Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 7

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"But how do you know...and what exactly do you think you know?" I ask him as we finally break apart. I lick my lips where Tristan has just kissed me, still feeling a slight tingle where his cool lips met mine.

Tristan takes me by the hand and we slowly make our way toward the entrance of the cave. He looks at me sideways and arches an eyebrow. "During a research trip in Tibet a long time ago, my parents came across someone who was able to handle the rocks. They were stunned, since everyone else who'd touched them immediately turned into dust...poof...disappeared. This person-or I should say, this being-told them how there are creatures inhabiting this planet who are able to withstand the ma.s.sive power of the stones. He said they can do it because they aren't entirely human, but are partly from a different race of creatures who only look human, but in fact, have supernatural abilities."

I feel like I've just been dropped off a skysc.r.a.per with no parachute. "But I am human," I protest weakly, my mind spinning. Are we really having this conversation right now?

"Maybe now you are...well, at least you think you are. That's what makes you so special. Why you're the one I want. The one I need."

Did this human boy just tell me he knows what I am and is okay with it? He likes it?

"You need me?" I whisper, disbelieving. "For what?"

"Yes, I do...very much." His voice is husky as he turns to me again. I willingly tilt my head, eager to welcome his kiss.

I s.h.i.+eld my eyes from the bright sunlight as we emerge from the cave. Smiling, I glance at Tristan, realizing I feel no guilt for kissing him. None. It feels natural...beautiful.

As if Kieron had never existed.

"I just can't believe you're saying people out there actually know about us." I shake my head in disbelief as we head back down the narrow dirt path.

He flashes me a grin. "Well, only a few. And the few who do certainly aren't saying anything. Nothing gets a human thrown in the loony bin faster than claiming that demiG.o.ds with super powers walk the earth."

"I'm not part G.o.d," I say, rolling my eyes.

He rests his palm on my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You're special, Liora. Very, very special. And that's all that matters to me."

The moment I approach the cabin, I know something's terribly wrong. The front door flies open of its own accord, and Tatiana is hovering near the entry way, the tips of her toes barely gracing the floor, her long silver hair thras.h.i.+ng about wildly.

"Tat!" I gasp, stopping in my tracks. Her fierce expression sends a chill of fear racing through me. I've never seen her this angry before. Her normally opaque eyes are solid black.

"Liora Anastasia Greyson. You get in here right now." Her voice, barely a whisper, screams through the air. My heart pounds as I take a shaky step forward.

"What is it, Tat?" And then I remember. Oh c.r.a.p. Of course...She knows I skipped out of my afternoon

"How dare you disobey a direct order from me, young woman. I specifically told you-"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. But I didn't ditch...not really. It was cool. A lot of the students didn't show up to school today because of the accident, so teachers weren't covering anything important. Instead of coming home, Tristan and I went for a drive. What's the big deal?"

I avoid looking directly at her as I set my book bag on the kitchen counter and reach for an apple. But before the fruit reaches my mouth, it flies out of my hand and straight out the wide-open front door. I turn to Tatiana, aghast.

"What'd you do that for?"

She floats closer, dragging the tips of her toes across the hardwood floor, and I take several steps back. "I told you not to go there," she hisses.

I frown, bewildered. "Go where?"

"To the mines, Liora. To the Flintridge Mines. I forbade you to go anywhere near there, yet for some reason you were there the better part of the afternoon!"

My eyes widen in disbelief. "What?" I finally gasp, hoping I heard her wrong. First she forgets me telling her about Tristan and now this? What's happening to her?

She narrows her charcoal eyes. "You heard me, young lady. Why did you deliberately disobey me?"

I let out a deep breath and shake my head. "Tat...I'm sorry, I don't know what you think you saw today, but I wasn't anywhere near the mines...I swear. You must've gotten your signals mixed up or something."

"Do NOT lie to me, child! I know exactly where you were this afternoon, and you were exactly where I'd told you not to be!"

