Impetuous. Part 14

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Her trembling increased, her body arching from the mattress. He caught her sensitized flesh carefully between his teeth, holding her captive for his hot tongue, intent on her climax now, devastating her, enjoying her, driving her closer with each and every movement he made. She called his name, softly, over and over. He slid his hands against her, abruptly pus.h.i.+ng two fingers deep inside her.

Wild, shattering sensations swept through her body, and Tyler could feel her contractions against his mouth and tongue, pressing closer, relis.h.i.+ng every second of her pleasure. It seemed to go on and on, and he pushed her for more.

When Carlie finally went limp, Tyler raised himself, scooting up to lie upon her. "You're beautiful." Her hair was tangled about her head and a fine sheen of moisture glistened on her skin. He kissed her slack mouth, then stood, quickly removing his pants.

Carlie opened her eyes, but she didn't smile. She seemed dazed, her gaze intent on his body. Tyler leaned forward, naked, to brush his fingers through the curls between her thighs. She sucked in a startled breath, her hips pressing into the mattress.

His touch eased, barely skimming her, and she trembled. "Too sensitive?" He watched her nod, seeing the confusion in her bright eyes. He palmed her, his hand still and warm.

Sitting on the bed beside her, he looked over her body. Her legs were still sprawled, her knees bent so her calves hung over the bed. Her arms were limp, lying palm up beside her head. She was watching him closely.

He looked at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, still heaving slightly, and leaned down to gently take a nipple between his teeth. She groaned, her body clenching once again. "Tyler, please."

"Just a minute, sweetheart. I have to protect you."

It took him only a moment, but she was frantic with need, and Tyler closed his eyes in antic.i.p.ation. He felt her thighs open wider, accommodating him, and with only the subtlest of movement, he was ready to enter her.

Poised on his forearms, he watched every nuance of her expression as he slowly, inexorably, sank into her, giving her his length, stretching her with his hardness.

She moved anxiously against him, and forced him past his control. Thrusting smoothly and deeply, he wound his hands in Carlie's hair, anchoring her head so he could kiss her, swallowing her gasping breaths and soft, broken moans.

When he felt her tightening again, this time around his arousal, squeezing him, giving him unbelievable pleasure, he found his own explosive o.r.g.a.s.m. Closing his arms around her, he held her tight until the spasms had faded.

It was several minutes before Tyler found the strength to move away from her warm body. He rolled to his side, but immediately pulled her close. He felt oddly disturbed, and frankly disloyal. He'd never known anything like what he'd just experienced with Carlie-except for that one night in the pool house. He hadn't wanted those memories to interfere. They no longer mattered; he no longer cared.

But thoughts of that night, images and heated memories, had danced through his mind even as his senses filled with Carlie. His Carlie. He squeezed her closer, trying to chase away the images, but they didn't budge. Carlie leaned up to look at him.

"Tyler? What's wrong?"

She sounded anxious, and he rushed to rea.s.sure her. "What could possibly be wrong? Other than the fact I think you may have killed me with pleasure. I'm certain I no longer have legs. At least, if I do, they're totally useless right now." He cupped her cheek. "You're incredible, do you know that?"

She cuddled back down to his chest, her hands stroking through the dark curls there. "No. It was you. You were wonderful, Tyler."

He froze. The masked lady had said virtually the same thing on the phone. It unnerved him. Especially since the two women were so different. The woman at the party had been reserved, nearly frightened and so timid about each move he made, but Carlie had partic.i.p.ated wholeheartedly. She was everything a man could want or hope to have in a mate.

He felt as though he'd somehow tainted the otherwise exquisite experience by envisioning another woman. No matter that the thought had come out of the blue. How could another woman, any woman, have intruded when he was with his Carlie? And she was his now. Savage possessiveness gripped him; he would never let her go.

Thinking that, he lowered his head to press a kiss to her temple. "You can't ever close me out again, Carlie. I won't let you."

Her reaction was immediate, and again, unexpected. She went perfectly still, almost stunned. He ran his hand over her shoulder. "You're mine, Carlie. I need you."

