Cursed Boys: Tobias Part 2

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Micky has been asking a lot of questions lately. He's not used to me being around so much, especially during the day. I don't know if it makes him nervous having me around or happy. We've bonded a lot more over the past week; he's even starting to talk about his boys again.

I've known his kids since they were babies. I remember the night his wife called because she had gone into labor. It wasn't often I got to see Micky with his family, but there had been times when he'd bring the boys to the pub to play while we unloaded s.h.i.+pment trucks. They were good kids, and they grew up into amazing young men, and Micky was the proudest father I've ever met.

It has only been a few months since both his boys died in an explosion overseas. They were all he had after his wife pa.s.sed away three years ago from cancer. They've had it pretty rough and since then I've been slipping some extra money into the safe when locking up for the night. It took him a year before he noticed but even then I denied it.

Last night was the first night I spent at home since Willow got here. Micky said he's finally had enough of me and it was time to go home and face whatever problem I was running from. If only he knew my problem was my d.i.c.k. I shook my head and groaned as I stretched. It felt good to be in a real bed again. Although Micky had a cot in one of the small rooms upstairs it really wasn't all that comfortable.

I could hear Willow outside with Tristan. Just the sound of her laughing made my c.o.c.k spring to life again. I palmed my erection with a groan. This woman was going to be the death of me. I got up to take a look out the window to see what the two of them were doing. Tristan had managed to get himself stuck in a tree. That was quite a feat for a werewolf. Willow thought it was hilarious and Amelia was nowhere to be seen.

I doubt she was happy with Willow staying in the house. Amelia has all sorts of issues. One of them being she's a raging b.i.t.c.h, another being she's a jealous c.u.n.t. Although the thought of Willow tortures my c.o.c.k, the idea of her p.i.s.sing off Amelia makes me very happy.

I left my room and headed downstairs. In the week I had been gone Willow had managed to transform the entire house. Nothing had really changed about the place but now it actually looks lived in.

"Oh look who finally decided to come home." Amelia was sprawled on the couch in nothing but a pink slip.

"Jesus Christ Amelia. Do you ever wear f.u.c.king clothes?"

"There was a time you liked to see me naked."

"Yeah, there was also a time you weren't f.u.c.king my brother but oh wait, no there wasn't."

I gave her a dramatically fake smile then went outside. Tristan was still stuck up in the tree. He managed to have a branch slide up the back of his s.h.i.+rt leaving him suspended in mid-air.

"Tobias! Help me down will ya? This evil wench of yours is useless!" His outburst sent Willow into a frenzy.

She was laughing so hard she couldn't even get up off the ground. I bit down on the inside of my cheeks. It was the only thing I could do to keep from laughing with her.

"I don't know I'm rather enjoying this. It's not often I can use my brother as a piata."

"Go ahead. Just remember I know where you sleep."

An evil grin spread across my face. The idea was rather tempting. Tristan must have realized it might actually happen because he took hold of his s.h.i.+rt and ripped it in half, freeing him from the tangled mess. He did a flip as he fell and landed on his feet.

"Show off."


"Of what? Fleas and a wet dog smell?"

"My charm and good looks."

I shook my head and crossed my arms against my chest. I was wearing nothing but pajama bottoms which hung low on my hips. I had to bite back a grin at the sound of Willow's heart beat picking up the pace. I look over and catch her staring.

"See something you like cupcake?" Her face flushed before she looked away.

"Just wondering how such a big ego fits in such a tiny package."

Tiny package? Was that supposed to be a joke? I was anything but tiny. I stood at six foot three and was quite large. In all areas. To prove my point I slide my pajama bottoms down my hips completely exposing myself to Willow. That shut her up pretty quick.

"Bro put that thing away! No one wants nightmares." Tristan said while his hands covered his eyes.

Willow remained silent but couldn't look away from me. I could hear her heart racing and all I could think about was how good she would taste while f.u.c.king her. The thought made my c.o.c.k throb with need.

I slid my pajama pants back up over my hips then took a seat on the steps of the porch, staying in the shade. Willow finally looked away from me and acted like she was interested in the flowers growing beside her.

"If you're trying to make me uncomfortable you're going to have to try harder than that Tobias."

"I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable."

"Well then if you're trying to scare me it's not working either."

"Somehow I doubt anything could scare you cupcake."

"Well you sure as s.h.i.+t scared me. No one and I mean no one should see that this early in the morning!" Tristan just had to put his two cents in.

"No one asked you."

"I disagree, Tristan. The view from here was amazing." I roll my eyes in annoyance at the sound of Amelia's voice behind me.

"If you keep checking my brother out, you and I are going to have some issues woman."

"I'm allowed to check him out. He's my husband."

"Ex-husband!" Tristan and I said in unison.

"Same difference."

Tristan came across the yard and scooped Amelia up in his arms and disappeared into the house with her. I could hear her laughing and screaming all at the same time. Willow and I were left alone outside in the yard. The sun was getting higher now and it was really starting to bother my eyes but I couldn't bring myself to leave her yet.

"Mia's your wife?"

"Ex-wife." I corrected.

She nodded in silence and I thought that would be the end of it but she was too curious for her own good.

"So she's your ex-wife but now she's dating your twin brother?"

"I wouldn't call it dating. It's more like f.u.c.king."

I could tell Tristan left out some minor details when introducing Willow to Amelia.

"So your ex-wife is f.u.c.king your Twin brother."


"How does that even happen?"


