The Marne, 1914 Part 12

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27. AFGG, 1:498. AFGG, 1:498.

28. The Commentaries of Caesar The Commentaries of Caesar, ed. William Duncan (London: J. Cuth.e.l.l, 1819), 1:42225.

29. Ordre particuliere No. 17 to Third and Fourth armies, 21 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:604. Ordre particuliere No. 17 to Third and Fourth armies, 21 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:604.

30. Tyng, Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 82.

31. Cited in ibid., 79. Cited in ibid., 79.

32. Official German figures as of 22 August 1914. Fourth Army was listed as 117 battalions and 640 guns; Fifth Army as 119 battalions and 680 guns. WK, 1:646. Official German figures as of 22 August 1914. Fourth Army was listed as 117 battalions and 640 guns; Fifth Army as 119 battalions and 680 guns. WK, 1:646.

33. Ibid., 1:306. Ibid., 1:306.

34. Crown Prince Wilhelm, Crown Prince Wilhelm, Meine Erinnerungen aus Deutschlands Heldenkampf Meine Erinnerungen aus Deutschlands Heldenkampf (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1923), 46. He would later blame the failure to achieve his "Cannae" on Bruno von Mudra's XVI Corps for interpreting the royal order to advance as one to withdraw, after having been attacked by superior French forces. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1923), 46. He would later blame the failure to achieve his "Cannae" on Bruno von Mudra's XVI Corps for interpreting the royal order to advance as one to withdraw, after having been attacked by superior French forces.

35. Tyng, Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 81.

36. Edmond Valarche, Edmond Valarche, La bataille des frontiers La bataille des frontiers (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1932), 136. (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1932), 136.

37. For the attack, see Barthelemy Edmond Palat, For the attack, see Barthelemy Edmond Palat, La grande guerre sur le front occidental La grande guerre sur le front occidental (Paris: Chapelot, 191729), 3:173ff. AFGG, 1:369ff. (Paris: Chapelot, 191729), 3:173ff. AFGG, 1:369ff.

38. WK, 1:472. WK, 1:472.

39. AFGG, 2:255. AFGG, 2:255.

40. Tuchman, Tuchman, Guns of August Guns of August, 28485; AFGG 1:376ff.

41. Jean Galtier-Boissiere, Jean Galtier-Boissiere, En rase campagne, 1914. Un hiver a Souchez 19151916 En rase campagne, 1914. Un hiver a Souchez 19151916 (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1917), 48, 54. (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1917), 48, 54.

42. AFGG, 1:38788. AFGG, 1:38788.

43. Ibid., 2:248ff. Ibid., 2:248ff.

44. Ibid., 1:401ff. Ibid., 1:401ff.

45. See Bruce I. Gudmundsson, "Unexpected Encounter at Bertrix," in Robert Cowley, ed., See Bruce I. Gudmundsson, "Unexpected Encounter at Bertrix," in Robert Cowley, ed., The Great War: Perspectives on the First World War The Great War: Perspectives on the First World War (New York: Random House, 2003), 2536. (New York: Random House, 2003), 2536.

46. Cited in Jean-Pierre Gueno and Yves Laplume, eds., Cited in Jean-Pierre Gueno and Yves Laplume, eds., Paroles de poilus: lettres et carnets du front 19141918 Paroles de poilus: lettres et carnets du front 19141918 (Paris: Librio, 1998), 2728. (Paris: Librio, 1998), 2728.

47. Report dated 23 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:871. Report dated 23 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:871.

48. Gudmundsson, "Unexpected Encounter," 26, 35. Gudmundsson, "Unexpected Encounter," 26, 35.

49. Langle de Cary to Joffre, 1 September 1914. AFGG, 2-2:315. Langle de Cary to Joffre, 1 September 1914. AFGG, 2-2:315.

50. Sanitatsbericht uber das deutsche Heer im Weltkriege 1914/1918 Sanitatsbericht uber das deutsche Heer im Weltkriege 1914/1918 (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1934), 3:36, 3738. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1934), 3:36, 3738.

