouldn't have it any other way!" There was another silence and then I said, "I love you too Patrick." Even though I wasn't having this conversation with him face to face I knew he was smiling on the other side of the phone.

"Gorgeous, I will let you go but I want to see your face ASAP."

"Just name the time and place cutiepie and I'll be there."

As soon as I hung up the phone Maddox walked back into my bedroom wearing his boxers really low and carrying a tray filled with breakfast items. I had a smile on my face by the time the conversation ended with Patrick but my smile grew even wider when I saw Maddox.

He leaned into the doorway and looked at me and a little smile came across his face. "What sweetheart?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "You." He smiled and then began to walk over to the bed. He handed me the tray and then climbed on and sat across from me. I looked down at the tray and saw some coffee and bagels with cream cheese. After picking up my cup and taking a sip I said, "Thank you this is wonderful."

Swallowing his bite of bagel and cream cheese he said, "It's just coffee and bagels sweetheart." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Yeah but you thought about me when you made it. That Maddox, is what makes it so wonderful." With his bagel still in hand he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. He kissed me a few more times and as he pulled away he said, "I love you Isabelle." I moved my head in and kissed him one more time and against his lips I said, "I love you too Maddox."

We drank our coffee and ate our bagels while making mindless conversation. After we were done Maddox put the tray on the floor and cuddled up next to me. He rubbed my back while I swirled circles along his stomach with my fingers.

We laid there in a comfortable silence but then Maddox said, "Will you still come to the tattoo convention with me sweetheart?" I lifted my head and smiled. "Of course I will. If that's what you want?" He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me closer to him. "That is exactly what I want Isabelle." I kissed his neck and said, "I'd love to go Maddox."

He smiled and then he was quickly on top of me lying between my legs. I became breathless and whispered, "What are you doing?" He gave this boyish grin and said, "You weren't how I left you when I got back." He sat back on his knees and said, "Take the s.h.i.+rt off Isabelle." I sat up and without taking my eyes off him I lifted the s.h.i.+rt up and over my head. The second I dropped the s.h.i.+rt on the floor Maddox was ripping a condom open with his teeth.

He started to place the condom on his erection when I put my hand on top of his. I looked up into his eyes and said, "Can I do it?" Without blinking Maddox nodded and I took the condom from him and he dropped his hands to his side. I had the condom in my hand and it was like I had all the power. "Lie down Maddox." He set his head on the pillow and lay there looking up at me with wonderment across his face. I straddled him and the second I rolled the condom on I lifted my hips and lowered myself onto him.

I heard Maddox gasp and it felt like someone took over my body. I placed my hands on his chest and lifted my hips up and down over and over again. I straightened my back and my head was facing the ceiling. He was in so deep this way and it felt different from when he was on top. I felt his fingers grazing my arms and I looked down and we interlaced our fingers together.

By doing that I was able to get more leverage and moved up and down faster. My leg muscles began to burn but I didn't care. I felt the tension building and soon my o.r.g.a.s.m was rolling through my body. Maddox sat up and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my fingers were running through his hair.

Somehow I managed to get to my feet and expertly moved up and down his c.o.c.k. While he was still sucking my nipple one of his hands moved up into my hair and the other was grabbing my a.s.s. The second Maddox moved to my other nipple I screamed his name and I felt his c.o.c.k twitch inside me.

I was still shaky but managed to wrap my legs around his waist. We held on to each other for a while trying to catch our breath and then I started laughing. Maddox pulled away from me and looked at me curiously and I just started laughing more. Maddox started to laugh along with me but through his laughter he asked, "What's so funny?" I tried to control my laughter but I couldn't do it. Laughing a few more seconds I said, "Is it like this for everyone? Because if it is I don't understand how people can leave their houses."

Maddox started laughing while shaking his head back and forth. "Oh boy, I've created a monster," - he kissed me and then said, "but to answer your question. I'm not sure if it's like this for everyone. I can tell you right now I've never experienced anything like this before in my life. You know you've ruined me Isabelle, right? There's no one else for me but you." He shrugged his shoulders and then wrapped my face in his hands and said, "For me, you're it."

Chapter 18.

