Phroso Part 18

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Three hours seemed ample time to allow for the journey, for the way could hardly, however rich it were in windings, be more than three or four miles long. We determined, therefore, to start at five. At four Hogvardt and Watkins returned from the underground pa.s.sage; they had driven three stout pegs into excavations in the rocky path, and built them in securely with stones and earth. The rope was tied fast and firm round the pegs, and the moistness of its end showed the length to be sufficient. I wished to descend first, but I was at once overruled; Denny was to lead, Watkins was to follow; then came Hogvardt, then Phroso, and lastly myself. We arranged all this as we ate a good meal; then each man stowed away a portion of goat--the goat had died the death that morning--and tied a flask of wine about him. It was a quarter to five, and Denny rose to his feet, flinging away his cigarette.

'That's my last!' said he, regretfully regarding his empty case.

His words sounded ominous, but the spirit of action was on us, and we would not be discouraged. I went to the hall door and fired a shot, and then did the like at the back. Having thus spent two cartridges on advertising our presence to the pickets we made without delay for the pa.s.sage. With my own hand I closed the door behind us. The secret of the Stefanopouloi would thus be hidden from profane eyes in the very likely event of the islanders finding their way into the house in the course of the next few hours.

I persuaded Phroso to sit down some little way from the chasm and wait till we were ready for her; we four went on. Denny was a delightful boy to deal with on such occasions. He wasted no time in preliminaries. He gave one hard pull at the rope; it stood the test; he cast a rapid eye over the wedges; they were strong and strongly imbedded in the rock. He laid hold of the rope.

'Don't come after me till I shout,' said he, and he was over the side.

The lantern showed me his descending figure, while Hogvardt and Watkins held the rope ready to haul him up in case of need. There was one moment of suspense; then his voice came, distant and cavernous.

'All right! There's a broad ledge--a foot and a half broad--twenty feet above the water, and I can see a glimmer of light that looks like the way out.'

'This is almost disappointingly simple,' said I.

'Would your lords.h.i.+p desire me to go next?' asked Watkins.

'Yes, fire away, Watkins,' said I, now in high good humour.

'Stand from under, sir,' called Watkins to Denny, and over he went.

A shout announced his safe arrival. I laid down the lantern and took hold of the rope.

'I must hang on to you, Hog,' said I. 'You carry flesh, you see.'

Hogvardt was calm, smiling and leisurely.

'When I'm down, my lord,' he said, 'I'll stand ready to catch the young lady. Give me a call before you start her off.'

'All right,' I answered. 'I'll go and fetch her directly.'

Over went old Hogvardt. He groaned once; I suppose he grazed against the wall; but he descended with perfect safety. Denny called: 'Now we're ready for her, Charley. Lower away!' And I, turning, began to walk back to where I had left Phroso.

My island--I can hardly resist personifying it in the image of some charming girl, full of tricks and surprises, yet all the while enchanting--had now behaved well for two hours. The limit of its endurance seemed to be reached. In another five minutes Phroso and I would have been safely down the rope and the party re-united at the bottom, with a fair hope of carrying out prosperously at least the first part of the enterprise. But it was not to be. My eyes had grown accustomed to the gloom, and when I went back I left the lantern standing by the rope. Suddenly, when I was still a few yards from Phroso, I heard a curious noise, a sort of shuffling sound, rather like the noise made by a rug or carpet drawn along the floor. I stood still and listened, turning my my head round to the chasm. The noise continued for a minute. I took a step in the direction of it. Then I seemed to see a curious thing. The lantern appeared to get up, raise itself a foot or so in the air, keeping its light towards me, and throw itself over the chasm. At the same instant there was a rasp.

Heavens, it was a knife on the rope! A cry came from far down in the chasm. I darted forward. I rushed to where the walls bayed and the chasm opened. The shuffling sound had begun again; and in the middle of the isolated path I saw a dark object. It must be the figure of a man, a man who had watched our proceedings, un.o.bserved by us, and seized this chance of separating our party. For a moment--a fatal moment--I stood aghast, doing nothing. Then I drew my revolver and fired once--twice--thrice. The bullets whistled along the path, but the dark figure was no longer to be seen there. But in an instant there came an answering shot from across the bridge of rock. Denny shouted wildly to me from below. I fired again; there was a groan, but two shots flashed at the very same moment. There were two men there, perhaps more. I stood again for a moment undecided; but I could do no good where I was. I turned and ran fairly and fast.

