Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 12

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I nodded my head. "Very."

Grace looked at Alex as they exchanged a smile.

"Was it ... better than ... you know, Zach?" Lauren asked.

Smirking, I asked, "Zach who?"

We all laughed. Maegan leaned closer to me. "Okay I have to ask, Lib. Is he packing?"

"Oh Jesus H. Christ! You did not, Maegan Atwood!" Grace shouted.

I threw my head back and laughed. Grace turned and looked at me and pointed. "Don't answer that." Holding up my hands I shook my head. I looked at Maegan and winked as she giggled and Grace yelled. "I saw that, Libby!"

Alex raised her hand. "Me next!" She cleared her throat. "Was he romantic?"

"Yes. Very."

"Oh G.o.d, I can't wait," Taylor said with a sigh. Maegan turned and looked at Taylor.

"Ah, the h.e.l.l you can wait baby sister." Turning back to me, Maegan wiggled her eyebrows up and down. "How many times?"

I bit my lip. "Including this morning?"

Grace moaned and dropped back on the bed. Maegan nodded her head. I barely got the words out of my mouth. "Four times, not including, other stuff we did during the night."

"Kill. Me. Now. Please!" Grace whined.

"Holy h.e.l.l," Alex and Maegan said as Lauren and Taylor both looked at me with horrified looks.

"How are you walking?" Lauren asked.

I looked away and chuckled. Letting out a breath, I turned back to the girls. Grace was sitting up smiling like a fool. She acted like it bothered her, but I knew she was happy for Luke and me.

I shook my head and looked down before looking back up. "I came so close to giving up, but I honestly couldn't imagine my life without Luke in it." I swallowed hard as I looked down at my hands as I ringed them on my lap. "Even when we were best friends, I knew there was something more to our relations.h.i.+p. The way he would look at me used to make my stomach just flutter."

Lauren's smile faded some and I knew she was thinking about Colt. I was positive he made her feel the same way. She just wouldn't admit it.

"Then yesterday on the beach, he looked at me again and this time I saw something different."

Five voices all whispered, "What was it?"

Smiling, I looked at Grace. "Love. Pure love." I let out a small chuckle. "Finally, his head wasn't arguing with his heart."

"Did he tell you he loved you?" Grace asked.

I nodded my head. "On the beach. He told me he's always loved me and only me."

Lauren let out a dramatic sigh. "How romantic."

Maegan shook her head. "Four times. My G.o.d."

My cheeks burned with embarra.s.sment. "Does it always stay this magical, Alex?"

Alex's eyes lit up. "Believe it or not, it keeps getting better. If you think his touch does crazy things to you now, just wait. The more you're together and learn each other, the more beautiful it becomes."

We all sat there for a few moments in silence before Grace jumped up and said, "Okay, well now I feel like I need to go for a run. I'm outta here y'all."

Alex jumped up and followed Grace out of the room calling out, "What? You said we were going shopping!"

Maegan stood and walked over to me. She leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I'm so happy for you both, I hope you know that."

I reached for her hand and nodded. "I do, Meg. I love you."

She smiled weakly. "I love you too, Lib." Turning, Maegan made her way out of the room. Taylor and Lauren both stood up and walked closer to me. They dropped to their knees and I knew the questions were fixin' to come.

Lauren bit down on her lip and then asked, "Do you regret sleeping with Zach?"

I nodded my head. "Yes. I knew he wasn't the one and I used him to try and push Luke from my heart. It doesn't work like that and my mother even tried to warn me."

Taylor reached for my hand. "I want so badly to find what you and Alex have."

I placed my hand over her hand in mine. "Oh, Tay, it will happen, honey. Don't rush it. Wait for that one guy who's smile is going to light your whole body on fire."

"How do you know? I mean, how do you know when it's love?" Lauren asked.

I glanced back at Lauren. "I don't know how to describe it. Love seems to take its own sweet time. It doesn't take a straight path. It twists and turns, but somehow it finds its way to you. You have to learn to listen to your heart, but that's harder to do than it sounds."