"Sweetheart, are you almost ready?" I turned around and saw Maddox standing in my doorway with his luggage in his hands. "Almost, I just have to get my toiletries." He smiled and then said, "Alright I'll just be in the kitchen." I nodded my head, walked out of my room, and grabbed my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Packing everything away I zipped my bag closed and carried it into the kitchen. Maddox was standing at the counter sipping his coffee with a huge grin on his face. I walked over and placed my bag on the floor. "What are you smiling about?" Maddox looked up into my eyes and said, "I'm just really excited." I smiled at him and said, "I know the feeling."

Once Maddox finished his coffee we locked up our apartment and headed down to his car. After we finished loading our bags we were on our way to the airport for Las Vegas, Nevada for the tattoo convention. When we arrived at the airport Maddox carried both of our bags in and we went through all of the different types of securities that were required and then waited at the gate for our flight to be called.

Our flight was scheduled for 12:15 in the afternoon and a half hour before I could tell there was a change in Maddox's mood. His knee started to bob up and down and I noticed that he'd started biting his lip. I was busy sipping my Starbuck's and looking at a magazine but I noticed his movements out of the corner of my eye. Closing my magazine, I placed it in my lap and said, "Alright, what's the matter?"

I turned to him and he was in the middle of biting his nail but stopped and said, "I'm sorry." When he stopped biting his nails, his teeth started chattering. I put the magazine on the seat next to me, turned to him, and brought my legs up in the chair. "Maddox?" He stopped grinding his teeth together and threw both of his hands up in the air. "I'm scared of flying."

I couldn't believe that this huge, muscular man was scared of flying. I couldn't help but let a little laugh escape and Maddox half glared, half smirked at me. "You aren't supposed to laugh at me. You're supposed to help me through this. That's what a girlfriend is supposed to do." At his last comment I completely let my laugh go. People around us were giving us weird stares but it didn't matter to me. We were never going to see them again. "Oh munchkin. I'm not a normal girlfriend, am I? How about you just go over to the bar and have a drink? Maybe that'll calm your nerves."

He tilted his head to the side and made a noise. I knew he was thinking about it and within a matter of minutes he grabbed his wallet and walked off in the direction of the bar. Once I saw him sit down and put the beer to his lips I picked up my magazine and went back to reading.

After a few drinks Maddox "walked" back over to me and plopped down in his chair. He had a huge smile plastered to his face and his blurry eyes were on me. I finished taking my last sip of coffee and smiled into my cup. After swallowing I turned to him and said, "Are you feeling any better stud?" Maddox just nodded his head and then pulled me into his lap for a kiss. I tried to push away from him because I knew people were staring at us but he was just so d.a.m.n s.e.xy that I got lost in his kiss.

Pulling away from him I asked, "What was all that about?" Maddox just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just really excited is all." Once it was time for our plane to board we grabbed our bags and waited in line to board the plane. After getting all comfy in our seats Maddox wrapped my hand in his and kissed it.

I inched over to him and kissed him on the cheek and told him to go to sleep and that we would be there shortly. I knew he was still nervous but the alcohol was taking its toll on him. After wrapping him up in the blanket, I kissed him on the lips. I began to pull out the magazine from earlier when Maddox dropped the Kindle in my lap.

I looked over at him and he had this sheepish grin on his face. I picked up the Kindle and remembered it was the one he had gotten for me for Christmas and then all of those bad memories came rus.h.i.+ng back to me. I held it up and turned back to Maddox and said, "What's this for?" I could tell he was nervous because he started to bite his lip but he whispered, "I just couldn't get rid of them." I started to tear up because I couldn't believe where we were just a few months ago and where we were now. I stood up from my seat and placed the Kindle in it and then slid over onto Maddox's lap and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer and I nuzzled into his neck breathing in his scent.

I swear if I could bottle his scent up and sell it I would. There's just something about Maddox which made me feel so comfortable and relaxed. I could tell I did the same for him as well because I could feel his breath on me and he was playing with my hair and twirling it in his fingers. I kissed him on the neck and then whispered, "I'm so sorry." He pulled away from me to look into my eyes and started to tear up. "I'm not because I feel like we're right where we should be."

