Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 8

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I dismount and take a few steps toward him. "Tatiana had to do something for me before I came in tonight. It took a while. But it's okay; I'm fine." I give him a small smile.

"Yeah, you're awful fine for someone who's on a suicide mission. Tell me, Lucky, why do you want to die so badly? Is this life really so unbearable for you?" Bones' mocha-colored eyes are both sad and angry.

"Bones," I sigh, "I have no desire to die, especially not tonight. I'm being smart about this. They have no idea I'm coming. I have the best weapons. I know their weaknesses. All I need to do is find where they're keeping Kieron and get him free. That's it."

He lets out a guffaw. "Oh. That's it, huh? It's going to be that simple?"

"Look, I'm not stupid. I did some research on the Hlbafa. I know what I'm up against. The h.e.l.lhounds we took out were probably their strongest fighters. The ones who crashed Demon Bar were probably their next strongest, and some of them already got killed. They're a small tribe, and there are only so many places where they can be keeping Kieron prisoner. All I have to do is lay low, find out where he is, and break him out."

He circles around me and lifts up my cloak. "A regular one demion army, you are," he says with a chuckle.

I yank my cloak back down and take a step away. "Do I have a choice?" I ask, my eyes level with his.

Bones searches my face for a long time. "I was hoping you'd change your mind. Come to your senses. But I see there's no stopping you. Don't know why I thought I'd be able to. That boy is under your skin in a big way...more than I think even you realize."

I stare at the gra.s.s around my feet. "Yes, Kieron is very special to me. I've never felt like this about anyone...I didn't even know it was possible. And now that I do know-"

Bones gets up abruptly and moves away. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You love him. I get it." For several minutes he just stands quietly, staring out into the distance. Finally he glances down at me and holds out his hand. "You coming?"

I look at him, questioning.

"...I'd say we better go stock up on our drinks. Looks like you and I are really gonna need all the Energy we can get. We're in for quite a night-"

I jump up and throw my arms around him. "You're coming with me?"

He presses me close before turning away. "Did you really think for one second I was going to let you go alone?" He gives a short whistle, and a moment later two more hounds appear. They s.h.i.+ft into the forms of Alik and Khalil and move to stand proudly behind Bones.

"Let's do this," Bones says rubbing his hands together.

"Stop right there," Aria commands the four of us at the entrance to Demon Bar. She s.h.i.+fts her emerald eyes from Khalil to Alik, and back to Bones and me. "You may enter," she says, motioning to the others. "I need to speak with these two here."

As Aria talks, I hear her husky voice loud and clear inside my head, as well as with my ears. Her icy gaze falls back on me. A nervous tingle races down my spine, and I automatically take a step back. Bones places his hand on my arm in a show of support.

"Girl, you are out of your mind," Aria says, shaking her head, "I wish you would stay out of my mind," I mutter, giving her a dirty look.

She smiles at me and glances at Bones. "And you are crazy for agreeing to go with her."

Bones raises his hands in protest. "I have no choice. I can't talk her out of it and there's no way I'm letting her go alone-"

"Oh, I understand your reasoning." She flips her hand through the air dismissively and juts out her tiny chin. "Both of you...Doesn't mean you're not totally insane for thinking you can actually pull it off. Or that you have any hope for survival."

"Well, you try telling her that. It's like talking to a brick wall," Bones says, casually leaning his tall frame against the door frame.

Aria looks him up and down appreciatively, then s.h.i.+fts her magnetic gaze to me, locking her eyes on mine like two lasers fixed on a target. Immediately my head starts swimming. I feel my brain shrinking and turning into liquid. It swishes and swirls before fading into a spongy ma.s.s of nothingness. Like a statue I stand frozen, unable even to blink. It's okay, though. I have no desire to move. I just want to stay frozen here for as long as I'm supposed to. Forever is fine.

Aria pulls Bones close, pressing her curvaceous body seductively against his. It's fine. I don't care at all. I'm perfectly content to remain right here forever and let them do their thing.

"She thinks she can actually pull it off, marching across the border and rescuing her friend. You are her companion, her sworn protector. Why would you agree to let her try this madness?" Aria asks quietly. Her voice is a sing-song ditty in my head.

"There's no stopping Lucky when she has her mind set on something," Bones replies, running his fingers through her thick, chestnut mane. "I thought it'd be better if I were by her side to help. Who knows? Maybe it'll work. She has good weapons-"

Aria breaks free from Bones' flirtatious caresses and steps toward me. I don't flinch as she lifts my cloak sleeve and takes the prized bag of magical crystals from my hand. She opens it up and lets out a horrified gasp, her eyes wide. "This is not possible! Where did she get these? I was unaware any were still in existence!"

"From her guardian, the witch. Guess they had some stashed illegally."

Aria presses her lips together and frowns. "I don't like that I did not detect these earlier. What was she possibly thinking, bringing them here? Dropping even one would kill every demon inside!"

"You're the telepath. You tell me," Bones smirks. "Obviously that's not what they're meant for, Aria. She brought them to use against the Hlbafa.

