Impetuous. Part 19

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Carlie ducked out of reach. "No hugging, Bren. I'm dangerously close to coming unglued here, and any excess of kind consideration will definitely put me over the edge."

Brenda blinked. "What are you talking about?"

Carlie had been calm enough until that moment. The simple truth was, she still suffered a few qualms over her own appeal. She was unbelievably apprehensive about confronting Tyler, no matter how she tried to deny it. Her lips started to quiver. She felt like a fool, but she couldn't stop it. She clasped her hands, opened her mouth to calmly and intelligently explain, then broke into tears. "I love him!"

Brenda smiled. "Oh, Carlie."

Despite Carlie's objections, Brenda pulled her into a fierce hug. "I think that's wonderful."

"I don't know, Bren." She sniffed, then swiped the tears from her cheeks. "I hurt him. I've never hurt anyone in my life. I can't stand it."

"Have you told him?"

Carlie shook her head. "I can't just go up to him and say, 'Well, guess what? I do love you, after all.' I've been so terrible."

"No, you haven't. And Tyler will understand."

Carlie raised her chin. Enough was enough. She'd had her little show of vulnerability. "I sincerely hope you're right. Because I do love him. In fact, I'm crazy about him. But he's never actually said he loved me. He asked me to marry him, and he makes no bones about wanting me...that way. But he's never actually mentioned the word love."

Jason stepped into the room. "Gossiping about my brother again?"

Brenda turned and nearly snapped his head off. "We weren't gossiping! I was going to convince Carlie that Tyler loves her."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Of course he does. Why do you think he's been so impossible lately?"

"Don't tell me," Brenda demanded. "Tell Carlie."

Jason walked over to Carlie. "Tyler loves you. Now, what are you going to do about it?"

Carlie bit her bottom lip, Tyler had tried to tell her the depth of his feelings right before he left her house the last time. But she hadn't responded. At all. It made her ache to imagine how he must have felt. How could she tell him how scared she had been, that she'd been petrified at the idea of accepting too much happiness because it left her vulnerable?

Just as vulnerable as he must have felt when she'd failed to accept his proposal.

Suddenly, she realized what she had to do. "I have to make it up to him. I need to show him how much I care."

"Just tell him," Jason suggested.

But Carlie shook her head. "I have a plan. But I'll need your help."

"Oh, no." Jason put a hand to his head, looking ready to expire. "You're starting to sound just like my wife."

Brenda laughed. "Go ahead, Carlie, I'm listening. You know I dearly love a good plan."

Jason sat, and the women looked at him pointedly. "I'm not budging. You two are plotting something against my poor brother, and I need to be here to look after his interests."

"Well, all right." Carlie leaned forward, and Jason and Brenda followed suit. "Here's want I want to do."

Tyler stared at Jason, dressed in an elegant suit and obviously preparing to leave the house. "I thought you wanted me to help you with some work around here today."

Jason smacked his palm to his forehead theatrically. "Oh, boy. I forgot, Tyler. Bren made plans for us to go out tonight. Do you mind?"

"Well, no." Actually, Tyler had been looking forward to working with his brother. He needed some physical labor to drain him, to weary his mind enough to drive out thoughts of other things. He only hoped his disappointment didn't show.

Shoving his hands into his jeans pockets, Tyler stepped around Jason. He didn't want to return to his apartment. The mere thought was enough to make him shudder. Lately, all he could do was think of Carlie. Oh, how the mighty did fall. Flat on their faces.

And it still hurt, dammit.

Moving away was a desperate decision. He couldn't be so close to Carlie, knowing she was only minutes away, and constantly be reminded of how he had failed, both her and himself. He needed to get on with his life, but no one had ever told him how to do that.

Jason interrupted his thoughts, slapping him on the shoulder. "I have a favor to ask. If you don't have anything else pressing to do, could you go ahead and get started on a few things for me? You know how I'm already rushed for time, especially now that I've started helping with the after-school basketball program."

Tyler winced. "How are they? The kids, I mean. Little Lucy is doing all right?"

"They're all the same." Jason's answer was deliberately vague. "A few of the parents asked me to extend their thanks for your help. It was great of you to figure out a way for them to earn extra money. I hadn't realized you were doing so much."

Tyler frowned, uncomfortable with the praise, but Jason didn't give him time to argue. "I made a list of a few jobs that had to be done."

Tyler forced a smile. "I wouldn't mind helping out. I don't have anything else to do today, anyway."

Jason almost grinned. "You're sure? I'd really appreciate it."

"No problem. What's first on the list?"

Jason produced a folded piece of paper and stuck it into the front breast pocket of Tyler's flannel s.h.i.+rt. "I gotta run. Do me a favor first, though, will you? Carlie called the other day and said she left something in the pool house. I don't remember what. Go down and check it out, will you? Look around and see if you find anything."

Tyler didn't move a single muscle. "She's not stopping by here, is she?" He knew he sounded panicked, but to be alone with Carlie would nearly kill him. He couldn't trust himself not to act like an a.s.s again.

Jason waved away his concern. "You don't have to worry about her dropping in." He turned away quickly. "I really do appreciate this, Tyler. Bren and I won't be home till late, so help yourself to anything you need, and..." Jason grinned suddenly. "Relax, will you? Things are never as bad as they seem."

