Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 9

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"Sure, why not? You'd mentioned how you'd never been on a boat before. Here's your chance. It belongs to a good friend of mine, and he was more than happy to lend it to us for the day. And it's perfect weather for a sail...come on, let's go." He reaches for me.

"It's not really a sail boat, though, as there are no actual sails anywhere," I tease him.

He chuckles and grasps my arm. "This is very true. We're just gonna hafta settle for an engine. Come aboard, matey." He flashes another wide grin and helps me over the rail. The murky water sloshes beneath us, covered with moss and debris.

I look around in awe. "You really know how to drive this thing?" It must be at least thirty feet long. Low white benches covered with soft blue pillows line the bow area, and the captain's chair sits on a raised bench behind a little cabin in the middle of the boat.

Tristan shrugs nonchalantly. "Nah, but I figure it can't be too hard. As long as I don't crash us into some rocks or something I think we'll be fine. You know how to swim, right?"

I whap him on the b.u.t.t, and he laughs. "Okay, just teasing. I promise you, I'm an excellent captain. Been on boats most of my life and was sailing forty-footers before I even had my driver's license. It's a snap. Now, first things first," he says, sounding like an airline attendant. "Life jackets are right there-" He points to a hook holding two bright orange vests. "-and there's two more next to the bench on the bow. Bathroom is down below deck if nature calls, along with a small kitchenette-but I don't think anything's in it but Diet and some Fig Newtons. Now, take a seat over there and make yourself comfortable while I back 'er outta the slip."

I plant one more quick kiss on his lips before heading to the front of the boat. The engine is so quiet I don't even realize it's on until we start moving backward. "Gotta go slow in here, but once we leave the bay and hit open water we can let 'er rip," Tristan calls down from his position in the captain's seat.

It's a calm day and the ocean is clear. Tristan expertly moves the boat through the water like it's cutting through gla.s.s. We pick up speed, and my hair starts whipping in my eyes. Without hesitation, I twist it in a knot at the base of my neck, stealing a glance at Tristan as he scans the horizon from his perch. Our eyes connect and he gives me a secret smile.

Stretching out my legs on the cus.h.i.+oned bench, I inhale the fresh salty air and admire the tranquility of the calm water. How have I managed to go through my whole life without experiencing something so delightful and exhilarating?

The further we get from land, the freer I feel. Soon, the sh.o.r.eline is completely out of sight, and there's nothing but open sea. I lean back on my arms and tilt my face to catch the warm rays of the sun, completely at peace as we fly over the ocean. I haven't felt this good in a really long time. Since Kieron left.

As much as I try not to think about him, the hurt won't leave. There's too much unfinished business between us. It would've been easier if we'd had some horrible fight, or I had any sort of closure whatsoever. But the last thing he said to me, the very last thing he whispered in my ear was, "I love you".

And I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he did love me. I felt it, down to my soul. Hearing those words as Kieron had leaned in to kiss me outside the cave lit me up in a way I never thought possible. I'd always figured I'd never find someone who loved me for what I really was. But the emotion behind his words was so powerful, so consuming. It was natural...and right.

In that moment, I'd discovered something about myself. I knew that if it ever came down to it, I would sacrifice myself to save him. If there was ever a choice between his life and mine-for whatever crazy reason-I would die for him. No doubt about it. It wouldn't even be a choice, really. I'd rather die than live without him. Having felt what it was like to be held by the one I love more than anything in the world, I knew I couldn't survive without him. I wouldn't want to survive.

I'm still not sure how Tristan managed to sneak into my broken heart. It's impossible for him to take Kieron's place-no one can ever do that. But it's almost as if he's carved out his own special spot next to all the emptiness and ugliness, and filled it with something nice and comforting. When I see him, I immediately feel at ease. It's different from the way Kieron made me feel. With Kieron, it was as if every part of me was alive and on fire all the time. With Tristan, I just feel...nothing. Tristan is my morphine.

Coming out of my reverie, I notice we're no longer cutting through the water but idling gently, surrounded by miles and miles of clear blue ocean. A brief chill sweeps over me as Tristan sidles up from behind and wraps his arms around my chest, burying his face in my neck. I snuggle into him, the initial chill replaced with a familiar warmth. His body and breath soothe me, and he laces his fingers through mine.

"How're you feeling?" he whispers in my ear.

"Wonderful," I sigh. "This is so nice. I wish we could stay out here forever and never go back."

"You don't mean that," he says, undoing my bun and stroking my hair.

I sigh again and watch a seagull circle above the boat. "Why'd we stop?" I ask, angling my face back to his.

"Just wanted to rest for a few. We're about thirty miles out. I wanted to hold you for a while if that's all right." He gives me a soft kiss on my temple.

