The Beautiful Series: A Beautiful Idea Part 5

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"Was that the first time you've had an o.r.g.a.s.m?"

"...Um yeah?"

"Holy s.h.i.+t, if that's what it's like with you just rubbing up against my d.i.c.k for the first time I can only imagine what it's going to be like being inside you."


"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"Did you? Y-You know?"

He started to chuckle and nodded vigorously. "Yeah, all over myself."

I looked at him because I was really confused.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to have to take a shower and change once you get off me."

I looked down and saw the huge wet spot on his jeans and started to giggle. "Oh ok."

"But I wanted to ask you something first. What are you doing for Thanksgiving break?"

I hadn't really thought about that. G.o.d knows I wasn't going back home to have Thanksgiving with Cynthia. I hadn't heard from her since I'd left for school in August. I didn't really have any family back home and the only friends I had were the ones I had made here. Maybe I would just have a quiet break and read a lot of books. I had started a list of books that I wanted to read at the beginning of the year. I was kind of disappointed that I couldn't read as much as I wanted to because I was so bombarded with all of my "I don't know. Why?"

"Well, I had an idea I wanted to run by you. I wanted to see if you would come home with me for Thanksgiving break. You know? Meet my family and everything?"

"Are you sure? I mean, is it too soon in our relations.h.i.+p to do that?"

"Sweetheart, I was going to ask you to come home with me anyway and meet my family. But now I don't have to introduce you as my roommate. I get to introduce you as my girl."

My stomach fluttered from the b.u.t.terflies and my heart skipped a beat.

"What are you smiling about, sweetheart?"

"Just the way you said *my girl' and how lucky I feel to be the girl. Your girl."

"That's just one of the many things I love about you, sweetheart." He kissed me on the lips and then made his way to his room.

The second he closed the door I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I thought I was going to have a heart attack because the last words Maddox said to me kept playing over and over in my head, That's just one of the many things I love about you, sweetheart.

This was moving way too fast, way too soon and it was scaring the living s.h.i.+t out of me.

"I mean Ashlynn, I don't know what to do. I thought it was going to be amazing dating Maddox. I mean besides the fact that he is drop dead gorgeous, his heart and his mind are just beautiful. But it is all just moving way too fast. He invited me home to meet his family for Thanksgiving and I thought the idea was amazing. But earlier in the day Sarah was talking about bachelorette parties and weddings so I was already scared. Then I said something that had Maddox saying and I quote, "That's just one of the many things I love about you, sweetheart." Ok, I'm officially done b.i.t.c.hing to you. I just needed to word vomit and let someone know how I feel about the whole relations.h.i.+p." I was in between stacking books on shelves and b.i.t.c.hing to Ashlynn.

"Well, at least the guy you wanted wants you back."

I finished putting the book I was holding in my hands on the shelf and turned to Ashlynn. "Ok, what the h.e.l.l is going on with you and Jason? And besides, I thought you were dating Derrick?"

Ashlynn was in the middle of handing me another book when she started to laugh out loud. "I have to tell you something top secret and you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone. I mean anyone. As in this is a life or death situation. Do you understand exactly what I'm saying Izzy?"

"Ashlynn you are really freaking me out right now. I'm kind of scared to ask this question but I'm going to. What the h.e.l.l is going on?"

Ashlynn put the book down on the cart and dragged me into the breakroom. After looking around and closing the door she pushed me over to the couches that were set up against the wall. "Ok here it goes. Technically, I'm not actually dating Derrick."

"What do you mean technically? You either are or you aren't, so which one is it?"

"Derrick is gay and some people have been giving him a hard time on the football field. They've been making jokes about how they never see him with p.u.s.s.y and he wouldn't know where the v.a.g.i.n.a was even if he had a map. Since we're lab partners and we've gotten to know one another he felt really close and told me all of that one night while I was complaining about Jason and how he was *hanging out' with Christy. So Derrick had a brilliant idea that we would help out one another by dating. He gets the guys on the football team to lay off and I get to make Jason jealous, or attempt to. But it didn't work."

I was completely speechless for a few minutes and Ashlynn started to snap her fingers in front of my face. Then it all came rus.h.i.+ng back to me. "Holy f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t! I totally did not see that coming. Ashlynn I thought Derrick was like a creep and crazy or something. I had no idea that you guys planned this. That's f.u.c.king crazy!"