"There were times when it seemed like you and Luke couldn't stand each other. How do you go from that to-this?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know, Lauren. Luke had made me so mad sometimes I wanted to spit in his face and kick him in the b.a.l.l.s." I smiled and shook my head. "But then he'd smile at me-or look at me as if I was his everything, even when he wasn't trying to look at me like that he did. I guess that's why I waited for so long."

Taylor cleared her throat. "I'm going to be patient and wait for him. I'm going to wait for that smile that makes my knees weak and my stomach flutter with excitement."

"Do, Taylor. I promise you, it will be worth the wait."

LUKE AND I walked along the beach and talked about everything. We found a spot where there weren't many people. I turned and saw a huge mansion. "Um, I think this is a private beach, Luke."

We both looked around. There was no one around us. "Where is everyone? How far did we walk?"

I giggled and shrugged. "I'm not sure. I guess I was too lost in the conversation."

Luke scrunched up his nose and smiled. My heart dropped. It seems my heart was doing that a lot the last twenty-four hours. I watched as Luke placed the blanket down and then set the basket down. He took my hand and held it while I sat.

Luke opened the basket and took out two bottles of root beer and set them on the blanket. Placing two plastic plates down, Luke smiled. He opened a container and placed a croissant sandwich on each plate.

"It's chicken salad on a croissant. I know how much you love chicken salad."

Yep. There went my heart again. Dropping down to my stomach.

Reaching into the basket he took out two brownies and set them on the plates. "Where in the world did you get those?" I asked. Luke looked up at me and gave me the same smile I had been talking to Lauren and Taylor about early.

"Colt made them earlier and I stole them!" Luke said with a laugh.

I picked up the chicken salad sandwich and asked, "The sandwich?"

"I made them. My mom showed me a few years back when I found out they were your favorite."

Oh wow. b.u.t.terflies galore in my stomach.

"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Luke," I whispered as I leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

The moment the chicken salad hit my taste buds I moaned. "Oh G.o.d. It's your mom's secret recipe!"

Luke nodded his head as he chuckled. "Mom said her recipe was your favorite." Nodding my head, I agreed.

Luke's smile dropped as he looked out over the water. "Lib, I wanted to talk to you about something."

My heart began beating faster. What if he regretted what happened? What if he wanted to take a step back?

"O-okay," my voice sounded weak and that made me angry.

He glanced back at me and said, "I want to tell you what happened after I left to go to A&M."

Oh s.h.i.+t.

I had laid in bed and thought about why Luke had brushed me off for hours those first few months. Now I was going to get the answers I had longed for. I wasn't sure it really mattered anymore.

LIBBY BEGAN CHEWING on her index nail. Her eyes searched my face. It was as if she was debating whether she wanted to hear my reason for hurting her after that kiss. I cleared my throat and smiled weakly.

"Our friends.h.i.+p, Libby, has always meant so much to me. You were my best friend. You still are."

Libby gave me the sweetest grin.

"Will had said something to me not long after we shared that kiss under the bleachers. I was so confused about my feelings. I knew for a while my feelings for you ran much deeper than our friends.h.i.+p. That kiss brought it all up to the surface."

Nodding her head, Libby whispered, "Yes, it did."

"My head started playing games. I started questioning if the kiss was a mistake. I wondered if you had thought the same thing. What if we started dating and it didn't work-we would lose our friends.h.i.+p and that was the last thing I'd ever want."

Libby took my hand in hers.

"Once I got to A&M, things were so different. Will's words kept repeating in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking of what an a.s.s I was for kissing you and then leaving. That's when I met Karen. It was only a few days after I got to school."

Libby sucked in a small breath. I looked away. "I thought I could push the kiss from my heart-with Karen."

"The girl from the Italian place?" Libby asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, but we were only together for a bit and then broke up."

Libby's eyes looked sad. "Was she-your first?"