"It's more than all right," I whisper, pulling his arms around me tighter. My gaze falls to the flash of orange on the deck.

The only life jacket I need is right here, I think to myself. All of a sudden I realize the only thing stopping me from jumping over the side of this boat and into the eternal abyss is Tristan, his arms snugly wrapped around me.

Tears spring to my eyes, and to my mortal shame I start weeping like a baby. I try to pull away, but Tristan holds me back.

"It's okay, Liora." His voice is as soft as his fingertips on my cheek.

"I-I-d-don't know what's wrong with me," I choke through my sobs.

He runs his fingers through my hair and rubs my shoulder. "I think you've been holding a lot of stuff in. Stuff that makes you feel like c.r.a.p. It's okay to let it out. You gotta let it go. Then you can start to heal and move on."

"B-b-but I don't want to," I whimper. I don't want to move on. I don't want to be okay with Kieron being gone. I don't want to let him go.


Tristan stands to stretch his long legs, and I make my way to the rail. The water gently laps around the sides of the rocking boat. In the distance, I see something skim along the water, then a burst of shooting spray. "Tristan, look!" I point at the large, black ma.s.s rising to the ocean's surface.

He smiles and wanders over to me, slipping his arm around my waist. "Wow, I think that's a North Atlantic Right Whale. They're really rare...endangered actually. But some migrate through here this time of year on their way to Georgia and Florida to calve."

"It's so magnificent," I whisper, awed at the sheer size and grace of the majestic creature as it steals a peek at the sky. The whale slips back under the water, and I turn to Tristan with a contented smile.

"Feeling better?" he asks.

I nod.

He gives me a quick kiss. "Okay, I'm gonna start 'er up now. We're about thirty miles from our destination."

"Wait, you mean we're actually going somewhere?" I motion to the vast expanse of open sea. "I thought this was our destination."

He chuckles and leaps up the stairs to the captain's chair. "Nope. I have a surprise for you."

"Okay, whatever you say." I nestle back in my seat on the padded bench. Tristan revs the engine, and soon we're flying over the water again.

I'm curious about Tristan's 'surprise', but the ride is so thoroughly enjoyable, I'm a little disappointed when, in the distance, I see peaks of land, a few piers, and an old-fas.h.i.+oned lighthouse.

"Where are we?" I call up to Tristan.

"The outer banks of North Carolina. We're heading into Avalon Wharf."

Crazy. I've lived in Virginia my whole life, but never been outside of it. Even though North Carolina is close, I've never had any reason to go there.

Tristan slows the boat and expertly docks it in an empty slip. He takes my hand as we disembark onto old, wooden planks.

I glance around, curious and excited. "'Kay, we're here. Now what?" My stomach rumbles, and I'm hoping he suggests grabbing a bite to eat.

"We're meeting some people."

"Really? Who?"

"Just some friends," he says vaguely and glances around. The wharf is nearly empty except for a few fishermen and some tourists.

"Oh. Where're we meeting them?" I ask, peering up at his strong profile.

"Here." He checks his watch, reaches into his jacket pocket, and pulls out a silver cell phone "And where exactly is here?"

Tristan pauses and turns to me. His wicked smile sends chills racing through my entire body.

"Welcome to Kill Devil Hills."

Chapter 11. Liora.

My heart skips a beat, then begins to pound. "What did you say?" I slowly raise my eyes to meet Tristan's amused gaze.

"Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. What, are you telling me you've never heard of this place before?" He arches an eyebrow.

"Can't say that I have," I say evenly, trying to read his expression. Is he messing with me? Or it this just an unfortunate coincidence?

"But you've heard of the Wright Brothers, haven't you? The first guys to fly an airplane?"

"Of course."

"Well, their first powered airplane flight happened right here in Kill Devil Hills, Dare County."

"Huh? I always thought that happened at Kitty Hawk."

"Common misconception. See those sand dunes over there?" Tristan points over to our left, and I nod. "That's where they used to do their glider tests."

"Fascinating," I respond dryly, still wary. "Kind of a weird name for a town, don't ya think?" I hope my voice sounds casual.

Tristan lets out a low laugh as he takes my arm and guides me toward a small diner across the street. My stomach is in knots, but I don't know if it's from hunger or nerves. One minute I'm feeling completely relaxed, the next, nervous and panicked.

"It's an interesting story. You see, back in the colonial days, s.h.i.+pwrecks were pretty common 'round here, and most of the boats were carrying barrels of rum. Scavengers would steal the rum as the boats sank, and hide it back in those hills."

