Impetuous. Part 2

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He sat back to look at her, running his fingers through her hair. It was then he realized she was wearing a wig. The hair was too coa.r.s.e, too dense to be real. The fact that she had taken such pains to conceal herself only added to her intrigue. His mystery woman.

She pulled him closer in silent demand.

He reached down and parted her with his fingers, then gently pushed inside. His groan was long and ragged. Gasping, she twisted against him, her arms tightening, her hips lifting to his. He pressed her knees wider, giving himself more access to her body, then clenched his jaw as he sank deeper. "There we go. All the way."

She shuddered as her body adjusted to his length and thickness. It was pure fantasy, he thought, wis.h.i.+ng he could stay like this forever. She squirmed beneath him in delicious sensation.

Tyler shuddered, pressing his hips to hers to still her movements, trying to maintain his barely leashed control, but it was too late. He reared up, his arms stiffened on either side of her, his eyes hot and probing, holding her gaze. Then he began to move.

The friction was exquisite, and she lifted her hips toward him, taking more, her legs wrapping around him. His gaze dropped to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, to her tightened nipples. He was enthralled, watching her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s sway as each of his thrusts rocked her body.

He threw his head back, biting off a groan. His jaw was tense, his words a growled whisper. "I don't believe this!"

He felt her tighten around him, felt the pulsing of her climax. He groaned heavily, and his body went rigid as he climaxed. Then he stilled.

His weight was now fully upon her and his heartbeat rocked his body with its uneven cadence. He stroked her idly, without thought, without even knowing what he was doing. She smelled so good, and he felt so good.

She stirred beneath him, and he obligingly raised himself to his elbows. Her mask was askew, and he smiled at the picture she made, tousled innocence, sensual lure. He didn't want the night to end.

"Do you have to go anytime soon?"

That surprised her.

Smiling, Tyler stroked her cheek. "Will you stay with me for a while longer?"

Her smile was shaky, a bit uncertain, but it was a smile.

Laughing, feeling incredibly lighthearted, he held her tight as he turned on the couch, putting her on top of him. She came up on her elbows, her heavy b.r.e.a.s.t.s swaying over his chest.

"Now, this is nice." His hands cupped her, his thumbs flicking over her soft, dusky nipples until they drew tight.

"Can you scoot up just a bit," he growled. "I want you in my mouth."

Her lips parted, but she complied, her breath already thickening. Tyler swept his hands down her back and spread them wide over the b.u.t.tocks, pressing her close.

"I'm going to make love to you all night, honey. I want to show you all the different ways to enjoy yourself. I'm going to see to it that you're so overwhelmed with pleasure, you won't be able to resist seeing me again." He said the words quietly just before he took her nipple in his mouth, licking and teasing and making her shudder. His hands moved over her bottom to the back of her thighs, then parted her legs so she was draped over him. "You'll wake up at night and think of me touching you." His finger slid inside her and she tensed, her hips pressing hard against him.

"I want you to think of me," he explained, loving her with his fingers until she trembled uncontrollably, "because I know I'll be thinking of you."

Tyler held to his promise, exhausting both himself and Carlie with pleasure.

Hours later, long after midnight, he slept, still holding her close. Carlie was stunned by all that had happened, never having imagined that such complete satisfaction was possible.

Tyler lay relaxed beside her, one heavy muscled arm circling her belly, his hand splayed over her hip. He was even beautiful when he slept, she thought, when the lines of his face softened, making him look almost vulnerable.

Of course, he could never know the truth. She would be mortified if Tyler ever discovered he'd made love with his sister-in-law's dumpy best friend. Tyler didn't even look at women like her, let alone sleep with them.

Not that she wanted it any other way. She was dumpy by design, choosing her clothes with an eye for concealment, rather than enticement. She didn't want a man, any man-not now, not ever.

Relations.h.i.+ps hurt. She'd learned that lesson after her marriage failed. And she'd also learned she could rely on no one but herself. Not on the grandfather who'd raised her after her parents' death, treating her more like a burden than a grandchild, nor on her brother, who'd made it clear she was to deal with her mistakes on her own.

But marriage had been her biggest mistake. One she wasn't likely to forget.

She could never tell Tyler the truth, but at least she'd learned something valuable; she wasn't frigid. Her husband had been wrong, his accusations unjust. Probably, it had just been another of his attempts to destroy her self-confidence. But now she knew the truth, and for that, if nothing else, she was glad she'd stayed with Tyler.

He s.h.i.+fted in his sleep, and she stilled, watching him closely, but he didn't awaken. She leaned down and very gently kissed him on the corner of his mouth, then slipped from the couch.

By the time Tyler woke, a smile of antic.i.p.ation on his face, Carlie was gone.


"You can't tell anyone I was at the party."

Brenda tugged Carlie through the kitchen door and then quickly shut it. "I wondered all night what happened to you. Where did you go? Why did you leave so soon? I thought for sure you were going to enjoy yourself."

Wincing, Carlie gave Brenda an apologetic look. She had enjoyed herself, all right, just not the way Brenda had expected. She pulled out a chair at the round wooden table and slumped into it. "I didn't mean to worry you. I'm sorry."

