Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 13

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"Lib, I always want you to know how much I love and adore your body." She nodded her head. "I never want to hurt you, so you have to promise me you'll always tell me if I do. Do you promise me, Lib?"

Nodding again, she held up the condom and smiled. "I promise you, Luke."

I quickly pushed my shorts down and kicked them off to the side, releasing my throbbing d.i.c.k. I took the condom and rolled it over my shaft. I glanced up and saw Libby watching me as she ran her tongue along her bottom lip.

"What do you want, Libby?"

Snapping her eyes to mine, they danced with excitement. She chewed on her lip for a few seconds before her eyes changed. Excitement was replaced with l.u.s.t. "I want you to f.u.c.k me, Luke. I want to feel what being with you in nothing but raw pa.s.sion is like."

Swallowing hard and trying to keep my d.i.c.k from exploding with Libby talking to me like that, I lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around me. I slowly sank her onto my d.i.c.k. Inch by painfully slow inch.

She pressed her lips to mine as she panted out. "More. I want more."

When I was all the way in, we stood there for a few seconds. I wanted to be buried inside her always. Our bodies felt connected. Each time with Libby it was more emotional than the last.

"Luke, you feel like heaven," Libby whispered against my lips.

"G.o.d, Lib. So do you, baby. I wish we could be like this forever." I pushed her against the house and pulled out of her a bit before moving back into her.

She let out a gasp and I looked into her eyes. "Promise me, Lib."

She frantically nodded her head. "I will! I will! More, Luke. I want it harder-faster. I want to feel that you were in my body with every step I take."

I gave her exactly what she wanted. With each pull out, I slammed back into her. Libby's moans of pleasure were hot as h.e.l.l. Libby looked down and bit her lower lip. "Oh G.o.d ... Oh G.o.d ... that's so hot." I knew she could see my d.i.c.k moving in and out of her body and I was so turned on I wanted to let go. "Libby, baby I need you to come."

Her eyes looked into mine. "I love you, Luke."

Pulling out almost all the way, I pushed back into her hard. She threw her head back and began calling out my name as I felt my own release explode. I lifted her and gently pulled out as I set her back down onto the sand.

Our breathing was out of control as Libby leaned against the wall with my arms on either side of her head as I attempted to catch my breath.

Libby finally smiled the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. "That. Was. Amazing."

I laughed and nodded my head. "Sure as h.e.l.l was."

"I want more."

My smiled faded as I stared at her. "W-what?"

She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Last night and this morning was more than I could have ever dreamed of. This though-this was beyond amazing. This was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l and I want to do this as much as we possibly can."

I let out the breath I was holding and smiled. Thank G.o.d she wasn't meaning she wanted to be f.u.c.ked again, because my guy was exhausted from last night, this morning and our little f.u.c.k fest just now.

"I'm pretty d.a.m.n sure I can arrange for a lot more f.u.c.king time in between the lovemaking."

Libby kissed my lips and quickly pulled them away. "I'm starving now!"

Libby and I quickly got dressed. Reaching down, I picked her up and carried her back out to our picnic. We spent the next hour eating, talking, laughing, and discussing the future-our future. Together.

THE COLD WATER ran over my head, causing me to let out a moan with the relief it provided from the heat. "d.a.m.n it's so hot out," I said as I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"Welcome back home, son. One week at the beach and you turned into a p.u.s.s.y."

I turned and looked at my father and shook my head. "p.u.s.s.y? I'm out here, aren't I? Where the h.e.l.l are Colt and Will?"

My father shrugged his shoulders as he laughed. "I told them to take the day off."

My mouth dropped open. "What? Why in the h.e.l.l would you do that?"

Looking over at me, my father winked. "I wanted to talk to you."

h.e.l.l. This wasn't going to be good.

Walking over toward him, I picked up the fence pullers. "About what?"

He grabbed the wire cutters. "Libby."

