The Beautiful Series: A Beautiful Idea Part 14

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A future.

Getting everything in the car we begin our car ride to the beach. It's a comfortable silence and Maddox is holding my hand. The music's off and all I hear is the wind blowing past me because my other hand is hanging outside the car and I'm brought back to the car ride up to school when I was thinking about how my life was going to change.

I had an idea that my life was going to change but I never realized how drastically. If you would have told me back in August where I would be right now I would have laughed in your face and said, "Quit bulls.h.i.+tting me." But now I realize that anything is possible and that I am special.

I have on and I'm looking out at the scenery around me and I start to tear up. I'm thinking about my life with Cynthia and how she was wrong.

How I am important.

How I am beautiful.

I lift my hand and begin to wipe the stray tears away and Maddox looks over. "You okay Isabelle?"

I lift my and look over at Maddox while smiling. "I am now."

Finding a parking spot, Maddox carries our bags to the beach. It's sunny out but there aren't a lot of people around and I'm totally okay with it. We lay down our blankets and strip from our clothing. After applying suntan lotion I begin to stretch out on my towel but Maddox has other ideas for us. He lifts me up over his shoulders and runs into the ocean. The water is splas.h.i.+ng all over us and I'm laughing and having the time of my life. He places me down in the water and I wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

We spend the rest of the day lounging on our towels, playing in the water, and building sandcastles.

The sun is beginning to set and Maddox is sitting behind me and I'm leaning up against him. His head is on my shoulder and we're watching the sunset. He's playing with my fingers and then says, "So did I change your mind about the beach?"

I giggle and say, "I still hate it but I'd come here anytime with you." He smiles and says, "Maybe this will change your mind." I look down and Maddox is holding a little black box in his hand and my heart stops and tears well up in my eyes. I'm trying my d.a.m.ndest to not let them fall but I close my eyes to try and catch my breath and the second my eyes close the tears fall.

Maddox hears me sniffling and walks over in front of me. He kneels down looking into my eyes and says, "Sweetheart?"

I start to laugh and cry. For the first time in my life I'm speechless. I look into his eyes and I see he's tearing up and taking my left hand he says, "Isabelle, you're the only thing in this life that makes sense. Without you I have nothing. No ideas. No dreams. No possibilities."

I place both my hands on my face because I don't know what to say and then he looks down and opens the box and there's a ring. He picks the ring up in his fingers and holds it up to me.

Choking through his words Maddox says, "The ring is simple with a diamond and a plain gold band but it symbolizes our time together. We have been on a roller coaster ride this entire year and I think we deserve some simplicity. That's what this ring is because asking you to marry me is the simplest thing ever.

I had an idea forever ago for you to move in with me and it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I thought I knew all there was to know about life and then you ran into mine. The second I saw you I knew one day you were going to be Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l. Before I had time to think or breathe all of the pieces were falling together and now we're here. And as simple as taking my next breath I can say that I want you forever. So Isabelle Katherine Clark...Will you marry me?"

The only thing I can do is smile and cry because I can't believe where my life is. And I can only imagine where it's going to go. I start thinking about it and what I'm certain of is that Maddox is in it. I look into his eyes for just a couple of seconds, probably the longest of his life, and then I smile. I place my hands on his cheeks and with so much certainty I whisper, "Yes."

Chapter 21.

Maddox It's been two years since I ran into this beautiful girl who would change my entire life. I still can't believe that she took a chance on a guy like me. She literally saved me from myself. We have been through a lot.

Some good.

Some bad.

Some incredibly amazing.

Some horribly awful.

But I wouldn't change a d.a.m.n thing, because here we are today.

"Gabe. Are you positive that she hasn't changed her mind? You sure she hasn't run off with the pool boy or some s.h.i.+t like that? I mean really, you are one-hundred and ten percent positive she will walk out those doors over there?" I am pointing over at the hotel where we were all staying.

Gabe smiled and patted me on the back. "Madd, calm down okay? That girl loves you, so don't worry about anything. Weddings never go exactly as planned. I mean, come on? You remember mine, don't you?" I smiled at the memory.

Sarah and Gabe got married the summer after junior year in Sarah's backyard. Their wedding was just immediate friends and family and was really beautiful. I walked Sarah down the aisle since her dad died from cancer when she was younger. Sarah thought it would be a cute idea for Rufus to be the ring bearer, but that idea turned into a complete and utter disaster when the Pastor asked for the rings and I saw that Rufus had eaten Gabe's ring. I thought Sarah was going to cry but she just started laughing and looked up at the sky. "Oh no you don't! I am marrying this s.e.xy, gorgeous man whether you like it or not! Ring or not he is mine!" A couple days after the wedding I finally got the ring back for Gabe and Sarah.

