Dick Dynasty: Porter Part 18

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"Well," she pressed her lips into a firm line, trying not to smile, "maybe we should try a different kind of punishment then. I hear asphyxiation is a terrible experience."

I managed to maintain my straight face by biting down on the inside of my cheek, "He's a kinky b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Knowing him, he'd probably like it."

"We won't know until we try, right?"

She gave my now-twitching anatomy another squeeze and smiled wickedly as she pushed me onto my back and knelt over me, gently rubbing her hot p.u.s.s.y along its length.

"Hold your breath, little buddy," I stage whispered to my p.e.n.i.s, making her laugh as she plunged herself down on top of me.

The pulsing of her laughter gripped me like a vice as she slowly lifted herself off of me and lowered herself back down again. The sensation, along with the experience of watching her use me for her pleasure, nearly sent me over the edge.

"Turn around and lean forward," I instructed, "I want to watch while you f.u.c.k me."

She followed my directions expertly, turning one hundred and eighty degrees without pulling me out of her, and continued to ride me.

I reached up and fisted my hand in her hair, gently pulling her back, and her cadence changed completely.

She was no longer worried about the soft and gentle enjoyment of our morning session; she rammed herself down into my hips, undoubtedly jamming the tip of my c.o.c.k into her cervix as evidenced by the quiet yelp.

She applied a little bit of caution with the next thrust but didn't slow down at all. I almost regretted telling her to turn around as I imagined her t.i.ts bouncing beautifully with each thrust.

"Oh, f.u.c.k yeah," I groaned as she came down on my shaft and swiveled her hips.

"Holly!" the bedroom door burst open and a tiny little redhead burst through it, "If you're not dead I'm going to-holy mother of G.o.d!"

Holly was off me and wrapped up in the sheet before I could even register what was happening.

"Becks!" she screamed, "What the h.e.l.l are you doing here?"

Becks' eyes were glued to my hard-on as she stood there with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide in shock.

Holly rushed over to her and snapped her fingers in front of her face, breaking the spell my p.e.n.i.s had cast on her.

"The last thing I heard from you was a picture of you holding some dude's underwear! You didn't respond to the forty-two million texts I've sent since then and you didn't answer any of my calls. Or Mitch's for that matter. We thought you were dead or something!"

"Clearly, I'm not dead, Becks! Thanks for checking on me, now could you please get the h.e.l.l out of my house?"

Holly was blus.h.i.+ng a brilliant shade of red that I could make out even in the dim light and it took everything I had not to laugh at her.

"Nice to meet you, Becks!" I called as she turned to leave, earning me a death glare from Holly.

"Nice to meet you, Ryder!" she tossed over her shoulder as Holly slammed the door behind her.

"She seems like a nice girl," I smiled up at a very fl.u.s.tered Holly, "and she obviously has superb taste in p.o.r.n."

"Shut up, Porter!" Holly pulled a long tee s.h.i.+rt over her head, covering up all of my favorite parts, "My best friend just walked in on me riding a p.o.r.n star like a pony. Now isn't really a good time to talk about her watching you have s.e.x while she touches herself. The thought of her doing that while replaying what she just saw creeps me out."

She slipped a pair of boy shorts on under the tee s.h.i.+rt and tossed my boxer-briefs at me. I just left them lying where they landed on my chest and grinned at her with my arms folded behind my head. I was still rock-hard and I had hopes that she would realize it and finish what she had started.

No such luck. She opened the door and stormed out into the hallway, leaving me high and mostly dry.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" I heard her screech from somewhere down the hall. I couldn't hear the response, but the next words out of her mouth fired up my curiosity.

"He doesn't need f.u.c.king breakfast!"

I slid my underwear on, doing my best to conceal my giant b.o.n.e.r, and slipped out of bed. I padded my way down the hallway as quietly as I could to try and get a sneak peek at what I was missing.

I had only made it a few steps outside the bedroom when the smell of sausage and eggs. .h.i.t me.

