Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 26

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Colt rolled his eyes. "He won't stop taunting me with Lauren."

"Does he know you have feelings for Lauren?" Will asked.

Colt chuckled. "Lauren of all people told him."

I sat back and let out a breath. "Wow. No s.h.i.+t?"

"Why would Lauren do that? It doesn't make any sense?" Will asked.

Colt shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Once Bruce found out he has done nothing but f.u.c.k with me."

"Dude, you need to find a girlfriend," I said as I stood and walked into the kitchen. Colt followed me. He sat at the bar stool and nodded his head.

"I know. It's hard, ya know? I can't push her from my head. I guess it's pretty clear she doesn't feel the same way about me and I need to move on." Will walked up and slapped Colt on the back.

"Dude, you have girls falling at your feet. Find someone you have an interest in and move on."

The front door opened. Grace, Libby, and Lauren walked in. They were all laughing. Lauren's expression faded a bit before she put another smile on her face. This time it didn't touch her eyes. They all made their way to us. "Hey little brother," Alex said as she kissed Colt on the cheek.

Colt smiled weakly. "Hey, sis. You doing okay?" Nodding her head, Alex made her way over to Will and kissed him. Libby walked up to me and I placed my hand on her stomach.

"d.a.m.n, your stomach is so hard." Libby blushed and nodded her head. She had to be the s.e.xiest pregnant woman I'd ever seen. Her blonde hair was done in two braided pigtails. The glow on her face was breathtaking. Leaning down I took her mouth in mine and kissed the h.e.l.l out of her. I pulled back and she laughed. "I missed you, Lib."

Libby's eyes lit up. "I missed you too."

Grace made a face. "Gag me, you just saw each other this morning and I'm pretty sure you were doing some funky s.e.x position because I heard noises that will be forever etched in my brain."

Everyone laughed as Libby blushed and looked away.

"Hey, Colt. How are you?" Lauren asked as she sat next to him. He looked at her and I knew he was confused as h.e.l.l. One minute Lauren avoids him at all costs and the next she acts like nothing is wrong.

Colt flashed that panty-melting smile of his. "I'm doing great, Lauren. How are you?"

Lauren's smile faltered a bit. "Doing good."

Colt began texting someone as Grace and Alex talked about the darling outfit they found at the mall for the baby to wear home.

Libby looked around at everyone. "Are y'all sure you are okay with Luke and I staying here after the baby is born? Things are going to be different."

Grace's mouth dropped open. "I'm not going to be able to see my niece as it is, the longer y'all stay here the better."

Alex chuckled. "I don't think Colt is too worried about moving in right away, I heard you had a pretty fun date the other night."

Colt's head snapped up, and so did Lauren's. By the look on Lauren's face, she didn't get the memo that Colt was moving in after Libby and I went back to Mason.

Speaking at the same time, Colt and Lauren said, "What?" Colt's phone buzzed and he looked down at it before looking back to Alex and asking, "What fun date?"

"What do you mean Colt is moving in here?" Lauren asked as everyone looked at her. The smile that spread across Colt's face for a brief second was caught only by me. He looked back down and sent someone a text.

Alex looked at Lauren and then Colt. "Marie James told me you took her out and y'all had a great time. She seemed to be taken with you."

"Huh, interesting," Colt said as Lauren looked at him.

"Wait, you're moving in here?"

Nodding his head, Colt answered Lauren without looking at her. "Yeah, Lauren I am."

He stood and pushed the stool back. Taking in a deep breath he blew it out. "Speaking of Marie, I've got plans with her so I guess I'll see y'all around."

Colt started to head to the door when Lauren got up and turned toward him. She began to follow Colt and it appeared she wanted to say something. Finally she was going to talk to him. Lauren was about to say something when she stopped walking. Looking away from Colt, she turned and sat back down.

Stupid. So f.u.c.king stupid.