She looked at him from beneath her lashes. "Tyler, there's something you need to know."

He didn't like the sound of that. She was already trying to escape him, but he wouldn't let her. He kissed her again, then rose from the bed. "Now, we need that shower."

Her eyes widened. "I can't...!"

"Of course you can. Come on, I'll wash your back. And anything else that needs my attention."

He could sense her thinking, plotting. She twisted her hands in the sheets. "I'm too tired. You've exhausted me. Please, just come back to bed."

It hit him like a lightning bolt. She didn't want him to see her, really see her, without her clothing hiding her figure, making her look frumpy. He frowned thoughtfully, uncertain how to proceed. If she had a scar or some other reason to be embarra.s.sed...but he'd touched every inch of her; certainly he would have noticed if anything was wrong. Still, her anxiety was very real, almost tangible, and he couldn't push her. Not after all she'd already given him, not after sharing herself so completely. He touched her cheek. "I'll be right back." He walked out of the room unconcerned with his own nudity, returning only moments later with a damp cloth. He left the lights off and seated himself beside her, content with the way she followed his progress. "Your eyes are so wide, you must think I'm intending some kind of mayhem." Carlie s.h.i.+fted fretfully. "What are you intending?"

"Only to wash you. Now lie still and behave." With a rapid peddling motion of her long legs, she scooted backward until she was pressed against the headboard. "Tyler, no! Good grief, I'm perfectly capable of tending myself."

He caught her foot, stroking the damp cloth up her calf and behind her knee. "But I want to do it. Now relax and stop fighting me."

She remained stiff, but she didn't struggle against him. "You're outrageous, Tyler."

"Don't sound so sulky. Before long, you'll learn to enjoy my outrageousness, I promise."

Tyler was thorough, using the cool cloth to stroke slowly over her body, removing all traces of their lovemaking. Carlie finally gave up her inhibitions, relaxing and enjoying his ministrations. Tyler chuckled when she moaned softly, then he bent to kiss a soft pink nipple.

"Sleep, Carlie. We need sleep." She frowned at him, and he stroked her one last time. "I'll be right back."

Tyler showered in a hurry, not wanting to take the chance Carlie would recover and send him home. He wanted to hold her in his arms all night.

He wanted to wake in the morning and look at her in the full light of day. And make love to her again.

She was an enigma, but he was slowly coming to understand her, completely and without doubts. She was trustworthy, the only trustworthy woman he'd ever known.

With his hair still damp, a towel wrapped loosely around his hips, he reentered the bedroom. He could see Carlie's huge golden eyes s.h.i.+ning at him in the darkness. He hesitated, waiting only a heartbeat, and she leaned forward, throwing back the blankets, silently inviting him into her bed.

He dropped the towel over a chair and slid in beside her. She immediately curled against him, settling her hand on his chest. In the smallest voice he'd ever heard from Carlie, she whispered, "Thank you, Tyler."

"Thank you? That's an unusual sentiment from a woman who just gave herself to a man."

"I didn't. Give myself to you, that is. You gave yourself to me. And you did it perfectly. It was wonderful, you were wonderful, and I thank you."

His chuckle nearly jarred her from her position against his shoulder. "You're very welcome...and by far the most appreciative woman I've ever made love to."

Her hand moved slowly over his chest, kneading the swell of muscle, teasing her fingers through the fine, dark hair. "We'll talk in the morning, okay?"

She sounded wary, unsure of herself. Tyler kissed the top of her head, then yawned hugely. "We'll talk, but only after I've gotten a chance to enjoy waking up with you."

Carlie was silent, her face turned into his skin, and he felt the sweet, very brief touch of her lips. He wasn't certain what to make of this new mood of hers, but then, it didn't matter. She was his, and nothing was going to change that. He wouldn't let it.

It was the sunlight streaming in that first stirred Tyler. His eyes opened slowly. Remembrance came in a rush of contentment, and he looked down to see Carlie still close to him, but now turned so that her bottom was nestled securely against his groin. His palm rested on her breast. Her skin was warm and silky and smooth.