51. Letter to his wife dated 24 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/948 Der Krieg im Westen 19141916. Letter to his wife dated 24 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/948 Der Krieg im Westen 19141916.

52. WK, 1:399. WK, 1:399.

53. Letter to his wife dated 24 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/948 Der Krieg im Westen 19141916. Letter to his wife dated 24 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/948 Der Krieg im Westen 19141916.

54. WK, 1:394. WK, 1:394.

55. Ibid., 1:399. Ibid., 1:399.

56. Robin Neillands, Robin Neillands, The Old Contemptibles: The British Expeditionary Force 1914 The Old Contemptibles: The British Expeditionary Force 1914 (London: John Murray, 2004), 2. (London: John Murray, 2004), 2.

57. WK, 1:420. WK, 1:420.

58. The detailed British account is in HGW-MO, 1:7ff.; the German, in Raimund von Gleichen-Ruwurm, The detailed British account is in HGW-MO, 1:7ff.; the German, in Raimund von Gleichen-Ruwurm, Die Schlacht bei Mons Die Schlacht bei Mons (Oldenburg: Gerhard Stalling, 1919), 168. (Oldenburg: Gerhard Stalling, 1919), 168.

59. John F. Lucy, John F. Lucy, There's a Devil in the Drum There's a Devil in the Drum (London: Faber, 1938), 734. (London: Faber, 1938), 734.

60. Walter Bloem, Walter Bloem, The Advance from Mons 1914 The Advance from Mons 1914 (London: Peter Davies, 1930), 60, 63. (London: Peter Davies, 1930), 60, 63.

61. David Clarke, David Clarke, The Angel of Mons: Phantom Soldiers and Ghostly Guardians The Angel of Mons: Phantom Soldiers and Ghostly Guardians (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), 12. (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), 12.

62. Huguet, Huguet, Britain and the War Britain and the War, 5859.

63. Marc Bloch, Marc Bloch, Memoirs of War, 191415 Memoirs of War, 191415 (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 1980), 8185. (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 1980), 8185.

64. Diary entry dated 25 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/50661 Kriegserinnerungen des Generalleunants v. Diary entry dated 25 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/50661 Kriegserinnerungen des Generalleunants v. [sic] [sic] Tappen, 29. Tappen, 29.

65. BA-MA, RH 61/50739 Generalleutnant von Stein, der Generalquartiermeister der sechs ersten Kriegswochen, 17. BA-MA, RH 61/50739 Generalleutnant von Stein, der Generalquartiermeister der sechs ersten Kriegswochen, 17.

66. Tyng, Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 136.

67. Der Sanitatsdienst im Gefechts-und Schlachtenverlauf im Weltkriege 1914/1918 Der Sanitatsdienst im Gefechts-und Schlachtenverlauf im Weltkriege 1914/1918 (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1938), 2:31. Some battalions reported as many as four hundred men down with foot sores. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1938), 2:31. Some battalions reported as many as four hundred men down with foot sores.

68. Ibid., 2:93. Ibid., 2:93.

69. Sanitatsbericht uber das Deutsche Heer im Weltkriege 1914/1918 Sanitatsbericht uber das Deutsche Heer im Weltkriege 1914/1918, 3:36.

70. Joffre to Messimy, 23 August 1914. AFGG, 1:213. Joffre to Messimy, 23 August 1914. AFGG, 1:213.

71. Joffre to Messimy, 24 August 1914. AFGG, 2:1, 12425. Also Doughty, Joffre to Messimy, 24 August 1914. AFGG, 2:1, 12425. Also Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory, 75.

72. Messimy to Joffre, 24 August 1914. SHD, 1 K 268. Messimy to Joffre, 24 August 1914. SHD, 1 K 268.

73. Raymond Poincare, Raymond Poincare, Au service de la France Au service de la France (Paris: Plon, 1928), 5:155. (Paris: Plon, 1928), 5:155.