'Come, come,' I cried, when I had reached Phroso. 'Come back, come back! They've cut the rope and they'll be on us directly.'

In spite of her amazement she rose as I bade her. We heard feet running along the pa.s.sage. They would be across the bridge now. Would they stop and fire down the chasm? No, they were coming on. We also went on; a touch of Phroso's practised fingers opened the door for us; I turned, and in wrath gave the pursuers one more shot. Then I ran up the stairs and shut the door behind us. We were in the hall again--but Phroso and I alone.

A hurried story told her all that had happened. Her breath came quick and her cheek flushed.

'The cowards!' she said. 'They dared not attack us when we were all together!'

'They will attack us before very long now,' said I, 'and we can't possibly hold the house against them. Why, they may open that trap-door any moment.'

Phroso stepped quickly towards it, and, stooping for a instant, examined it. 'Yes,' she said, 'they may. I can't fasten it. You spoilt the fastening with your pick.'

Hearing this, I stepped close up to the door, reloading my revolver as I went, and I called out, 'The first man who looks out is a dead man.'

No sound came from below. Either they were too hurt to attempt the attack, or, more probably, they preferred the safer and surer way of surrounding and overwhelming us by numbers from outside. Indeed we were at our last gasp now; I flung myself despondently into a chair; but I kept my finger on my weapon and my eye on the trap-door.

'They cannot get back--our friends--and we cannot get to them,' said Phroso.

'No,' said I. Her simple statement was terribly true.

'And we cannot stay here!' she pursued.

'They'll be at us in an hour or two at most, I'll warrant. Those fellows will carry back the news that we are alone here.'

'And if they come?' she said, fixing her eyes on me.

'They won't hurt you, will they?'

'I don't know what Constantine would do; but I don't think the people will let him hurt me, unless--'

'Well, unless what?'

She hesitated, looked at me, looked away again. I believe that my eyes were now guilty of neglecting the trap-door which I ought to have watched.

'Unless what?' I said again. But Phroso grew red and did not answer.

'Unless you're so foolish as to try to protect me, you mean?' I asked.

'Unless you refuse to give them back what Constantine offers to win for them--the island?'

'They will not let you have the island,' she said in a low voice. 'I dare not face them and tell them it is yours.'

'Do you admit it's mine?' I asked eagerly.

A slow smile dawned on Phroso's face, and she held out her hand to me.

Ah, Denny, my conscience, why were you at the bottom of the chasm? I seized her hand and kissed it.

'Between friends,' she said softly, 'there is no thine nor mine.'

Ah, Denny, where were you? I kissed her hand again--and dropped it like a red-hot coal.

'But I can't say that to my islanders,' said Phroso, smiling.

Charming as it was, I wished she had not said it to me. I wished that she would not speak as she spoke, or look as she looked, or be what she was. I forgot all about the trap-door. The island was piling sensations on me.

At last I got up and went to the table. I found there a sc.r.a.p of paper, on which Denny had drawn a fancy sketch of Constantine (to whom, by the way, he attributed hoofs and a tail). I turned the blank side uppermost, and took my pencil out of my pocket. I was determined to put the thing on a business-like footing; so I began: 'Whereas'--which has a cold, legal, business-like sound:

'Whereas,' I wrote in English, 'this island of Neopalia is mine, I hereby fully, freely, and absolutely give it to the Lady Euphrosyne, niece of Stefan Georgios Stefanopoulos, lately Lord of the said island--Wheatley.' And I made a copy underneath in Greek, and, walking across to Phroso, handed the paper to her, remarking in a rather disagreeable tone, 'There you are; that'll put it all straight, I hope.' And I sat down again, feeling out of humour. I did not like giving up my island, even to Phroso. Moreover I had the strongest doubt whether my surrender would be of the least use in saving my skin.

I do not know that I need relate what Phroso did when I gave her back her island. These southern races have picturesque but extravagant ways. I did not know where to look while she was thanking me, and it was as much as I could do not to call out, 'Do stop!' However presently she did stop, but not because I asked her. She was stayed by a sudden thought which had been in my mind all the while, but now flashed suddenly into hers.

'But Constantine?' she said. 'You know his--his secrets. Won't he still try to kill you?'

Of course he would if he valued his own neck. For I had sworn to see him hanged for one murder, and I knew that he meditated another.

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Phroso Part 18 summary

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