Tyler had no answer for that. Things seemed pretty d.a.m.ned bad to him.

Despite himself, he was anxious to see what Carlie had left in the pool house. Her mask? Some small part of that alluring harem costume? Maybe he'd find it and keep it. As a memento. What could she say? Not a thing.

He waited till he heard Jason's car drive away, then went out the back, heading for the pool house. It seemed so achingly familiar, each step he took on the flagstone walk brought the memories closer. But instead of soft party lights to guide his way, the sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly. The breeze chilled him, and he hunkered his shoulders forward, his head down.

The pool house door was slightly ajar, but Tyler paid no attention to that small detail. He was too overcome with memories. Odd, but knowing now that it had been Carlie, not another woman, only enhanced the memory, made it more erotic and more tantalizing.

Heat washed over him in waves as he closed the door behind him, but it wasn't from the warmth of the room. Just looking around caused his body to react, and when he spotted the couch, his thighs clenched and his stomach tightened.


He froze. He couldn't possibly be dreaming, not so vividly, not with such stark reality. He turned slowly, and felt his breath catch in his throat.

She was almost exactly as he remembered, hovering in the corner, her back to the wall. But there was no wig, and somehow he knew the mask was for effect, not concealment.

Tyler stared, his eyes so hot he could barely see. There were no shadows today. Each and every lamp had been turned on. Carlie's hair, appearing more blond than brown in the bright light, hung loose about her shoulders. It was in gentle waves, s.e.xy and s.h.i.+mmering and tempting him to touch it. Her hazel eyes, brightly lit with antic.i.p.ation and anxiety, stared at him, direct and unblinking.

Very slowly, not daring to breathe, he walked toward her. Reaching out, his fingers touched the mask. "May I remove it?"

Her smile quavered, dimpling her cheeks, but then vanished quickly. It was a nervous reaction, he knew, and his love for her doubled.

"If you like." Carlie held his eyes, her breathing suspended, her heart pounding erratically. She loved him so much. "Whatever you like, Tyler."

"I like you." He slipped the mask from her face, gently laying it aside. Cupping her cheeks, he smiled at her. "Do you realize how rare and special that is, Carlie? I like everything about you. I like being with you, I like looking at you, I like talking with you."

He kissed her lightly, fleetingly, on her trembling lips. "I'll never grow bored of you or try to change you."

Carlie rubbed her cheek against his palm. "Except my clothes?"

It was an attempt at humor, but Tyler didn't laugh. "You can wear any d.a.m.ned thing you like. I don't care."

Her eyes welled with tears, and she had to fight to keep from pressing herself against him. But they had to talk. She had to make him understand. Drawing a deep breath, she looked up at him. "I want to make you happy, Tyler. I...I love you."

He closed his eyes, then hugged her tight. "I love you, too, Carlie. So d.a.m.ned much."

Her smile was tremulous. "It's a little scary, isn't it?"

"No!" He held her away from him, his expression fierce. "Losing you is scary. Loving you is easy, and unbelievably exciting." Then he smiled, his hand dropping to ringer the edge of her skimpy bodice. "Much like this costume of yours."

Very seriously, without any hesitation, Carlie whispered, "I want to be whatever you want me to be."

"I want you to be yourself." He pressed his face into her shoulder, inhaling her soft, feminine scent. "You're a beautiful woman, Carlie. And so special. Just be yourself for me, honey. Stop hiding."

She almost laughed out loud, she felt so relieved. Teasing Tyler with a smile, she asked, "Did Jason tell you what I lost here?"

He looked struck, having all but forgotten about his brother. He grinned. "No. What did you lose?"

She ducked her head. "I lost my heart."

"No." He tipped her chin up. "It's not lost. I have it, and I'm not giving it back."

Carlie started to say something more, but Tyler touched his fingers to her lips. "Did you wear this costume only to torment me, or do you plan on making my fantasies come true?"

"A little of both." She almost made it out of reach before Tyler grabbed her and held her close.

A long kiss followed, and Carlie was finally able to hug herself to him. It felt so right, so perfect. Paper rattled when she leaned into his chest, and Tyler pulled away. With a suspicious look, he tugged out the note Jason had given him. Keeping Carlie close, he read the message aloud. "Women have fantasies, too, or so Bren insists. There's a large paper bag behind the couch. Have fun, kids."

Carlie laughed, then squirmed from his grasp to retrieve the bag. She looked inside, then grinning, she tossed the bag to Tyler. "Here you go."

He caught it automatically. "What is it?"

"Your pirate costume." She bobbed her eyebrows comically. "Remind me to thank your brother."

Tyler grinned wickedly as he began unb.u.t.toning his s.h.i.+rt. "I'm not a man you can trifle with, sweetheart. If you want to play games, you're going to have to promise to marry me."

Carlie watched him remove his s.h.i.+rt, her gaze rapt. "I'll marry you, I'll choose a whole new wardrobe, I'll even get rid of my But you have to promise me something, too."

He unsnapped his jeans, then slowly shoved them down his hips. "What's that?"

"You can never stop being outrageous."

He laughed, sounding smug. "Told you you'd like it."

Carlie walked into his arms, feeling loved and in love. Happy. She didn't stop until Tyler was holding her close again. "Indeed I do, Tyler. Indeed I do."


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Impetuous. Part 19 summary

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