Coming Undone Part 5

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"You're gorgeous. I can't decide what I want to touch first. But I want to touch it all." She traced along a spectacular dragon, from the swirl of a tail around his belly b.u.t.ton up to the head that took up his entire shoulder.

He closed his eyes a moment as his vision swam. Her hands on him, her eyes greedily taking in the sight of his body, did something to him. d.a.m.n it, made him even harder-if that was possible.

"Touch whatever you want." He s.h.i.+vered when she brushed her fingertips over his nipple and the bar.

"Did I hurt you?" She started to draw back, but he took her wrist and put her hand where it had been.

"Not at all. Your hands on me feel good. I want more."

That's when she licked from his belly b.u.t.ton to the barbell and he saw stars. Like he'd never had s.e.x before. And then she said, "You taste yummy. Thank G.o.d I'm not on a diet."

"Christ." He pulled the tights down her legs until she lay back on the desk, spread out there like a sweet treat. So pet.i.te and perfect and ready. He saw the glistening lips of her c.u.n.t, smelled her on the air. He wanted more.

She wailed when he dropped to his knees. "Wait, no! Your pants off."

"If I take my pants off, I'll want to shove my c.o.c.k into you until we succeed in knocking everything from the surface of this desk. I want to do this first." He spread her thighs as he pulled her toward his mouth and latched on.

She hissed an appreciative sound, followed by an entreaty. But her taste drowned him and he surrendered to it. So sweet and unique. He took a long lick, swirling his tongue to catch her honey and take it in. Her moan in response was low and throaty, such a contrast to the soft sweetness of her voice.

Her body writhed beneath him, responding head to toe to his touch. The triumph of that, of bringing pleasure to this woman, rang through him. He wanted more of her, wanted her climax and then many more. He wanted to lose himself in her for hours on end. Nothing else mattered then but her, but the two of them.

She cried out, the hands buried in his hair yanking tight as she came on his tongue, a climax so beautiful he felt it low in his gut with each sobbed wave of her release. He fell then. He just wouldn't know it until later, until it was far too late to turn back.

He stood, toeing his boots off as she sat up. "Let me," she said, hopping down, her hands going to his belt and then the b.u.t.ton and zipper of his jeans. "Your body is so s.e.xy. So beautiful." She pressed a kiss to his side. "I've never wanted a man like you before. You're overwhelming."

She pulled his jeans down as he tried to puzzle over what she'd just told him. Should he be offended? Why, when he felt the same? His women had tended to be big and bold, tatted and pierced. They inhabited his world. This woman was not that on any level, and yet, beneath the exterior, he definitely felt a sort of kins.h.i.+p with her.

She nipped at his belly b.u.t.ton and caressed his thighs and calves as she helped him from his jeans, boxers and socks.

"This is very, um, impressive," she said of his c.o.c.k, and he was the one who blushed for a change.

"Thank you," he said, laughing.

A laugh that died when she angled toward him and licked across the head. Dear sweet G.o.d in heaven, her mouth was right. Hot and wet and eagerly sucking him. His b.a.l.l.s crawled up close to his body, and he grabbed the back of the chair behind him to keep from tearing her hair free of that perfect bun and f.u.c.king her mouth.

The way she held him, held his c.o.c.k gently, told him a lot. The caveman who lived in his gut liked that she didn't seem super experienced. Obviously enough to have had a child, and she knew her way around a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b. But she didn't venture away from his sac or gobble him down to the root or anything. A stupid thing to be pleased about, he realized, but there it was.

"You have to stop," he said around clenched teeth, "or I will come in your mouth, and I want to be inside you when that happens."

She pulled back and stood up, running her hands all over his torso, and yes, she made him feel desired and attractive in a way that made him want to puff out his chest and strut around. It was then he remembered the condom thing.

"s.h.i.+t." He bent and grabbed his pants, pulling out his wallet. "Please let there be a condom in here," he mumbled, and a startled laugh bubbled from her.

He pulled out a lone condom, checked the expiration date and breathed a sigh of relief. He'd need to make a donation somewhere that afternoon when he left, to thank the universe for that luck.

