Unbounded - The Escape Part 12

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"Will they let them in with weapons?" Cort asked, giving me a subtle wink.

"They will if I'm in the Triad," I said.

Ritter's mouth twitched. "Delia Vesey?"

Oliver paled. "If she finds out, she'll kill us."

"She'd kill us anyway." Mari looked at me. "Who should I be?"

"How about that guy at Emerson's?" I said. "The sensing Unbounded. He's obviously a favorite with Delia so they might have been seen together."

"Oh, I like that." Venom laced her voice. Apparently, she knew how to hold a grudge. So did I because a perverse part of me was looking forward to being Delia. She scared the h.e.l.l out of me and I didn't like that one little bit.

"Oliver and Jace can be a couple of their Unbounded guards," Cort said. "Someone prominent enough that they are recognizable, but no relation to anyone we've identified at the compound. Stella should be able to send us profiles. Oliver will be able to remember the information long enough to mimic them tonight. He has a good memory." That was an understatement. Oliver's memory was a lot better than any of ours-as he enjoyed reminding us every other day.

"Jace?" Ritter said.

Jace looked over eagerly, and for a long moment they exchanged a measured stare. At last, Jace sighed and shook his head. "Normally I'd be all over this, but it's too risky to send four. Not when Erin and Mari can s.h.i.+ft only one. Even a few feet could get them free. If Erin has to mask two people, she won't be able to concentrate on getting information. Besides, I'll need to be out here if things go wrong." Jace met my surprised gaze. "Don't worry, Sis. I have your back. I'll plow through these guards and come get you if you run into trouble-no matter how many guns they shove in my face." That was more like the Jace I knew.

"Erin can fight well enough if it comes to that," Ritter said. Well enough was high praise from him, but the fact that he'd been willing to let my unpredictable brother go inside told me he was more worried than he let on about us making it out without incident.

I was both relieved that Jace had finally started listening to his ability's internal warnings and worried that I'd need him inside. Clamping down on the emotions, I turned to Oliver. "What was it you were saying about voices?"

Ritter reached for his phone. "You two practice while I let Yuan-Xin and Ava know what we're doing. Ava and Dimitri will want to be here just in case."

"Not Dimitri," Cort said. "He and Keene are watching Brody Emerson."

"Right." Ritter put his phone to his ear. "Remember the clock is ticking."

Ticking fast, it turned out. By the time we drove up to the compound gate in a sleek black Mercedes produced by Yuan-Xin, we had only fifty minutes left before the guard change. Mari was at the wheel, looking like the sensing Unbounded at Emerson's townhouse. I sat next to her, with Oliver in the back, resembling a man I vaguely recognized from our Unbounded files.

"They're letting us go in because we're expendable," Oliver muttered. "That's why they've lived so long. They sacrifice the newbies."

Mari snorted. "No way. No one can do what we can. Ritter's letting us go in because he knows we're the best for the job. He would have come himself if he didn't need to organize out here in case we screw up."

"Let's make sure we don't screw up," I said. To Mari, I added, "If I say s.h.i.+ft, you get out. You'll need to tell Ritter everything. Don't hesitate."

"I know. He told me I'd be on probation if I didn't." She waited several seconds before adding, "What does that even mean?"

"No action," Oliver said. "Sounds good to me."

Mari's hands tightened on the steering wheel, but she didn't respond. "They're coming."

Sure enough, the guards from the trailer had come out, their weapons pointed at the car. One opened the gate and stood in front of us, while the other approached slowly. Both wore green uniforms and hard green helmets.

Mari pushed the b.u.t.ton to roll down the window. "Let us through," she demanded. "I have Delia Vesey with me." Her voice was more nasal than the real man, as Oliver was doing her illusion and he'd never heard the voice, but it would pa.s.s. Jace had been right about not coming because at the moment I didn't know if I could have masked him well enough while pretending to be Delia.

The Unbounded guard leaned over to look inside the car, a tablet in his very white hands. "We weren't told of your visit." He tapped the screen, taking a picture of Mari.

"I don't have to tell you anything," I snapped in Delia's strong, aging voice. She was physically in her mid-sixties, which made her seventeen hundred years old, one of the oldest Unbounded still alive. With the ongoing war, too few lived to two thousand these days. "Do you need proof it's me?" I pushed aside his s.h.i.+eld and said silently in his head, Well, here it is. Let us through now. Or should I have you moved to somewhere less comfortable? I hear we need a contact inside the mortal prison.

The man dipped his head as if trying to shake me loose. His s.h.i.+eld strengthened and I could see he believed he'd pushed me out, but I was still there observing. Interesting that he thought he could push her out. Could he really or had she let others believe they were protected? "Sorry. Triad Vesey. Just protocol. I need to verify your companions. You understand, I'm sure."

