Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 25

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Luke quickly reached down and picked me up as I let out a small squeal. My heart began pounding faster as he carried me up to our room.

Luke shut the door and locked it as I giggled. He turned and headed to the bed. Gently placing me down, he pushed my blonde hair from my face and smiled at me. "Do you have any idea how my heart pounds in my chest knowing I'm about to make love to you?"

Tears filled my eyes. "Luke," I whispered as he lifted his s.h.i.+rt over his head. I watched as his hands moved down and began unb.u.t.toning his shorts. My mouth parted and I let a small moan escape my lips as he pushed his shorts down, letting his hard erection spring out.

"I want to be tangled up with you all night, Lib. The feel of your warm soft body up against mine is the only place I ever want to be."

I melted into the bed. If I thought I was hot before, I was burning up now. The tugging in my lower stomach had nothing to do with the baby I carried.

Luke moved over my body and brushed his lips along my jaw line until I felt his breath on my sensitive skin. My hands pushed through his hair as I let out a moan. "Libby, I want you."

My breathing increased as Luke pulled back and began lifting me up to take my s.h.i.+rt off. Lifting my arms above my head, I inhaled his musky scent. It filled my body and warmed me to the core.

I watched as Luke's eyes fell to my chest. My b.r.e.a.s.t.s were bigger and spilled from my pale-yellow bra. When his fingers lightly traced along my cleavage, I bit on my cheek to keep from throwing myself at him. He began to place soft kisses on my chest as he reached behind me with expert hands and unclasped my bra. The moment my b.r.e.a.s.t.s fell free, I dropped my head back and let out a sigh.

"Lay back, Libby."

Doing as he asked, my head crashed back into the pillow. I watched as my chest heaved in excitement. It had only been three days since we were together, but because we were staying at my parent's house it was the longest three days of my life. I had wanted him so badly. At one point, I followed him into the men's restroom at a restaurant only to have Will guide me out. Will informed me he would have nightmares for the next month over what I said to Luke in my state of need.

Lifting my hips, Luke pulled my shorts and panties in one quick move. Oh G.o.d. I wanted nothing more than for his lips to kiss between my legs. I needed the throbbing ache to go away.

I arched my hips up and made a grunt noise, only to have Luke move and focus his attention back on my chest.

Luke kissed around my nipples as I began to plead with him. "Luke! I need to come. Please don't make me wait longer."

His eyes looked up into mine as he smiled that breathtaking smile of his. The left side of his mouth rose just a bit higher and my heart was lost to him that much more.

"Stop smiling at me."

He pulled back and laughed. "Why?"

"It turns me on even more."

His eyes lit up and he smirked. "My smile turns you on, Lib?"

Nodding my head, my eyes searched his face and then his naked body. "Everything about you turns me on, Luke."

Luke grinned bigger and I was lost forever. "Ah, gah! Luke, do something before I get myself off!"

Chuckling, Luke went back to giving my nipples attention as his hand moved down my body. He rubbed my stomach some before he moved his hands further down. I spread my legs and whispered, "Yes," as he began to softly rub my c.l.i.t. His kisses moved to my stomach and I closed my eyes to ward off the tears when he began talking to the baby. He pulled his hand from between my legs and began rubbing my stomach with both of his hands. Goose b.u.mps instantly covered my entire body.

"Hey, baby Johnson. You've been so good for Mommy today."

"Oh G.o.d," I panted out. Something about him talking to our child like this was hot as h.e.l.l. I swallowed hard as he kissed my stomach.

"Libby, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The sight of your swollen belly turns me on so much."

Lifting my head I saw him take his hard length in his hand. Luke moved his hand slowly up and down his shaft.

"Oh my," I whispered. It felt as if my o.r.g.a.s.m was already building.

Licking my lips, I watched him touch himself as his eyes moved along my body. Bucking my hips, I cried out, "Luke!"

He was between my legs and sucking on my c.l.i.t before I even knew he had moved. I cried out in pleasure as he pushed his fingers inside me and began sucking and licking my s.e.x.

"Yes! Luke yes!" I screamed out as my o.r.g.a.s.m rolled through my body. The baby began moving and I was so overcome with all the different feelings, my body launched into another o.r.g.a.s.m. "Luke! I can't ... take ... anymore!" I called out.