One-handed, he rolled the condom on before drawing her to the couch where he'd first sat. "You can control everything this way," he explained and she scrambled onto his lap.

"It's okay if you say something about the size of your equipment. I know I'm pet.i.te. But at the risk of sounding like a line from a bad romance novel, I'm pretty sure you'll fit."

He reached between her thighs and slid his fingers up into her gate, stretching her a bit. "You're still so wet and hot."

"I want another part of you in there." She moved his hand and replaced it with the head of his c.o.c.k as she rose up on those powerful thighs and then fell inch, by slow inch, surrounding him with heat and tightness that stole his breath.

"I don't want to hurt you," he managed to say, fighting the nearly overwhelming need to slam his c.o.c.k into her, b.a.l.l.s-deep. "Are you all right?"

"I'm more more than all right. I'm not in pain-well, a good kind of than all right. I'm not in pain-well, a good kind of full full. It's just been a while. But everyone should break their fast with something this good." She opened eyes that had been half-lidded, and he felt that zing between them. "No one should be as pretty as you are."

She settled with his c.o.c.k in her body totally. Elise had to admit she liked the look of strain on his face, liked knowing he was as on the edge as she. She hadn't felt so good in a very long time. Years.

Leaning backward, she braced her hands on his thighs, just above his knees, and began to slide up and down his c.o.c.k, slowly at first, as her body got used to him and because it felt too good to rush.

"No one has ever said I was pretty before. Should I be offended?" He wore a grin so it should have been illegal. Instead it just added to his overall s.e.xual appeal.

"You're stunning. The tattoos, the wary eyes, the messy hair, those broad shoulders-it all works in a way I find quite unexpectedly hot. And yes, pretty, but in a manly way, of course."

"Pretty can't hold a candle to what I'm looking at. Watching my c.o.c.k disappear into you over and over, coming out all s.h.i.+ny with your juices. You're so long and lithe for someone so pet.i.te. All that gorgeous pale skin." He skimmed his palms up her belly and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "These are, Christ, they're lovely."

She blushed, there was no way to hide it. "They're very small. Men usually like big b.r.e.a.s.t.s."

"Yes, yes, like that. Oh, that's sweet," he ground out as she rolled her hips once she'd taken him inside totally. The length of his c.o.c.k stroked over her c.l.i.t when she did it that way. "Men like b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Period. Full stop. Yours are pert, your nipples stand up so nicely." To emphasize that, he dragged his thumbs over them, bringing a gasping cry from her. "I also like that you make noise. That's hot."

She bit her lip and levered herself forward to change the angle and increase her speed. Above him, she looked down into his face before lowering to kiss him, tasting herself on his lips. A groan came from deep inside when his thumb, one that had been teasing her left nipple just moments before, found her c.l.i.t, stroking from side to side just as he had with her nipple.

Sensation rose within and she knew he'd make her come again. He swallowed every sound she made as he played over her c.l.i.t and began to thrust up to meet her body as she slid down. So good, so d.a.m.ned good.

She tore her mouth away as she climaxed and he nipped her bottom lip. The sting washed through her, sharpening the pleasure as her body clamped down around his c.o.c.k. Two in one session? Clearly she'd made the right choice when she'd agreed to this friends with benefits friends with benefits situation. situation.

"Yeah, motherf.u.c.k, yes." He thrust up hard and deep and held her there. Within her body, she felt his c.o.c.k jerk as he came; she watched his face, the tightening of his glorious mouth and then the total relaxation as he exhaled long and slow.


"Hey there, Rennie! Where are you off to all dressed up?"

Rennie, ever pleased with attention to her clothing choices, turned to face Brody with a wide smile. "Hi, Brody! It's the first day of school. Do you like my new dress? We got it last weekend." She twirled to show the full effect and Brody clapped. Elise smiled at him too. How could she not?

"I like it very much. That's the same color as your eyes. What grade are you starting today?" he asked, knowing full well it was the first grade because he and Elise had discussed it before.

"First. My teacher is a Mister!" Rennie's eyes widened at the very idea of a male teacher. Sometimes, at moments like this one, Elise just wanted to hold her daughter and soak up all that wonderful and never let go.