74. Cited in Mark Sullivan, Cited in Mark Sullivan, Our Times, 19001925 Our Times, 19001925 (New York and London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936), 5:26. (New York and London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936), 5:26.

CHAPTER 6. 6. Squandered Climacterics Squandered Climacterics 1. Roland Kleinhenz, "La percee saxonne sur le front du centre," Roland Kleinhenz, "La percee saxonne sur le front du centre," Les batailles de la Marne de l'Ourc a Verdun (1914 et 1918) Les batailles de la Marne de l'Ourc a Verdun (1914 et 1918) (Soteca: editions, 2004), 147. (Soteca: editions, 2004), 147.

2. Undated letter from Hausen's chief of staff, Ernst von Hoeppner. SHStA, 12693 Personennachla Max Klemens Lothar Freiherr von Hausen 43b. Undated letter from Hausen's chief of staff, Ernst von Hoeppner. SHStA, 12693 Personennachla Max Klemens Lothar Freiherr von Hausen 43b.

3. Max von Hausen, Max von Hausen, Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914 Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914 (Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1920), 108, 117. (Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1920), 108, 117.

4. "Meine Erlebnisse u. Erfahrungen als Oberbefehlshabers der 3. Armee im Bewegungskrieg 1914," SHStA, 12693 Personalnachla Max Klemens Lothar Freiherr von Hausen (18461922) 43a, 39, 41, 46. This is Hausen's unexpurgated handwritten memoir of July 1918, and will be used in place of the "cleansed" published version cited in note 3. "Meine Erlebnisse u. Erfahrungen als Oberbefehlshabers der 3. Armee im Bewegungskrieg 1914," SHStA, 12693 Personalnachla Max Klemens Lothar Freiherr von Hausen (18461922) 43a, 39, 41, 46. This is Hausen's unexpurgated handwritten memoir of July 1918, and will be used in place of the "cleansed" published version cited in note 3.

5. Ibid., 42. Ibid., 42.

6. WK, 1:371. WK, 1:371.

7. Hausen, "Meine Erlebnisse," SHStA 12693, 54. Hausen, "Meine Erlebnisse," SHStA 12693, 54.

8. WK, 1:372. WK, 1:372.

9. Hausen, "Meine Erlebnisse," SHStA 12693, 56. Hausen, "Meine Erlebnisse," SHStA 12693, 56.

10. Ibid. The best account of Hausen at Dinant is by Artur Baumgarten-Crusius, Ibid. The best account of Hausen at Dinant is by Artur Baumgarten-Crusius, Die Marneschlacht insbesondere auf der Front der deutschen dritten Armee Die Marneschlacht insbesondere auf der Front der deutschen dritten Armee (Leipzig: R. M. Lippold, 1919), 28ff. (Leipzig: R. M. Lippold, 1919), 28ff.

11. WK, 1:37374. WK, 1:37374.

12. Ibid., 1:379. Ibid., 1:379.

13. Sewell Tyng, Sewell Tyng, The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 115. (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 115.

14. Ibid. Ibid.

15. Christian Mallet, Christian Mallet, Impressions and Experiences of a French Trooper, 19141915 Impressions and Experiences of a French Trooper, 19141915 (London: Constable, 1916), 33. (London: Constable, 1916), 33.

16. Cited in Paul-Marie de la Gorce, Cited in Paul-Marie de la Gorce, The French Army: A Military-Political History The French Army: A Military-Political History (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1963), 102. (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1963), 102.

17. WK, 1:38182. WK, 1:38182.

18. The terror of Dinant is detailed in Jeff Lipkes, The terror of Dinant is detailed in Jeff Lipkes, Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 (Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2007), 257377. (Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2007), 257377.

19. Johannes Niemann, Johannes Niemann, Das 9. Koniglich Sachsische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 133 im Weltkrieg 191418 Das 9. Koniglich Sachsische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 133 im Weltkrieg 191418 (Hamburg-Grossflottbek: Selbstverlag, 1969), 10. (Hamburg-Grossflottbek: Selbstverlag, 1969), 10.