"So what happened? Why did you run off?"

Hesitating, Carlie tried to decide how much to tell her friend. It wouldn't be the whole truth, that was for certain. Somehow, the night seemed...magical, something she could tuck away and keep to herself. She couldn't share it, not even with Brenda. But she had to tell her something...

"Brenda...! felt really the costume. Maybe if I hadn't been wearing something so..."


Carlie spared her friend a quick look, and saw Brenda was smiling. "Yeah, well, maybe. I just couldn't face all those people looking like that."

"I'm sorry I pushed, Carlie. I just wanted you to realize how attractive you are. Those d.a.m.n baggy suits you wear make you look fat." Brenda pursed her lips, then idly traced the wood grain in the table with a fingertip. "Tyler noticed you."

Carlie felt her heartbeat race. "I... Did he say something to you?"

"He asked who you were."

"You didn't tell him! " Carlie nearly choked on her embarra.s.sment, waiting for Brenda's reply.

"No. I just told him you were a guest." Then she patted Carlie's arm. "Hey, calm down. It wouldn't be the end of the world if Tyler took a liking to you. You have to admit, he's gorgeous."

Oh, yeah, he was gorgeous. Carlie licked her lips, then said carefully, "He, ah, approached me."

"He did?"

"Yes." Carlie cleared her throat, then immediately launched into her rehea.r.s.ed story. "We talked for a while. In, ah, the pool house."

When Brenda's eyes widened, Carlie reminded her, "It was raining, remember? And we went inside to stay dry. He, well, he was attracted to me."

"No kidding?"

Carlie hated the note of fascination in her friend's tone. She also hated lying to her, but she didn't see any way around it. Brenda leaned forward. "So, what happened?"

Carlie shrugged. "He didn't recognize me."

"Well, of course he didn't! He's used to seeing you looking like this!" Brenda indicated Carlie's dark, frumpy suit. With her honey blond hair in a tight braid and a pair of perched on her nose, she looked nothing like the harem girl of the night before.

"This isn't funny, Brenda!" Carlie felt like strangling her. "And you can't ever tell him, either. I don't want him to know it was me he was...flirting with."

Brenda looked skeptical. "Ah, Carlie, don't you think-"

Whatever Brenda was going to say was cut off by a loud voice from the living room. Seconds later, Jason and Tyler strode into the kitchen. Carlie stiffened, all her defenses jerking into place. But her face remained impa.s.sive. Almost painfully so. There was absolutely no way she would let Tyler know she was the woman he'd spent the night with. She didn't even want to think about how mortifying that would be.

Brenda didn't miss a beat after shooting Carlie an I'm-not-responsible-for-this look. "I thought you fellas were going fis.h.i.+ng. What happened?"

Tyler reached Brenda first. He leaned down and lifted her from her chair, giving her a tight bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Brenda's face turned pink. "What did I do to deserve that?"

Tyler's smile was so warm and sincere, Carlie had to look away. "You invited me to your party." Then he added softly, "Thanks."

Jason shook his head, and Carlie had the horrifying suspicion that Tyler had confided to him what had happened. Don't blush, don't blus.h.!.+ She glanced at Jason, but he was looking at his wife.

Leaning down, he kissed Brenda, then nodded briefly to Carlie. "The fish weren't biting and it's d.a.m.ned cold out there. Besides, Tyler can't seem to sit still today."

Tyler pulled out a chair and straddled it, crossing his arms over the chair back. "Could I have some coffee, Bren? Then I need to talk to you." He glanced at Carlie, and smiled. "Hi. Ah, Carlie, isn't it?"

"h.e.l.lo." Carlie mentally applauded her calm response. She was more than a little surprised Tyler remembered her name. She prayed it was all he remembered. And then she looked at him, and despite herself, she remembered lying beside him in the pool house, remembered that magnificent body of his leaning toward her... She looked away, trying to collect her thoughts. Good looks only took a person so far, and from what she knew of Tyler, his had taken him around the block more than a few times. Last night had been a milestone in her life; to Tyler, it had probably been no more than a good time.

Carlie breathed a sigh of relief when she realized he hadn't connected her to the party. His expression had been friendly, nothing more. Already he was ignoring her, dismissing her easily.

"I'll have the coffee ready in just a minute." Brenda was grinning affectionately at Tyler, obviously more than pleased to cater to him.

Tyler tapped his fingers on the table with an excess of energy. His gaze took a turn around the room, then settled on Carlie again. "So. What are you ladies up to today?"

She felt her heart flutter and color rise to her cheeks. Carlie wanted to smack herself. Enough was enough. She would not be an idiot around this man. She composed her features and met his look squarely. "We were talking about the new sports program I'm working on for the school." She paused, then decided to elaborate. "It's a way to help the kids who have trouble socializing. They're not bad kids but they just aren't sure how to conduct themselves with their peers. They need guidance and a chance to interact, with supervision. If they're playing a sport, they'll be getting exercise, burning off energy and learning to work together. I think the program will go over pretty good. I thought I'd try basketball first. The kids have to play together, but since it's not really a contact sport, tussles ought to be kept to a minimum. Brenda and I were just discussing how great it is that Jason has agreed to be an instructor."

