The Manhattanites: Unscrupulous Part 16

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"Lanky men are...sweet and treat their girlfriends like ladies." Taddy smiled. They're hung like horses. "When you came out from jail and Dejon took you into his arms, I was moved." She lowered her over her eyes. "Such lovebirds you two make."

"These feelings are new for me." Kiki's neck blotched in response.

"Enjoy what you have with Dejon. Love is hard to find." She thought back to the guy she'd dated last. It'd been a few years since then.

"What about you?" Kiki lifted her seat belt, pressing her back against the car door.

"Me?" Taddy adjusted the air-conditioning vent to blow on her face. The rental car's newness was making her nose itchy.

"When we left the police station, Mr. Truman didn't take his eyes off you."

"Yes, he's got hawk eyes." They are also golden and change colors from green to brown and make me go into Candy Land. Her palms became slippery, causing her to grip the steering wheel tighter. She sat taller in her seat, clenched her thighs together and pushed down on the gas with her right foot. "Warner is...handsome."

"Handsome?" Kiki repeated. "Next to Dejon, he's the hottest man I've ever seen. When Mr. Truman stepped outside, the women on the sidewalk fell over each other. Even men stare at him." She giggled.

"You're exaggerating. Warner's tall, he's easy to spot." The airport's signs came into view. Kiki's first flight would take her to Paris. It boarded from Terminal Deux.

"I've never seen muscles as large as Mr. Truman's. Those arms, my goodness. I'd love to see you happy and with someone...similar to him." Kiki studied Taddy's face, waiting for a response or for her to reveal some tidbit she'd missed.

Taddy s.h.i.+fted the car down a gear and pulled into the traffic lined up at the airport's entrance. "Thank you for worrying. I'm fine. Mr. Lee pedicured me before I came to France." She winked. "I have my friends, my staff, my money-I'm good." Lies, but if she kept saying this rubbish out loud, maybe she'd believe it.

"Do you remember when I started at the agency?"

"Vaguely," Taddy joked.

"You mentioned your fondness for red? You said you're as intense as the color." Kiki rolled up her window. "You said red helps people to make snap decisions, and embodies strength and power."

"I remember." She'd lived by red.

"As we've worked together this year, I can say those descriptions suit you." She gave Taddy an admiring stare, one Taddy never witnessed from any employee.

"Your words mean a lot to me, thank you."

"Do you know what else comes to mind when I think about you and the color red?" Kiki's eyes filled with tears.

She pulled the rental up at the drop-off spot, pressed on the brake and threw the transmission into park. "No, what?"

"Your pa.s.sion for life, the confidence you have within you to move forward and the love you give to others and deserve, but never expect in return." Kiki grabbed the doork.n.o.b.

I love you, Kiki, thank you for saying this to me. It means more than you know. Taddy's throat tightened. Hot tears came down her face. Quickly, she wiped them away.

If Kiki noticed, she didn't say anything. "I hope you give someone a chance someday. Dejon even said you were quite the catch."

She laughed. "Tell Dejon thank you." Reaching for Kiki's shoulder, she confirmed, "I'll see you back in Manhattan in one week."

"Only if we don't talk about Cannes or your p.o.r.n collection ever again." Kiki wiped her eyes dry.

"Darling, it's a deal." Taddy hugged her. "Give your parents my best."

"Will do."

"One question-did you see Manuel Coq de la Grande in action?" Taddy wanted to lighten the mood before she left.


"Tell me everything!" The way Manuel would manhandle his ladies with all that deep penetration, smacking, choking and hardcore f.u.c.king, she'd surmised the women didn't act, they for real, and in multiples.

"I took photos. I'll email them to you. I may sell them on eBought." She held out her tablet computer from her purse and showed a few photos. "You're worried I won't be back."


"You have my word. In a week, I'll be ready to rule the media world with you." Kiki pulled her duffle bag from the backseat.

"Thank you for the rea.s.surance. Bye, darling." Taddy waited until Kiki stepped into the terminal before starting her drive back into town. She thought about her a.s.sistant and how much she'd grown over the last year and how happy she was for finding Dejon. It was possible flying four thousand miles to meet a guy wasn't so bad, minus a night in jail.