She was peaceful in her sleep, her body lax, one hand curled beneath her cheek giving the illusion of childlike innocence. But she was no child.

Very quietly, Tyler raised himself onto one elbow, gazing down at her, a strange, stirring mix of emotions swamping him. He wanted to wake her and make love to her; he wanted to lie down and hold her forever.

He forced himself to be considerate and do neither. She was exhausted, and she needed her sleep. She didn't move so much as an eyelash when he carefully slid out of the bed.

The first order of business was a shave. His morning beard was harsh, and he didn't want to scratch her tender skin. And he didn't want to have to avoid kissing her in all the most delectable places because of beard stubble. He smiled at the thought.

Carlie wasn't the straitlaced, narrow-minded prude he'd expected. All her talk of reputations and gossip had been misleading. She was magnificent. Wild and open and honest with her feelings. She'd told him he was wonderful.

The mysterious masked woman had told him the same thing.

That wayward thought had him scowling at himself in the mirror. It was traitorous. Carlie deserved much better. He was a cad to still concern himself with another woman's ident.i.ty. If he never discovered the truth, it wouldn't matter.

Deliberately, he shoved those disturbing thoughts from his mind. The mystery woman may have been a fantasy come to life, but Carlie was a living fantasy. Her effect on him was unbelievable, and he couldn't seem to get enough of her.

Naked, he stood in the bathroom and looked around. Surely Carlie had a razor somewhere. He checked in the vanity drawers, then the medicine cabinet. He didn't find a razor, but a small contact case caught his attention.

Smiling, he envisioned Carlie wearing contacts, relegating the ugly to the desk drawer forever. She had beautiful eyes, the hazel clear and unique and pure.

It was idle curiosity that prompted him to open the case. For a moment, he stared stupidly at the colored lenses. They were a very bright, familiar blue. Then his face reddened.

He'd seen that color before. The night of the party.

Reality beat a swift path into his brain.

His guileless, forthright, honest Carlie had played him for a fool. He remembered the recent phone call, and his face burned, the heat of humiliation spreading rapidly down his neck. He was filled with fierce blinding anger, and the most devastating disappointment he'd ever known.

He'd thought of Carlie as near-perfect; dedicated to the children and to loftier causes for the common good. He'd thought her stubborn, headstrong and thoroughly independent. But not a liar.

She was still sleeping when he entered the bedroom. He was intent on his course, not about to be swayed by the alluring picture she made. Deliberately, he sat on the side of the bed, promptly waking her.

Her long lashes fluttered and her eyes opened slowly. She looked up into his unsmiling face, and reached for him.

"Tyler." Her hand landed on his naked thigh, and she stroked him. He dropped forward on one elbow so they were nose to nose. "Good morning, sweetheart. I trust you slept well?"

Her hand came up to his cheek, and she nodded. She felt his stubbly chin, then smiled slowly. "You're so very dark."

His look was grim. Pus.h.i.+ng away the covers, he surveyed her body. "You're certainly not." His eyes fell to the tight curls between her thighs. "Light brown. Close to the color of your beautiful head. Maybe not as golden. Certainly not black."

She gasped.

"Who are we today, Carlie? Maybe you'd like me to run home and fetch my pirate costume? I could pretend you were a virgin maiden, and 'pillage' you to my heart's content."

He saw her pale throat move as she swallowed, but otherwise she remained still, not even blinking. The hurt in her golden eyes enraged him all the more. He couldn't stop himself from taunting her. "No? You don't like that idea? Then how about I rent a sheikh costume? That role you would surely approve of. After all, you wear the veils so well. Maybe I could convince you to dance for me. I'd like that, I'm sure."

She pulled away without touching him. Her look was distant and wary. "You don't understand, Tyler."

"Now, there's where you're wrong." He reached out to wrap a lock of long hair around his finger, tugging her face closer to his own. "I understand perfectly. You wanted to experiment, and were too much the coward to come out from behind your spinster disguise. But now there's no reason to pretend. h.e.l.l, I enjoyed myself last night. What red-blooded male wouldn't have?"


