Phroso Part 10

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The effect of my remark was curious. Denny flushed scarlet and flung his whip down on the table; the others stood for a moment motionless, then turned tail and slunk back to the kitchen. Euphrosyne's face remained invisible. On the other hand, I felt quite at my ease. I had a triumphant conviction of the importance of my capture, and a determination that no misplaced chivalry should rob me of it.

Politeness is, no doubt, a duty, but only a relative duty; and, in plain English, men's lives were at stake here. Therefore I did not make my best bow, fling open the door, and tell the lady that she was free to go whither she would, but I said to her in a dry severe voice:

'You had better go, madam, to the room you usually occupy here, while we consider what to do with you. You know where the room is; I don't.'

She raised her head, and said in tones that sounded almost eager:

'My own room? May I go there?'

'Certainly,' said I. 'I shall accompany you as far as the door; and when you've gone in, I shall lock the door.'

This programme was duly carried out, Euphrosyne not favouring me with a word during its progress. Then I returned to the hall, and said to Denny:

'Rather a trump card, isn't she?'

'Yes, but they'll be back pretty soon to look for her, I expect.'

Denny accompanied this remark with such a yawn that I suggested he should go to bed.

'Aren't you going to bed?' he asked.

'I'll take first watch,' said I. 'It's nearly twelve now. I'll wake you at two, and you can wake Hogvardt at five; then Watkins will be fit and fresh at breakfast-time, and can give us roast cow.'

Thus I was again left alone; and I sat reviewing the position. Would the islanders fight for their lady? Or would they let us go? They would let us go, I felt sure, only if Constantine were out-voted, for he could not afford to see me leave Neopalia with a head on my shoulders and a tongue in my mouth. Then probably they would fight.

Well, I calculated that so long as our provisions held out, we could not be stormed; our stone fortress was too strong. But we could be blockaded and starved out, and should be very soon unless the lady's influence could help us. I had just arrived at the conclusion that I would talk to her very seriously in the morning when I heard a remarkable sound.

'There never was such a place for queer noises,' said I, p.r.i.c.king up my ears.

This noise seemed to come directly from above my head; it sounded as though a light stealthy tread were pa.s.sing over the roof of the hall in which I sat. The only person in the house besides ourselves was the prisoner: she had been securely locked in her room; how then could she be on the top of the hall? For her room was in the turret above the doorway. Yet the steps crept over my head, going towards the kitchen.

I s.n.a.t.c.hed up my revolver and trod, with a stealth equal to the stealth of the steps overhead, across the hall and into the kitchen beyond. My three companions slept the sleep of tired men, but I roused Denny ruthlessly.

'Go on guard in the hall,' said I. 'I want to have a look round.'

Denny was sleepy but obedient. I saw him start for the hall, and went on till I reached the compound behind the house.

Here I stood deep in the shadow of the wall; the steps were now over my head again. I glanced up cautiously, and above me, on the roof, three yards to the left, I saw the flutter of a white kilt.

'There are more ways out of this house than I know,' I thought to myself.

I heard next a noise as though of something being pushed cautiously along the flat roof. Then there protruded from between two of the battlements the end of a ladder. I crouched closer under the wall. The light flight of steps was let down; it reached the ground, the kilted figure stepped on it and began to descend. Here was the Lady Euphrosyne again. Her eagerness to go to her own room was fully explained: there was a way from it across the house and out on to the roof of the kitchen; the ladder shewed that the way was kept in use. I stood still. She reached the ground, and, as she touched it, she gave the softest possible little laugh of gleeful triumph; a pretty little laugh it was. Then she walked briskly across the compound, till she reached the rocks on the other side. I crept forward after her, for I was afraid of losing sight of her in the darkness, and yet did not desire to arrest her progress till I saw where she was going. On she went, skirting the perpendicular drop of rock. I was behind her now.

At last she came to the angle formed by the rock running north and that which, turning to the east, enclosed the compound.

'How's she going to get up?' I asked myself.

But up she began to go, her right foot on the north rock, her left on the east. She ascended with such confidence that it was evident that steps were ready for her feet. She gained the top; I began to mount in the same fas.h.i.+on, finding the steps cut in the face of the cliff. I reached the top and saw her standing still, ten yards ahead of me. She went on; I followed; she stopped, looked, saw me, screamed. I rushed on her. Her arm dealt a blow at me; I caught her hand, and in her hand there was a little dagger. Seizing her other hand, I held her fast.

'Where are you going to?' I asked in a matter-of-fact tone, taking no notice of her hasty resort to the dagger. No doubt that was merely a national trait.

Seeing that she was caught, she made no attempt to struggle.

'I was trying to escape,' she said. 'Did you hear me?'

'Yes, I heard you. Where were you going to?'

'Why should I tell you? Shall you threaten me with the whip again?'

I loosed her hands. She gave a sudden glance up the hill. She seemed to measure the distance.

'Why do you want to go to the top of the hill?' I asked. 'Have you friends there?'

She denied the suggestion, as I thought she would.

'No, I have not. But anywhere is better than with you.'

'Yet there's some one in the cottage up there,' I observed. 'It belongs to Constantine, doesn't it?'

'Yes, it does,' she answered defiantly. 'Dare you go and seek him there? Or dare you only skulk behind the walls of the house?'

'As long as we are four against a hundred I dare only skulk,' I answered. She did not annoy me at all by her taunts. 'But do you think he's there?'

'There! No; he's in the town; and he'll come from the town to kill you to-morrow.'

'Then is n.o.body there?' I pursued.

'n.o.body,' she answered.

'You're wrong,' said I. 'I saw somebody there to-day.'

'Oh, a peasant perhaps.'

'Well, the dress didn't look like it. Do you really want to go there now?'

'Haven't you mocked me enough?' she burst out. 'Take me back to my prison.'

Her tragedy-air was quite delightful. But I had been leading her up to something which I thought she ought to know.

'There's a woman in that cottage,' said I. 'Not a peasant; a woman in some dark-coloured dress, who uses'

I saw her draw back with a start of surprise.

'It's false,' she cried. 'There's no one there. Constantine told me no one went there except Vlacho and sometimes Demetri.'

'Do you believe all Constantine tells you?' I asked.

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Phroso Part 10 summary

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