The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Part 30

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OFFICER [to seaman]

Swab down these stairs. The mess of blood about Makes 'em so slippery that one's like to fall In carrying the wounded men below.

[While CAPTAIN HARDY is still a little way off, LORD NELSON turns to walk aft, when a ball from one of the muskets in the mizzen- top of the "Redoubtable" enters his left shoulder. He falls upon his face on the deck. HARDY looks round, and sees what has happened.]

HARDY [hastily]

Ah--what I feared, and strove to hide I feared!...

[He goes towards NELSON, who in the meantime has been lifted by SERGEANT-MAJOR SECKER and two seamen.]


Hardy, I think they've done for me at last!


I hope not!


Yes. My backbone is shot through.

I have not long to live.

[The men proceed to carry him below.]

Those tiller ropes They've torn away, get instantly repaired!

[At sight of him borne along wounded there is great agitation among the crew.]

Cover my face. There will be no good be done By drawing their attention off to me.

Bear me along, good fellows; I am but one Among the many darkened here to-day!

[He is carried on to the c.o.c.kpit over the crowd of dead and wounded.]

Doctor, I'm gone. I am waste o' time to you.

HARDY [remaining behind]

Hills, go to Collingwood and let him know That we've no Admiral here.

[He on.]


Now quick and pick him off who did the deed-- That white-bloused man there in the mizzen-top.

POLLARD, a mids.h.i.+pman [shooting]

No sooner said than done. A pretty aim!

[The Frenchman falls dead upon the p.o.o.p.

The spectacle seems now to become enveloped in smoke, and the point of view changes.]



[The bowsprit of the French Admiral's s.h.i.+p is stuck fast in the stern-gallery of the "Santisima Trinidad," the starboard side of the "Bucentaure" being shattered by shots from two English three- deckers which are pounding her on that hand. The p.o.o.p is also reduced to ruin by two other English s.h.i.+ps that are attacking her from behind.

On the quarter-deck are ADMIRAL VILLENEUVE, the FLAG-CAPTAIN MAGENDIE, LIEUTENANTS DAUDIGNON, FOURNIER, and others, anxiously occupied. The whole crew is in desperate action of battle and stumbling among the dead and dying, who have fallen too rapidly to be carried below.]


We shall be crushed if matters go on thus.-- Direct the "Trinidad" to let her drive, That this foul tangle may be loosened clear!


It has been tried, sir; but she cannot move.


Then signal to the "Hero" that she strive Once more to drop this way.


We may make signs, But in the thickened air what signal's marked?-- 'Tis done, however.


The "Redoubtable"

And "Victory" there,--they grip in dying throes!

Something's amiss on board the English s.h.i.+p.

Surely the Admiral's fallen?

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The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Part 30 summary

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