A Vote Of Confidence Part 19

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"You'll need to stay until this blows over. When it lets up, I'll drive you home."

"That's kind of you, Mr. McKinley."

"If it rains like this long enough, you can be my guest for dinner."

"Oh, I - "

"Don't disappoint me, Miss Arlington." His voice was low, made intimate by a room darkened by the storm.

She wasn't quite certain how it happened. She turned, ready to say something - she forgot what. He turned toward her at the same moment. Lightning flashed again and thunder pealed directly overhead. A little gasp escaped her. Then his hands were holding her upper arms and his mouth was lowering toward hers, and it seemed the most natural thing in the world to allow him to kiss her, to tip her head back and let him draw her closer to him as her eyes drifted closed.

His lips were warm upon hers, both gentle and demanding. She surrendered, her thoughts caught in a whirlwind, unexpected emotions careening through her. Her knees weakened, and she leaned into him lest she crumple to the floor.

Gwen had been kissed before but never like this. Never anything like this. And the storm it ignited inside her was far fiercer than the one that raged outside. By the time the kiss ended, her ability to speak had abandoned her. The same seemed to be true of Morgan, for he said nothing at all. Simply looked at her, his expression serious.

Knees still weak, she turned and moved to the piano bench. She sank onto it and waited for the world to right itself again, waited to recall the reasons she wanted to remain free of romantic entanglements. She knew she had reasons. Good reasons. The same ones she'd had since the day she fled her grandparents' home and her mother's influence and come to Bethlehem Springs.

If only she could remember what those reasons were.


"Miss Arlington didn't leave after the lesson as she did last week, sir." Elias Spade sat in one of the large leather chairs in Harrison's library. Water dripped from his wet hair onto the shoulders of his suit coat. "I'd guess she's waiting out the storm. It's still raining mighty hard."

"I'm aware of that," Harrison snapped. "You should have stayed at your post."

"I could see through the windows that the dining room was being set for dinner. Since it appeared she is to dine with him, I thought I would have a bite myself."

Harrison slammed his hand upon the desk. "I don't pay you to eat, Spade. I pay you to keep an eye on McKinley, especially when Gwen Arlington is with him."

"Mr. Carter, I - "

"Go have your dinner." He motioned for Spade to get out.

And the devil take you.

As soon as Spade was gone, Harrison placed his elbows on the table, then cradled his head between his hands and ma.s.saged his temples. The pain had been increasing throughout the day, pounding, pounding, pounding until he felt like screaming.

Two of the men who served on the board of county commissioners had dropped by to see him earlier in the day. They were inclined, they'd informed him, to change their opinion - and their votes - as it related to the land use approvals requested by McKinley Apparently the visit by those three senators had influenced them. Harrison feared he wouldn't be able to change their minds back again. He was losing control over them, and his goal of acquiring the land McKinley owned was facing defeat.

He swore beneath his breath. He didn't like to lose. He wasn't used to losing. He would go to just about any length - short of murder - to win.

Not that Spade wouldn't kill McKinley if that was what Harrison wanted.

Should he consider it? No, even he wouldn't cross that line. Too dangerous. There had to be another way, a setback so huge that McKinley would give up and leave Idaho for good.

Opal Nelson, Morgan's cook, had done herself proud once again. The beef was tender and tasty, the vegetables cooked to perfection. However, Gwen didn't seem to notice or appreciate the delicious fare set before her. She ate scarcely a bite, spending far more time moving the food around on her plate with a fork.

Morgan knew he was to blame for her distress. He could tell by the way she kept her eyes downcast. No matter what interesting topic of conversation he introduced, she answered in monosyllables. Every now and again, she would glance toward the window.

The storm continued unabated.

Morgan was both glad and sorry for it. Glad because it gave him time to garner her forgiveness. Sorry because he could tell how anxious she was to leave, to get away from him.

"I'm sorry, Gwen."

The use of her given name drew her gaze when nothing else had.

"I shouldn't have kissed you. Not without gaining your permission first. I have upset you, and that's the last thing I wanted to do."


"Why don't I want you to be upset?"

She shook her head. "Why did you kiss me?"

Her question made him want to kiss her all over again. "Isn't it obvious? I have come to care for you. To deeply care for you."

"That isn't possible. You hardly know me."

"I know more than you might suppose." He pushed aside his plate and leaned forward, forearms on the white tablecloth. "You favor the color pink, but blue is a close second. Your favorite cologne is lilac. You are strong in your Christian faith, firm in your doctrine, and even the love you bear your father and sister could not induce you to leave the Presbyterian church. You love all kinds of flowers and take great pleasure in nurturing your garden and watching it flourish. And music speaks to your soul."

"Mr. McKinley - "

"You love teaching, especially your younger students. Nothing gives you more pleasure than seeing them excel. And although you are always well mannered and ladylike, you have an independent streak and as much strength of will as any businessman of my acquaintance."

Color had returned to her cheeks. She no longer looked wan and distraught.

"Am I wrong so far?"

"Mr. McKinley, I - "

"Am I?"

She slid her chair back from the table. "Please, Mr. McKinley.

We should end this discussion. I should have stopped you. When you kissed me, I should have - "

"Why? Are you promised elsewhere?" He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was not.

"No." She stood. "But neither do I want to be promised. Not to any man. If I have given you any other impression, I regret it."

He rose from his chair. "I cannot take back my feelings. They are what they are."

Were those unshed tears he saw in her eyes or was the light in the dining room playing tricks? If they were tears, he had hope.

She turned her back toward him. "Look. The rain has lessened. I had better go home."

"I'll drive you."

"No. It would be better if I walked. I have my umbrella."