"I know, right? I was completely fine with helping Derrick out but what I don't understand is that even though Jason's dating Christy whenever he sees Derrick touch me he looks like he's going to kill him. I thought maybe he would break up with Christy and confess his undying love for me, but that's just my stupid, crazy imagination and of course, all of those books I've been reading. Maybe all he really does see me as is his sister."

Ashlynn started to slump over and I wrapped my arms around her to hug her. "Ash, I don't understand exactly what his problem is but I can tell you that that boy really likes you. In fact, he is crazy about you. Maybe he's just scared. I mean after all, you and Jade are like best friends and all. Maybe he doesn't want to ruin a friends.h.i.+p if you guys break up. Or maybe he is just like you where he would rather be in your entire life as a friend than just be in your life for a short while as a boyfriend."

I turned to give Ash a kiss on the cheek when I saw a tear fall from her eyes and I quickly wiped it away. "Ugh Iz, you're right. But you know what? I have felt like this since freshman year of college and I'm tired of trying and failing. It's his turn, so I will continue to help Derrick out. But in the meantime I'm just over it. Maybe, just maybe, Jason will man up."

It was her decision to make and maybe she was right. She has had these feelings for a long time and maybe Jason was just one of those people who wants what he can't have. Or maybe he's finally realizing what he has had right in front of him for the past three years.

"I'm so tired of talking about my drama. So what's this about you and Maddox? Is it really scaring you that much?"

"Yeah, it's actually scaring the s.h.i.+t out of me. I don't know, I mean in one day Sarah is talking about weddings, Maddox is inviting me to his family's house for Thanksgiving break and then he says that he loves something about me. It is just a lot to take in."

"If it really bothers you I would talk to him about it, but this is a side of Maddox n.o.body has ever seen before. It just means that you are really special to him and that is saying something when he is a senior in college and he hasn't had a girlfriend since high school. You know?"

"Yeah, I guess. Don't get me wrong. Maddox is amazing and I thank G.o.d every day that I am with him, but again it is just moving way too fast. I feel like he's going to propose over Thanksgiving break and I'll be pregnant by Christmas."

"Oh sweetie calm down, you'll be fine at his family's house. Plus Sarah lives right next door to him and Gabe lives on the next street over so there will be no worries at all. Ok? Just try to enjoy yourself."

"Thanks Ash, I really needed that pep talk. I really appreciate you listening to my complaining and all."

"Anytime Iz, anytime. And remember what happened in this room stays in this room. Ok?"

I took my hand and ran it across my lips. "Your secret is safe with me Ash."

"Sweetheart, are you all packed up for break?" Maddox walked into my room and sat on my bed while I was finis.h.i.+ng packing my suitcase.

"You know what, I don't think this is a good idea. What if your family doesn't like me? G.o.d forbid, what if Rufus doesn't like me? I think I'll just stay here. I can celebrate Thanksgiving with some Chinese food and wine. Lots and lots of wine. So it won't be all that bad. Plus I'll have some good books to read so you won't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

Maddox pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Sweetheart, you have to stop worrying about things like that. You're my girl and you're really important to me. As for my parents, they will automatically love you. Rufus loves just about anyone. As long as you have a treat with you then you're golden. You have to watch out for Sadie and Callie though. They'll tell you all of these crazy a.s.s stories about me when I was younger but you have to remember sweetheart, that I was young and stupid. Plus they were all before I met you."

I started to calm down and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Madd, I really needed that." I started to get up from his lap but he pulled me back down onto him and I felt his erection pus.h.i.+ng up against his jeans.

"That's really all I'm going to get, sweetheart? A kiss on the cheek?" Of course, he had to give me that s.e.xy a.s.s smile and those d.a.m.n dimples made an appearance. I got up from his lap and he started to protest but before he could say anything I quickly yanked his s.h.i.+rt over his head. I then pushed him back onto the bed. He was laughing a little but a look of seriousness took over his facial features the second I straddled him on the bed.

"Um sweetheart, what exactly are you doing?"

In the s.e.xiest voice I could manage without trembling I said, "What's it look like Maddox? I'm going to kiss you."

I started by kissing and licking at his belly b.u.t.ton and made my way up to his nipples. Oh dear f.u.c.k I'm going to come right d.a.m.n now. His nipples are f.u.c.king pierced.