I knew without a doubt in my mind that Gabe would be my best man and Isabelle chose Patrick to be her "man of honor." We decided to keep our wedding intimate so just our small group of friends and my family were there. It seemed like everything worked out just the way it was supposed to.

I tried to convince Isabelle to call her mom, but she never did. I didn't really push her too much on the matter because I couldn't believe that somebody would beat down my beautiful sweetheart. It broke my heart that her own mother didn't see the beautiful girl who everybody else got to know. The girl who I fell in love with and who I was marrying today.

After I proposed to Isabelle on the beach her mind was set that she wanted to get married on the beach. She thought it would be a cool idea that we get married at sunrise because I proposed at sunset. She used to hate the beach even though she had never been to it, but I changed her mind on that one after the proposal.

The icing on the cake was that after she whispered, "Yes," we made love on the beach and again in the ocean. I smiled just at the thought and all of the memories we had made and how many more we were going to create together.

But back to reality, I literally started to freak the f.u.c.k out. I felt like I was sweating bullets. I was wearing a pair of tan khaki pants and a white b.u.t.ton down s.h.i.+rt with a few b.u.t.tons unb.u.t.toned at the top and was barefoot. We wanted to keep our wedding casual and fun. The only thing that really mattered to Isabelle and me was that in the end we would be married.

You get married because you are in love. That's what matters the most. That's what is important, not all the hoopla and crazy stuff. I told Isabelle that I would be glad just getting married at the courthouse because I couldn't wait to marry the girl and finally make her mine. But she told me that our friends and my family had to be there. So while we were going through our senior year of college we were also planning a wedding. Jokingly, I would complain all the time but Isabelle's only response were words that I had used to her earlier in our relations.h.i.+p. Patience is a virtue.

G.o.dd.a.m.n, what is taking so long? It feels like an hour has gone by. What if she changed her mind? What if she realized there was somebody else out there that was ten times, ten million times better for her than me?

I started psyching myself out but then the music started and everybody stood up. My heart literally skipped a beat I was so nervous. And then I looked up and the view took my breath away. In that instant everything changed. Isabelle was standing at the end of the beach looking like an angel. A beautiful angel. My angel.

Her hair had grown a few inches and it was in waves running down her back. Her dress was strapless, flowing in the wind and she was barefoot. I couldn't wait to get my sweetheart barefoot and pregnant. She was carrying a bouquet of Ambrosia and when I looked up into her eyes she smiled and winked at me.

d.a.m.n, what I wouldn't do for that girl. My girl. I really would do anything. There are people who say things, but they don't actually mean them. Actions are what really matter. Words are amazing, but actions...they're beautiful.

My heart is beating out of my chest and she is only a quarter of the way down the makes.h.i.+ft aisle which was scattered with white rose petals. It looked like she was walking a bit faster than normal. I was starting to wonder if she had a change of heart, but then she broke out in a run towards me, to me. I couldn't take it anymore and ran to meet her halfway. When I finally reached her I picked her up and spun her around but before I could put her back in the sand I kissed her on those beautiful lips of hers. She dropped the bouquet in the sand, wrapped her arms around my neck, and began to play with the ends of my hair. I was so caught up in Isabelle's kiss that I almost missed the laughter and cheers coming from all around us.

After setting her down we both looked around and started to laugh. I finally looked back at Isabelle and there was a blush on her beautiful face. "You ready sweetheart?"

She started to giggle and then said, "More than you know."

I took her hand in mine and we gladly walked back up to the preacher together. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gabe smiling and then I looked across from him and saw tears coming down Sarah's face. She was always a hopeless romantic. Still is.

After I kissed my sweetheart on the cheek and winked at her, I looked towards the preacher and nodded for him to begin.

The preacher looked between us and then looked out at our family and friends. "Well that was some introduction everybody!"

All I could hear was cheering and laughter but it played in the background because I was so focused on the beautiful girl staring back at me.

"You know I have done a lot of weddings in my life time, but it is a rare treasure to see two people who are completely in love with one another and I am deeply honored to bring those two together in marriage today. Now I heard that you both have written your own vows. So Maddox how about you get started on that. Whenever you are ready."

The preacher handed me the microphone and I could feel my hands shaking. I had written a beautiful love letter to Isabelle. I always liked to be prepared, but the words I wrote didn't even come close to how I felt about this amazing girl. After looking at her I realized that it just had to come from the heart, in the moment.