"I'll drive you, Miss Arlington."

She must have heard the determination in his voice for she didn't try to argue with him further. "As you wish," she said softly then walked out of the dining room.

If Gwen could turn back time, she would have. But then she would not know what it felt like to be held in Morgan's arms. She would not know the power of his kisses. She wouldn't have heard him express his affections for her.

Neither of them spoke during the brief drive from his home to hers. The only sounds were the puttering of the automobile's engine and the splatter of raindrops upon the car's roof. Upon arrival, Morgan reached across to open the pa.s.senger door. The nearness of his arm made her heart palpitate.

"Thank you." She opened her umbrella. "You needn't bother to get out." She stepped to the ground, umbrella in her right hand, sheet music clutched to her chest with her left. "Good evening, Mr. McKinley." She hurried up the walk to her front door, thankful he didn't try to escort her. Better for them both if they were together as little as possible from now on.

Once inside, she leaned her back against the door and listened to the sound of his automobile as it drove away. After the sound faded into the distance, she was engulfed by the silence of her empty home.

Too silent.

Too a lone .

But that was ridiculous. She loved her home. She liked her solitude.

Her favorite color was was pink. All shades of pink. And blue pink. All shades of pink. And blue was was a close second. There was no denying that her favorite cologne was lilac. She wore it always. She a close second. There was no denying that her favorite cologne was lilac. She wore it always. She had had considered attending the Methodist church with her father and sister when she first came to Bethlehem Springs, but her heart had pulled her back to her Presbyterian roots. considered attending the Methodist church with her father and sister when she first came to Bethlehem Springs, but her heart had pulled her back to her Presbyterian roots.

Tears welled in her eyes, and this time, she allowed them to fall.

She did did take great joy in nurturing her flowerbeds, and music take great joy in nurturing her flowerbeds, and music did did speak to her soul. speak to her soul.

A tiny sob escaped her throat as she slid down the door until she sat upon the floor.

Morgan was right. Nothing made her happier than to see one of her students excel.

"And I am am independent and stubborn." independent and stubborn."

How was it that Morgan had come to know her so well? And why did it matter to her so much that he had?


By Thursday, all signs of the storm had been erased. Clear skies and warming weather had evaporated the puddles and dried the streets of Bethlehem Springs. However, there were still parts of the road to New Hope that were less than desirable. It took Morgan an extra fifteen minutes to reach the spa in his touring car.

"So here you are," f.a.gan said in greeting. "Sure and I've been wondering when you would return. There's been plenty of talk among the men about your speech last Is it true? Have you given your support to Miss Arlington?"

"It's true. She deserves it." With a sweep of his arm, he indicated the buildings in various stages of completion. "This is where I need to be."

"What if you continue to have problems with the county commissioners? We need the railroad spur, and without their cooperation - "

"Billy a.s.sured me that the delays will soon be a thing of the past."

"Has he that kind of authority?"

"Billy's opinion does carry a lot of weight in government circles. I imagine the state can apply pressure to make sure certain things happen. Have a little faith, f.a.gan. Isn't that what you're always telling me?"

His friend grunted.

As they walked toward the lodge, Morgan said, "Looks like we should be able to get telephone lines strung between here and town by midsummer. That will ease communication between you and me. And I've learned that telephone service between Bethlehem Springs and the capital city will be available by autumn."

"Well and good. Does the need for the telephone mean you plan to remain in town even if you don't win the election?"

"For now."

"Plan to help the presumptive new mayor?"

Morgan turned his gaze upward, as if the color of the sky was of the utmost interest. "If she'll let me."

f.a.gan coughed.

Morgan thought it sounded more like a strangled laugh.

Gaining control, his friend cleared his throat. "Before we go into the lodge, let me show you what's been accomplished on the chapel since you were here with the senators."

"Good idea."

"The men have made real progress on the second staff barrack. You'll want to have a look at it while you're here. But it's time we were about hiring a larger crew, Morgan. The men we've got are spread too thin. We can't keep working them as hard as we are. I'm thinking we've signed on just about every able-bodied man Bethlehem Springs can provide, so it'll be time to cast a wider net."

Morgan nodded. A year ago, he'd hoped that the spa would be in operation by this summer. He knew now that wasn't possible, not with the delays they'd encountered. But if Billy came through on his promises, New Hope should be able to open its doors by late fall or early next spring. Guests would have to travel to Bethlehem Springs via coach or automobile until the railroad brought a spur up this way. Even the good senator couldn't get tracks laid overnight. Especially not in these mountains.

An hour later, Morgan and f.a.gan returned to the automobile. Morgan had made a mental list of a number of things he must see to as soon as he returned to town. And a trip down to the capital city was probably in order within the next week. There was only so much a man could do with letters and telegrams.

"You and Christopher are doing a fine job, f.a.gan, managing things up here. I want you to know I appreciate it." He pulled open the door. "Turn the crank for me, will you?"


Morgan slid across the car seat, and when he was ready, he gave f.a.gan a nod. A minute later, he drove away from the building site, his thoughts churning along with the sound of the engine. And for a few miles, those thoughts were about New Hope and not the pretty piano teacher who'd stolen his heart.

Gwen clucked to Shakespeare, urging the gelding into a faster trot as they neared the bridge. She was anxious to reach the ranch, eager to be with her sister and father for a few hours. Being with them again would put her world aright. They had that effect on her. Perhaps it was because they wanted what was best for her and loved her unconditionally.

Why did he kiss me?

In her memory, she heard his reply, "Isnt it obvious? I have come to care for you. To deeply care for you." "Isnt it obvious? I have come to care for you. To deeply care for you."

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A Vote Of Confidence Part 19 summary

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