I stopped moving. I watched as my father went about his work as if nothing he just said should cause me to worry. He told Colt and Will to take the day off. He had me out here working in the d.a.m.n heat of the day. He wants to talk about Libby. I began spinning around, looking for Josh. Was Josh here?

"What in the h.e.l.l are you doing? What are you looking for?"

I spun around and looked at my father. "Is Josh here?"

My father lifted his eyebrow. "Should he be here, Son?"

I stared at my father. "Um, is that a trick question, Dad?" I looked around again before looking back at my father. Rolling his eyes, my father mumbled something under his breath. He threw down his wire cutters and walked over to the back of his truck. He opened the cooler and pulled out two beers. Tossing one to me, he motioned for me to sit down.

Beer. Alone time with my dad. Something was fixin' to go down.

"Dad, just come out and say it."

He popped open the beer and took a drink. "Tell me about you and Libby."

Walking over, I jumped and sat next to him on the tailgate. I couldn't help but smile. "Ah h.e.l.l, Luke. I've seen that goofy-a.s.s smile before."

Turning, I looked at him with a questioning look. He threw his head back and laughed. "I've seen it on my own face." Nodding, I tipped the beer back against my lips. "It sure took y'all enough time to get together."

My smile faded. "Yeah, that would be my fault."

Raising his eyebrows my father asked, "How so?"

I shook my head. "Where should I start? I was afraid of my feelings for Libby, so I acted like an a.s.shole. I pushed her away and into the arms of another guy. I hurt her more times than I care to think about." Glancing at my father I asked, "Should I keep going?"

He smiled and let out a throaty laugh. "Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, that's for sure."

I chuckled. "I'm going to take that as a good sign though. Seeing how happy you and Mom are, Lib and I would be lucky to have a love like yours."

My father smiled and his eyes sparkled. Anytime I mentioned my mother to him, his eyes lit up. "May I offer you some advice?"

"Yes, always, Dad."

He took another drink of his beer and looked straight ahead as if he was recollecting something.

He inhaled a breath and slowly blew it out. "No matter how bad things seem to be, never give up on your love. Fight for it with all you've got, Luke. There were times your mother had me wanting to pull my hair out-many, many times."

I laughed as I took another drink of my beer. "I feel a 'but' coming."

Nodding his head, my father said, "Your mother saved me, Luke. I tell her all the time if it hadn't been for her love, I'm not sure what I would have done. Life without her is not an option."

Looking straight ahead, I let his words sink in. "I feel the same way about Libby. I think I've been in love with her for so long, the idea of actually doing something about it scared the h.e.l.l out of me. I kept thinking if it didn't work out I'd not only being losing the love of my life, but I'd be losing my best friend as well."

Laughing my father shook his head. "It's like I'm listening to my younger self." Turning, he looked at me with a serious look. "Do everything in your power, Son, to never hurt her again."

Swallowing hard, I nodded my head. "Yes, sir."

He nodded his head and looked away. "I know you won't, because if I don't kick your a.s.s first, I know Josh will."

I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, for some reason Josh scares the p.i.s.s out of me now." My father threw his head back and laughed his a.s.s off. "Trust me, someday, when you have a daughter, you'll understand."

My heart dropped to my stomach. I had never thought about kids before. Ever. That was the last thing on my mind. The idea of having a baby with Libby filled my heart with excitement. I smiled as I pictured Libby pregnant.

My father jumped off the tailgate and pointed at me. "No. Stop it right now, Luke Johnson. Right now."

I held up my hands in surrender. "Stop what?"

He kept pointing. "Don't you even picture it in your mind. I know what you're doing. I'm too young to be a grandfather and you have two more years of school."

My mouth dropped open. How did he know what I was thinking? Then I decided it was time to play with good ole Dad. I smiled when I looked at his s.h.i.+rt. My mother would flip if she saw it.

Lick it like a lollipop.