WILL AND I were standing in the backyard grilling steaks when Libby walked outside. Her face looked flush as she had her hand on her stomach. Tomorrow was her due date and I knew she was miserable. She was now sitting up in bed at night so she could sleep. Most of the time she went to Grace's room and slept in the other bed.

"Hey, beautiful," Smiling I looked into her eyes. Something was off. "Lib? What's wrong?" I asked setting down my drink and making my way to her. Will was right behind me.

I took Libby in. Her face was pale, the normal beautiful flush missing from her cheeks. "Libby, you don't look so good."

Libby frowned and shot Will a dirty look. "Thanks a lot, Will."

Shaking his head he, mumbled, "That's not what I meant."

Libby's hand came up to her mouth and she began to nibble on her nail. "Um, well I wanted to let you know that, um, well-"

I widened my eyes and moved my head as if I was trying to will her to spit it out.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm having contractions."

Dropping my mouth open, I said, "Come again?"

She smiled and nodded her head. "Contractions, I think baby Johnson is ready to make her appearance."

Will jumped and let out a yell as he pumped his fist! "My baby nephew is coming!" Running around Libby, Will ran into the house calling out for Alex. "Alex! Alex!"

I walked to Libby and placed my hands on her arms. "Don't be scared, Lib."

Her eyes filled with tears. "I'm trying not to be scared, but I am scared."

I pulled her into my arms and held her. "I just have to ask you one question."


Smiling I pulled back. "Do you have a bag I don't know about that you'll be needing at the hospital?"

Laughing Libby wiped a tear away. "The only bag is my overnight bag and that has everything, including two outfits. One for a boy and one for a girl."

Libby and I talked for hours the day before we were set to have the sonogram to find out the s.e.x of the baby. When we finally decided it was a yes, the baby was positioned to where we couldn't see. We took that has a sign the baby wanted to surprise us.

Looking into Libby's beautiful blue eyes, I was frozen for a moment. This woman standing before me changed my life forever. The miracle we made changed both our lives. I couldn't wait to hold the baby in my arms.

Leaning down, I gently kissed Libby on the lips and then spoke against them. "Are you ready to go have a baby?"

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "With you by my side, I'm ready for anything."

LUKE SAT NEXT to me holding my hand as his fingers moved gently through my hair. I closed my eyes as another contraction started.

"Breath through it, baby," Luke whispered. I wanted to tell him to shut up, but I knew he was trying his best. I did as he said and breathed the stupid exercises that do not do anything for the pain. I wanted an epidural like it was no one's business.

There was a knock on the door and it slowly opened. My mother walked in carrying a Starbucks coffee for Luke.

So wrong. So wrong on so many levels.

Smiling, my mother set Luke's coffee down and made her way to the other side of the bed. "Hey, sweetheart."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "How did you do this with two in there? No wonder you never had more kids!"

My mother chuckled. "Trust me, you forget how painful it is the moment you hold your baby in your arms.

Rolling my eyes, I grunted. "When are they giving me the epid-" Another contraction hit me as I squeezed Luke's hand and his face grimaced. The door opened again and this time it was the nurse and someone else.

"Alright, Libby. Let's give you that epidural."

Luke and I both smiled and whispered, "Thank G.o.d."

"ONE MORE PUSH, Libby. Come on. I see the baby's head," the doctor said as I fell back onto the pillow. I was fighting to catch my breath.

I thrashed my head back and forth. "I can't. I'm so tired. I can't push anymore."

The doctor looked up at me. "Libby, one more good push, I promise."

I was too tired to push anymore. Exhaustion was beginning to take over. Tears streamed down my face as I whispered, "I can't."

Luke placed his hands on my face and turned me to face him. "Look in my eyes, Libby. Baby, you can do this. You are the strongest woman I know. Libby, one more time and I promise you will be holding our baby. Our miracle, Lib." His green eyes were burning with pa.s.sion. But not the same as when he made love to me. This was different.

