Humphrey Duke of Gloucester Part 41

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[1176] Bibliotheque de Sainte Genevieve, MS. francais, 777.

[1177] See Bale, 583, and the testimony of several Italian humanists.

[1178] Monstrelet, 265.

[1179] ?n. Sylv., _Opera_, 548, _Epistola_ lxiv.

[1180] For this date see Voigt, ii. 256. For Poggio's visit to England see Shepherd's _Life of Poggio_, 136.

[1181] Bibliotheque Nationale, MS. latin, 8537, f. 300.

[1182] _Archivio Lombardo_, vol. x. Anno xx. p. 62.

[1183] _Engl. Hist. Review_, xix. 519. Letter of Candidus to Gloucester.

[1184] Leonardi Bruni, _Epistolae_, vol. ii. lib. VIII. No. 6.

[1185] Bodley MS., 2143 (Auct. F., v. 27), f. 1. The dedication is printed in _Chandler Catalogue_ of the editions of Aristotle, 41-44.

[1186] This dedication can be seen in Bodley MS., Laud. Lat., 60. No mention is made of Gloucester.

[1187] Vespasiano, 437. Gloucester is mixed up with John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, by Vespasiano, who ought to have known better, as he was the latter's friend.

[1188] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 512-513. A summary of the letter is given in _Bibliographia_, i. 325, 326.

[1189] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, f. 55.

[1190] _Ibid._, ff. 55vo, 56vo.

[1191] _Ibid._, f. 57vo.

[1192] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, f. 58.

[1193] Voigt, ii. 259, says that Gloucester's relations with Candido dated back from the time when he translated the _Vita Henrici Quinti_ of Livius into Italian. As this was done in 1463, after Gloucester's death, it cannot exactly be said to have originated his connection with the translator. See _Tabulae Codic.u.m Palatina Vindobonensi_, ii. 106.

[1194] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 513, 514; _Bibliographia_, i. 326.

[1195] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, ff. 59, 60.

[1196] _Ibid._, f. 13vo.

[1197] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, f. 31vo.

[1198] Durham MS., C. iv. 3, ff. 6, 7. Since securing a transcript of this letter I find that it has been printed by Dr. W. L.

Newman, in _Eng. Hist. Review_, xx. 496-498, together with a discussion of the rest of the correspondence between Gloucester and Candido. Cf., _Historia Literaria-Typographica_, p. ccc.

[1199] Leonardi Bruni, _Epistolae_, vol. ii. lib. VIII. No. 6, pp.


[1200] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, f. 61vo.

[1201] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 514; _Bibliographia_, i. 326.

[1202] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 514, 515; _Bibliographia_, i. 327.

Two of these dedications--those to the sixth and tenth book--are in Durham MS., C. iv. 3.

[1203] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 515.

[1204] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, f. 60vo.

[1205] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 525.

[1206] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 515, 516. Dated March 23, 1439 (1440, New Style), in Durham MS., C. iv. 3. This is not a literal translation of the letter.

[1207] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 516. Letter of Candido to Gloucester.

[1208] Of these the two volumes of the two Plinies and the Varro were in Gloucester's last gift of books to Oxford; _Epist.

Acad._, 235, 236.

[1209] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 517. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1210] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 517, 518. Letter of Candido to Gloucester.

[1211] _Ibid._, xix. 518-520. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1212] _Ibid._, xix. 519. Letter of Candido to Gloucester. The same merchants had brought Bruni's translation of the _Politics_ to Gloucester; Leonardi Bruni, _Epistolae_, vol. ii. liber VIII. No. 6.

[1213] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 520. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1214] _Cod. Riccardiano_, 827, f. 82vo.

[1215] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 524. Letter of Candido to Gloucester.

[1216] _Ibid._, xix. 519. Letter of Candido to Gloucester.

[1217] Probably the third-century grammarian, Censorius, who wrote a still extant work, _De Die Natali_, is here meant.

[1218] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 524. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1219] _Ibid._, xix. 522. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1220], _Historia Literaria-Typographia_, 293. Letter of Candido to Nicomedus Tranchedinus.

[1221] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 523. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1222] _Ibid._, xix. 523. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

[1223] _Eng. Hist. Review_, xix. 524. Letter of Gloucester to Candido.

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