"Hurry, then, if you must." My voice dripped sarcasm, while I silently applauded his backbone. In his mind, I saw a clear desire to do his best. More than a soldier following orders, he was someone who believed in the cause. People like him obscured the lines between our organizations, and I felt that in other circ.u.mstances, he'd make a good Renegade.

The tablet in his hands beeped and he nodded at Mari. "Mr. Roberts." Lew Roberts, his mind said. He glanced in the backseat at Oliver and recognition flooded his mind. I watched the sand stream of his thoughts as he found the memory: the two had worked together during an operation in London fifty-odd years ago.

Pretend you know him from fifty or so years ago. I pushed the thought into Oliver's mind. He wasn't s.h.i.+elding so I could use his ability, though he was resentful about it. Ask if he's ever been back to London.

Oliver stiffened and cast me a quick look before addressing the guard. "h.e.l.lo," he said, using a voice that to me sounded just like the one we had on file. "Long time no see. You been back to London recently?"

The man relaxed. "No. You?"

"Once or twice. Been busy."

"I hear you," the guard said with a hint of a smile. "Been a bit busy myself."

"All for a good cause." Oliver dipped his head and looked at me again. The guard followed his gaze, suddenly remembering my presence.

"I just have to take your picture." The man pointed the tablet at Oliver as he spoke, tapping the screen. Seconds later a beep came. "You're cleared," he said, signaling his companion. "Drive on in." To Oliver, he added. "Good to see you."

"You, too."

With that, we drove through the gate and into the compound.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" OLIVER SAID, using his own voice.

"My bet is recognition software." I glanced back at the two guards who were standing close now, one of them tapping on the tablet. "Probably double checking to see if there are any notices out on us."

As Mari parked the car in front of the main entrance, two guards opened the front doors, one large with skin darker than the night, the other slightly less dark, a thin man who must trace his ancestry from India, or maybe came from there himself. They were combat Unbounded by the way they moved, the big rifles in their hands held with the ease of familiarity.

Instinctively, I felt for my own weapons. They should expect us, as Emporium Unbounded, to carry weapons, but if they frisked us for some unknown reason, it would all be over. Oliver and I might be able to hold realistic illusions, but they had no substance and our real bodies wouldn't match up with the illusions. Not for the first time, I wished I could manipulate conscious thoughts without signaling my presence. Delia had nearly succeeded with me, but I'd been so intent upon resisting, that I hadn't paid attention to how she'd accomplished it. Ava didn't know how, either, but we had better figure it out soon.

I forced myself to be calm as we walked toward the guards. Mari's step was confident, which I expected from someone who knew she could s.h.i.+ft out at any moment, but Oliver's fear was choking me. "Oliver," I said, sending him soothing emotions, "try to relax." The last thing I needed was for him to drop our cover from sheer terror.

A surge of resentment came from him, but the fear cranked down a notch, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Blocking him out wasn't an option as long as I was channeling his ability.

"Greetings, Triad Vesey," said the Indian. "Nice to see you again. Is there any particular reason for your visit?"

"That is my own business," I said with acid in my voice. I pushed at his s.h.i.+eld. It wasn't as strong as Lew Roberts' but constructed more solidly than most I'd seen.

He bowed. "I only meant how I should guide you? Do you wish to visit Director Tunns or with the other doctors? I have already notified them of your visit."

"The director will do," I said. "But I also want to see our guests."

He blinked. "Guests. Uh, yes."

I'd chosen the word because when I'd been held prisoner at the old Emporium headquarters in Los Angeles, Delia and the others had been all too polite, pretending I was there for a long-awaited visit with my supposed father, that I wasn't actually a kidnapped victim. Apparently no such pretense existed here.

"Please follow me," the Indian took one hand from his rifle and motioned us through the door.

"We'll want to see the new prisoner as well," Mari said in the wide foyer where couches sat in front of a long reception desk full of computer equipment. "You haven't damaged him too much, I a.s.sume?"

"No. But he has been difficult." This from the dark-skinned Unbounded, who fell into step behind us. "He's still adamant about not helping."

I waved a hand. "No matter. He will change his mind."

"I thought that was no longer necessary," the Indian said over his shoulder. "Wasn't that why they brought him here?"

This gave me pause. Was the new prisoner connected to the Emporium's plan with Patrick Mann or Emerson's son? Or were they working on yet another way to further their control over the world? At any rate, I had no intelligent way to answer the question unless I could break through their s.h.i.+elds and the big Unbounded's mind was equally protected. Why couldn't I get through? Maybe I needed my machete.

To the Indian I said, "My plans for him do not concern you or anyone else. You will focus on your job."

He stopped walking, pivoting in my direction and bowing again. I envisioned pulling out my machete and swinging it against his s.h.i.+elds, but the black barrier remained impenetrable.