My fear deepens and my eyes fill with tears. I don't know what's worse, having Tatiana be so angry with me, or the fact that she's obviously losing her mind.

"Tat, no...I swear, you're mistaken. Why would I go to the mines? Tristan and I just drove out to the countryside for a few hours. We were in the complete opposite direction of Flintridge, actually."

"Why do you think you can deceive me? Do you think I am a fool?" she asks, sliding closer.

I'm sobbing in earnest now. "No, Tat," I choke out. "I'm not lying. I swear to you. I swear on Kayla and Michael. Please believe me. I didn't disobey you..."

The hot fire p.r.i.c.kles my skin, and for once, I gratefully welcome my invader. I can't bear to see Tatiana like this for another second. Maybe Lucky can do something...

As I stagger to the couch and fall on the cus.h.i.+ons, I barely have time for my fading plea. "Tat, you gotta believe-"

Chapter 9. Lucky.

Tatiana is glaring like she wants to kill me.

"What? What'd I do this time?" I get up from the sofa and quickly head into my room. But a light wooziness sweeps through me, and I have to lean against the wall for a moment until it I turn around and head into Tatiana's room instead. I cast a wary glance over my shoulder and see her onyx eyes blazing into me. Great. Just what I don't need right now.

Tatiana is right behind me as I swig the last of the Energy potion. "I'm gonna need a refill here soon, Tat," I say, tapping the emerald bottle with my finger.

Her black eyes are cold as she studies me. I haven't seen her this mad since the time I accidentally blew up the kitchen practicing my fire charms. But I haven't done anything really wrong lately... have I? What's gotten her so upset?

"I am very angry with Liora. She deliberately disobeyed a direct order from me today," Tatiana says as I brush past her and charge into my room. I'm relieved it's Liora she's angry with and not me, but I don't have time for this drama right now. I have bigger things on my mind. Much bigger things. Like figuring out a way to save Kieron from an entire clan of hostile demons all by myself.

Tatiana perches herself on the edge of my bed, still glowering.

"Yeah? What'd the sweet lil' angel do this time? " I nervously dig through my closet, tossing clothes everywhere. Tatiana dodges to avoid being hit by a flying boot. Finally, I emerge and pull a white velvet camisole over my arms.

"She went to the Flintridge Mines today with some boy even though I'd expressly forbidden her to do so. And then she had the audacity to lie to me about it." Her eyes narrow as she picks up a black halter top from her lap and sets it aside. "Did you have anything to do with it?"

"Thanks. Blame me for everything, why don't you? I don't give a c.r.a.p about the mines, and I have no idea why she went there. She's probably just acting like a normal teenager for once. Good for her. A little rebellion is good for the soul, I always say. But don't look at me with those murderous eyes...I had nothing to do with it. I have more important things to worry about right now," I say indignantly, pulling on some black leather pants.

I admire my reflection in the mirror for a moment before ripping off the white camisole top and replacing it with a red one. Considering what I have planned for the evening, white probably isn't the smartest choice, even if all my clothes are specially treated to repel demon blood stains. No point in pus.h.i.+ng it.

Tatiana lets out a long sigh as her eyes fade to a smoky gray. "Do I dare ask?"

Like she even has to. I slide on my steel-tipped boots and reach for my dagger, nestling it safe inside its hidden pouch in the boot lining. "I told you this morning, I'm rescuing Kieron." I avoid making eye contact. I already know she's going to try to stop me, just as she knows it's pointless to try.

The old cedar trunk at the foot of my bed creaks as I lift the lid. Carefully, I begin to rifle through its contents.

"Surely you know it's impossible. You cannot march into hostile territory alone and expect to survive."

I pull out two crossbows and set one aside. Then I gather five bundles of arrows-sixty in all, and place them next to the bow. I pause briefly, then s.n.a.t.c.h a large velvet satchel and very gently place in on the ground.