He cupped my head in his hands and used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away my tears. "Please don't cry Isabelle." I sucked in a few breaths and wiped my tears away and then smiled. Smiled because I couldn't believe just how lucky I was to be here with Maddox. Never in my life did I actually expect for things to turn around when I left for school in August but here I am in April. For the first time in a really long time I'm happy and content with who I am.

After kissing him I got back in my seat and started up my Kindle. I knew the flight was going to be long so I picked a book called Blindfolded Innocence and started to read but not before wrapping my hand in Maddox's and saying, "I love you."

Maddox slept the entire flight while I read my book which relieved me. After getting off the plane and collecting our luggage we got a taxi and were on our way to the MGM hotel. The ride over was completely silent. We were both in awe of our new surroundings and couldn't wait to have some fun. The convention was going to be tomorrow, April 14th and then my 21st birthday was on April 15th so we decided a celebration was in order.

Upon checking in to the hotel we were taken up to our room. I couldn't believe how gorgeous the room was. There was a king size bed in the center with a plasma screen television on the opposite end of the wall. A little sitting area was in the corner which consisted of a sofa with two end chairs and a coffee table. The bathroom was incredible with a Jacuzzi tub and a gorgeous shower with water heads coming from all different directions. But the view from our room was amazing. From floor to ceiling were windows and you could see all of Vegas. The lights and buildings made me think of what sort of trouble we could get ourselves in.

I was too busy taking in the scenery to notice Maddox walk into the bathroom and turn the water on for the Jacuzzi. I turned around and saw he was standing there in a plush robe and nothing else. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand and said, "Take a bath with me?" I just nodded and he walked backwards into the bathroom. He picked me up and plopped me on the counter and turned to check on the water temperature and filled the entire tub with bubbles.

Turning around Maddox walked over to me and dropped his robe to the floor. "Lift your arms Isabelle." I did so and he pulled my s.h.i.+rt over my head and undid my bra. The way he looked at me completely turned me on. Each time he saw me naked it was like he was finding something new about me. He stepped in between my legs and looked down at me. "I love you Isabelle." I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "I love you Maddox." He lifted me down from the counter and unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down along with my panties.

I thought we were going to get in the tub but Maddox lifted me back up onto the counter and said, "Open wide." I moved so my back was to the mirror and lifted my legs and opened for him. He pulled my bottom closer so I was hanging off the edge of the sink. Maddox bent down in front of me and lifted my legs so each one was on lying on his shoulders. After kissing my belly b.u.t.ton and giving a soft pinch to both nipples he stuck a finger inside me. I heard him gasp and he said, "G.o.d, you're so wet." I just moaned in appreciation and he stuck in another finger.

At first I wanted to close my eyes but I was more intrigued to see what Maddox was doing and as soon as I looked down I saw him watching me and then he started lapping me up. He spread my lips apart and started to lick me endlessly. We kept our eyes on one another the entire time and within seconds I was moaning and sucking his fingers deeper inside of me.

I was trying to catch my breath but I heard a condom wrapper being ripped open and then I felt him push inside me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kissed him with so much force. There was just something different about this time and I knew that we both felt it. While Maddox was thrusting into me I kissed him on the lips. I started to pull away but he crushed his mouth to mine and deepened the kiss.

I felt water on my face and pulled away and saw Maddox was tearing up. I didn't understand what was going on. I thought maybe I was hurting him but he cupped my face in his hands and said, "I love you Isabelle Clark."

I knew he loved me but the way he said it this time was different and by different I mean in a good way. With misty eyes and a quivering chin I whispered, "I love you Maddox." The second I said his name he pushed into me one last time and we finished together. We never took our eyes off one another. Pulling out of me he disposed of the condom and picked me and wrapped me in arms and got in the tub. My back was to his front and he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my neck. He pushed my hair to the other side and lightly kissed me. I placed my hands on top of his against my stomach and relaxed into him.

We just stayed like that for a while cuddling up to one another and feeling totally and completely content. After was.h.i.+ng one another Maddox got out of the tub and then lifted me out and dried me off. He wrapped me in my robe and then dried himself off which I found completely s.e.xy because he took care of me before himself. We both got on the bed and Maddox wrapped his arms around me.