"If you will come this way?" The Indian made a sweeping motion toward the door. "My partner will call to ask the director to meet us in the lab."

I pushed harder as he turned to lead us deeper into the compound. The instant we stepped out of the foyer and into the hallway, the s.h.i.+eld gave way and I practically fell inside his mind, scrambling not to touch the sand stream of his thoughts and give myself away.

How odd, I thought. Almost as if something had been blocking me from getting inside. Something outside him. The more I thought about it the more implausible it seemed. Yet it would also explain why Ava and I had both been able to get so little from those inside the compound, especially when at least part of the compound was within my known range. Yet at the same time, whatever it was hadn't interfered with the connection I'd already forged with Oliver before we entered the building. I reached for Ritter. I'd been connected with him when I entered the building, but I couldn't feel him now. I filed the observations away for future reference.

I could find no suspicion in the guard's mind, though resentment was there aplenty. He and his partner were supposed to be relieved within the hour and he worried my visit would keep him here longer than expected. He wished there was someone to complain to, but the Triad could do whatever it wanted. He reminded himself, not very convincingly, that my visit was to further the good of all Emporium Unbounded. Besides, no one complained about Delia Vesey. No one. He'd heard rumors about those who had dared defy her. About people disappearing. Just being this close to her was nerve-wracking. He only wished he knew more of what was going on with the new prisoner than what the agents who'd brought him here had let slip.

Excitement welled through him, momentarily blotting out his nervousness. It was important. He could practically feel it. Utopia, where Unbounded were out in the open and mortals in their rightful place of servitude, couldn't come too quickly as far as he was concerned. Meanwhile, keeping watch over prisoners who were going nowhere fast was a tedium he had no choice but to endure. He almost hoped Delia would take notice of him and move him up the chain of command, but the thought alone brought all his nervousness cras.h.i.+ng back on him. He abruptly felt like vomiting.

For a moment, I toyed with taking advantage of his nervousness to question him about the prisoners and their condition, but the more exchanges we shared, the more chance I had of messing up.

Down one corridor and then another. I paid close attention, though Mari would be able to reproduce it better than I would later. For the most part the halls were bare and old paint flecked on the ground, but this contrasted with the occasional pieces of luxury furniture we glimpsed through partially open doors.

Finally we arrived at an inconspicuous door where another guard stood with a bored expression on his chiseled face. He came to attention as he noted my presence. "Triad Vesey," he said, nodding once but not quite meeting my eyes. I reached out to his mind, breaking through his weak s.h.i.+eld. Nothing out of the ordinary caught my attention.

"I need to see your prisoners," I told him. "Now."

"Yes, ma'am." Strange that we had so many customs unique to Unbounded, but we still used this mortal term.

As he fumbled with keys in his pocket, I tried again to reach my thoughts across the distance to Ritter and Jace, but I couldn't feel them anywhere.

Mari's hand brushed against mine, her antic.i.p.ation clear. I understood all too well-finally, we'd get a good look at the prisoners. Behind us, Oliver glanced up and down the hallway, as if expecting an ambush. He knew if that happened, he was supposed to call up more illusions while Mari and I fought the others, but he was completely untried in battle. I felt a twinge of unease.

The door opened onto pitch black. One of the guards reached for a switch and the room bathed in light. I stifled a gasp. The walls, floor, and ceiling were covered with silver sheets that were riveted into place, some stained by huge black scorch marks. Thick steel bars stretched across half the small room like a jail cell, and behind the bars, five people sat or lay on the carpeted floor, blinking at the light. There were no pillows or blankets, and a stinking bucket in the corner testified that they hadn't been allowed a bathroom or privacy. Several of the Renegades looked recently beaten, their cuts sealed and their bruises mottled green as they rapidly healed. The two women looked untouched, though the mistrust in their eyes spoke volumes. Since they couldn't help but absorb from the air, none of them looked malnourished, but despondency leaked from them. Even so, they had their s.h.i.+elds up tight and their expressions were defiant.

One muscled man stood and faced us, his paleness testifying of confinement. His right eye was a puffy reddened black and one hand held the other arm as if it hurt. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, Triad Vesey?" His voice was a sneer on the last two words. I recognized him from Tenika's files as Willis Tyrone, one of the New York Unbounded, who was talented with combat. Enclosed in such a small s.p.a.ce, he must be near breaking.

"Shut up!" The Indian guard kicked against the bars, his boot clanging loudly against the metal. "Or do you want another go-round?"

"Enough," I told the guard. "Leave us. Do not lock the door." With Mari here, I wasn't really worried about getting out of the room, but I wanted to make sure they understood and obeyed. Of course, the rooms were probably bugged to find out anything the prisoners might know, so I had to be careful.

"But are you-?" the Indian began.