20. John Horne and Alan Kramer, John Horne and Alan Kramer, German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2001), 4353. (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2001), 4353.

21. Wir Kampfer im Weltkrieg. Selbstzeugnisse deutscher Frontsoldaten Wir Kampfer im Weltkrieg. Selbstzeugnisse deutscher Frontsoldaten, ed. Wolfgang Foer-ster and Helmuth Greiner (Berlin: F. W. Peters, 1937), 39.

22. Letters dated 22 and 25 August 1914. SHStA, 11372 Militargeschichtliche Sammlung Nr. 105. Letters dated 22 and 25 August 1914. SHStA, 11372 Militargeschichtliche Sammlung Nr. 105.

23. Letter dated 6 September 1914. Ibid. Letter dated 6 September 1914. Ibid.

24. Cited in Horne and Kramer, Cited in Horne and Kramer, German Atrocities German Atrocities, 48.

25. See the initial compilation by edouard Gerard, See the initial compilation by edouard Gerard, Tod Dinants. Geschichte eines Verbrechens Tod Dinants. Geschichte eines Verbrechens (Brussels: Brian Hill, 1919), 3940. Lipkes, (Brussels: Brian Hill, 1919), 3940. Lipkes, Rehearsals Rehearsals, gives figures of 685 civilians killed and eleven hundred homes and buildings burned.

26. Hoeppner to Hausen, undated (1918?). SHStA, 12693 Personennachla Hausen 43b. Hoeppner to Hausen, undated (1918?). SHStA, 12693 Personennachla Hausen 43b.

27. Hausen, "Meine Erlebnisse," SHStA 12693, 6768. Also, war diary dated 24 August 1914. SHStA, 11356 Generalkommando des XII. Reservekorps 139. Hausen, "Meine Erlebnisse," SHStA 12693, 6768. Also, war diary dated 24 August 1914. SHStA, 11356 Generalkommando des XII. Reservekorps 139.

28. Hoeppner to Hausen, 30 March 1918. SHStA, 12693 Personennachla Hausen 43b. Hoeppner to Hausen, 30 March 1918. SHStA, 12693 Personennachla Hausen 43b.

29. WK, 1:38485. WK, 1:38485.

30. This was also the verdict of Hausen's successor as commander of Third Army: Karl v. Einem, This was also the verdict of Hausen's successor as commander of Third Army: Karl v. Einem, Ein Armeefuhrer erlebt den Weltkrieg. Personliche Aufzeichnungen Ein Armeefuhrer erlebt den Weltkrieg. Personliche Aufzeichnungen (Leipzig: v. Hase & Koehler, 1938), 58. (Leipzig: v. Hase & Koehler, 1938), 58.

31. Baumgarten-Crusius, Baumgarten-Crusius, Die Marneschlacht Die Marneschlacht, 4042.

32. Dated 24 August 1914. SHStA, 11250 Sachsischer Militarbevollmachtigter in Berlin 71. Geheimakten A: Verschiedenes. Dated 24 August 1914. SHStA, 11250 Sachsischer Militarbevollmachtigter in Berlin 71. Geheimakten A: Verschiedenes.

33. WK, 1:40203. WK, 1:40203.

34. Ibid., 1:566. Ibid., 1:566.

35. Ibid., 1:337. Ibid., 1:337.

36. Ibid., 1:43839. Ibid., 1:43839.

37. Reports, 27 and 31 August, 2 September 1914. HStA, M 33/2 General Kommando XIII. Armee Korps 19141918, vol. 9, Operationsakten, Meldungen vom Reports, 27 and 31 August, 2 September 1914. HStA, M 33/2 General Kommando XIII. Armee Korps 19141918, vol. 9, Operationsakten, Meldungen vom

38. Diary entry dated 2425 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/83, Vorgange im Groen Hauptquartier des Generalstabes 19141915. Diary entry dated 2425 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/83, Vorgange im Groen Hauptquartier des Generalstabes 19141915.