I intertwined my fingers in his and turned my head to look up at him. "What do you want to do tonight?" He smiled and said, "This." I smiled and said, "That sounds perfect," which earned me a kiss. Pulling away Maddox grabbed the hotel phone and ordered us some room service. We got a fresh fruit platter, sparkling wine, chocolate covered strawberries, and a cheese plate.

Everything was delicious but what made it better was that we fed one another. I always thought doing something like that would be annoying. I mean, I can feed myself but there was something sensual about it. We giggled and enjoyed every second and every bite of it.

Once the cart was taken away we got out of our robes and jumped under the covers and faced one another. Maddox was lightly grazing his fingers up and down my arm and I got gooseb.u.mps. I wrapped my arms around him and squished my body up against his. I kissed him on the nose and heard Maddox whisper, "I love you so much Isabelle." I pulled away from and smiled. "Show me," and that's exactly what he did for the rest of the night and into the morning.

I started to squirm around because I was dreaming about Maddox doing things to me. I heard myself moan and my eyes popped open when I realized that my dream wasn't just a dream but that Maddox was actually doing it to me. He was sucking on one of my nipples and his finger was moving in and out of me. Through a yawn I said, "Mmm, I could get used to this." He moved his lips up my body and kissed my neck and then kissed my lower lip. "Good sweetheart," and with that he pushed inside and took me to the end.

Once we managed to get out of bed we got ready and were on our way to the convention. Maddox was acting like a little kid which made it so adorable. The entire cab ride there Maddox's leg was bouncing up and down and he couldn't sit still. It was kind of humorous seeing this huge, muscled, tattooed man acting like a little kid. He was squealing and kept asking, "Are we there yet?" I was excited for the convention but I was more excited because I wanted Maddox to have a good time.

The cab didn't even come to a full stop before Maddox jumped out of the car and headed inside. After I paid the cabdriver I ran up to meet Maddox and after getting through we were taking in our surroundings. I couldn't believe how crazy it was. There were vendors, people tattooing, seminars going on and clothing for sale.

I looked up at Maddox and he seemed right in his element. We walked around for a while just looking at everything and Maddox was showing me all types of things. I knew tattooing was a pa.s.sion of his but the way he talked today it showed me just how much he truly loved it. He was so pa.s.sionate and every word he said was filled with so much love. I loved Maddox but watching him that day I think I fell in love with him even more if that was possible.

I knew I looked so stupid because I had this huge smile on my face and I knew my eyes were twinkling. Maddox was in the middle of showing me all of these tattoo artists and their work when he turned to me and said, "What sweetheart?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "I hope I'm pa.s.sionate about something one day the way you are about tattooing." I couldn't help but giggle because he started to blush but then he pulled me up against him and said, "I love tattooing but it comes nowhere near in comparison to how much I love you Isabelle Clark."

We stayed at the convention for a few hours and I got Maddox a s.h.i.+rt that read, Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones But Whips, Chains, Tattoos & Piercings EXCITE ME! We decided to head back to the hotel and get a nap in before my birthday dinner. I wasn't going to be able to drink tonight because the restaurants closed before midnight, but Maddox said he had huge plans for me tomorrow.

Maddox had made reservations for 8 p.m. so I began to get ready at 6:30. I took a shower and shaved and washed everything twice. I applied mascara and a little bit of glitter eye shadow and after drying my hair I did some lazy curls. I had packed a few dresses because I knew we would be going out to dinner for my birthday. I ended up choosing a peach colored dress which covered up everything in the front and went to my mid-thigh but the back was completely open. I ended up having to go braless because I didn't want the straps to show from the back and paired my dress with some gold heels. I added a few bangles and some perfume and walked out into the bedroom where Maddox was waiting for me.

His back was to me as he looked out at the view but at the sounds of my heels on the floor he turned around. He looked just as breathless as I felt. Maddox was wearing a grey suit with a black b.u.t.ton up s.h.i.+rt with a few b.u.t.tons unb.u.t.toned at the top and my mouth started to water. His mouth fell open and I stood there with a huge smile on my face because that's exactly what I had been going for. He started to open his mouth to tell me something but I put my finger up to stop him and slowly twirled around and heard him suck in a huge breath. When my eyes meet his again he looked hungry and not just for food.

