The Castle of Andalusia Part 4

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_Spado._ O, ho! [_Aside._]--What, I have saved your purse, as well as your precious life! Well, of a poor fellow, I am the luckiest dog in all Spain.

_Don Scipio._ Poor! Good friend, accept this purse, as a small token of my grat.i.tude.

_Spado._ Nay, dear sir!

_Don Scipio._ You shall take it.

_Spado._ Lord, I am so awkward at taking a purse.

[_Takes it._

_Don Scipio._ Hey, if I could find my cane too;--I dropped it somewhere hereabouts, when I drew to defend myself.

[_Looking about._

_Spado._ Zounds! I fancy here comes the real conqueror--no matter--I've got the spoils of the field.

[_Aside--c.h.i.n.ks the Purse, and retires._

_Don Scipio._ Ah, my amber-headed cane!

[_Still looking about._


_Don Fer._ The villains!

_Don Scipio._ Ay, you made them fly like pigeons, my little game-c.o.c.k!

_Don Fer._ Oh, I fancy this is the gentleman that was attacked. Not hurt, I hope, sir?

_Don Scipio._ No, I'm a tough old blade--Oh, gadso, well thought on--feel if there's a ring in the purse, it's a relic of my deceased lady, it's with some regret I ask you to return it.

_Don Fer._ Return what, sir?

_Don Scipio._ A ring you'll find in the purse.

_Don Fer._ Ring and purse! really, sir, I don't understand you.

_Don Scipio._ Well, well, no matter--A mercenary fellow!


_Don Fer._ The old gentleman has been robbed, and is willing that I should reimburse his losses.


_Don Scipio._ It grows lighter: I think I can distinguish the path I lost--follow me, my hero, and [_As going, suddenly turns, and looks steadfastly at DON FERNANDO._] Zounds, signor, I hope you are not in a pa.s.sion, but I think you look six feet high again.

_Don Fer._ A strange, mad old fellow this!


_Don Scipio._ These rascals may rally, so come along to my castle, and my daughter Victoria shall welcome the preserver of her father.

_Don Fer._ Your daughter Victoria! Then, perhaps, sir, you are Don Scipio, my intended father-in-law?

_Don Scipio._ Eh! why, zounds! is it possible that you can be my expected son, Fernando?

_Don Fer._ The same, sir; and was on my journey to your castle, when benighted in the forest here.

_Don Scipio._ Oh, my dear boy! [_Embraces him._] d.a.m.ned mean of him to take my purse though--[_Aside._] Ah, Fernando, you were resolved to touch some of your wife's fortune before-hand.

_Don Fer._ Sir--I--

_Don Scipio._ Hus.h.!.+ You have the money, and keep it--ay, and the ring too; I'm glad it's not gone out of the family--Hey, it grows lighter--Come--

_Don Fer._ My rascal Pedrillo is fallen asleep somewhere.

_Don Scipio._ No, we are not safe here--Come then, my dear--brave, valiant--Cursed paltry to take my purse though.


_Spado._ [_Who had been listening, advances._] So, then, our old gentleman is father to Victoria, my young banker Alphonso's mistress, and the other is Fernando, his dreaded rival--this is the first time they ever saw each other too--He has a servant too, and his name Pedrillo--a thought strikes me; if I could, by cross paths, but get to the castle before them, I'll raise a most delicious commotion--In troubled waters I throw my fis.h.i.+ng-hook--[_Whistle without._]--Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm engaged.

[_Exit--A distant Whistle heard without._


_An Apartment in SCIPIO's Castle._


_Catil._ Nay, dear madam, do not submit to go into the nunnery.

_Vic._ Yes, Catilina, my father desires I shall take the veil, and a parent's voice is the call of Heaven!

_Catil._ Heaven! Well, though the fellows swear I'm an angel, this world is good enough for me--Dear ma'am, I wish I could but once see you in love.

_Vic._ Heigho! Catilina, I wonder what sort of gentleman this Don Fernando is, who is contracted to me, and hourly expected at the castle.

_Catil._ A beautiful man, I warrant--But, ma'am, you're not to have him. Hus.h.!.+ Dame Isabel, not content with making your father, by slights and ill usage, force your brother, poor Don Caesar, to run about the world, in the Lord knows what wild courses, but she now has persuaded the old gentleman to pa.s.s her daughter on Don Fernando, for you--There, yonder she is, flaunting, so be-jewelled and be-plumed--Well, if I was you, they might take my birthright--but my husband--take my man--the deuce shall take them first! Ah, no! if ever I do go to heaven, I'll have a smart lad in my company.--Send you to a nunnery!

_Vic._ Was my fond mother alive!--Catilina, my father will certainly marry this Dame Isabel; I'm now an alien to his affections, bereft of every joy and every hope, I shall quit the world without a sigh.


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The Castle of Andalusia Part 4 summary

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