"Don't look so concerned, sweetheart. I'm still willing to play. I only wish you'd told me the way of it sooner. Just think of all the time we've wasted. We could have been enjoying ourselves quite a bit." He gazed mockingly down the length of her exposed body. He ignored the way her pulse beat frantically in her slim throat, just as he ignored the horrified expression on her face, the tears starting to glisten in her eyes. He wouldn't be a fool again. Once was more than enough. It was more than he could bear.

He hurt so badly. He had never felt so betrayed in his life, not even when he'd finally realized how little he meant to his mother. He'd expected deception and manipulation from her. But he'd trusted Carlie. Fool.

Not for the world would he let her know that. He forced a wicked grin, hiding his hurt. Then he bent to press a hard, possessive kiss to her parted lips. He hadn't completely lost, he thought. He was still with her, and they were both in bed.

He could prove to her it didn't matter, that she meant little to him.

And then maybe he could prove it to himself.


"No, d.a.m.n you!" Carlie gave Tyler a shove that nearly knocked him from the bed. She scrambled away from him, quickly rising.

He lounged back, surveying her with a look of arrogant annoyance, his arms behind his head. "Calm down, Carlie."

"Get out! Get out now." She was trembling from head to foot, still completely naked, her hands squeezed together so tight her knuckles ached. Did he actually think he could make love to her while he was angry?

His eyes coasted over her slowly, with deliberate insult. But his words were a contrast, and terribly hurtful. "You're magnificent."

Carlie was speechless for just a moment. Then she narrowed her eyes. "I want you to leave now, Tyler." Her words quavered, but she couldn't help it. Everything had fallen apart. Tyler was acting like a stranger, treating her with the same callous insolence her husband had always employed whenever he'd been angry with her. She couldn't bear it.

Realizing that she was standing there, completely naked, waiting to see what else he would do or say made her throat go dry. She wasn't helpless and she was no longer young and naive. She angled her chin toward him, then forced a semblance of calm into her voice. "I won't let you do this, Tyler."

"Let me do what? You're the one who lied and made a fool of me, Carlie." His gaze pierced her, hot and hard and filled with contempt. She briefly closed her eyes against the pain of it.

"I'm sorry. I never intended it to be this way. I should never had done any of it. You're right to be angry. I knew you would be. That's why I decided to put off telling you until this morning."

"You want me to believe you would have actually confessed? I'm not stupid, Carlie. Look at you. You're shocked that I know. You wouldn't have said a word if I hadn't stumbled across your contacts and found out on my own."

She couldn't deny she was shocked, but it was because of Tyler's reaction, his disdain. She expected anger, but not disgust.

She watched Tyler rise from the bed, unmindful of his nudity as he stalked toward her. She couldn't bear his touch, not now, not with the way he felt about her. She pressed back against the wall.

Tyler glared at her retreat, then roughly ran his hands through his hair. Carlie realized, rather stupidly, that he was even gorgeous in the morning, beard stubble and all. His voice, when he spoke, was practically a sneer. "What's with the timid act, Carlie? I thought that little charade ended at the pool house."

Of course, it hadn't been an act, but she wasn't going to remind him of that. She understood his anger completely; she simply couldn't deal with it at the moment. She scooped up his pants and threw them at him. "Get dressed and go, Tyler."

She pulled a robe from her closet and quickly slipped it on. Tyler watched her, his eyes taking in every minute movement of her body. She hated his scrutiny.

His sweats.h.i.+rt hit him in the chest when she threw it. He caught the garment, but made no move to put it on. He clutched the clothing in his big hands and started toward her again.

Carlie steeled herself, pus.h.i.+ng away her guilt and nervousness, calling on her anger. No man would ever intimidate her again. She held up her hand, and Tyler halted. "I'm sorry for what happened, Tyler. Sorrier than you can know. I take full blame and I understand your anger. But it's over now. I won't bother you again. I promise."

His eyes looked dangerously bright. "Is that right?"

"Yes." She swallowed heavily. "I understand how you feel..."

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Impetuous. Part 14 summary

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