As I rounded the corner into the kitchen, Holly spun and snapped at me, "Tell this stubborn b.i.t.c.h that you don't need breakfast!"

My stomach growled loudly at that exact moment, announcing that I did actually need breakfast.

I glanced down at my bellyb.u.t.ton and back to her, "The boss has spoken. A man's stomach is second in command only to his p.e.n.i.s. If both are not satisfied, I am incapable of thinking for myself." I smiled at Becks who was clearly trying not to laugh while she scrambled eggs in a frying pan, "Food me, woman!"

"You two are insufferable!" Holly clutched the mug of coffee she had procured and stomped out of the kitchen.

"Is she always like this in the mornings?" I asked as I took the empty mug Becks offered.

"I've seen worse," she shrugged, "She'll get over it. I just don't recommend trying to talk to her until she's had a cup of coffee or two. She might throw something at your head."

"Noted," I poured myself a cup of the steaming liquid, "Anything else I should be aware of that may cause serious bodily injury?"

Becks thought for a moment before answering, "Yeah, actually. Me. You hurt her, I will kill you."

There wasn't a doubt in my mind as to the seriousness of her threat. I nodded my agreement and she nodded back. We had a deal.

"Now go find some clothes. Your nakedness is d.i.c.kstracting."

"d.i.c.kstracting? Really?"

"Yes. Now go."

Instead of following her instructions and finding my clothes, I chose to try my luck d.i.c.kstracting Holly.

"I'm immune," she announced before I even made it to the couch, "go put your pants on."

"How do you know you're immune?" I asked, "You didn't even look up from your coffee mug!"

She met my eyes, gave me a cursory once-over from head to toe and back, then said with a shrug, "Yep. Still immune."

"This isn't over," I grumbled as I made my way back to the bedroom.

When I rejoined them at the bar-style counter that Holly used as a dining table a few minutes later, a sudden hush fell over the room and they were both overly interested in their food.

"You two weren't talking about me while I wasn't here to defend myself, were you?"

"No," Holly said, too quickly.

"Yes," Becks answered at the same time.

"And the truth shall set you free," I muttered as I sat down in front of my plate.

"I brought mimoooooosa's!" The door slammed shut and a flamboyant man laden with grocery bags came around the corner a moment later.

"Becks! What the h.e.l.l?" Holly asked accusingly.

"Oh! Holly, I didn't know you had company!" he announced unconvincingly, "Who's your friend?"

"Mitch you know d.a.m.n good and well who my friend is. And we have work today. We're not drinking four bottles of champagne this early in the morning."

"Ryder," Mitch nodded to me, "Did you get your underwear back?"

"I did."

Word travels fast in this group.

"d.a.m.n," he had the grace to look crestfallen, "Just my luck."

Mitch turned his attention to his boss, "Holly, we work in Hollywood and your schedule is relatively clear for the day. Just call in drunk. We can reschedule anything semi-important and between the two of us, we should be able to field any emails from here."

The cork came off the first bottle with a pop causing Becks to clap and bounce on her stool with excitement.

"Yaaaaaay! Day drinking with my two besties!" she flashed me a Ches.h.i.+re grin, "And a p.o.r.n star."

"Not a p.o.r.n star," I corrected, clouding her face with confusion, "the p.o.r.n star."

Mitch cackled from the kitchen, Holly choked on the mouthful of eggs she had just shoveled in, and Becks took the comment in stride, "Sorry, the p.o.r.n star. Do you want me to refer to you as 'Your Majesty' as well?"

I rolled my eyes upward and tapped a finger on my chin, feigning thoughtfulness, "I prefer 'Your Holy s.e.xiness' but I'll leave it up to you."

"Don't encourage them, Porter."

"Oh, honey," Mitch crooned as he placed four champagne flutes at the end of the bar, "encourage us all you want. It makes it easier to look at your a.s.s when we don't have to think about talking to you."