I looked at them and my mouth dropped open.

Maddox lifted his head from the pillow and looked down at me. "Is everything ok? I was starting to really enjoy tha-"

"Your nipples are pierced."

"Yeaah? Do you not like them? I could always take them out if you want. It's not that big of a deal."

He started to place his hands on a nipple and I screamed, "NO!"

Maddox immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at me questioningly. "Maddox, you have no idea how much I want you. Then I see your d.a.m.n nipples are pierced and I want you even more right d.a.m.n now! Don't you dare even think about taking those piercings out." And with that I grabbed a hold of his hands and pushed them up and over his head and bent my head down and swiped my tongue along one of his nipple rings.

"s.h.i.+t Iz. You are going to kill me." I just smiled against his nipple ring and moved on to the other one.

Ding! Ding! DING! One point for this girl right here.

While I felt like I could stay at his nipple rings forever and ever and ever I moved up to his neck and sucked as hard as I could. I heard Maddox start to laugh and felt the vibration against my body. "d.a.m.n sweetheart. What do you think you are doing?" He bent his head so he was looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders a tiny bit and tilted my head to the side. "Why, whatever do you mean Maddox? I'm just making sure everybody knows that you belong to me. That you're mine and I'm yours."

In an instant Maddox's hands were at my waist and he flipped me onto my back. I was breathing hard and I heard Maddox panting. "Say it again Isabelle."

"What?" My heart was beating out of my chest. What was going on in that head of his?

"Say it."

I finally understood what he was telling me to do. "You're mine and I'm yours."

"Yes, sweetheart. Say it again."

With as much conviction as possible I said, "You're mine and I'm yours." I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips but he swiped his tongue along my neck and before I could moan out in appreciation I felt him sucking on my neck. I tried to push him off me but that just wasn't going to work out in my favor. He was at least a foot taller than me and boy, was he built. He probably had a good hundred pounds on me so it was a lost cause. I could feel his lips press up into a smile and heard the laughter coming from his mouth. "Sweetheart, that attempt you just made was downright pathetic. You know that right?"

"Did you ever think that maybe I was playing around? That I enjoyed the feel of your body up against mine, the weight of your body? Maybe I was just trying to move you up a tad bit so you would devour my mouth."

And with that he crushed his mouth to mine. I greedily opened his mouth with my tongue and while one of my hands was roaming up and down his back the other was flicking each nipple ring. G.o.d, those nipple rings would be the death of me. Could it get any better? I mean really?

After a few minutes Maddox jumped up off me and started to walk out.

"Now where do you think you're going Madd? I wasn't finished with you just yet!"

He ducked his head back in. "Oh well, you know I just had this hot girl underneath me making me exceptionally hard. So I have to go take a cold shower to calm down." I wanted to finish him off but then the b.a.s.t.a.r.d f.u.c.king winked at me like he could read my mind and left my room.

When the door was completely closed I fell back on my bed. "f.u.c.k me." I didn't think I said it too loud but I heard Maddox from the bathroom yelling, "All in good time sweetheart. Haven't you ever heard patience is a virtue?"

"And haven't you ever heard of using your hand? I'm pretty sure you don't want to use that the rest of your life! Oh by the way, how's that cold shower working out for you in there?"

When I didn't hear him say anything I started to giggle. I'd finally shut that boy up so I was pretty d.a.m.n proud of myself. I was beginning to stand up when I looked at the doorway. Maddox was standing in the doorway, dripping wet with just a towel on. His ripped muscles, abs, and that V were on display and the V was disappearing beneath his towel. It kind of reminded me of an arrow. Almost as if it was pointing at his d.i.c.k and there was a halo and bright lights signaling that it was exactly what I wanted. I swear I could hear angels singing and see Heaven's gates opening up. My mouth fell open and I didn't move.

"Do you like what you see, sweetheart? You know a fly or something might go in that beautiful mouth of yours. Then what would you do?" The whole time the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was smirking at me.

I instantly regained my bearings. "Well, I would rather have the something over the fly any day. If you know what I mean?" I scanned my eyes across his entire body, stopped on his crotch then made my way back up to his eyes. I winked at him.