"Well, they get naked and he puts his c.o.c.k ins-"

"Ok! No! Enough! That's NOT what I meant."

I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

"What I mean is how does she marry one brother then sleep with the other?"

"Easy. She was sleeping with him before we even got married."

Willow got up from her place in the gra.s.s and came to sit beside me. I had to adjust myself because my c.o.c.k was still hard.

"So, you're ok with them being together?"

"I've had a long time to get over it." If only she knew exactly how long.

We sat in silence for a while listening to the wind blow through the trees. My eyes were really starting to burn and I wanted nothing more than to go back inside, but something about having Willow next to me kept me in my place.

"You don't look so hot."

"How many times do you plan on calling me ugly this week?"

"That's not what I meant Tobias. Your eyes are red. Did you get something in them from the wind?"

She genuinely seemed concerned which was weird since I'm the one who kidnapped her.

"No, it's the sun."

"Are you high or something?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I'm not high. It's just part of the curse." I regret opening my mouth as soon as the words fly out of it. There was no way in h.e.l.l Tristan told her about the curse and now I've gone an opened my big mouth.

I stood up and left Willow sitting on the steps by herself. I needed to get away from her before she started asking any more questions. That woman had an unparalleled ability to siphon information out of people like gas with a hose.

She didn't protest my leaving. I'm sure a part of her couldn't wait to get rid of me. I wasn't too worried about her trying to take off again. From the looks of it she's settling in pretty nicely here and I'm not even sure she had anywhere to go if she left.

When I brought Willow here she had no form of identification or any sort of personal belongings now that I think about it. No one has even bothered looking for her as far as I know. I've been at the pub every night the past week and not once has someone asked around about a blue haired girl.

I realized there was so much I didn't know about her. So much I wanted to know about her. There was something special about her and not just the fact that she could make my c.o.c.k hard with just a single smile either.



I lay awake in my bed for hours. For some reason I just couldn't fall asleep. The events of today kept replaying in my mind. Tristan is sleeping with Amelia who was Tobias's wife. I just didn't understand how Tobias was ok with it. What really confused me, though, is how Tristan could actually do something like that to his own brother.

In the week I've been in the house, Tristan is the only one who has kept me company. After the first day, Tobias disappeared to G.o.d only knows where, and Amelia was more likely to poison my drink when I wasn't looking as opposed to hanging out with me.

Since coming to this town I've kept to myself and avoided people at all costs. At least here at the house I didn't have to worry about people trying to invade my privacy or getting to know me.

Everyone has a story. That's what my mom used to say. She told me to keep from judging people because everyone has a story that makes them who they are. My story started out great but after my mom's death it became h.e.l.l.

I left behind everything when I ran away. My life, my friends, and even my little sister Jennica. Of all the things I regret, leaving her is the one thing I regret the most. I left her behind to face everything that I was running from. I left her alone to deal with my father.

Thinking of her only made my heart ache. I needed something to distract me from the pain and the guilt. Sleep was eluding me anyway so I might as well stop trying. The house was dark at night. Being so far in the middle of the woods made it pitch black unless you turned a light on. Best part about it was the view of the stars.

The first night I was finally allowed outside of the house, I laid under the night sky for hours admiring the beauty that lit up the sky. Everything was so clear it was like I was on another planet altogether. Tristan told me it was because we were so far from the city and town that there were no lights to dim out the stars. It was completely breath taking.

Tonight would be the perfect night to lie under the stars except the sky had clouded over a few hours after Tobias left me sitting outside. I didn't understand him. One minute he seemed like a total hard a.s.s, and the next it's like I can catch a glimpse of another part of him. A softer side that is less guarded. That wasn't the only thing I caught a glimpse of, that man had no shame. His body was exquisite, and the tattoo that stretched across the right side of his torso was the kind of thing that would make a woman want to lick his body. .

I used to wonder why he was such an a.s.s. After finding out about Amelia and Tristan though it kind of makes sense. I think he's just closed himself off to the world because he's afraid of getting hurt again.

Speaking of Tristan and Amelia, I could hear them from outside her room. They were going at it like a couple of h.o.r.n.y teenagers. It was unbelievable how they could care so little about how their late night escapades might be affecting Tobias.

I was disgusted by the new side of Tristan I never would have thought he had, the side that could betray his own brother. Tristan seemed like such a sweetheart. Now I don't even know what to think. Amelia's always seemed like a b.i.t.c.h from the start and my opinion about that hasn't altered in the slightest.

One good thing I can say about Tristan though is that he kept the cupboards and fridge well stocked with food. No amount of morally questionable s.e.xcapades could change that.

"You could probably see better if you turned on a light."

Tobias's voice made me jump and drop a gla.s.s bowl I had just taken out of the cupboard.

"s.h.i.+t! I'm sorry." His apology was a surprise. Somehow I've never pictured the words I'm sorry coming out of Tobias's mouth.

Before I could even move Tobias had picked me up and placed me on the countertop of the island in the middle of their kitchen. I couldn't see anything other than a shadow by my feet. Was he picking up gla.s.s in the dark?

"You're going to cut yourself. Who the h.e.l.l cleans up gla.s.s in the dark? Let me help you."

"Don't move."

That was more of a command than a request.

"At least turn on the light."

"Oh, now you're worried about the lights."

I couldn't help but laugh.

I watched his shadowy figure cross the room and dump the gla.s.s into the garbage bin before turning on the light switch. My hand automatically flew up to protect my eyes.

"Ow, sure go ahead and blind me."

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Cursed Boys: Tobias Part 2 summary

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