"I don't get how that-"

"Back then, rum was called 'Kill Devil'. Hence, the name 'Kill Devil Hills'." But then again, some people say it's because pirates once ruled these and spent their nights on these hills brewing rum so nasty it could 'kill the devil'. Either way..."

"Ahhh." I exhale, secretly relieved. For a moment there I'd thought Tristan was hinting at something more sinister...almost like he was mocking me when he said the name of this quaint seaside town.

Glad to know I was just imagining it.

The diner is nearly empty except for an elderly man at the bar, and a bored looking waitress with bad roots. Its cla.s.sic Americana decor seems to have been frozen in the 1950's. Tristan leads us to a booth in the back corner, and we both order some coffee. I'm studying the menu when the door chimes and four figures enter, three guys and a girl. Their covered heads are held low as they slide in beside us, two by two. As they pull back their hoodies, I'm shocked when I recognize the one who sits beside Tristan.

"Oh! Hey, Casandra," I say, forcing a pained grin as my stomach sinks. What's Tristan's sister doing here?

"Shut up, you disgusting demon b.i.t.c.h," she replies with a saccharine smile.

Stunned, it's a moment before I feel Tristan's gentle gaze on me. "It's okay, Liora. She's only joking with you."

Oh, okay. I return my attention to the menu. "I think I'll have the blueberry pancakes," I say. "With an extra side of bacon."

"I'll have the same." Tristan closes his menu and sets it down on top of mine.

I glance at the two guys sitting beside me, but I'm not all that interested in who they are or why they're here. Funny though, they all have scars on their faces as well. Not as many as are on Casandra's arms and hands, and none quite as large as Tristan's, but they are there nonetheless. Perhaps they were all in the same car accident? Must've been some wreck.

But I don't care enough to ask. Instead I just stir my coffee and stare out the dirty window beside me. It's a nice day out. I'm glad we came down here.

The boy next to me speaks. "So this is her, huh?"

Tristan nods, and Casandra lets out a disgusted snort. "I swear, this is like the opening line of a really bad joke. 'Five angels and a demon walk into a diner'-"

"Knock it off, Ca.s.s," Tristan chides her. He looks at the boy beside me. "Yes, Roan, this is the one I told you about. She can help us-"

"We don't need her help!" Casandra snaps. "This whole thing is a waste of time!"

The boy next to her speaks up. "So you've really seen it? She can handle the Boumeaux?"

Tristan looks at him and nods.

"So what, you think she's just gonna open the magical door to her demonic kingdom so we can waltz right in and wipe them out?"

Tristan reaches his hand across the table, covering mine, and gives me a tender smile. "She'll do whatever I ask her to. She's almost ready now."

I rub my thumb along his palm as we share an intimate look. It's so nice that he's introducing me to his family, and they're all so cool. Especially Ca.s.sandra. I know she and I will be great friends...maybe like sisters. I've always wanted a sister.

"How'd you even know she was one of them?" the boy named Roan asks. "I don't feel anything from her."

Tristan smirks and his azure eyes flash. "She sees my scars. Not only sees them, but can't stop staring. She said something to me about them the first time she saw me. She always wants to touch them, and even likes kissing them-"

Casandra makes a gagging noise. "Don't you think you're taking this game just a little too far, big brother?"

The boy beside her cuts her off. "How do you know she's not one of ours? Being able to see the Markings doesn't necessarily mean she's a Dark One. There are lots of unknown offspring from rogues running around..."

Tristan laughs. "Well, because she can't see my wing shadows. Pretty sure she would've mentioned seeing those." He pauses as the waitress returns with our plates of pancakes. He pushes his to the side while I eagerly dig in.

"Besides," he continues, his voice lower. "I can taste the blackness deep within her soul. It's hidden, but it's there."

"You disgust me," Ca.s.sie says, shaking her head. "This whole thing is beyond idiotic. Just kill her and be done with it."

"I have a plan, Ca.s.s. And it will work. You just worry about your job, and let me worry about mine-"

"What job? The boy demon isn't even here! He left her disgusting a.s.s! But now I'm stuck playing high school student and forced to watch you make kissy time with a revolting demon b.i.t.c.h? No thank you!" Her delicate face is contorted with rage, and I half expect her to toss the table aside so she can storm out of here in a huff. I hold the sides of my plate just in case...These pancakes are delicious; I'd hate to see them fall on the floor.

Tristan wraps his arm over her shoulder and gives her a squeeze. "Casandra," he says softly. "We are so close. Don't give up on me now. This will work. Don't you want payback for what those demons did to Nikko and Azriel? This is the only way..."

Casandra lets out a sigh and her face softens. It's so nice to see a brother and sister who are so close and obviously care so much for each other. I relax my grip on my plate and resume eating.

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Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 9 summary

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