Kiki's words replayed in her head. "The love you give to others and deserve, but never expect in return." After years of being labeled a ruthless b.i.t.c.h by her staff, Taddy found significance in her a.s.sistant understanding how much she cared. It may have taken a decade with thirty or forty a.s.sociates, but finally one of them noticed. If she could just do it for her personal life, she'd be set.

Warner came to mind, sending a quiver through her body. As much as she tried to push him from her thoughts, he didn't go away.

Once on the main road, she reached for her cell. Noon in Cannes meant sunrise in Manhattan. Taddy texted Lex, "Awake?"

Her cell rang in response. Smiling, she answered, "Morning, Lex."

"Hey, stranger-you're up early." Lex greeted her and sounded as if she was already hours into her day. "Wasup?"

"Glad I caught you. I'm in Cannes for work and wanted to hear your voice." She accelerated, taking a free lane.

"Aw, how sweet. I miss you too." From behind Lex's voice, Taddy thought she heard a snipping noise.

"Where are you?"

"At Easton's showroom."

"It's Sunday..."

"I'm cutting fabric."


"To get my collection finished."

"How's it coming?"

"I'm running low. I worked 'til about midnight yesterday and came back in at five this morning." Snip, snip, snip.

"You sound tired."

"Thank G.o.d for Vitamin B shots, huh?" Lex laughed but Taddy could hear the exhaustion in her voice.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest. Take the morning off and-" She cut herself short, as the spa suggestions rose to her lips. It reminded her of Kiki's persistence for a work-life balance. It annoyed her when she'd heard it so she understood Lex's position. "Get some rest."

"Wishful thinking, I don't have time. Barneys' orders are keeping me on my toes. I need to send samples to the factory today. Next is Saks Fifth Avenue."

"How's Birdie?"

"Mom talked to your Aunt m.u.f.fie at the Colony Club...they lunched. And Mom showed your aunt the Today's Business article that you're in."

"Why is Birdie carrying that article around?"

"You're on the cover."


"She's proud of you. We'll talk when you get home." Lex's voice sounded as if she had an agenda.

"Not sure I like the sound of this..."

Lex laughed. "Call me when you get home and we'll talk. No sense in worrying you." The snipping sounds increased. "c.r.a.p, I'm cutting the wrong end. I should get back to finis.h.i.+ng my work. I need both hands."

"I love you, Lex."

The phone clicked. Lex didn't hear her.

She held the phone in her hand for a few seconds then turned it off. She wondered if Lex felt as miserable as she sounded with her workload. Lex wouldn't complain or let on if she was. And what did her aunt want?

What are you up to, Auntie m.u.f.fie?

Chapter Thirteen.

Sweet Baby Jesus on an Ice Cream Cone Taddy hadn't lied to Warner at the police station earlier when commenting on Hotel du France's press. It was ma.s.sive. Ma.s.sively bad! If Truman Enterprises had been a client, sure enough they'd be fired now. On the flight over to Cannes, she'd witnessed the media s.h.i.+tstorm coming down the pipeline on Air France's in-flight TV monitors. Pa.s.sengers...o...b..ard had joked. The middle-aged man reeking of cigar smoke who'd sat next to her had commented, "Man...I bet if I stayed at that hotel, my s.e.x life would be amazing."

"Disgusting," snorted the woman who'd sat to her right.

A flight attendant had asked over the loudspeakers if anyone planned on staying at Hotel du France. The pa.s.sengers had laughed. As she'd sunk down in her seat, Taddy knew she'd have to barter her publicity genius and branding expertise to spring Kiki from jail. This was all her fault.

Hotel du France was familiar to her. She'd stayed there many Cannes Film Festivals prior. Her idea to transform the property into the s.e.xiest locale on the French Riviera had come easy to her. By six in the evening, she'd printed out tomorrow morning's strategy for Warner to review and dropped the folder off at his room. A maid who wouldn't let her past the VIP area had said, "Monsieur Truman is out for a walk on the beach. I'll be sure he receives your package."

