Zombie Games: Road Kill Part 7

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"That's right. Oh, wait," I said, putting my arm around her and pulling her close. "I feel like giving you another hug. It must be your mom, again."

She closed her eyes. "I miss you mom," she whispered.

I smoothed her hair down and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sure that she misses you too."

"Is that cute little girl yours?"

I stiffened.


I ignored him and released Kallie. "Why don't you go and look for Nora. I think she's handing out water."

Kallie stood up and eyed Dwayne warily. "Okay."

"You look a little young to be a mother," he said as she scampered away.

"That's because I am too young to be a mother."

His eyes swept over my body and I wished I had more clothes covering me. Because of the heat, my usual attire was a tank top and jean-shorts. "What are you twenty?"

"Eighteen," I said, raising my chin.

He smiled. "You're still legal."

"I'm legal but it doesn't make me available," I said, trying not to flinch as his eyes traveled over my body.

"She's also engaged," said Nora, who appeared beside me. "To a martial artist who could take you out with the tip of his finger, if he really wanted to."

He looked amused more than anything. "A real tough guy, huh?"

I nodded. "Yes, but I don't need anyone's protection. I can take care of myself."

He put his foot on the bench and leaned against his knee. "I suppose you can, if you've survived this far. Truth is, I'm not a threat, so you can both just relax."

"Everyone's a threat," said Nora.

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Because we've both had our share of trouble in the last few weeks and they also tried giving us the same line of bulls.h.i.+t," said Nora.

His eyes narrowed. "Oh, is that right?"

"Yep," she smiled coldly. "Neither of us are nave, defenseless, or stupid. So you can save yourself a lot of embarra.s.sment and pain by taking what you need for food, and be on your way."

Dwayne reached into his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. "I think you have me all wrong."

"Maybe, but I don't really give a s.h.i.+t one way or the other. You've obviously been in prison and that tat near your eye, which you're proudly displaying, speaks volumes. So, if you think you're going to pull any wool over our eyes, you're wasting your time."

"I got that tattoo when I defended myself in prison."

"It's one thing to defend yourself, it's another thing to go bragging about killing someone using a tattoo, Dwayne," I said. "By the way, smoking isn't permitted in the courtyard."

He stared at me for a few seconds and then put the cigarette pack back into his pocket. "Can't believe I'm letting a couple of little girls like you bust my b.a.l.l.s," he sighed.

"We haven't even started," muttered Nora as he turned and walked away.

"He gives me the creeps," I said.

She nodded. "He's dangerous too. I just hope they leave soon, so we can get the heck out of here and back to Minnesota. I feel like we're wasting too much time, here."

"I know," I said. Besides wanting to find my grandparents, my heart ached for Bryce along with the others. I just wanted to finish this mission and get back to the hotel. "But Henry is afraid those two men are a major threat to the nuns. We can't leave until they're gone."

"Well, they'd better be gone by tomorrow or I'm going to run their out of here myself," said Nora, her jaw set. "And I'm serious, Wild."

I wasn't sure how she'd do it, but there was no doubt in my mind that she would.

That night we slept on the floor of the church with the children, taking s.h.i.+fts to watch over everyone. Since both men had been in prison, we didn't trust any of the kids alone with the strangers. Henry volunteered for the first s.h.i.+ft, me for the second, and Nora for the final. When it was my turn, I wrapped a blanket around myself and hunkered down on a pew with the gun hidden underneath.

"Keep your eyes on those two," whispered Henry as we stared at the two sleeping men. "I trust them about as much as your lead foot."

I smiled and shook my head.

He smiled back and then his face became serious again. "Don't let them get you alone, Wild. I know you're good with those karate moves and everything, but those two are giants compared to you. It wouldn't be too hard for them to pin you down and hurt you."

I pushed the horrifying image away. "I'll be fine."

His lips thinned. "I'm serious. You didn't see the way that dark haired fella's been eyeballing you. For all we know he could have went to prison for rape."

My stomach clenched. I hadn't even thought of that. "He tries raping me and he won't live long enough to unzip that fly of his."

He chuckled. "I'm sure he won't. Just remember to keep your guard up."

