Cursed Boys: Tobias Part 20

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I moaned as he took my nipple between his teeth and pressed my hips against him. It has been far too long since I felt him inside of me.

He released my nipple and stood me on my feet only long enough to rid me of my pants and to undo his.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pulled me up again, with his hands grasping my bare a.s.s. I used my feet to push down on the waistband of his boxers until they fell around his ankles with his pants.

He'd barely touched me and he'd already made me breathless with desire.

I could feel the heat of his breath against my chest as he kissed his way upwards and along my collar bone. I closed my eyes as I felt him trail his lips along my neck in small gentle kisses.

"I want you." He whispered, and the feeling was mutual.

"Then take me."

Without warning, Tobias turned me around, gripped my hips and brought me down on his c.o.c.k. I saw stars as my body felt like it had exploded around him. This man had forever ruined me for anyone else; I was his, always.

I was barely able to keep my legs from giving out on me; it was a good thing he had me pinned against the wall with his shaft inside of me.

The wall was cold, and it sent goose b.u.mps all over my body as soon as it came in contact with my chest. I rested my forehead against the wall and took slow deep breaths to steady myself.

"I'm going to make you mine, cupcake." He growled in my ear from behind, which sent chills over my body.

f.u.c.k, he was hot! Tobias reached around me and slid his hand down along my stomach until his hand rested between my legs and his middle finger was pressed against my slit.

"Already wet for me?"

The only response I could manage was a whimper as he coated his finger in my wetness and slid it across my c.l.i.t.

"That's my girl." He mumbled against my shoulder, as he kissed and nipped along my back.

Tobias reached up and gripped onto my hair with one hand, pulling my head to the side and exposing my neck to him, as his other hand kept busy parting my p.u.s.s.y lips so he had full access to me.

I had to arch my back as he continued to rub my c.l.i.t, which only pushed Tobias's c.o.c.k deeper into me. I let out a soft moan as he pressed his chest against my back, keeping me pinned as he began sliding himself in and out of me.

He kept at a slow pace to start, but each stroke had my body burning with desire. My body hungered for him in every way possible.

Tobias started thrusting himself into me faster, and harder. The pleasure was blinding and I was thankful for the wall; because without it, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to support my own weight.

I put my hands against the wall, trying to grip on to anything within reach as Tobias hooked his arm under one of my legs and pulled it up so I was only standing on one foot.

My body was completely submissive to his every move. Tobias was able to push himself deeper inside of me; it drove me closer to the edge of my climax.

I couldn't focus on anything; my hands clawed at the walls in a desperate attempt to grasp on to something with every wave of pleasure that tore through me.

I was going to c.u.m. My body was so close to the edge I could feel the sensation growing in the pit of my stomach as my body started to tremble.

My leg was starting to give out, but Tobias wouldn't let me go; his other arm wrapped around my stomach pulling my body back against him to support my weight as I finally found my release. I swear I could see stars as the room spun around. I couldn't focus on anything as the ecstasy blinded me.

"I'm not done with you yet, baby." He growled in my ear.

I felt him pull out of me, and scoop me up in his arms. There was no bed in the room aside from the cot and it didn't look very comfortable.

I expected him to lay me down on it anyways; but, instead, he placed me down on the small dresser that Tobias kept spare clothes in.

The cold wood felt amazing against my skin and even though my body felt like it was burning up, I needed Tobias inside of me again.

He didn't waste any time. Within seconds Tobias took his stance between my legs and pulled me to the edge of the dresser. I grabbed the sides of the dresser to steady myself as the room still felt like it was spinning.

Tobias kissed me, which only made me want to devour his mouth, but he pulled away and winked at me as he hooked his arms behind my knees and slid himself inside of me again.

My eyes rolled in to the back of my head at the feeling of his fullness. It felt like my body was built specifically to fit him and only him.

"Hold on tight, cupcake."

And I did. My hands gripped even harder onto the dresser as he pulled himself out to the tip slowly, and then drove himself deep inside of me.

He sped up his pace with each thrust until it felt like we were going to break the wall behind me. I had to lean back against it; this man was driving my body crazy.

I could feel my legs start to tremble as my body craved release. Wave after wave of pleasure spread through me bringing me closer to the peak of ecstasy.

I felt myself tighten around Tobias's c.o.c.k as he pulled my legs up higher and left them resting over his shoulders. His hands gripped my thighs as I felt him nip the side of my calf.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was going to c.u.m.

"Hold it in baby, don't c.u.m yet." Tobias gasped between breaths.

