Cainsville: Visions Part 14

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"I don't think angels are supposed to grant wishes."

"They should. It would make them much more interesting." She polished off the cookie and wiped away the crumbs. "Now, to bed with you. Put this aside for now."

I took my keys from my pocket.

"Uh-uh," she said. "Upstairs."

"I have a security system now."

"Which will not help you against otherworldly beings. You'll stay here until I've consulted the cards tomorrow and taken a better look at that tusk. I believe I mentioned my house is warded." She looked at me. "You thought I was joking? I was not. You're safe here. Now off to bed. Gabriel expects you in the morning, and he'll be more h.e.l.lhound than angel if you're late."


As it turned out, I didn't need to get an early start the next morning. Gabriel called saying he had an urgent meeting and wouldn't be in the office until ten thirty.

I decided to head into the city early and pick up a coffee for James. I garnered a few looks in the coffee shop, but I ignored them, as I'd been ignoring the whispers and glances for weeks.

I also ignored the first text message from Ricky-simple You around? check-in. Then he sent a second one: Call me. ASAP. Kinda important. As I waited for the elevator, I managed to s.h.i.+ft the coffees to one hand and speed-dial with the other. Yes, Ricky was on speed dial already, but only because not many people were anymore and, well, yes, we did talk a few times a day.

"What's up?" I said when he answered. I could hear the sound of a lecturer in the background. "You're in cla.s.s? How about I call back-"

"Hold on."

A whispered "Excuse me," then his footsteps tapping quickly down stairs, the lecturer's voice growing louder. The whoosh of a door. The lecturer's voice faded. Ricky's footfalls continued, taking him past a loud group of students in the hall.

"Have you seen the Post this morning?" he asked when it was quiet again.

"These days, I don't see the Post any morning I can avoid it." The Trib and the Sun-Times had begun losing interest in my story weeks ago. The Post had not.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. But you might want to grab a copy."

I swore. The elevator dinged.

"Where are you?" Ricky asked.

"James's office. Taking him coffee before-"

"Don't get on the elevator," he cut in.

"Um, too late," I said as the doors closed. "What's up?"

He said he was going to e-mail me something. It came through almost immediately, as the packed elevator made the slow climb to James's floor at the top. I opened the e-mail, checked the attachment, and ...

My chest seized. "s.h.i.+t."

"Yeah. I'm sorry. If I'd caught anyone taking that..." Ricky trailed off, threat unfinished. "I'm sorry."

I lowered my voice. "You're not the idiot who chose a favorite coffee haunt."

"I don't think that would have mattered. Eventually someone was going to ... I'd say 'catch us,' but that implies we were sneaking around. Actually, it's better that it was your usual spot. Clearly we weren't hiding. That should help."

He sounded about as convinced as I felt. "I'll talk to my dad and explain it," he said.

"I'll handle James."

"Okay. Call me later?" he said.

"I will."

A pause. Then, "Will you?"

"Of course."

When I hung up, we were nearly at James's floor. Two other riders were staring at me. One looked away and whispered to her companion when I glanced over. I knew what she was talking about. A picture in the Post. With a caption, explaining that Pamela and Todd La.r.s.en's daughter-former debutante and fiancee of James Morgan-had been spotted having coffee with the son of biker club Satan's Saints president Don Gallagher.

There was nothing incriminating in the photo. I was leaning back, casual and at ease, laughing. Ricky leaned forward, talking, his forearms on the table. It did not look like a romantic a.s.signation. But it did look ... intimate.

I quickly texted James to tell him I was coming and there was something we needed to talk about. The answer came back as I stepped off the elevator. All right. With those two words, I knew he'd seen the picture. I slowed, in case he was about to text back not to come to his office.

He didn't.

So I began the long walk. Down the corridor. Through the lounge-an open area where executives could hang out, chat, hold informal meetings. The minute I stepped into that open area, with executives and support staff milling about, I felt like I'd embarked on the walk of shame, that morning-after scurry from a one-night stand, ripped pantyhose in your purse, makeup smeared, hair an unholy mess, c.o.c.ktail dress and heels at 8 a.m. It didn't matter if I was perfectly dressed and groomed. It didn't matter if I'd only been "caught" having coffee with an attractive guy. It didn't matter if I wasn't engaged to James again, wasn't even in a committed relations.h.i.+p again. I still felt shame.

Because I wanted more than coffee with Ricky.

I made it to the desk of James's admin a.s.sistant, Karen. We've always gotten along great. Today, I had only to look at her expression to know not to ask about her kids.

James opened his door as if he'd been waiting there. He ushered me in and told Karen to hold his calls.

"You've seen the Post," I said as he closed the door behind us.

"My mother sent it to me."

He walked behind his desk. Which left me to sit in front of it, like an errant employee. That rankled, but the lingering shame kept my annoyance from crystallizing into anger.

