The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Part 128

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NAPOLEON [sitting down on the bed]

No: I'll not go! It is themselves who have done it.

My G.o.d, they are Scythians and barbarians still!

[Enter MORTIER [just made Governor].]


Sire, there's no means of fencing with the flames.

My creed is that these scurvy Muscovites Knowing our men's repute for recklessness, Have fired the town, as if 'twere we had done it, As by our own crazed act!

[GENERAL LARIBOISIERE, and aged man, enters and approaches NAPOLEON.]


The wind swells higher!

Will you permit one so high-summed in years, One so devoted, sire, to speak his mind?

It is that your long lingering here entails Much risk for you, your army, and ourselves, In the embarra.s.sment it throws on us While taking steps to seek security, By hindering venturous means.



There is no choice But leaving, sire. Enormous bulks of powder Lie housed beneath us; and outside these panes A park of our artillery stands unscreened.

NAPOLEON [saturninely]

What have I won I disincline to cede!

VOICE OF A GUARD [without]

The Kremlin is aflame!

[The look at each other. Two officers of NAPOLEON'S guard and an interpreter enter, with one of the Russian military police as a prisoner.]


We have caught this man Firing the Kremlin: yea, in the very act!

It is extinguished temporarily, We know not for how long.


Inquire of him What devil set him on. [They inquire.]


The governor, He says; the Count Rostopchin, sire.


So! Even the ancient Kremlin is not sanct From their infernal scheme! Go, take him out; Make him a quick example to the rest.

[Exeunt guard with their prisoner to the court below, whence a musket-volley resounds in a few minutes. Meanwhile the flames pop and spit more loudly, and the window-panes of the room they stand in crack and fall in fragments.]

Incendiarism afoot, and we unware Of what foul tricks may follow, I will go.

Outwitted here, we'll march on Petersburg, The Devil if we won't!

[The marshals murmur and shake their heads.]


Your pardon, sire, But we are all convinced that weather, time, Provisions, roads, equipment, mettle, mood, Serve not for such a perilous enterprise.

[NAPOLEON remains in gloomy silence. Enter BERTHIER.]

NAPOLEON [apathetically]

Well, Berthier. More misfortunes?


News is brought, Sire, of the Russian army's whereabouts.

That fox Kutuzof, after marching east As if he were conducting his whole force To Vladimir, when at the Riazan Road Down-doubled sharply south, and in a curve Has wheeled round Moscow, making for Kalouga, To strike into our base, and cut us off.


Another reason against Petersburg!

Come what come may, we must defeat that army, To keep a sure retreat through Smolensk on To Lithuania.

NAPOLEON [jumping up]

I must act! We'll leave, Or we shall let this Moscow be our tomb.

May Heaven curse the author of this war-- Ay, him, that Russian minister, self-sold To England, who fomented it.--'Twas he Dragged Alexander into it, and me!

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The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Part 128 summary

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