When I looked down into her big brown beautiful eyes I couldn't help but tear up. I don't think for the life of me I'll ever get over Isabelle choosing me. Wanting me. So, I took a few breaths and shrugged my shoulders to try and calm myself, but it was no use.

"Isabelle. My sweetheart. I thought I knew all there was to know about love. Life. And then I met you. Well, I ran into you and all of that changed. You showed me how things could be. Should be. I thank G.o.d every day for the day you ran into my life and I will be in his debt for as long as I live. There are no words to describe how you make me feel. But I have an idea; that for as long as I live I will show you just how much you mean to me. I love you. Forever and always."

I was choking up and I saw tears rolling down my beautiful girl's face. It was just instinct that I put my hand on her cheek and wiped them away. I looked into her eyes and mouthed the words I love you Isabelle.

Another tear rolled down her face and she mouthed back I love you Maddox.

At that moment the preacher said, "Alright Isabelle it's your turn. Whenever you're ready."

I handed her the microphone and I could see her hand shaking. She was struggling and I just had to touch her, to comfort her. I grabbed her left hand in mine and held onto it. She looked down at our intertwined fingers, smiled, and then looked up into my eyes. She took a few more deep breaths and then spoke the most beautiful words I had ever heard.

"Maddox. I have grown up my entire life being put down. Hearing that I'm not good enough and that I'm nothing. After twenty years of hearing those words you start to believe them. That all changed the day I met you. I never thought I would be the lucky girl who you would fall in love with. I never even believed that this type of love would happen for me. Or that it even existed. The bonus is that it's with you.

You have shown me that I am worth it, that it's okay to just be me. And for that I can't thank you enough. You have opened my heart and my mind to new possibilities and I will spend the rest of my life being eternally grateful to you. It has taken us a while to get to where we are today, but I wouldn't change anything because it's our story; our beautiful story. And it all started with an idea; a beautiful idea. I love you Maddox Mitch.e.l.l."

I thought I was done crying but after hearing those beautiful words I bawled. I couldn't believe that I did that for the beautiful girl standing in front of me. I could hear people wiping their eyes and blowing their noses in the audience, but I still couldn't manage to break away from looking at her. We both smiled at one another and looked up at the preacher waiting for him to continue. We both started laughing when we saw the preacher was tearing up.

He wiped his eyes and then looked at me. "Alright then. Maddox Tyler Mitch.e.l.l. Do you take Isabelle Katherine Clark to be your forever? To love her. Cherish her. For the rest of your life?"

"I do."

"Isabelle Katherine Clark. Do you take Maddox Tyler Mitch.e.l.l to be your forever? To love him. Cherish him. For the rest of your life?"

"I do."

Before she could even finish saying, "I do," I grabbed her head and smashed her lips to mine. She moaned into my mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck like I was her lifeline and she was never going to let go. I slowly moved my hands down to her hips and wrapped my arms around her and lifted her off the ground.

The preacher just laughed and said, "Uh well, I guess Mr. and Mrs. Maddox Mitch.e.l.l can just keep kissing. Congratulations."

There was hollering and whistling all around us but I was way too caught up in the kiss. I was starting to get lost in the kiss and I knew if I didn't let her go in the next couple of seconds then there was no way we would make it to the reception. So as much as I didn't want to I kissed her one last time and set her back down on the sand.

"Really? But we were just getting started. I'm cool as a cuc.u.mber not going to the reception and just starting the honeymoon early."

Ugh, what I wouldn't give to start the honeymoon right now. "Did you really just say cool as a cuc.u.mber?"

She laughed and poked me in the chest. "Hey now, don't judge me. You knew my flaws before you married me. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life Maddox Mitch.e.l.l."

I smiled and kissed her again on the lips. "Yes I am Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l and d.a.m.n proud of it."

She started smiling and had this huge grin on her face.

"What's with the huge smile, wife?"

She shook her head and said, "That has a nice ring to it. I like you saying Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l."

I smiled back at her and said, "Well, I love saying Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l."

The reception was amazing, the food was delicious, and the dancing was so much fun. I couldn't believe this was our wedding. We had the wedding on the beach with a bunch of cabanas. It was a very romantic atmosphere with twinkle lights and sparklers. We chose a bunch of bite size appetizers for the food. I finally managed to get Isabelle to eat sus.h.i.+ and she loved it. Of course she still wouldn't go anywhere near the raw fish so she ate the avocado rolls. But hey, I won't complain.

One of the best parts was the speeches. Gabe's speech was thoughtful and endearing. He talked about how he was so glad his best friend found the love of his life and how he couldn't wait to see the next chapter in our lives together and what our future together holds. Sarah, on the other hand, just said, "Well it's about d.a.m.n time! Cheers everybody!"