"Wow. What's his name?" Brody had moved to a crouch so he could see eye to eye with Rennie.

"Mr. Alexander. He was nice at the orientation. He kept looking at Momma."

Brody's lips quivered a bit as he stifled a smile. "Well, she's awful pretty to look at. I can't blame him."

Oh good lord. "Yes, well. Time to go," Elise said. "We've got to get going if we're going to get there on time. We have all these bags of supplies to take, so we want to be early to get it all unloaded."

Brody stood. "You guys walking?"

"The school is three blocks away, it's a sunny day. I figured it would be good to do it while we could."

"True." His eyes were shaded by dark, but she knew amus.e.m.e.nt lit them. He was a funny man, easily led to laugh or smile. They'd begun their s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p just two weeks prior and had been able to meet only once more for another round of ridiculously hot s.e.x. But they'd chatted many times in pa.s.sing, and he'd seen her struggling with the bark and had come over, spending a good two hours helping her haul the bags and spread it.

"I'll see you later." The soul of a fifteen-year-old girl inhabited her body suddenly as a wave of giddiness. .h.i.t her.

"I'll be around for another hour or so," he said quietly before he turned back to Rennie. "Have a great first day."

"Thank you! Come on, Momma." Rennie tugged on her hand and she laughed, walking alongside her daughter, while Rennie skipped and chattered about school. All around the neighborhood, other parents were walking their young children toward the school, and the feeling of community and common purpose made her warm inside.

As it happened, one of the little neighbor kids was also in Rennie's cla.s.s, and they became fast friends on the short walk. The girl's mother was nice enough, full of curious but friendly questions, and Elise answered them as they walked.

The little desks were different from the tables of kindergarten, and with a pang, Elise realized how fast the time was pa.s.sing. She helped Rennie label things and put them in their proper place, all the while wrestling the bittersweetness of the moment.

"Bye, Momma. See you at three." Rennie hugged her, gave her a kiss and sat back down, happily chatting with the kids to either side, and with that, Elise was dismissed.

Brody had watched them walk away in the morning sun. The palemoonlight hair of the mother, drawn up into a ponytail, and the more golden blond of the daughter in her little first-day-of-school dress.

He'd seen the look on Elise's face as she watched Rennie tell him all about school. His parents had been a lot older when they had kids. Brody had been the one who walked Erin and then Adrian to school for their first day each year until they were too old to need the escort. Sometimes he saw Erin so much in Rennie that it made him want to grab his phone and call to check in with his sister.

All thoughts of anyone either young or related to him flew out of his head when the knock came at his door.

"Morning." He dipped his head to grab a kiss when she walked through his front door.

He liked the way she craned her neck to look at him better, licking her lips. "Mmm, morning. You taste like coffee."

"You can have some when I'm finished with you."

She dropped her bag and took his hand. "Finished, hmm? You have plans for my body?"

"Oh yes, yes I do."

"All right then. Do me."

The last two times they'd been together it had been at her studio. Now he had his bed and an hour. More than an hour, since he really didn't have to be at the shop until ten. There was a lot a man could do with a fresh box of condoms, an hour and a big bed with a beautiful woman lying on it.

"I like it." She looked around the room as she unb.u.t.toned the front of her dress and stepped out of it, naked but for tiny panties. The morning light through the filmy curtains glowed off her skin.

"I like that." He indicated the beauty of her body.

"Now you." She tipped her chin at him and began to work on his belt and the b.u.t.ton and zipper on his jeans.

Grinning, he pulled his s.h.i.+rt off and took over getting naked as he moved toward the bed. But she put a hand out to stop him. "Wait, I want to really look at you." He s.h.i.+vered at her touch as she traced over the firebird on his back, up the line of his spine where her lips pressed a kiss. "Who does this for you? Obviously you can't do your own back tattoo." She ducked around him and kissed his belly, sliding her palms up, exploring his body.

"I don't do any of my own tats. I'm not that much of a control freak, no matter what Erin says. I have a friend in Portland. He and I trade services. I do his work, he does mine. Works out that he's really good."