"She's not stepping foot inside the Bar with these, for obvious reasons. I will hold on to them for safekeeping." She ties up the bag and tucks it away behind a thick slab of stone beside her.

"Aw, c'mon, Aria. Don't take those, she needs them," Bones protests. "But if you think it best..." he amends with a peaceful smile as they lock eyes.

Aria reaches over and removes the Boumeaux, causing my cloak to fall to the floor. She retrieves an arrow from the bundle strapped to my back and stares at it appraisingly, then returns it to its quiver. "The most deadly toxin I've ever seen. Very impressive. Her guardian is quite powerful, indeed."

"Yes, she is." Bones nods.

Aria glances back and forth between us. "Go," she finally says to Bones. "Leave us. I want to talk to this young one here."

Bones seems confused for a moment, but acquiesces. I don't turn to watch him walk inside, or even to acknowledge the new demions who've just arrived. I just want to stand here and do nothing until it isn't time to stand here anymore.

Once we're alone, Aria returns her attention to me. A smile tugs at the corner of her ruby-red lips, and her green eyes flash. The empty sensation in my head is replaced with a warm, tingly, buzzing. I want to scratch the inside of my skull, but I remain still.

"Now, you. What am I going to do with you?" she purrs, circling me like a shark circles its prey. "I can't very well have you blazing across the border and getting yourself killed. You are too important to this clan. You are too important to Bones, and I like Bones. He's one of our finest. And I can't have you creating even more conflict between our two tribes; you've done enough already."

She raises a slender finger to her mouth and studies me for a long moment. Now the itchy tingle is spreading down my neck and inside my body. Part of me wants to squirm, scratch, and shake it off. But a bigger part of me is totally content to stay exactly as I am. Even as Aria moves her hands over my chest and closes her eyes, I remain still.

She gasps. "This is...this is...what is this?" she whispers, staring at me with wide, emerald eyes.

Suddenly, I have a strong desire to speak. "I love him," I say simply.

"There is more...much more than just love. Tell me..." she urges.

"I've never done anything right. And I have to make things right now. I cannot live with myself if I don't. I let Michael and Kayla die. It was all my fault. They were my very best friends, and I let them die. And then after Ivy and Cody were killed, I could've had my revenge on the Amazea. Only because of Kieron...he gave me the chance to do it. But I was selfish...I wanted him more. I loved how he made me feel-so much so, I let him take them so we could be together. But if I had killed them like I was supposed to, then he wouldn't have gotten captured. He'd be safe with the Legionare right now. He wouldn't have been coming back for me."

"I feel what you are feeling," Aria murmurs, transfixed. "Such suffering, mixed with such indescribable joy..."

My voice is raw and plain. "Don't you see? I have to do this. He was willing to trade his freedom for me. For my happiness. I don't deserve him, yet he was going to do this amazing, unselfish, self-sacrificing thing for me. Because he loves me. I've never had anyone love me that way before...where I could actually physically feel it. On my skin, in my heart, and with every breath I took. I felt his love."

"So now you plan on making yourself a prove this love to him?" she asks thoughtfully, her eyes focusing on mine again.

I shake my head. "No. Martyrs die. I have no intention of letting that happen to me, or to him. Or to Bones," I add emphatically. I pause, take a deep breath and continue, quieter now. "I don't want to die. But if I can't save Kieron and bring him back to me, well, I don't want to live, either. If I die trying, so be it. I really have no choice."

"You will fail and most certainly be killed, unless-"

"Stop saying that!" I interrupt. The intrusion comes from somewhere deep inside myself, immediately cutting me off. I close my mouth again, having lost all desire to speak.

"Unless-" Aria clears her throat and flashes a wicked smile.

"-unless I help you."

Chapter 10. Liora.

I open my eyes, and my head feels like a punching bag. "Tattie," I groan. d.a.m.n Lucky and her late night drinking. I thought Tatiana said she was putting an end to that.

"Tattie," I moan again when she doesn't arrive. I glance over to my nightstand but don't see any of her pink hangover remedy waiting for me. That's strange. Tatiana is always one step ahead of me when it comes to my morning rescue.

I force myself out of the comfortable bed, surprised to find I'm actually wearing pajamas for a change. Well, not real pajamas, but a tank top and some boxer shorts. Lucky actually had the decency to dress me before she fell asleep? What kind of miracle is that? But apparently she wasn't kind enough to not drink like a fish so close to sun-up and leave me feeling like death. Again.

Before I can take a step I plop back down on the bed, dizzy. I shake my head. This is weird...different. This isn't how I usually feel when I wake up after one of Lucky's benders. Yeah, I still feel like c.r.a.p, but it's more of a drugged I'd taken some really strong valium or something.

After taking several deep breaths, I make my way out to the kitchen, carefully avoiding the piles of clothes scattered all over the floor. "Tattie? What happened to my room? It looks like the Dominatrix Depot exploded in there..."

My voice trails off. I'm so accustomed to awaking to the smells of freshly baked bread, sizzling bacon, and coffee brewing, the empty and aroma-free kitchen is a disappointment...and a bit alarming. I can't remember a morning when Tatiana hasn't greeted me.