39. Letter to his father dated 20 August 1914. Bernd Schulte, "Neue Dok.u.mente zu Kriegsausbruch und Kriegsverlauf 1914," Letter to his father dated 20 August 1914. Bernd Schulte, "Neue Dok.u.mente zu Kriegsausbruch und Kriegsverlauf 1914," Militargeschichtliche Mitteilungen Militargeschichtliche Mitteilungen 25 (1979): 153. 25 (1979): 153.

40. Dated 31 August 1914. GLA, 233 Politische Berichte des Groherzogl. Gesandten in Berlin und Munchen uber den Kriegsausbruch 34816. Dated 31 August 1914. GLA, 233 Politische Berichte des Groherzogl. Gesandten in Berlin und Munchen uber den Kriegsausbruch 34816.

41. War diary, General Hans von Plessen, 24 and 29 August 1914. Cited in Holger Afflerbach, ed., War diary, General Hans von Plessen, 24 and 29 August 1914. Cited in Holger Afflerbach, ed., Kaiser Wilhelm II. als Oberster Kriegsherr im Ersten Weltkrieg: Quellen aus Kaiser Wilhelm II. als Oberster Kriegsherr im Ersten Weltkrieg: Quellen aus der militarischen Umgebung des Kaisers 19141918 der militarischen Umgebung des Kaisers 19141918 (Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2005), 647, 651. (Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2005), 647, 651.

42. BA-MA, Nachla.s.s Schlieffen, N 43/101, "Der Krieg in der Gegenwart." Later published in BA-MA, Nachla.s.s Schlieffen, N 43/101, "Der Krieg in der Gegenwart." Later published in Deutsche Revue Deutsche Revue 34 (January 1909): 1324. 34 (January 1909): 1324.

43. Moltke, 382. Moltke, 382.

44. Tappen to General Staff, 13 July 1919. BA-MA, RH 61/51060 Die OHL und die Marneschlacht vom; WK, 3:190. Tappen to General Staff, 13 July 1919. BA-MA, RH 61/51060 Die OHL und die Marneschlacht vom; WK, 3:190.

45. See Hans Georg Kampe, See Hans Georg Kampe, Nachrichtentruppe des Heeres und Deutsche Reichspost. Militarisches und staatliches Nachrichtenwesen in Deutschland 1830 bis 1945 Nachrichtentruppe des Heeres und Deutsche Reichspost. Militarisches und staatliches Nachrichtenwesen in Deutschland 1830 bis 1945 (Waldesruh: Dr. Erwin Meiler, 1999), 172. (Waldesruh: Dr. Erwin Meiler, 1999), 172.

46. From "Die Nachrichtenverbindungen zwischen den Kommandobehorden wahrend des Bewegungskrieges 1914," General Schniewindt 1928. HStA, M 738 Sammlung zur Militargeschichte 36. From "Die Nachrichtenverbindungen zwischen den Kommandobehorden wahrend des Bewegungskrieges 1914," General Schniewindt 1928. HStA, M 738 Sammlung zur Militargeschichte 36.

47. Kampe, Kampe, Nachrichtentruppe Nachrichtentruppe, 170, 172.

48. John Ferris, ed., John Ferris, ed., The British Army and Signals Intelligence During the First World War The British Army and Signals Intelligence During the First World War (Phoenix Mill, UK: Alan Sutton, 1992), 45, suggests that British and French intelligence intercepted at least fifty radio messages in plain language from German armies, corps, and divisions between September and November 1914. (Phoenix Mill, UK: Alan Sutton, 1992), 45, suggests that British and French intelligence intercepted at least fifty radio messages in plain language from German armies, corps, and divisions between September and November 1914.

49. WK, 3:89. WK, 3:89.

50. Ibid. My italics. Ibid. My italics.

51. Hew Strachan, Hew Strachan, The First World War The First World War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 1:245. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 1:245.

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