The best part of the night was our first dance. Throughout our entire relations.h.i.+p we never really had a song to call our own. Although Isabelle thought it would be funny if we danced to Turnin' Me On by Lil Wayne and Keri Hilson. I told her that would be our first dance in the bedroom. She winked at me and said, "Oh definitely!"

Seriously though, can the honeymoon start already? She's already turning me on.

Like the tattoo Isabelle told me I had free rein. She said no song could ever get across how she felt about me. Of course there was no song that could perfectly describe how I felt about her but this one came close.

We were all sitting around talking with one another and joking when the lights went down. I wanted it to be a surprise so I told the DJ to turn the lights down when he was ready for our first dance. I was shaking because I was so d.a.m.n nervous, but I bent down next to my wife and said, "Dance with me." She happily put her hand in mine and I led her on to the dance floor.

As soon as the chords started over the loud speakers Isabelle took a sharp intake of breath and looked up into my eyes. I could see tears welling up so I used my thumb to wipe them away. "Please don't cry sweetheart. You have no idea what that does to me."

She sniffled a bit and then said, "I just...I never thought I would so lucky. This song is perfect." The song I'd chosen was Then by Brad Paisley.

I wiped the few remaining tears that fell from my beautiful wife's face and pulled her up close to me. The lyrics explained how I felt in a way that I couldn't. She was my reason for breathing. My air.

I just couldn't help but sing every word to her. Thinking about where we were. Where we are. Where we're going.

Now you're my whole life, Now you're my whole world, And I just can't believe the way I feel about you girl...

We've come so far since that day, And I thought I loved you then, Isabelle.

I heard sniffling and leaned down to look into my beautiful wife's face. I put her head in my hands and used my thumbs to wipe away the tears that fell from her face. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

She pulled me even closer to her and kissed me on the chest. "That was just beautiful Maddox. Your voice was what made the dance perfect. Is that really how you felt about me?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "Sweetheart if I could've married you the day I met you, you bet your sweet little a.s.s I would have. I just can't believe that this is where my life has brought me and I can't thank you enough." I wrapped my arms around Isabelle and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me like her life depended on it.

I know mine did.

Once the song ended I was so ready to get the h.e.l.l out of there. I didn't want to but I put her down and kept her hand in mine while I dragged her back to the table. I heard giggling from behind me, but I was a man on a mission. I just wanted to give a quick thanks to everybody and to tell everybody to enjoy their night when I heard a loud crash and my heart dropped. I turned around because I thought maybe my sweetheart might have run into something, but I saw Sarah hunched over and Gabe's face was as white as a ghost. Isabelle and I ran over and saw that there was a pool of water underneath Sarah. I looked at Isabelle and knew what the right thing to do was, but then someone interrupted our mind conversation.

"Oh no you don't! Don't even think about skipping your honeymoon because this watermelon has decided to come a week early. Gabe and I will be fine, so you two get a move on and enjoy your honeymoon." I let go of Isabelle and gave Sarah a hug and kissed her on the forehead. I then turned to Gabe and gave him a pat on the back and shook his hand. "You ready Dad?" His face just lit up and he said, "You can say that again."

After Isabelle gave her hugs to Sarah and Gabe I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the cabana. We were halfway to the car but then I felt a pull against my arm and saw that Isabelle was stopping where she stood and was bending over.

"Uh sweetheart. What are you doing?" She started to pull up her dress and said, "My shoes are killing me. Just let me take them off, okay?" My eyes bugged out of my head, "Don't even think about it sweetheart. If it's up to me those will be staying on your feet the entire night." She blushed and I swooped her up into my arms before she could react to my comment. "In a rush Mr. Mitch.e.l.l?"

I looked down at her in my arms. "You bet I am Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l."

She started to blush again and I wondered if it would ever get old seeing my wife blush at the things I said. After closing the door behind us in the limo we were finally all set to go. Isabelle was looking in the mirror and I couldn't help but stare at her.

She didn't even take her face off the mirror while she said, "You're staring again."

I just chuckled and smiled. "I know." I could never take my eyes off of my beautiful wife. Huh, I like saying that. Matter of fact I love saying that. Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l.

She turned to look at me and smiled with a twinkle in her eye like she knew exactly what I was thinking. I pulled her closer to me and nestled my head on top of hers. "So Mrs. Mitch.e.l.l. Are you ready? Ready for the honeymoon. To be married. To be with me forever."

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The Beautiful Series: A Beautiful Idea Part 14 summary

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