My brain was in a fog as I slowly came down from my o.r.g.a.s.m. I could feel Luke's tip teasing my entrance as I tried to focus again. My hands ran up and down his body as he slowly pushed in.

"f.u.c.k," he hissed as he pushed all the way in and slowly pulled back out. The way he made love to me about brought tears to my eyes. "Libby, I feel the baby moving against my stomach as I'm making love to you." His lips pressed to mine in a pa.s.sionate kiss. I never wanted this moment to end.

Moving his hips and pus.h.i.+ng in further, another o.r.g.a.s.m rushed through my body. Luke moaned as his body shuddered and he poured himself into me. Never breaking his lips from mine, he kissed me until our bodies both came down from our euphoria.

Blue eyes captured green as we looked into each other's eyes. "That was amazing."

Luke covered my face with soft kisses as he said, "Life doesn't get better than this, Libby."

STANDING AT THE kitchen sink I took a sip of my coffee and waited. Alex came bouncing down the stairs, her hair pulled up in a ponytail as she laughed at something Lauren was saying.

"Hey, morning!" Lauren said with a smile.

Alex walked up and kissed me on the cheek. "Where's Libby?"

Grinning, I took another sip of coffee. "Taking care of something for me."

Alex poured a cup of coffee and looked at me. "This early in the morning, you sent your seven-month pregnant wife-to-be out to run an errand for your a.s.s?" Alex asked me as she put her hand on her hip.

That's when I heard it. "Oh my G.o.d! What the f.u.c.k is wrong with my mouth?"

Alex dropped her coffee cup as Lauren and I both jumped out of the way. I was shocked the mug didn't break. I saw Alex running back upstairs.

Alex screamed out as Lauren looked at me with a terrified expression. "I'm afraid to go up there."

Then we heard Alex yell out. "Libby! Why are you filming this? Will! Oh my G.o.d, Will!"

Laughing, I set my coffee cup down and smiled at Lauren as I headed upstairs. Lauren was quickly on my heels. She began to giggle. "You used the red food coloring powder prank didn't you?"

I nodded my head and said, "Yep."

"Luke! That s.h.i.+t didn't come off of my skin for weeks!"

Throwing my head back, I laughed harder. I walked into Alex and Will's room to find my bride-to-be laughing so hard she had tears coming from her eyes as she sat on the bed holding her stomach.

"Can't. Breathe!" Libby said.

Alex flew out of the bathroom. "Why is he bleeding?"

I walked into the bathroom to see Will trying to rinse out his mouth. "It doesn't even taste like blood!" Will said as he stopped moving. He turned and glared at me and yelled out, "It's a f.u.c.king dye!"

Biting the inside of my cheek, I tried like h.e.l.l not to laugh harder. Will stood up, red coloring all over his lips and down his chin. "You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. You a.s.shole!" Will pushed me and I stumbled back as Alex let out a scream. Then it hit her. Dropping her mouth open, she looked between Will and me.

"You did not," Alex said as she narrowed her eyes at me. She spun on her heels and pointed to Libby who was still laughing. "Libby! You're fixin' to be a mom and you still let this jerk talk you into pranks! Why?"

Holding up her hand Libby tried to talk. "Can't. Stop. Laughing."

Will shook his head and turned to go back into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind him. I peeked over at Alex. She tried to act mad but when I busted out laughing she did too.

"Nice! You're supposed to love me, Alex!" Will called from the other side of the door. This had all four of us laughing so hard we had tears.

The bathroom door opened and Will walked out. His lips looked like he had put red lipstick on. I couldn't tell if Will's chin was red from the dye or from Will scrubbing his face.

"I f.u.c.king hate you, Luke Johnson. Payback is a b.i.t.c.h."

"RUN, COLT!" LIBBY yelled out next to me. Smiling, I watched Colt run it in for another touchdown. I wasn't sure why Bruce was hesitating to throw the ball to Colt, but he was. The A&M coach had called a time out and talked to both of them on the sidelines. I had a feeling it was because of Lauren. She had broken up with Bruce after spring break last year. Not really giving anyone a real reason other than he was too high maintenance. They had started dating again two weeks ago. It was right about the same time Colt came over to the house one night drunk out of his mind.

Libby kissed me on the cheek and then Alex did as I leaned over and high fived Will.

Libby's breath was on my neck and my pants felt two sizes too small. "Do you feel okay?" she asked in my ear. Shaking my head, I pouted.