Within a few strides his hands were on my hips and his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around him to try to deepen the kiss but he immediately stepped away. I tilted my head and scrunched my eyebrows together because I didn't understand. Maddox started to laugh and said, "Sweetheart, if I don't stop now we won't be leaving this room the rest of the night."

Oh I like that.

Maddox took me to dinner at Fiamma Trattoria and the food was amazing. I got the Grilled Scott Salmon and Maddox got the New York Steak. We had pleasant conversation throughout the entire dinner but I could Maddox was nervous because when he didn't think I was watching him I saw him bite his lip or scrunch his eyebrows together. As we were waiting for the waiter to come back with our receipt Maddox pulled a black box out of his jacket pocket and set it down in front of me.

It was a long rectangular box and I knew it was going to be some sort of jewelry. I looked up into Maddox's eyes and he put a finger to my lips. "I wanted to get you something and I don't want to hear you say anything about it. Okay?" I just nodded my head with his finger still to my lips and then kissed it. Once he pulled away I looked down at the box and slowly opened it. When the box was fully opened my mouth fell open because inside was a necklace with a single diamond.

My heart was beating wildly. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was and that Maddox got it for me. I closed my eyes and the second I opened them a tear fell down. Maddox's hand was instantly to my face wiping away my tears. I looked up at him and he said, "Happy tears?" I just smiled and nodded my head.

I got out of my seat and sat in his lap and kissed him. It didn't matter to me that we were in a fancy restaurant and people were probably staring at us. When I pulled away Maddox rested his forehead against mine and whispered, "I want you to wear that tonight." I started to take the necklace out of the box when Maddox put his hand on top of mine and looked me in the eyes. "Only that."

Once the door closed behind us Maddox's hands were on my hips and his lips were on my neck. His front was to my back and I could feel how badly he wanted me. Maddox slowly untied the top of my dress and let it fall to the floor. He moved my hair to one side. I heard him open the box and then he was placing the necklace on me. I picked the diamond up in my hand and looked at it. I couldn't believe how beautiful his gift was.

The second I let go of the necklace Maddox turned me around and I was standing there in my thong and the necklace. He walked me backwards and I felt the edge of the bed at the backs of my knees. Maddox leaned down in front of me and slowly took off my thong and then laid me down on the bed. He told me to scoot up to the end and I laid my head on the pillow.

He was standing at the edge still in his suit. Without taking his eyes off me he took off his jacket, unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt and unbuckled his pants. He looked so beautiful and I bit my lower lip. He crawled up between my legs and started to suck and lick my nipples. I moaned but I didn't want foreplay. I just wanted him.

He moved up and kissed my lips and I put my hands in his hair. He leaned away from me and looked in my eyes. "I love you Isabelle."

"I love you Maddox." He started to move down my body but I kept my hands firmly in his hair. He looked at me because he didn't understand what was going on but I said, "I just want you."

The second his lips touched mine he slid right inside of me. We both moaned at the same time and then Maddox started to move. It was slow and deliberate. We were slowly building up to our I started to feel my o.r.g.a.s.m taking over my body when Maddox pulled out of me and said, "s.h.i.+t!" I got up on my elbows and looked at him.

"I forgot to put on a condom. No wonder it felt so f.u.c.king good." He started to get off the bed but I pulled him back on top of me and wrapped my legs around him. "Please Maddox." He looked at me and I quickly said, "I'm on birth control. I just want to feel all of you." He kissed me again on the lips and slipped right back in.

He was kissing my neck and I was running my fingers up and down his back when I felt his movements become uneven. He tried to pull out but I kept my legs around him and he said, "Isabelle?" As I whispered, "I love you Maddox," we both finished.

Maddox pulled me onto his chest and then looked over at the clock. "Happy birthday sweetheart. I hope it's a good one." I just murmured and said, "It already is."

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The Beautiful Series: A Beautiful Idea Part 12 summary

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