"I hear you."

Henry walked to the back of the church, lay down with the pillow one of the nuns had given him and within seconds was snoring so loud I could still hear him where I was sitting.

Sighing, I stood up and stretched my legs, then walked over to where everyone was sleeping, to check on things. It was early into the next morning and the children, all fifty-eight, appeared asleep. Two of the other nuns were also snuggling with some of the smaller children as they slept.

"If you're tired," said Dwayne, who was sitting against one of the walls, watching me. "I can keep an eye on the kids for you."

"No, thanks," I said.

His eyes narrowed. "You're just a young girl yourself. You shouldn't have this kind of responsibility."

"I don't mind."

"Well," he said, standing up. "I've got to go and relieve myself. I'll be back soon."

I nodded and watched him as he walked towards the exit. "Hey, there's a bathroom in the church."

"I'll go outside. I need a smoke anyway."

I watched as he stepped outside of the sanctuary, feeling uneasy. I didn't particularly like him wandering around where I couldn't see him.


I turned and found Kallie standing next to me, rubbing her eyes.

"Hi honey. What do you need?"

"I have to go to the bathroom."

"Oh, well, okay," I said. I stood up and walked over to Nora, shaking her gently.

"My turn already?" she mumbled.

"No, I just have to take one of the kids to the bathroom. Can you keep an eye on the others while I do that?"

She said up and yawned. "Sure."


Nora's eyes narrowed as she looked around. "Where's Dweeb?"

"Dwayne? He stepped outside for a smoke."

She sighed. "Great. Well, hurry back. Looks like I still have a couple of hours to sleep until it's my turn."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry."

"Hey, little girl needs to pee, she needs to pee," she said, smiling at Kallie.

"We'll be right back."

I grabbed a flashlight and then took Kallie's hand in mine. We walked out of the sanctuary into the hallway leading to the bathrooms.

"Do you need any help?" I asked as we stopped outside of the small bathroom.

"No, but it's too dark to see anything," she said.

I handed her the flashlight, grateful that there were a couple of lit candles in the hallway. "I'll wait out here."


She closed the door and I leaned against the opposite wall with my arms crossed, my mind wandering back to Bryce again. I smiled as I imagined him tucking Bobby into bed, maybe reading him a story. Then I felt guilty for leaving my little sister the way that I did and sighed. She was definitely going to freak out on me when I made it back to Atlanta.

A loud crash from one of the rooms down the hallway made me jump. It sounded like gla.s.s shattering.


Swallowing back a wave of fear, I tightened the grip on my gun and began walking down the long cool hallway, which seemed more ominous with every step.

"h.e.l.lo?" I called, raising the gun in front of me.

n.o.body answered and I had to force myself to keep moving.

Maybe it was a cat?

I'd seen a couple of them prowling around the hallways, earlier.

"Here, kitty!" I whispered, loudly.

The sound of books or something heavy being dropped onto a hardwood floor stopped me cold.

"Sister Theresa?"


With my heart hammering in my chest, I willed myself forward until I stood outside of the room where I thought I'd heard the noise. It was dark but from the shadows in the room, it appeared to be an office.

"h.e.l.lo?" I whispered, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness.

I heard the creak from the bathroom door opening back up and turned to see Kallie stepping out into the hallway. "Ca.s.sie?" she called.

"I'm down here," I said, lowering the gun.

She aimed her flashlight at me and then let out a shrill scream.

Before I could turn around to see what had frightened her, someone grabbed me around the waist and clamped a hand over my mouth.

Chapter Seven.

The rain and hail pelted the SUV loudly as they drove to the other side of town trying to locate Ca.s.sie's grandparent's home.

"Turn right at the next street," ordered Kristie, staring at the road map. "We should be pa.s.sing a lake soon and then they're only a few blocks from there."

"I can barely see the streets," said Tiny, turning up the winds.h.i.+eld wipers. He leaned forward and squinted. "It's pretty bad and I don't want to hit anymore zombies in this thing. Maybe we should pull over until it dies down?"

"We're almost there," said Kristie, biting the side of her nail. "So keep driving"

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Zombie Games: Road Kill Part 7 summary

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