Nodding my head I whispered, "Yeah. I went pretty far with Claire Montgomery once in high school, but not all the way. I kept thinking about-"

"Thinking about what?"

Looking into Libby's eyes, I attempted a smile. "You. It's always been about you, Lib. Even that night with Karen, you filled my mind and I tried so f.u.c.king hard not to think about you."

Swallowing, Libby looked away. "Abigail?"

"My poor attempt to push you out of my heart. I swear to you I haven't seen or talked to Abigail in I don't know how long. She was lying to you when she said we were together again, Lib. I swear to G.o.d."

Her eyes snapped back to mine as I searched them. I saw nothing but trust. Trust and love. "I believe you. I hate that she played a part in pus.h.i.+ng me to Zach." Shutting her eyes she shook her head. "Luke, we've both wasted so much time and have done such stupid things. I don't want to waste any more time on the past. I want to focus on the future."

Pulling my head back, I looked at Libby with a surprised expression on my face. "Lib, you don't hate me? I mean I hurt you so many times."

Libby frowned. "I want to be honest with you too, Luke. Two nights ago Zach sent me a text. I was confused and not sure where things were going with us, so I sent him a text back. I told him I'd call him yesterday, but I knew Zach wasn't who I wanted. He was never who I wanted. It's always been you." She glanced down. "That day you showed up at my dorm." Shaking her head, she wiped a tear away. She slowly looked back up and our eyes met. "I'd give anything to take that back, Luke. Anything."

I lifted her hand to my lips. The sounds of the ocean rolling onto the sh.o.r.e made my heart take flight. Libby's eyes danced with regret. I never wanted to see that in her eyes again. "I'm going to love you so much, Libby, that you will forget that day with Zach. I'm going to make your body feel so incredible that you'll only know and remember my touch."

Wiping a tear away, Libby smiled. "You already made me forget him the moment you told me you loved me."

My heart dropped as I gazed into Libby's eyes.

Grinning bigger, Libby said, "As much as I love your mom's chicken salad, I'd much rather have you."

I glanced around. The beach was fairly empty, but it was still the middle of the afternoon. Looking over Libby's shoulder, I noticed the house. There was a deck and under the deck it appeared to be storage. The shutters were shut and locked, indicating that no one was occupying the house.

Standing up quickly, I reached for Libby's hands and pulled her up. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder as she let out a scream. "Where in the world are you taking me?" She asked as she pushed herself up with her hands on my back.

"I want you, Lib. Now."

Giggling she said, "What? Now? Where, Luke? People are walking down the beach!"

I walked to the house and set Libby down. "Oh my G.o.d. We're trespa.s.sing, Luke."

I pulled her behind the wood trellis that separated us from the ocean and quickly pulled her s.h.i.+rt up and over her head. Her black bikini top was pus.h.i.+ng up her perfect t.i.ts. "f.u.c.k," I hissed through my teeth as I pushed her top up and began sucking on a nipple.

"Oh G.o.d," Libby gasped as her hands went to my hair and began pulling.

I reached down and pulled out a condom from my pocket. I pulled my lips from Libby's nipple and handed her the condom. "Take it, Lib."

Her hands were shaking as she reached out and took the condom. I wasn't sure if she was excited or nervous. Dropping down, I slowly began to pull Libby's shorts down. Her matching black bikini bottoms quickly followed her shorts. She lifted her legs out of her shorts and bikini bottoms and stood there as I moved my hands up and down her perfect legs. They were muscular from running and s.e.xy as f.u.c.k. I pushed her legs apart and lifted a leg.

"Ahh ..." Libby called out as I swept my tongue over her hardened nub. I pushed two fingers inside of her and moaned with how wet she was. I moved my fingers in and out a few times and then stood up as I placed the fingers in my mouth and sucked on them. Libby's mouth parted open slightly as her eyes widened.

"You taste so good, Lib."

She bit down on her lip and closed her eyes quickly before opening them again.

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 12 summary

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