Tempest In The Tea Leaves Part 10

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"Oh no no no, child. Don't get me wrong. That one would love for Doc Wilc.o.x to do bodywork on her, but he's as blind as Big Don. Always pining after the librarian when he has a perfectly good woman right under his nose." She harrumphed. "That Tina's a fool for running his errands. The things a woman will do to get a man's attention." She shook her head, and her triple chins jiggled.

"Any chance you remember what time she delivered the doc's laundry that night?"

Belle pursed her lips in thought. "Sure do. That was the night I hosted Bunco. She came just before we started around six and stayed until nearly seven. I know because I heard her car start and looked out the window. That's what made me wonder what in the world could possibly take that much time to deliver a man's laundry."

"Hmmm, so that means she has an alibi," I mused.

"Oh, honey, that child couldn't hurt a flea. The doc on the other hand was mad enough to exterminate something or someone, that's for sure. Mmmhmmm. That Tina was up to something, all right. The question is what?"

"It certainly looks that way," I said, making another mental note to find out what Ms. Doolittle had been snooping for. She and the doc might both have alibis, but that didn't mean he hadn't been mad enough to hire someone to kill the librarian for him. It was a bit of a stretch, but the city girl in me couldn't help thinking big.

Ding. The timer on Lulubelle's dryer went off. Tracy came over to check out Belle's hair, then glanced at me and did a double take as though just now remembering something important. She stared at her watch in shock. "Oh dear."

"Oh dear?" I choked out. "As in 'Oh dear, your hair is going to look fabulous,' or 'Oh dear, I made a mistake and you're not going to want to look in the mirror'?"

Tracy hid her hand mirror behind her back, speaking volumes.

"Oh G.o.d," was all I said.

"G.o.d can't help you now, child," Belle pointed out. "I do believe you're the victim of a faulty timer."

"What does that mean?" I squeaked.

"Basically that your color stayed on way too long," Tracy clarified, and summoned one of her a.s.sistants. "Raoulle, take Sunny to the wash bin, stat! There might still be time to save her."

Raoulle jogged over, lifted the dryer, pulled back the foil, and let out a yelp that had me shaking in my chair. "Don't worry, honey, we can trim most of this right off. Come with me, and we'll fix you right up."

I stood and started to turn toward the mirror, but he threw a towel over my head and dragged me behind him. "Trust me, sweetie, you don't want to see what's under there just yet."

Hours later after was.h.i.+ng and cutting and attempting to repair my hair, they tried to make up for it by plastering my face with makeup and giving me a complimentary mani/pedi.

"It's not that bad, really." Joanne looked at me, but the grimace on her face did not match the words coming out of her mouth.

I glanced in the mirror and could have cried. Forget looking like a cute, pixie Tinker Bell. I looked like a nearly bald Cinderella's fairy G.o.dmother. They'd butchered me. My hair was so short, my lovely golden blond highlights were gray, and my face looked like a drag queen's. h.e.l.l, I had the nails and toes to match. Add a skimpy outfit, and I would be ready to hit the streets.

"And this, my friend, is why I am not a salon girl. How am I supposed to go on a date like this?" I asked.

"Look on the bright side. I haven't met a woman Sean didn't like yet, so you should be good." Jo grimaced and added, "I'm so sorry."

"Sean liking me is the least of my worries. How am I going to get anyone to take me seriously like this? I'm supposed to be working on this case, but I look like a freak."

"Tracy said the lowlights will fade pretty quickly, and you said yourself that your hair grows fast. In a couple weeks, you can have them colored over. In the meantime, roll with it. It gives you att.i.tude."

"It makes me look old." I moaned, but there was one positive outcome to my new look.

Maybe now Mitch wouldn't try to kiss me again.


The sun s.h.i.+ned bright in a crystal clear blue sky and sparkled off the snow surrounding the outdoor man-made ice rink in the park in the center of town. It kind of reminded me of a miniaCentral Park.

I inhaled the clean, crisp air and felt rejuvenated as I sat on a wrought-iron bench next to a bra.s.s lantern and laced up my skates. The rink was pretty empty since kids were still in school and most people were working.

After my disturbing episode with the detective last night, I took Sean up on his offer and called him that morning. We decided to go ice-skating today, so I told him I would have Jo drop me off here after we had lunch. She hadn't let me go home to try to repair the damage from the salon, saying the look really complimented me now. Tracy had taken over for Raoulle and added some gel, giving me a spiky look that made the gray appear more like silver glitter.

She'd said the short, look suited the angles of my face, making me appear more sophisticated. She'd even toned down my makeup, adding a touch of pink blush, pale green shadow that enhanced my eyes, and clear lip gloss that made my natural rosy lips s.h.i.+ne. I had to admit I felt better about my new look now, and given the rare sunny day, my mood had definitely been lifted.