Tyler listened, his eyes intent on Carlie's face, watching her so closely she felt herself near to blus.h.i.+ng again. "Sounds like you really care about these kids."

His tone was soft, almost disbelieving, and Carlie stiffened. "Of course I do. I care very much about all my students."

Tyler rubbed his chin, still watching her. "And you really think you can make a difference?"

Carlie leaned back in her chair, forgetting her embarra.s.sment, forgetting last night. The gall of the man, to question her like this! With her hands in fists, she replied, "I'll certainly do my best to. At least I'm trying to do something to help."

Jason looked at Carlie, then Tyler. A smile appeared. "I, ah, suppose I should tell you something, Carlie. I won't be able to help you, after all. Some things came up at the office." His grin widened, and he shrugged. "I talked to Tyler this morning, and he agreed to do the project with you, instead."

Carlie closed her eyes for a heartbeat, praying she hadn't heard that. But when she opened her eyes, Tyler was still watching her, his smile now smug.

She cleared her throat and shoved her needlessly up the bridge of her nose. "I don't know, Jason." What excuse could she use after practically challenging the man to help? "Maybe that wouldn't be a good idea."

It was Tyler who answered her. "Why not?"

Floundering, she racked her brain, but couldn't come up with a valid reason. "You understand, it will be three or four nights a week? And we need someone who will set a good example for the kids. Someone patient."

Tyler raised his eyebrow, looking affronted. "I'd be a good example. h.e.l.l, I'm a lawyer, same as Jason. I've been to college. I'm articulate."

"You're even housebroken," Brenda added, seeming to enjoy the situation.

He nodded. "d.a.m.n right." Then to Carlie, "You see? I'll be perfect for the job."

"But..." The truth was, she simply didn't want to work with Tyler. Not now, not after last night. "I don't know. Have you ever worked with kids? And remember, these kids can be a little...difficult."

Jason interrupted. "Tyler should understand them on a gut level, because he was always d.a.m.ned difficult, too."

Tyler laughed. "So it's settled. When do we start?"

Carlie stood with as much aplomb as she could muster. Tyler's eyes drifted over her body, almost out of habit, it seemed, but there was no sign of recognition in his expression. It rankled, even while she prayed he wouldn't make the connection. She tugged at the bottom of her tailored suit coat, smoothing it over her slacks. Then she used a tactic that had worked with many rebellious students. She deliberately looked down her nose at him. "I'll have to let you know."

Tyler merely nodded. "You do that." Brenda rushed forward to give Carlie a hug. "Give me a call later. Promise?"

"Of course. And thanks for the company, Bren. See ya' later, Jason." She ignored Tyler, not feeling the least bit guilty about it, and exited the room, her back stiff, her tight braid pulling at her temples. She wasn't entirely out of the house when she heard Tyler say, "That has to be the p.r.i.c.kliest woman I've ever met. I got the distinct impression she didn't like me. Can you imagine?" Jason's laugh was sharp. "Unheard of, isn't it?" There was a shrug in his tone when Tyler replied, "There's just no figuring some women."

Carlie allowed the door to slam just a bit too hard behind her.

It was a very neat, utilitarian office. Carlie was surprised at how functional each piece of furniture was, with only a modic.u.m of necessary decorations. The walls were beige, the carpet a swirling mixture of blues and creams. The sofa and two chairs were upholstered in a rough nubby fabric of a deep blue, and the wooden end tables were light oak. It was a comfortable room, without any indication of Tyler's personal style, which she'd a.s.sumed to be rather flamboyant.

The office door opened and Tyler stepped out, accompanied by the secretary who had first greeted Carlie. His smile was warm, a natural smile that Carlie knew he bestowed on almost every female he encountered. Beyond him, she could see into his office, and noticed his desk strewn with papers and files. Suddenly, she realized how disruptive, and presumptuous, her visit was, but she also knew if she hadn't come today, she wouldn't have come at all. Brenda had told her he'd been asking about the harem girl from the party. He wanted to know who she was.

Carlie hoped he would eventually give up and forget about that night...but then, she also knew how badly it would hurt her if he was able to do just that.

Lately, she felt awfully confused.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting, Carlie. I didn't realize it was you. I'm not familiar with the name McDaniels."

Of course, he wouldn't be. Carlie took his hand. Very briefly. "I hope I'm not interrupting. I can see you're busy. I just wanted to stop by and tell you I'd like to accept your offer of a.s.sistance for our new sports program." She was rus.h.i.+ng through her words, but she couldn't seem to stop herself. She'd spent three days stewing over what to do, and finally decided that her personal embarra.s.sment had to take a back seat to the kids' problems. She was the only one who knew she had reason to be embarra.s.sed, and since no one else had agreed to help, Tyler was her only option.

"We hope to start next week, so I wanted to drop off the material I've put together. You might want to look it over before meeting the children."

Tyler accepted the papers she thrust toward him, then motioned her into his office. "Come on in and have a seat."

"I don't want to take up too much of your time." And she wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible.

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Impetuous. Part 2 summary

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