Beat that you s.e.xy b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

Now it was Maddox's turn to stop dead in his tracks with his mouth open. I could see him trying to readjust himself and then he hit my wall. "G.o.dd.a.m.n! Well another cold shower for me, myself, and I."

Finally! I beat that s.e.xy a.s.s boy of mine!

I got up from the bed and began to finish my packing when there was a knock at the door. I walked into the living room and opened the door to find Gabe standing there.

"Hey Gabe. What's up?"

"Hey Iz. I just needed to ask Maddox something. Is he around?"

I smiled to myself thinking about where he was and why. "Um yeah, he's actually taking a shower right now. He shouldn't be much longer if you wanted to come in and wait for him?"

"Thanks Iz. There is actually something I wanted to talk to you about too. Between us if you don't mind."

I was so excited. I thought maybe he was going to ask me my opinion on how to propose to Sarah. You know, since Maddox spilled the beans on that secret and all. Gabe sat at the breakfast bar and I got two waters out of the fridge and handed one to him. "So what's up Gabe? What'd you want to talk about?" I was so excited that he was going to tell me what he was going to do.

Gabe took a sip of his water and then set it down. "It's actually about Maddox." The second he said that my heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. Oh no. What happened? What did he do?

I guess Gabe could see the scared look on my face because he said, "Iz it's nothing like what you're probably thinking. So calm down. Just take a few deep breaths in and out. I just wanted to talk to you about Maddox. He's my best friend and I don't want to see him get hurt." I walked over to Gabe and sat down on a barstool as he kept going.

"It's just that you know about Taylor and that crushed him. After they broke up he just kind of lost it. I mean, he thought he was in love with Taylor and I could have seen him proposing to her, but she smashed his heart into a million pieces. I honestly didn't think he would ever get over it. You know about Maddox's past and how he just used girls. Well anyway, what I'm trying to say is that from the moment he met you he's changed.

He's different now because of you. All I'm saying is that I don't want to see you break his heart. He's been through a lot and he's dealt with a lot. I thought he was in love with Taylor and he went into a depression after they broke up. So I can only imagine what would happen if anything happened between the two of you. I know you would never cheat on him because I see the way you look at him, but I'm just looking out for Maddox and letting you know. If something ever happened between the two of you it would destroy him."

Holy s.h.i.+t! This is moving way too fast. Too fast! Too FAST!

I blinked a few times and took a sip of water before I said anything to Gabe. "Look Gabe, we just started dating. I really care about Maddox and his well-being and I would never do anything to hurt him. You just have to trust me on that. If anybody were to get hurt it would more than likely be me."

Gabe looked at me and nodded his head in understanding. "I think you guys are honestly perfect for one another and I have no doubt that you would ever hurt him or that he would ever hurt you for that matter. I just wanted to give you my input and what I thought."

"What you thought about what?" Maddox walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at Gabe. Gabe took another sip of his water and punched Maddox on the side of the arm. "Oh, how ugly I think you are. You know, nothing personal. I just don't understand how a beautiful girl like Iz here chose an ugly a.s.s like yourself."

Maddox turned me around on the barstool and looked me straight in the eyes and started shaking his head. "I have no idea either. But I'll take it as long as I'm lucky to have it." And then he kissed me. I started to get lost in the kiss when I heard Gabe get off his barstool and walk over to the door. "Well, I'll see you guys later tonight then?"

Maddox looked up at Gabe and said, "Actually my family was just going to have dinner at our house and we were all going to hang out. You guys are definitely welcome to come over but if not maybe later in the week?"

Gabe nodded in understanding and opened the front door. "Yeah, sounds cool dude. You guys have a safe drive." I was still staring at Maddox but then remembered that Gabe wanted to talk to Maddox. I jumped up off the barstool and turned to Gabe. "Wait. Gabe, didn't you need to talk to Maddox?"

Gabe was halfway out the door when he turned around and smiled. "You know what? I'll just catch up with him later. See you guys." After he closed the door Maddox hugged me to him and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed me on the top of the head and then looked at me. "You ready, sweetheart?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah." But for how much? That I wasn't sure on.

Maddox pulled away and smiled down at me. "Awesome. I'll go get the bags and then we can get going. How about you just go sit in the car and wait for me, ok?" I nodded my head in agreement. "Sounds good Madd."

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The Beautiful Series: A Beautiful Idea Part 5 summary

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