I chuckled inside. I got my love of crazy s.h.i.+rts from my father, that is for sure. I put on a serious face and dragged my hands down my face. "Sorry, Dad. It's just, it's gonna happen."

My father took a step back. Horror washed over his face. "I'm going to kill you, Luke Drew Johnson, if you say what I think you're fixin' to say."

I shrugged my shoulders. "The pa.s.sion between us is too strong."

His mouth dropped open. "What the h.e.l.l does that mean?"

Looking down, I kicked a rock. "We didn't want anything between us, Dad and well, I'm afraid you and Mom are gonna be a memaw and pappy sooner than you thought."

The beer dropped from his hand and he let out a gasp.

"W-what? Why in the h.e.l.l would you think I'd want to be called-Pappy? I mean, Pappy?" I stood there shocked. He was more worried about the name Pappy than the possibility of Libby being pregnant.

I smiled as I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, you just look like a Pappy, Dad." He pushed my hand off his shoulder and turned and walked away. He was mumbling something, but I was trying too hard not to laugh so I couldn't hear what he was saying. I pulled out my phone and sent Libby a text.

Me: Do you love me?

Libby: More than anything.

Me: Do you trust me?

Libby: With my life.

Me: Text my dad and say, Hey Pappy, what's up?

Libby: Okay ... why?

Me: I told him you were pregnant and we are calling him Pappy!

Libby: What? HAHA! OKAY doing it now!

Spinning around, my dad pointed to me. I slowly dropped my phone to my side. "Your mother and I taught you better. Always, always wrap your stick!" He pushed his hands through his hair as he let out a moan.

"I'm not going to be able to keep Josh from killing you. You know this, right?" He dropped his head back and looked up at the sky as he lifted his fist. "Why a boy? You did this to pay me back, didn't you?"

I looked up and laughed. "Yep, it's a blessing indeed."

"You think this is funny? Luke, you're going to start your life out struggling. And what about Libby?" His phone went off in his pocket and he pulled it out. The face he made caused me to smile bigger.

"What the f.u.c.k?" His head jerked up as his mouth dropped open.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He started walking toward his truck shaking his head. He turned and looked at me. "Luke, you have to know that y'all are too young to be having a baby. I'm too young to be called Pappy, and Josh is going to kick your a.s.s." He turned and showed me the text from Libby.

Libby: Hey Pappy! How is your day going?"

G.o.d I love her. Libby always went along with my pranks. No matter what the outcome was, she was always in. One hundred percent.

"Dad, it's a joke."

He began running his hands through his hair. "Oh G.o.d, Josh is gonna kill me. He's not only going to beat the s.h.i.+t out you, he's gonna beat the s.h.i.+t out of me."

I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Dad, look at me. It's a joke. Libby's not pregnant; I've always wrapped the stick and always will." I frowned and made a face. "Well, I guess I won't always, but-"

Anger washed over my father's face. "Luke Drew Johnson. I ought to kick your a.s.s now for doing that to me."

I laughed as he pushed me away. "Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you scared the h.e.l.l out of me." Placing his hand on his heart he looked up and mouthed, Thank you.

I SAT ON the porch of Gram's house as I listened to my mother, Alex's mom, Ellie, and Grams, talk about life. Listening to them always made my heart soar. I glanced over and looked at Grams. She was talking about Gramps. Grams and Gramps were Alex and Colt's great-grandparents, but it felt like they were all of our grandparents. I can't even begin to count the number of times we have all sought them each out for advice.

"Garrett intends on taking me to Florida. Why in the world would I want to go to Florida? That man is crazy if he thinks he is dragging me away from my garden for two whole weeks."

I smiled as I glanced over to Alex. She was rocking away as she focused on the women surrounding us. She looked over to me and smiled as she shook her head.

"Grams, you'd have a lovely time in Florida," my mother said with a sweet smile.

Grams shook her head. "Heather darling, have you ever been on a plane with Garrett?"

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 13 summary

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