"Sunny?" Sean said, shading his eyes from the bright rays of sunlight and staring down at me in wonder. "You look amazing."

I couldn't help but grin like an imbecile, my mood was just that good. "Thanks. I feel amazing compared to earlier."

His brow puckered curiously, his dimples still peeking out at me.

"Don't ask." I snickered. "Race ya," I said, jumping to my feet and taking off on the ice at full speed.

I wore hockey skates, preferring them to figure skates, much to my mother's horror. Figure skates had always killed my ankles, and that had pretty much squashed her dream of seeing me in the Olympics. Just one more way I'd let her down. On the bright side, my father loved hockey, although he wasn't too fond of having a daughter who could kick all the local boys' b.u.t.ts.

"Hey, wait up," Sean yelled after me. He could skate, but he wasn't nearly as good as me.

We raced around the rink five loops, and I beat the pants off of him every time.

"I am the champion, my friend," I sang, laughing with my hands fist-pumping the air.

"You are a cheater, is what you are," he sang back, swatting me on the rump as he circled by me.

"Am not!" I knocked his hand away and pulled my puffy coat down lower over my jeans.

"I let you win." He crossed his arms over his leather bomber jacket, his eyes holding a teasing glint.

"Did not!" I shoved him back and skated over to the bench.

"I had a . . . what was it? Oh yeah, a pain in my side. Cramps." He repeated my excuse from the gym the other day. "At least I didn't wimp out and take a rain check."

"Funny. You can't admit I'm better than you." I unlaced my skates and pulled on my boots.

"You're good, la.s.s, I'll give you that." He winked. "And I'll buy you a hot chocolate since you won."

I glanced up and saw Carolyn Hanes drive by with the lady from the Historical Society, who wore the wild leopard-print scarf.

"Deal," I said, staring after them. "Do you mind if we try out the cafe next door to the library? I heard it was good, and I've been meaning to check it out."

"Sounds like a plan."

Fifteen minutes later we were seated at a small round wrought-iron table with matching chairs by a window inside of Warm Beginnings & Cozy Endings Cafe, with a perfect view of the library. I ordered a white hot chocolate with raspberry cream, and Sean ordered a cappuccino.

"This is nice, Sean. Thank you for today. I needed it."

He blew on his coffee and studied me over the rim of his cup in a rare serious mood for him. "Things have been tough for you lately, huh?"

"That's the understatement of the year. I came here for a fresh start and now look at me. Everything's such a mess. I might be helping to solve this case, but I'm still a suspect. I don't have an alibi."

"I'll be your alibi." He touched my hand.

"I'm serious, Sean." I pulled my hand away. "I could be in big trouble if we don't find the real killer soon. Captain Walker said Mayor Cromwell wants this case closed, like, yesterday, and Chief Spencer is all over us to find some answers now."

"Come on, you can't be serious. Anyone who gets to know you can see you're not the murdering type."

"Anyone except Detective Stone." The chocolate curdled in my belly, and a sour taste hit the back of my throat.

"Mitch isn't so bad once you get to know him. He's just giving you a hard time because he's a cynic."

"Doesn't matter. I wouldn't put it past him to find a way to pin this whole thing on me, circ.u.mstantial evidence or not."

"Then we'd better get busy."

My eyes met his. "We?"

"Jo's not your only friend, love." Sean tweaked my cheek. "I meant it when I said I'm here for you. You need anything at all, let me know."

I reached out and squeezed his hand. "Thanks, Sean, that means a lot."

A movement outside the window caught my eye. A tall thin man got out of his fancy car, carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit. He headed into the library.

"Who's that?" I asked.

Sean followed where I looked out the window. "Oh, that's Pendleton. He's been trying to get the library closed down for the past year so he can use the land and put up a chain bookstore. Amanda Robbins was completely against it, but now that she's gone, who knows what will happen?"

"Why not just open the bookstore someplace else in hopes of driving the library out of business?"

"Divinity is very old-fas.h.i.+oned and against overbuilding. There isn't enough land available that's zoned for commercial businesses around here. The library is a nonprofit organization owned by the town, but the town needs money. Something like the bookstore would bring in more jobs and revenue, but the town was divided. Amanda Robbins was highly respected and a very persuasive person."

"I saw Amanda's neighbor, Carolyn Hanes, who also works at the library. She drove by earlier, and she had some lady from the Historical Society with her. I recognized her from the salon this morning. Couldn't miss her with that crazy scarf she wears. Do you think she's trying to stop Carolyn from keeping the library open?"

