Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks Part 75

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"They are now coming along in your direction. You will easily recognise them--two youths in sailor dress. Follow them, and if they stay at any of the cafes, I leave you to up an acquaintance with them.--M."

"Markby has been upon the _qui vive_," said Lenoir to himself. "Smart fellow, Markby!"

Glancing to the left, he saw the two young sailors approaching: so Pierre Lenoir made up his mind at once.

He stepped into the house, intending to let them pa.s.s and then follow them, and, if by chance they should, on their way, stop at either of the cafes, he could drop in and seek the opportunity he so much desired.

But while he was waiting the young sailors came up, and, instead of pa.s.sing the cafe they dropped into chairs at the door and called for refreshments.

This was more than Lenoir had bargained for.

However, it was no use wasting time.

He desired to profit by the opportunity, and so out he came and sat at the next table to the two young Englishmen.

"What's your opinion of Ma.r.s.eilles, Jack?"

"Nothing great."


"Nothing to see once you're out of sight of the sea, and the natives are not very interesting. They only appear to be full of conceit about their town without the least reason for it. I should like to know if there is really any thing in Ma.r.s.eilles to warrant the faintest belief in the place."

This was Pierre Lenoir's opportunity.

He stepped forward.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," said he. "Englishmen, I presume?"

"Yes, sir," responded Jack; "are you English?"

"I haven't that honour," replied Pierre Lenoir.

"You speak good English. You have resided in England, I suppose, for a long while?"

"No, only a short time. Long enough to get a desire to go back there."

"That's very kind of you to say so. Your countrymen, as a rule, don't speak in such flattering terms of _la perfide_ Albion."

"And yet they are glad enough to find a refuge there."


"Are you a native of Ma.r.s.eilles?" asked Harry.


"Then you are not offended at our remarks?"

"Not a bit," replied Lenoir heartily. "The Ma.r.s.eillais are absurdly conceited about their town, and after all it contains but few objects of interest for a traveller."

"Very few."

"There are some, however, and if you will accept my escort, I shall be very happy to show you them."

They expressed their thanks at this courteous offer which, on a very little pressing, they were glad to accept.

"Thanks; we will go and tell a friend, who is waiting for us down by the quay, that he must not expect us for an hour or so."

"Very good."

Markby must have been pretty keenly upon the lookout, for no sooner were they gone than back he came.

"Well, what success?"

"Just as I wished," returned Lenoir, with a great chuckle; "they are coming back directly."

"That's your chance; you have only to take them up to your place. Once there, you will do as you please with them."

"There is no danger?"

"What can there be!"

"Only this--suppose that you were mistaken?"

Markby was visibly offended at this.

"If you think that likely after all I have told you, take my advice and have nothing whatever to do with them. I don't want to expose you to any risk that you think you ought not to run."

Lenoir appeared to waver momentarily.

Markby eyed him anxiously for awhile, until Lenoir, with an air of resolution, exclaimed--

"Hang the risk. I'll go for it neck or nothing."

"And you will take them there to-night."

"I will."

"Good! You'll have no cause to repent your decision. They'll do you a turn that you little contemplate."

"Right! Now off with you."

"I'm gone."

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Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks Part 75 summary

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