"For me, Lib? Do one more for me?"

Biting on my lip, I stared into Luke's eyes. I loved this man more than anything. There wasn't anything I couldn't do with him by my side. I nodded my head. "I love you, Luke."

Kissing me quickly, he whispered, "I love you, too."

"Okay, Libby, push now and give it all you've got."

I leaned forward with Luke's help and pushed as hard as I could. I felt the pressure release as I fell back to the pillow. Lifting my head, I watched as the doctor asked Luke if he wanted to cut the cord.

Luke moved to cut it and the doctor said to us both, "You have a beautiful, healthy baby girl." I didn't think I could possibly cry any more, but tears streamed down my face. I let out a sob as I watched Luke crying. The nurse placed the blanket over my stomach and laid our baby girl across it. I reached down and traced her soft cheek with my finger.

"h.e.l.lo there, princess. Mommy's been waiting for you." Luke leaned over and kissed her head and then kissed me as he whispered against my lips, "You are amazing. Thank you."

The nurse took our baby girl and said she was going to clean her. Luke walked over to the table and watched as they cleaned up our daughter and wrapped her in a blanket. Luke held out his arms and I began crying again when they placed her in his arms.

"Libby, I'm going to slowly lift you up okay. Tell me if you feel sick or not." I nodded my head as the nurse began to lift the bed.

I couldn't take my eyes off the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. The man I loved more than anything, holding our baby girl.

Once I was settled and comfortable, Luke walked over to me. He had been singing to the baby and my heart was about to burst in my chest. One of the nurses looked at me and winked.

Stopping next to my bed, Luke looked at me and smiled the most breathtaking smile I'd ever seen. "My G.o.d, she's stolen my heart and I don't think I'll ever be the same."

Wiping my tears away, I tried to calm my beating heart. I loved this man so much. When I thought he couldn't make me love him more-he said something to make me fall even more in love with him.

As Luke reached down and placed our daughter in my arms, he kissed me. Smiling I whispered, "She's so tiny."

Luke chuckled. "Seven pounds two ounces."

I held her in my arms as I looked into her big blue eyes. It was as if she was looking into my soul and knew exactly how I was feeling. I had fallen just as fast as Luke, and it appeared our daughter had as well. We continued to look into each other's eyes as Luke ran the back of his hand down my face.

"I love you, Libby."

Peeking up at him, I smiled. "I love you, Luke."

Luke and I spent the next hour alone bonding with our daughter and looking at every square inch of her body. From her toes, to the tip of her head that was covered in light-brown hair.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Come on in," Luke called out. The door opened and Luke's parents and my parents all walked into the room. Ari and my mother both started crying. I glanced at my father and saw him wiping away a tear.

"Are you crying, Josh?" Jeff asked.

Looking at Jeff, my father chuckled and said, "Are you crying?"

Glancing at Jeff I noticed he quickly wiped a tear from his eye. "No, something got in my eye."

"Who would like to hold her first? I asked. Ari and my mother walked up. "We had to draw straws to see and Heather won," Ari said with a huge smile.

Looking down, my mother whispered, "She looks exactly like you, Libby."

I lifted up the baby as my mother scooped her from my arms. The love that swept over my mother's face caused my stomach to drop and a smile to spread across my face. I knew she held that same look when she gazed upon me and Will for the first time.

She began swaying slightly as she looked down lovingly at the baby.

Glancing up, she smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. "What did you decide on the name?"

Luke walked up next to me and took my hand as I nodded for him to tell them. "Mireya Hope Johnson is our precious little girl's name."

Ari covered her mouth in an attempt to keep her sobs back. My mother smiled and whispered, "Mireya, meaning miracle."

Luke kissed me gently on the lips and said, "She truly is a miracle. She also brought us hope when we needed it the most."

LUKE AND I sat down on the sofa, dropped our heads back, and let out a sigh as I said, "She's finally asleep."

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 26 summary

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