I tried to keep my sweet release at bay as he moved faster and deeper inside of me. My whole body began to tremble as I couldn't hold on much longer.

"Now, baby. c.u.m with me." He moaned.

I dug my nails into the side of the dresser as my whole body felt like it was coming apart. I cried out Tobias's name as my p.u.s.s.y tightened around his c.o.c.k, wringing out every last bit of his o.r.g.a.s.m as he lowered my legs to wrap around his waist.

It took us both a minute to catch our breath. I couldn't move even if I wanted too and Tobias was bent over me, raining my face with gentle kisses.

"I need you, cupcake. I don't think I could survive without you in my life." He confessed in a whisper.

"I'm all yours."


"Until the day I die."

I could see the relief in his face. He was just as afraid of losing me as I was of losing him. I loved this man; there was no doubt about it.

"Come on, let's get you home."



I watched Willow get dressed as I did up the b.u.t.ton to my jeans. Even covered in bruises she was the most breathtaking woman I have ever met.

"Did I hurt you?"

I tried to be as gentle as I could with her, but when a human is hurt you can't be too careful. The last thing I wanted to do was bring my cupcake any more pain.

"No. If anything, you made the pain go away."

He smile was genuine and her blue eyes made me want to undress her and have my way with her all over again.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, a little bit. Maybe we should see if Micky and the boys want to come over for a Barbecue or something."

"Anything you want Cupcake. It's a nice night for a Bon fire too."

I watched her walk over to me and I melted at the sweetest kiss I had ever felt. d.a.m.n that woman, she has found a way to tame me; something that was once thought impossible.

Once she was dressed I took her hand in my own and kissed her knuckles gently before leading her down stairs. Micky was back behind the bar cleaning up while Daniel and Jonathan played pool.

"Well thank sweet f.u.c.king Jesus you two made up. Tobias, I love you son but I cannot spend another week being roommates."

I rolled my eyes but Willow laughed before taking a seat at the bar.

"We are having a bonfire tonight, and we want you all to come, now before you say no, I'm not asking. Attendance is mandatory or Willow may use force against you and according to my brothers, she likes to aim for the b.a.l.l.s."

I made sure to say the last part loud enough so Daniel and Jonathan would hear me from across the room.

The guys laughed and Willow blushed a little but still had a smile on her face. I pulled out my phone to text Tristan and the guys to set up then took Willow by the hand again.

"You guys have to be in the truck in twenty minutes or I'm kicking a.s.s."

Willow waved bye to them and walked outside with me. It was still pretty bright out and the shops were still open for at least another hour or so.

Willow stopped outside of a jewelry store and I watched her admire a charm bracelet that sat in the window.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked.

I glanced over her shoulder and took a look. It was beautiful and unique much like Willow. The think that caught my eye though was the small charm of a willow branch that hung from the chain.

It was an amazing coincidence. What were the odds that they would even have a willow branch charm, let alone showcase it in the window.

I walked pulled Willow into the store and the lady behind the counter offered the pair of us a polite smile.

"Welcome to Tilly's, how can I help you today?"

"There is a charm bracelet in the window that caught my cupcakes eye; we'd like to take a look at it, please."

"Absolutely. This way please."

Willow followed the woman across the store. I didn't need to take a look, I already knew the charm bracelet was perfect and Willow would be in love with it.

I glanced through the showcase while the women were busy with the bracelet. Last time I was in this shop I was helping Micky pick out his engagement ring for his wife.

"See something you like?"

I glanced up to see an older gentleman across the counter.

"What? Oh, no. My girls looking at a charm bracelet in the window."

"You can't woo a girl with a charm bracelet you need to find a ring; the perfect ring."

Did he just say 'woo a girl'? Do people seriously still say that?

"We aren't getting married."

"Do you love her?"


"Do. You. Love. Her."

I had no way of answering that. Of course I loved her, but I could barely admit it to myself, let alone a complete stranger.

"She's the reason I breathe." Was the only response I could come up with?

"Then you, sir, need to make an honest woman out of her."

I smiled at him and shook my head. We just got back on track, there was no way I could purpose to her after the way I treated her for the past few days.

The woman returned with the bracelet and Willows face was lit up like a child on Christmas morning. It felt good to see her smiling like that.

"She'll take it."

Willows eyes nearly popped out her of head at my comment.

"Tobias, its twelve hundred dollars! I can't afford that."

"Good, because you're not buying it. I am."

"I can't let you spend that kind of money on me."

"That's nothing, cupcake. I'd pay a million to see you smile."

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Cursed Boys: Tobias Part 20 summary

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