Leave, I said in his mind.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized his s.h.i.+eld hadn't kept me out. He dipped his head and hurried from the room, taking the other guard with him. The door clicked shut and I heard no key in the lock.

"They've probably got the place bugged," Oliver muttered.

I scowled at him and he shut up. Everyone waited in silence as I studied the room, looking for cameras. I couldn't see any, but I knew there had to be one. I wished Stella were here. As a technopath, she'd be aware of anything electronic or computerized, and with a few twists of wire could even communicate with it. I could see or hear nothing but the buzzing of the florescent lights overhead.

"It's freezing in here," Mari said.

I knew why. Cold would keep the prisoners more docile and more eager to visit the lab or wherever else they were needed.

All the prisoners were still sitting on the carpet except Willis, who stared at me with his disheveled brown hair and angry blue eyes. Edging closer to the bars, I let my gaze wander over the Unbounded. I knew them all from the files. Besides Willis, there was Guenter Simon from Germany and Mandalyn Sharp from England, both combat Unbounded, and another man from Austria who simply went by the name Dragon. He was a pyro, which now that I remembered him, explained the silver layers on the wall. Fireproof, I was guessing. The scorch marks must be where he'd touched the walls as they took him in and out of the room because I knew he hadn't yet learned to throw his fire. The last prisoner was Francis Bennet, the other New York Unbounded, a blonde with close-cropped hair, a narrow face, and muddy, almond-shaped eyes. I hesitated on her, finding something I'd hoped not to find-a tiny life force glowing inside her belly. "You're pregnant," I said to her.

Coming to her knees, she threw herself at the bars, gripping them with white hands. "As if you didn't know."

I looked back at the other woman. She was also expecting, but she didn't radiate the desperation I felt from Francis. I pushed against her s.h.i.+eld, but it didn't yield, and I hesitated at using more force. These were allies, not the enemy, and I couldn't afford to become too spent.

"You won't get into their minds," Willis said, coming close to the bars. "As you can't mine. We've been practicing since you were here last."

Their s.h.i.+elds did seem to be stronger than most I'd seen, but would they really keep Delia out? I didn't know. They would Ava, but she couldn't break through any s.h.i.+elds the way I could.

I glanced at Mari, debating. "You have to," she murmured.

They certainly weren't going to drop their s.h.i.+elds if I asked politely, but that didn't make what I was going to do any more fun. I pushed my thoughts toward Willis, focusing on his eyes. He was right that I couldn't get though on my own, but in a half dozen strokes, my imaginary machete broke through the swirling black wall.

Look at me, I told him. I'm not your enemy.

Instinctively, he obeyed and just for a moment, I allowed my illusion to falter on my face. He blinked and said, "Do it again."

No. They may be watching. Tenika sent me. I was about to explain who I was, but caution urged me to silence. I had no idea if our eventual escape would be successful, and I didn't want Delia finding information about me, even if only from his unconscious mind. Tell the others to drop their s.h.i.+elds. We have things to tell you.

Francis jumped to her feet and tugged on his arm. "Fight her! You can do it. We know that animal can keep her out." Her eyes shot daggers at Mari as she spoke, and I realized Francis had met Lew Roberts before. What had he done to her that she called him an animal?

"Look." Mari tugged at my sleeve, and I turned to see c.o.c.kroaches, beetles, ants, and other a.s.sorted bugs crawling under the door and from the cracks between the silver sheets on the walls. Even a small mouse squeezed from an impossibly tiny s.p.a.ce.

Francis was a summoner. A variation of the sensing ability, a summoner could send out a call that was irresistible to lesser creatures within range. I wondered if she realized she was even doing it because the bugs might be creepy, but there wasn't enough of them to be a danger to us. Plus, if there was something s.h.i.+elding the compound, she wouldn't be able to reach beyond it to find more little soldiers.

Ignoring the bugs, I turned back to Willis. Is there a camera inside here? Is there anywhere we can leave weapons for you?

Several more seconds pa.s.sed as he contemplated me. His thoughts wavered between wanting to accept me at face value and fearing Delia was toying with him. But he did think about cameras, and what I'd mistaken for the smoke alarm was actually something more. Great. At least it was behind us.

There was also a planter of fake greenery near the lab where they had been depositing things they might use in an escape. Silently, I relayed the information to Mari and Oliver.

"So, are they going to drop their s.h.i.+elds?" I asked Willis aloud. "Or do I have to help them?" I took out my gun to make a good show in case someone was monitoring the cell.

Making a sudden decision, Willis turned to his companions. "You heard the lady."

"What! Are you crazy?" Francis asked. "I don't care if they shoot me a dozen times and beat me senseless, I'm not letting her anywhere near me." She spat at us, but the spit pa.s.sed through where Mari's shoulder appeared to be, the man she was impersonating being a good half foot taller.

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Unbounded - The Escape Part 12 summary

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