Due to Cannes' popularity and the hotels being sold out, Taddy didn't have any choice except to stay at Hotel du France. Warner gave her the executive suite that had been used by Kip Van Scott. She'd returned to her room for a short nap and then dressed for dinner. Was she nervous? Yes.

They'd agreed to meet at eight o'clock.

She stepped off the elevator wearing a strapless coral metallic jacquard Stella McCartney c.o.c.ktail dress. Easy to spot, the acclaimed Bernard Guillaume restaurant took up Hotel du France's second floor. Taddy mentioned her name to the hostess and was escorted to a private area in the back.

"You look better each time I see you." Warner stood at the white linen covered table. Dressed in a light-gray suit, he had his hair slicked back with a part to the right side. He appeared freshly shaven.

"Thank you. You too." Taddy gave him a hug, wrapping her hands around his V-shaped back and torso as far as she could reach. She initially intended to kiss him on the cheek and give a tap to his shoulder, but his arms came wide and took her in close.

Warner picked her a smidge off her feet as he squeezed. You're strong. He pressed into her as she felt his muscles. You're hard. His erection grazed her as well. You're hung.

After she'd caught her breath, he pulled the chair out for her to sit down. He scooted her in with one swift swoop. She giggled. Warner sat across from her. "Bernard Guillaume, our head chef, prepared a few house specials." The table setting was intimate, as she'd hoped. The sun had bronzed Warner's cheeks and forehead, making his teeth white when he spoke.

"I've read about Bernard's dishes for years. His TV show is quite entertaining. I'm looking forward to this." Suddenly, she felt Warner's long legs s.h.i.+fting to find their place under the table. His knees rested against hers. The delicious pressure a.s.sured her that he was there and had no intention of leaving.

"Did Kiki get off to the airport okay?" He lifted a champagne bottle from the silver bucket and nodded his head for permission to pour. It was Dom Perignon Rose.

Taddy handed him her gla.s.s. "Yes she did, thank you. Kiki has texted a few times, reminding me to extend her grat.i.tude to you for dropping the charges." She tapped her flute against his and nodded.

"Cheers!" He waited for her to take a sip. "Your a.s.sistant is a little firecracker."

"Tell me about it."

"I can see why you're pa.s.sionate about her." He studied her as she drank her champagne before taking his own sip.

"I'm pa.s.sionate about the people I care about." She set her gla.s.s down, intending to pace herself. A lightweight, she couldn't embarra.s.s herself. Taddy didn't have the same tolerance for alcohol as Vive.

"I hope you don't mind-after getting reacquainted today at the police station, I looked Brill, Inc. up online." He put his hand on her thigh under the table in a possessive gesture. "Brill, Inc. is quite the agency. You must be proud."

"Thank you, I am." His grip felt strong. Tempted to squirm, she kept her legs still. She imagined his fingers inching their way up her legs, spreading them apart, as his tongue lapped circles around her c.l.i.t. Snap out of it, Taddy. Taking a sip of water, she wondered at what cost. Did Warner make similar sacrifices to get his company off and running as she did? "As I'm sure you are with Truman Enterprises."

"Very much so." His fingers glided along her hemline, causing her to shudder with excitement. "How do you manage Brill's success and have a personal life?"

"I don't." She laughed over that daunting question.

The server came around with a yellow wax bean salad. Again, Warner waited for her to take the first bite. "Good?" he asked with a smile on his lips.

G.o.d, he's s.e.xy! She wanted to jump across the table and kiss him. But Taddy didn't.

Covering her mouth, she bit down on a bean with a crunch and swallowed. "Great." Taddy dabbed the napkin around her lips and stated, "I've read about Truman Enterprises, but can't say I've heard much on your private life."

"I grew up in Newport, where my parents still live. I have one brother who's a year younger-"

"Lucky you, I always wanted to be a big sister. What's his name?"

"Sheldon, he's thirty-two going on sixteen and is...a handful." He sipped his water, perhaps questioning if he should share more. "I have an apartment in Paris and spend time in New York."



"Why haven't I ever seen you out and about?"

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The Manhattanites: Unscrupulous Part 16 summary

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