The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Part 94

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JOSEPHINE [falling on her knees]

So far advanced--so far!

Fixed?--for the fifteenth? O I do implore you, My very dear one, by our old, old love, By my devotion, don't cast me off Now, after these long years!


Heavens, how you jade me!

Must I repeat that I don't cast you off; We merely formally arrange divorce-- We live and love, but call ourselves divided.

[A silence.]

JOSEPHINE [with sudden calm]

Very well. Let it be. I must submit! [Rises.]


And this much likewise you must promise me, To act in the formalities thereof As if you shaped them of your own free will.


How can I--when no freewill's left in me?


You are a willing party--do you hear?

JOSEPHINE [quivering]

I hardly--can--bear this!--It is--too much For a poor weak and broken woman's strength!

But--but I yield!--I am so helpless now: I give up all--ay, kill me if you will, I won't cry out!


And one thing further still, You'll help me in my marriage overtures To win the d.u.c.h.ess--Austrian Marie she,-- Concentrating all your force to forward them.


It is the--last humiliating blow!-- I cannot--O, I will not!

NAPOLEON [fiercely]

But you SHALL!

And from your past experience you may know That what I say I mean!

JOSEPHINE [breaking into sobs]

O my dear husband--do not make me--don't!

If you but cared for me--the hundredth part Of how--I care for you, you could not be So cruel as to lay this torture on me.

It hurts me so!--it cuts me like a sword.

Don't make me, dear! Don't, will you! O,O,O!

[She sinks down in a hysterical fit.]

NAPOLEON [calling]


[Enter DE BAUSSET, Chamberlain-in-waiting.]

Bausset, come in and shut the door.

a.s.sist me here. The Empress has fallen ill.

Don't call for help. We two can carry her By the small private staircase to her rooms.

Here--I will take her feet.

[They lift JOSEPHINE between them and carry her out. Her moans die away as they recede towards the stairs. Enter two servants, who remove coffee-service, readjust chairs, etc.]


So, poor old girl, she's wailed her _Missere Mei_, as Mother Church says. I knew she was to get the sack ever since he came back.


Well, there will be a little civil huzzaing, a little crowing and cackling among the Bonapartes at the downfall of the Beauharnais family at last, mark me there will! They've had their little hour, as the poets say, and now 'twill be somebody else's turn. O it is droll! Well, Father Time is a great philosopher, if you take him right. Who is to be the new woman?


She that contains in her own corporation the necessary particular.


And what may they be?


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The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Part 94 summary

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