"I can't imagine Carolyn would be in favor of the deal. If the library closes, she is out of a job, but you never know. Why don't we go find out? I've been meaning to browse the shelves. Now is as good a time as any, I'm thinking."

"You read?" I smiled slowly.


"I try. Now pay our tab, and let's get out of here. You still owe me for whooping your b.u.t.t on the ice."

"Yeah, yeah. Head on over. I'm right behind ya."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I laughed and hurried outside, covering my backside. Sean chuckled from behind me, paid our tab, and quickly joined me. We headed across the street to the library.

It was smaller than I'd thought it would be, but scenic pictures of the Adirondack Mountains and rivers of upstate New York graced the walls. Light oak bookshelves stood in rows like a set of dominoes, and small tables were scattered about in strategic places.

It was pleasant and inviting.

Sean and I mingled among the patrons. He made a beeline for the romance section while I wandered over to the mystery aisle, trying not to giggle. The man was a piece of work but so stinking lovable.

"Can I help you with something, dear?" said a feeble feminine voice from beside me.

I turned and saw the little old lady from Dr. Wilc.o.x's office. Donning a friendly smile, I held out my hand. "I'm Suns.h.i.+ne Meadows, but you can call me Sunny. I saw you in Dr. Wilc.o.x's office the other day."

She straightened her crooked and studied me with watery blue eyes, her hair as frizzy and blue-tinged as ever. "Hmmm, dear, I don't remember, but it's nice to meet you just the same. You have a lovely name." She held my hand in both of hers and patted the top, the sleeve of her overcoat nearly covering us both. "My name's Maude Sampson."

"I'm really enjoying the homey atmosphere of Divinity. Everyone is so friendly." Well, almost everyone, but she didn't need to hear me rant about one tall, dark, and ornery detective.

"Divinity is a wonderful place to live. Why, my Bernard has worked in the steel mill all his life and provided such a good home for me and my girls. They're all grownup and off raising their own families these days." She looked a little sad, swiping away tears. "I miss them so." She sighed. "But not to worry. I still have my work to keep me busy."

"Work? But I thought your husband said you were retired."

She blinked, looking confused for a moment. Then her eyes widened with awareness, and she looked around the room as though just now realizing where she was. "Silly me. I worked at the library for so many years. I sometimes forget I don't work here anymore." She yawned. "Excuse me. I don't sleep well at night. Do you have the time?"

I glanced at my watch. "It's three thirty."

"Oh dear, I was supposed to meet Bernard for lunch today, and it completely slipped my mind. He's going to be so mad. I'll have to make it up to him by cooking him his favorite dinner. It was wonderful meeting you, Miss Meadows." She b.u.t.toned up her coat, and my eyes widened as I realized she still had her ap.r.o.n on beneath it.

"Please, call me Sunny," I said after her, but she kept hurrying toward the door in her, dear Lord in heaven, mismatched shoes. And I thought I was forgetful. I shook my head with a chuckle and started browsing the latest t.i.tles when I overheard hushed voices from the other side of the shelves.

"What's taking so long? This should be a done deal by now," a man's voice said.

"She's a harder nut to crack than Amanda was, if you can believe that," said a woman's voice.

I quietly slid a book out of the shelves, and the smell of dust mixed with fresh paper drifted past my nose. I stifled a sneeze and peeked through the slot to the other side. The man was Pendleton, which wasn't really a surprise, and I immediately recognized the wild scarf of the lady from the Historical Society.

My jaw hit the book beneath it with a resounding smack. I ducked and waited a minute until they resumed talking.

At the salon, she'd made it sound like she was the one most responsible for stopping Pendleton from turning the library into a chain bookstore. She'd even feared Pendleton might have killed Amanda Robbins to make the deal go through. Yet here the old crone was whispering in secret to the man she pretended to despise. I was beginning to worry about Carolyn Hanes's safety.

"Maybe it's time we tried new tactics," said another female voice. "We're running out of time, but we can't talk here. I have a plan. I'll notify you both with your instructions soon."

I pressed my lips together and tried not to breathe as I slid the book back in place. I knew that voice. Footsteps sounded as the trio exited the other row, and I dug my iPod out of my satchel and slipped the earbuds into place just in time.

Bee-bopping my head to the music, I plastered a surprised expression on my face when Pendleton, the lady from the Historical Society, and Carolyn Hanes herself rounded the corner. Pendleton and the other woman kept walking and exited the library, while Carolyn stopped before me.

"Miss Meadows, fancy seeing you here," she said, looking a little stunned and . . . guilty.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." I pulled the earbuds out. "Can't hear a thing with these darn earbuds in. What did you say?"

She regained her composure. "I was wondering if you decided to become a member of our fine library."

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Tempest In The Tea Leaves Part 10 summary

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