"I'm sorry," I said, still standing. "I just found out about it on the elevator or I wouldn't have shown up like this. I was coming by to say hi." I pointed at the coffee cups I'd set on his desk.

"Did he warn you?"

The way he said "he" rankled, too, harder now, anger sparking, but I pushed it down.

"It was just coffee," I said. "If it was anything else, I'd never have gone where I could be recognized." I finally took my seat. "These days, anywhere I go, I could be recognized. But I'm trying to forget that I'm news. Trying to live my life as if I'm not. That's all I can do, James, or I lock myself away and hide. I can't do that."

"No one's asking you to."

"This kind of thing is going to happen. Next time it will be me and Gabriel."

"He's the lawyer representing your birth mother."

"Yes, but what if I have dinner with him? Or drinks? I can't restrict my social pool to women and guys over sixty. h.e.l.l, if the woman's cute, they'll probably make insinuations there, too. That's what the Post does. They're the ones who posted the shot of you and Eva."

"Eva is not a member of the Angels."

"It's Satan's Saints, actually. A small, regional..." I caught his look. "It was just coffee."

"With a biker. When I'm preparing to run for senator. Do you have any idea how that looks?"

I hesitated. My gaze rose to his. "This is ... This is about your political chances?"

"Granted, I'm not thrilled that you're having coffee with another man. But I know you aren't sleeping with him. You have better taste than that."

"Better taste?"

James continued. "The point is that you need to be more circ.u.mspect."

"Okay, next time we'll have a beer in a dive bar twenty miles outside town. We'll wear disguises. That will make for a much less incriminating photo."


Faint warning in his voice now, the tone that said I was being dramatic. Being childish. I'd always accepted the reprimand in that tone because I was keenly aware of our age difference. I'd led a sheltered life. I'd felt young. I no longer felt young.

I looked at him. "So me having coffee with a biker is a political issue, but me having serial killers for parents isn't?"

"You've proven they were innocent-"

"Of two murders. Out of eight. What happens if the courts decide that's not enough? Are you going to set the wedding for the week after the appeal, to be sure?"

His shoulders dropped. "Of course not, Liv. Yes, there were concerns when the news came out. They weren't my concerns, as you'll recall. I still wanted to get married once things cooled down. You've done nothing wrong. I can see beyond your background."

"See beyond it? How very big of you. Is that a campaign strategy? A man who believes in people. Believes in second chances."

I braced for the chiding tone again, but he shook his head.

"All right, maybe I am jealous of this biker. I read the comments online. Most have nothing to do with me or us. They're about you and him-how attractive he is, what a striking couple you make..."

"We're not a-"

"I know. I've blown this out of proportion. He's a client of Walsh's, and I presume you were discussing your issues with keeping Walsh on Pamela's case. But I'm going to ask you to stop meeting him."

I stared at him.

"Let's have dinner tonight," he said. "Are you working?"

I shook my head.

"Great. Dinner it is, then. We'll talk more then. For now, the only thing I want is for you to agree not to see him again."

I cleared my throat. "This isn't working."


"This reconciliation. I wanted it to work. I really did. But it's not."

"Don't start that, Liv," he said. "Come to dinner and-"

"I can't. I'm stringing you along, waiting for it all to come rus.h.i.+ng back, and it's not. It's just not. I'm sorry."

I walked out.


Lydia was waiting for me at Gabriel's office, on her feet as soon as I came in, offering to take the linen blazer I'd worn. She's tall-about an inch above my five-eight-with the kind of wiry body and quick moves that suggest a lifetime of aerobics ... or at least hard-core yoga.

Lydia has to be in her sixties. Her late sixties-past retirement age. Today she wore a stunning quartz Armani pantsuit that perfectly complemented her dark skin, with a price tag that suggested she worked more for excitement than income these days.

"I'm glad you're here, Olivia," she said. "That's what you go by, I presume?"

I must have flinched, because she shook her head, laughing softly. "I'm sorry. I guess that can be a loaded question for you. I meant do you go by Olivia, Liv...? I've only ever heard Gabriel call you by your full name. I wasn't sure if that was your preference."

"Olivia's fine, but it's usually Liv. It's a name of many diminutives. The only one I hate is Olive."

She smiled. "That makes it easier. I'm always having to discreetly correct clients who call Gabriel Gabe."

"Ah, I heard he doesn't like that. So is he back?"

"Not yet. He's running late. He asked me to give you the grand tour."

I noticed a newspaper on Lydia's desk.

"There was something about me in the Post today," I said.

"The photo of you and Ricky? Yes, I know. Gabriel had me set up a Google alert so I can monitor news mentioning you. With his clientele, he needs to be on top of any whisper of trouble."

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Cainsville: Visions Part 14 summary

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