"Tat? Tattie, where are you?"

Her bedroom door is closed, and I tap lightly before letting myself in. The room is dark and quiet, but the sight on the far side sends a shot of fear through my heart. Tatiana is lying motionless on her bed, her arms clasped on her stomach as if laid out in a casket.

For a split second I stand there, overwhelmed with fear. But only for a second. I cross the room in two quick strides and grab her hands. They're still warm.

"Tattie...Tattie, are you okay? Can you hear me?" I whisper in her ear, shaking her gently. I stare carefully at her, looking for any movement...any sign of life. She's so still, I can't tell if she's even breathing. " your eyes, Tattie...please," I plead, louder now. I shake her harder as the tears start to form.

Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I think I make out a faint rise and fall. I rest my ear to her chest, hold my breath, and pray for a heartbeat.

There's a sudden movement, and I lift my head to meet Tatiana's disoriented gaze. She gives a small cough and struggles to sit up.

"Liora, dear, what are you doing?" she asks in a raspy voice.

"Oh, Tat, you scared me! Don't ever do that again!" I exclaim, throwing my arms around her neck and pulling her close. The tears roll down my cheeks, but I smile widely and squeeze her tight.

"Have you lost your mind, dear child? What has gotten into you?"

I pull back and appraise her. "You weren't in the kitchen when I woke up. And when I came to find you, you looked so...still." I bite my lip and frown.

"Hmmm. I must have overslept. I'm sorry breakfast wasn't ready for you-"

"Oh, Tat, I don't care about that!" I playfully tap her dainty shoulder and smooth down her frayed silver mane. "I was just concerned for a minute, 'cause I can't remember a time you haven't been up before me. And come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen you actually sleep before." I let out a relieved laugh and stand up to leave.

"Had you thought I died?" she asks with veiled amus.e.m.e.nt.

I pause and turn around. "Well, no...I don't know. You were just lying there, so still, not moving. I couldn't even tell if you were breathing. So yeah, it kinda freaked me out for a moment. Don't ever do that again."

I'm almost to the door when I hear her reply. "I will one day, you know."

My heart beats heavily in my chest. "Will what?" I ask quietly.

"Die. Every mortal does, eventually. And I am no different."

Tristan steadies himself against his Jaguar and flashes me a s.e.xy smirk. "I was wondering if you'd show."

"I said I would, didn't I?" When Tristan had asked me to meet him at the old Fisherman's Wharf landing, at first I'd thought he was joking. It was almost a hundred miles away.

I press the alarm on my keychain, and my Mustang lets off two quick beeps. I smooth my hair out of my face and fall into his arms. His lips meet mine in a rapid series of soft pecks before settling in for a deeper, more pa.s.sionate embrace. My arms wrapped around him, I catch him watching me while we kiss, his eyes only half-closed.

We both laugh. "You peeked," he says, and strokes the back of my head. I still get nervous when his hand wanders too near my Mark. Even though he knows the truth about me, I don't want him to be reminded any more than necessary.

"Yeah, well, you only know because you were peeking too," I tease back, giving his hand a light squeeze. He looks down at me and grins.

"I like watching you kiss me," he says huskily, leaning closer. "I like seeing your lips on mine."

"I like feeling them," I whisper back, welcoming his kiss. My blood stirs and my skin tingles as he presses my body firmly against the side of the Jag. If I can just pretend he's Kieron...everything will be perfect.

But Tristan is not Kieron. And during my two hour drive out to the coast, I had decided that's a good thing. I had to share Kieron with Lucky. Being with him was a constant reminder that I'm not a normal human being-I'm part monster. And the only person who could love me was part monster.

But Tristan is normal. A regular human boy. And he wants me. Only me. He doesn't even know about Lucky...well, not all the dirty details anyway. And I'm not going to tell him unless I absolutely have to. Just this once I want something that belongs to me and only me.

Tristan presses his hips into mine, and I hook my thumbs through his belt loops. The morning sun warms our faces and sweetens our kisses. Seagulls squawk over the water, and the salty breeze is rich with the smells of marine life. Being with him is so uncomplicated. So easy. And that's what I need right now.

Tristan pulls back and lovingly strokes my hair. I reach up to his cheek and gently trace the wicked scar with my finger. Then, without really thinking, I stand on tiptoe and plant several soft kisses on his disfigured face. I'm surprised when a quick icy tingle shoots from my lips down to my stomach...much like the first time I saw him. I pull away and start walking toward the wooden dock.

"So what're we doing out here?" I ask.

"I have a surprise for you. Come on." An impish grin lights his face, and he holds out his hand.

Together we head down to the water's edge. I wait while he goes to talk to an old man wearing a fisherman's cap. They shake hands and the man nods, then points toward a row of mid-sized boats. Tristan waves me over.

"C'mon, Liora."

Slightly amused, I oblige. "Tristan, what's going on?"

He drapes an arm across my shoulders and points to a charming white boat named the "Sea Angel".

"Hope you don't get seasick," he says, smiling.

"We're going on that?" I ask. "Seriously?"

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Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 8 summary

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