She tiptoed up and licked over his nipple, the one with the ring.

"Not as good as you though?"

He liked the shape of her smile, liked that she was relaxed enough to tease.

"Well, not everyone can be as good as me." He laughed. "But he's good."

"If I decide to get a tattoo, would you do it for me?"

He paused, touched. "I'd be honored to do it."

He picked her up and she wrapped herself around him, bringing her nakedness up against his. Christ, that felt good. One-handed, she reached up to pull her hair free of the ponytail, and a shower of soft, pale hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. He hadn't seen it down until that moment; it softened her, tousled her just enough that the need pulled at him even more.

He lay her back on the bed, crouched above her as he took her in. "You're so f.u.c.king beautiful." He meant it. Her nipples pressed toward him and he dipped to lick across one, delighting in her soft sound of desire.

She arched up into his touch, her fingertips digging into the muscle of his biceps. He cruised over to the other breast, licking and nibbling there until she began to writhe in earnest. Her scent, rich and spicy, painted the air between them.

The muscles in her belly jumped as he licked his way down, past her ribs, past her belly b.u.t.ton, past the scar marking the birth of her child. Everything about her outside was soft. Her skin was soft and sweet, her taste, everywhere but her c.u.n.t, was sweet as well. Here, he thought as he slid his tongue through the slick furls of her p.u.s.s.y, here she was spice and tang. Here the muscles of her thighs might have trembled when he licked over her c.l.i.t, but there was strength and resilience.

He could see, like the aftereffects of a camera flash, the ink on her skin. Starting at her hip bones and curling around her back, up her spine. Roses and ivy, strong and feminine, soft and th.o.r.n.y. He'd love to do her inkwork.

Right then, though, he wanted to make her come and then f.u.c.k her. And make her come again. Her taste was a lure, the feel of her against his tongue, filling him with sensation clearly all her. She was everything he felt just then.

Elise dragged in one breath after the other as she struggled not to drown in everything Brody Brown was. She liked s.e.x, especially oral s.e.x but Ken hadn't been that crazy about doing it and as a result, wasn't that good at it. But even a bad b.l.o.w. .j.o.b was better than most things, so she'd been happy when he overcame his reluctance and did it.

But this this man loved p.u.s.s.y. He loved his mouth there, doing all those deliciously wicked things, and it showed. She felt it straight to her toes. He owned his intensity in a quiet way. He was so . . . in charge and yummy. man loved p.u.s.s.y. He loved his mouth there, doing all those deliciously wicked things, and it showed. She felt it straight to her toes. He owned his intensity in a quiet way. He was so . . . in charge and yummy.

Each time his tongue dragged down and speared up into her gate, she shattered just a little bit more. Slipped down toward climax inch by inch, and then he'd move back to her c.l.i.t and make her work to get back there all over again.

Until he tried it again, and she grabbed two handfuls of his hair and hauled him back to her c.l.i.t with an insistent sort of moan. He chuckled against her skin, sending shocks of pleasure through her, but kept at it. Thank G.o.d.

And it hit. Hard and without surcease. She came and came and then she came some more, until her muscles were fluid and warm and she just sort of twitched and sighed in its aftermath.

"Do the words 'reverse cowgirl' mean anything to you?" he asked, that deep-velvet voice pulling her back from that quiet, pleasurable place she'd been floating in.

She smiled and got to her knees, watching as he put a condom on, and she realized he could make anything look s.e.xy. "I think I can figure it out. Are you an a.s.s man, Brody?"

One of his brows winged up and he grinned. "I like the line of your back as well as your a.s.s. But I like that I can lay here and watch you in that mirror over my dresser too."

She looked up then, saw herself and blushed at how disheveled and s.e.xed up she looked.

"Stop that. You look hot. Now, I'm here all alone. You wanna keep me company?"

She straddled his hips and angled him to meet her body as she slid down. His entry hit lots of lovely spots within her and she sighed, happily full.

"Open your eyes, Elise. Look at how beautiful you are as you f.u.c.k yourself onto me."

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Coming Undone Part 5 summary

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