"Mitch!" Holly chastised with a glare, "You're such a s.l.u.t!"

"I know," he countered with a shrug, "and you love me for it."

"Do I?" Holly grumbled as she scooped up the last of her eggs.

"Of course you do," Mitch said matter-of-factly, "Doesn't she, Becks?"

"She sure does, Love m.u.f.fin. And so do I." She raised her gla.s.s to him in a toast to Mitch's inability to think about anything but s.e.x.

"Are there always this many people in your house in the morning?" I whispered to Holly.

"No," she glared accusingly at them, "only when Becks walks in on me having s.e.x and texts Mitch to come over so he doesn't miss out on my humiliation."

"I see," I stuffed the last sausage link on my plate into my mouth and gathered our dishes, "Let's make it worth their time then."


I walked into the kitchen before she could protest and set the dishes in the sink. I then made my way back to the bedroom with her hot on my heels.

"Porter, what are you doing?"

"Nothing," I replied innocently as I took my s.h.i.+rt off once again, "go back to your mimosa. Give me a minute."

"I don't like the look in your eyes. This isn't going to end well, is it?"

"Holly," I put my hands on her shoulders, "go drink your juice and call into work. If this goes the way I think it will, we'll have plenty of time to finish what we started this morning without anymore interruptions."

She huffed out a breath and crossed herself, "G.o.d help me."

Once I was alone, I quickly stripped down and turned the shower on in the master bathroom, hoping the water was loud enough for them to hear down the hall. Mitch and Becks would undoubtedly work themselves into a frenzy over imagining me wet and naked.

I stepped under the hot spray and let it wash away the sweat of the day before. I was a little bit sad about was.h.i.+ng the smell of Holly off me, but it was for the greater good. Besides, if I had my way, I'd be covered in it again very soon.

I stepped out of the shower onto the bathmat and smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

"This is gonna be good."

The thought of having Holly on top of me again had me hard as a rock once more and I pulled the hand towel from the stainless steel holder beside the sink. I dropped it onto my shaft, turning myself into a living towel rack and headed back for the living room.

Soaking wet from head to toe and wearing nothing but a towel barely big enough to cover my groin, I made my entrance, "Holly, could you give me a hand?"

All three heads turned at the sound of my voice and identical expressions covered their faces. Mitch even managed to drop his champagne flute, shattering it on the hardwood floor and spraying their feet with fizzy orange juice.

"I couldn't find the towels," I put my hands on my hips and gave them my best innocent face, "and our interrupted session this morning has caused a bit of a problem."

Holly was the first to get her senses back and she leapt from the couch, practically sprinting past me to a closet at the end of the hall. She shoved a folded towel into my arms and tried her hardest to control the flush I could see working its way up her neck.

I tossed it around my neck and smiled at her, "Thanks!"

I quick jerk of my hips had the smaller towel sliding off my still-stiff c.o.c.k and falling to the floor in a heap. I ignored it and had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing when Mitch squealed from his perch on the couch and Becks covered her eyes with her hands and shook her head. I was almost certain she was peeking through the cracks of her fingers. Holly just fidgeted, unsure of how to respond.

I turned to return to the bedroom and dry off, bending to retrieve the sc.r.a.p of cloth I had covered myself with and giving Mitch the show of his life in the process. I heard a strangled gurgling sound come from his throat before I straightened and left the room with a mischievous grin on my face.

Holly chased me into the bedroom and I used her body to close the door behind her.

"What the h.e.l.l was that all about?" she hissed.

"We're going to let them use their imaginations to fill in the holes about what's going on behind this door. If they have a single shred of dignity between them, they'll slip out and let us do our business in peace," I whispered.

"I don't think-"

"Yeah," I groaned too loudly, "do that with your tongue again. f.u.c.k!"

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Dick Dynasty: Porter Part 18 summary

You're reading Dick Dynasty: Porter. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): David Michael. Already has 464 views.

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