My eyes close when I hear Tatiana gasp. "No, not the veneficus calx. Those are all that are left in existence and are mustn't take those."

The magical stones are by far the strongest, most powerful weapons I have. And they're my best hope for survival. Although they look like tiny purple marbles-nothing more than a Sapie-child's play toy-shattering even one will kill any demon within a twenty foot radius. I just have to make sure to throw or shoot them far enough away from me. As long as they're safely inside the protective pouch they're harmless enough...but dropping even one too close would mean lights out Lucky.

"I promise I'll only use them as a last resort. Hopefully I won't need them at all." I meet her gaze steadily. "Can you get me the demon grimoire, please?"

"What are you looking for?"

I start picking up random articles of clothing I've strewn about the room, only to toss them back down again. "I want to read up on the Hlbafa real quick. See if I can find anything useful."

She purses her lips and allows a slight nod. Three quick snaps of her dainty fingers and the humongous book comes flying into the room like it was shot from a gun. I barely duck in time as it whizzes past my ear and lands gracefully on Tatiana's lap.

"Yeah...Don't worry about me. I don't really need my head anyway," I mutter.

"Ostendo mihi Hlbafandando," Tatiana murmurs, running her withered hands over the ancient leather binding. The book opens, and the fluttering leaves turn of their own accord before finally stopping on a page of bold, black script. She fixes me with another disapproving look before getting up and leaving the room.

At least her eyes are white again.

Thirty minutes later I hear her low chanting and find Tatiana in her room, bending over her cauldron. Her eyes are rolled back in her head as she carefully stirs some mysterious brew. I lay my arrows on the bed and sit down to watch her work. One after the other, she masterfully mixes her ingredients as easily and efficiently as if she had perfect vision. I've always wondered how she knows exactly what is in each of the dozens of unmarked vials she has on her shelf, how she knows exactly where each one goes and what it does.

"Tat, you know I need you for this," I whisper. I hate to disturb her, but I need her attention. It's imperative she do this spell for me. Without it, I'm totally screwed.

Her eyes slowly focus on me, and I take a deep breath. "Sorry to interrupt, but I need you to make me a poison for my that will be a sure kill-shot every time-"

"Come to me," she commands, her voice low.

I stand and make my way to where she is hunched over the enormous iron cauldron. The stench of its contents is nearly unbearable. My throat constricts and my lungs rebel against the foul odors. "Gah, what died in there?" I cough and cover up my nose. "That's the worst smell I've ever-"

"Give me your arm."

Of course... She's already started to make the poison. When I realize why she needs me, I swallow a small groan. Now is not the time to show any weakness or hesitation.

Tatiana picks up her ruby-tipped knife with one hand and grasps my arm with the other. She holds the razor-sharp blade to the fire for several long moments, then presses its tip against my flesh.

I bite my lip and think of Kieron's smile as the knife pierces my skin. Tatiana drags the silver blade down the full length of my forearm, then tips my wrist at a slight angle so the oozing blood drips neatly into the bubbling cauldron. She closes her eyes and begins chanting again. As disgusting as it is, I can't help but be fascinated by this ritual. Blood spells, though unpleasant, are the most potent kind of dark magic there is. And it takes some serious power to create a poison that is capable of killing Dark-angels.

She grasps my wrist harder as she recites her secret spell. There is a hissing, a crackling, and then a loud pop. Tatiana gives my wrist one final squeeze, a gentle shake, and then puts one finger in her mouth. She draws the wet finger over the bleeding gash, sealing it instantly before releasing her grip.

"It is ready," she declares.

Tatiana took a lot of blood...more than usual. I fight the wooziness in my head and eye the empty bottle of elixir on her nightstand. It worries me that I'm not exactly one hundred percent, but I push it out of my mind. Once I get to Demon Bar and properly replenish, I'll be fine. For now I just have to put up with the sickly feeling in my blood, and the raging inferno in my chest.