"I'm exhausted," I said.

This semester was starting to take its toll on me with my heavy workload. Libby was due in two weeks and she tossed and turned all night, which kept me up.

Frowning she leaned over and yelled to Alex. "Hey, we're heading out. I'm feeling really tired."

Alex nodded. "Get some rest."

"I will. See y'all later." Turning to me, Libby smiled and winked. I could take her in my arms right now and kiss the living day lights out of her I was so happy. Smiling, I grabbed Libby's hand as we made our way out of the stadium and back to the house.

My head no sooner hit the pillow and I was out. I felt Libby pull the covers over me as she leaned down and kissed my lips. "I'm sleeping in Grace's room. I love you, baby."

Pulling the covers up to my chin, I mumbled that I loved her back and drifted off to sleep again.

BRUs.h.i.+NG MY HANDS down my face I swung my feet to the side of the bed and forced myself out of bed. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was almost noon. "s.h.i.+t, I must have needed that sleep."

I slowly stood and started to make my way to the bathroom when the bedroom door flew open.

Will came running and skid to a stop right before he knocked me over. "Dude! You weren't answering your phone."

Laughing, I turned away from him. "Because I was sleeping."

"Luke, Libby's in labor. She's at the hospital."

I stopped walking and let Will's words sink in. Turning around, I whispered, "What?"

"Labor. Baby. No one could get a hold of you." Will reached over and threw me a pair of jeans that were over the chair. "Come on and get dressed. You need the bag and we need to hurry. She was starting to push."

I stood there, stunned. "She's not due for another two weeks. We were at the doctor's yesterday."

Will shrugged. "Well the baby decided to make a grand entrance. Where is the bag? Libby said she needed her focus doll or something like that."

I pushed my hands through my hair and quickly began putting on my jeans. My foot got caught and I began hopping. "f.u.c.k. The bag. Where did Libby put the bag?"

Will spun around and looked at me. "You mean you don't know where the bag is?"

"Dude, I didn't even know she had a f.u.c.king bag!" I shouted as I finally lost my balance and fell to the floor.

Scrambling to get up, I saw Will bent over laughing his a.s.s off. "Funny. Real funny d.i.c.khead, but you wait for the day Alex has a baby. I'm missing the birth of my child!"

I ran into the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash and pulled a T-s.h.i.+rt over my head. "I'm almost ready!"

I yelled out in pain as stubbed my toe on the scale that was for some odd reason sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor. "What the f.u.c.k? Son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h that hurt like a mother!"

I rushed out hopping on my other foot. Will was now sitting on my bed, still laughing. I glared at him. "I hope you have twins." He stopped laughing and stood up and pointed at me.

"Don't say that."

I smirked as I pulled my boots on. "What? Don't say twins?" I wiggled my fingers toward him. "Twins, twins, twins. I hereby wish for you to have twins. And I hope they're girls."

Will shook his head. "That's f.u.c.ked up, Luke."

I started laughing and looked to my left to see Libby standing there. "Hey, sleepyhead. You finally decided to get up."

I stopped moving as I looked Libby up and down. She came walking into the room and up to me. She leaned down, kissed me sweetly on the lips then turned and walked over to Will. "Hey, big brother. What are y'all doing?"

Dropping my mouth open, Will held up his hands and laughed as he said, "Paybacks are a real b.i.t.c.h."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" I jumped and ran after Will as he took off running.

As I rounded the corner I heard Libby call out, "Don't run down the stairs!"

WILL SAT DOWN next to me on the sofa. We both let out a long sigh. "I'm over school. So. Over. School."

Will laughed. "Dude, you're almost done. I've got a year and half left." There was a knock on the front door before it opened and Colt walked in.

"Hey," he said in a tired voice.

I frowned. "Hey, you alright?"

Colt walked to the love seat and let out a long frustrated sigh. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week. "I don't f.u.c.king understand life. Someone explain this s.h.i.+t to me 'cause I'm about to give up."

Will sat up and put his elbows on his knees. "Colt, what's going on? You look like you've had a few rough days."

Letting out a hoa.r.s.e laugh, Colt said, "What isn't going on? Coach is all over my a.s.s for drinking. I got suspended for one game for punching Bruce."

Standing I said, "Whoa, what?"

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 25 summary

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