Humphrey Duke of Gloucester Part 38

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[1110] See _Beckington Correspondence_, i. 281.

[1111] See various letters in _Beckington Correspondence_, i.


[1112] _Papal Letters_, vii. 29.

[1113] _Beckington Correspondence_, i. 284, 285.

[1114] However, Wheathampsted, Gloucester's friend, wrote to Martin V. excusing the Archbishop's conduct, Cotton MS., Claudius, D. 1, f. 1, and 1vo.

[1115] He was evidently interested in the conciliar movement, for among his books was a volume containing records of all the doings, both public and secret, at the Council of Constance.

Cotton MS., Nero, E. v.

[1116] Martene and Durand, _Amplissima Collectio_, viii. 816, 817.

Cf. Harleian MS., 826, f. 15.

[1117] Add. MS., 26, 784 f. 30vo.

[1118] _Beckington Correspondence_, ii. 37.

[1119] See Henry's justification of the release of Orleans, Stevenson, _Letters and Papers_, ii. 451-460.

[1120] Register Curteys, in _Archaeologia_, xv. 70, 71.

[1121] Tanner MS., 196, f. 40vo.

[1122] Amundesham, _Annales_, i. 308.

[1123] _St. Albans Chron._, _pa.s.sim_.

[1124] Newcome, _Hist. of the Abbey of St. Albans_, 510.

[1125] Amundesham, _Annales_, ii. 189, 190.

[1126] _Ibid._, i. 65; _Rot. Parl._, v. 307.

[1127] Amundesham _Annales_, App. A, ii. 265; App. D, ii. 295. Cf.

Arundel MS. 34, ff. 66vo, 67, and Whethamstede, i. 26.

[1128] Amundesham, _Annales_, App. B, ii. 278-290.

[1129] Charter printed in Dugdale's _Monasticon_, ii. 244, 245; Whethamstede, i. 94.

[1130] Cotton MS., Claudius, A. viii. f. 195. Gough, in his addition to Camden's _Britannia_, i. 348, wrongly attributes the building of this tomb to Wheathampsted.

[1131] Camden's _Britannia_ (Gough's additions), i. 348; Grainger's _Biographical History of England_, i. 121.

[1132] _Archaeologia_, viii. 104.

[1133] Camden's _Britannia_ (Gough additions), i. 348.

[1134] See App. E.

[1135] Camden's _Britannia_, ii. 73.

[1136] Holinshed, iii. 211, 212.

[1137] Hall, 212; Sandford, _Genealogical Hist._, 308. They follow Polydore Vergil.

[1138] Holkham MS., p. 63.

[1139] Fabyan, 619.

[1140] Mathieu de Coussy, 30.

[1141] Waurin, iii. 214.

[1142] Whethamstede, i. 183.

[1143] _Pii Secundi Pontificis Maximi Commentarii_ (Rome, 1584), 414.

[1144] _Chron. Henry VI._ A paraphrase of the original Latin.

[1145] See his Dietary printed in _Liber Niger Scaccarii_, 552-559.

Cf. Hearne MS. Diary, cxvii. ff. 136, 137, and cxvii. f. 37; Sharon Turner, ii. 299, _n._ 35.

[1146] 'A Ballade: Warning men to beware of Deceitful Women,' by John Lydgate. Printed in _Chaucerian and other Pieces_, edited by W. W. Skeat as a supplement to _The Complete Works of Chaucer_.

[1147] _Ancient Correspondence_, vol. lvii. No. 97.

[1148] _Chron. Henry VI._, 30.

[1149] Sandford, _Genealogical Hist._, 311; Brooke's _Catalogue of the n.o.bility_, 170; Doyle, iii. 511.

[1150] Dugdale, ii. 284.

[1151] List of letters of legitimisation printed in Beaucourt, v.


[1152] _Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucesters.h.i.+re Archaeological Society_, iii. 308; Dugdale, i. 362. Dugdale quotes an old MS. in Berkeley Castle as his authority.

[1153] MSS. of the Dean and Chapter of Ely, _Hist. MSS. Rep._, xii.

App. IX. 95.

[1154] MSS. of the Corporation of Hythe, _Hist. MSS. Rep._, iv. 435.

[1155] _Beckington Correspondence_, i. 279.

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