Holding the arrows by the quills, I dip them one by one into the mystical brew. Careful not to touch the poisoned ends, I divide them into two piles, putting them in drawstring quivers fastened securely over my shoulders. I pause a moment, then remove three of the arrows and place them on the table. Since I'm taking all the veneficus calx, I need to leave something here at home in case of an emergency. After another moment's pause, I place one of the tiny purple stones next to the arrows.

Tatiana is silent as I return to my room to finish my preparations. Hair up in a high ponytail...a dash of my favorite cherry red lip gloss...I hoist my crossbow over my shoulders, then throw on my riding cloak and fasten it with my Boumeaux.

As I tie the end of the bag that holds the veneficus calx, Tatiana enters, eyeing me with steady disapproval. "Are you sure you must take those? Once they're gone, that's it-no more. Forever. If we are ever attacked..."

I glance down at the sack and sigh. "I have no choice, Tat. I need all the help I can get. I know these are for extreme emergencies only, but that's what this is. I can't think of a better use for them. But I did save one. It's in your room next to a few arrows. Just in case..."

"As you wish," she says quietly.

I know what I'm doing is nothing short of suicidal. And taking these stones is selfish and reckless. But I can't help it. If I was being held prisoner, Kieron would do the same for me. I know he would. But it's more than just that...I have to rescue him. I cannot lose another person I care for. I just can't. I'm not designed to handle grief the way Liora is. And now that I know he's out there somewhere, maybe hurt and afraid...wondering if anyone will come for him, or if he will die alone and forgotten...I can't think of anything but saving him.

I raise my hood over my head. As I turn to bid farewell to Tatiana, I'm taken aback as a single tear rolls down her cheek.

"Tat? What is it? Please don't cry!"

She makes no move to wipe the tear away and just stands there like a tiny frozen statue.

I throw my arms around her and hold her tight. "Don't be sad, Tattie. Everything will be all right. I promise. I'll be fine."

She nods as I pat her long, silver hair. "Just know that I love you very much. I always have, and I always will." Her voice lowers to a whisper. "Whatever happens, know I've always been on your side, and always will be. As long as you need me, you'll have me."

"I love you too, Tat. But don't be so worried, and quit talking like's freaking me out. I'll be careful. You'll see me in a few hours and everything will be cool. Just watch."

I pull away and head out the door.

Diablo races through the night, and as we approach the thick fog surrounding the Portal to Thiberoux, my heart thuds ominously. I take a deep breath and recite the secret command: Hasish Auria, permissum mihi obduco.

Hasish Auria, permissum mihi obduco.

Hasish Auria, permissum mihi obduco.

The fog breaks and the scenery changes. Instead of the gloomy, moonless night of Sapie-land, I'm suddenly surrounded by a sparkling oasis of golds and greens, glowing and illuminated by the three full moons of Illyria. At my urging, the black stallion races around the curves and up a mountain, my body pressed to his powerful neck as he flies through the forests of my homeland.

"Whoa, boy," I whisper as we near the River of Kings. Diablo eases his pace, and I glance around. Even though I don't see anyone, a p.r.i.c.kly unease creeps up the back of my neck...I feel vulnerable and I'm being watched. I check in every direction, then reach into my boot and withdraw my dagger.

"Bones?" I call out meekly. No answer. I'm not sure if he's supposed to be on patrol tonight, but someone should be here...

"Bones?" I call, a little louder this time.

A faint bark sounds in the distance, and I breathe a sigh of relief. A moment later the ma.s.sive black beast emerges from the shadows, phasing into the shape of a beautiful man. He saunters over to a pile of rocks, grabs the jeans and shoes lying on top of them, and quickly dresses.

"Hi, Bones."

He draws a long look over my body. Not his usual s.e.xy, longing look, but one of guarded apprehension. "I meant to be here for you when you arrived. But you were late, and I needed to check on something." He pauses and looks away. "I was getting worried," he adds under his breath.

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Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 7 summary

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