White House: Commander In Chief Part 24

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He stands as he hangs up, grabs me by the waist and leads me across the Oval to the adjacent sitting room, and kicks the door shut behind us and ushers me down on the couch, settling on top of me. Pulling my skirt up to my waist, I fumble with his zipper while he pulls my panties aside and then slips his finger back inside.

I pant. The fingers of his free hand trail down my temple.

My cheeks warm with eagerness.

"Lick off the taste of you," he commands, raising his hand from between my thighs to tease my lips open.

I do.

He frees himself-then he's inside. Deep inside, where I want him. Need him.

He starts to thrust, groaning as I do.

He trails wet kisses along my neck, fastening his mouth over my nipple, then stroking his hand along my small, rounded belly. The shadows of the trees outside the window fall over us, but I'm unable to focus on any one thing but him.

I tilt my hips upward, hungry for him-always hungry for him.

"Oh G.o.d," I groan.

"Quieter, baby," he hushes, tender as he plunges his tongue into my mouth, and he thrusts harder until he drives home, taking us where we need to go.

Afterward, I sit up and rearrange my clothes, and watch him for a minute. His hair rumpled by me, his mouth pink, and looking a little bit possessive, he's the s.e.xiest thing I've ever seen. But I don't want him to know this.

"I'm still irritated," I mumble.

He stands and zips up. Then he takes my chin and leans over, kissing me, voice husky. "So am I. I know you know better, Charlotte."

I groan, pus.h.i.+ng at him as I straighten. Matt's eyes drink me in as he's straightening his tie and securing his cuff links, while I feel like I just got high on a drug called President Hamilton.

"I'm not canceling," I warn him.

"I don't want you to cancel," he firmly retorts. "I want you to take it easier on yourself. Pace yourself. I warned you last night. I'm not f.u.c.king kidding about you or our child. You have years to champion your cause."

"Matthew . . . the doctor said that I should continue with life as normal."

"And there lies the caveat. You don't live a normal life, Charlotte."

He swings open the door of the Oval, striding to his desk, grabbing his and slipping them on, his forehead scrunched as he settles back in his chair.

He sc.r.a.pes his thumb across his chin, thoughtful, as he starts reading papers again.

"Matt?" I demand.

He lifts his head.

"I promise. Nothing matters to me more than you and this baby," I a.s.sure him.

He nods curtly, voice calm. "Good. We're clear then," he says easily, back to work.

I just stare.

He looks up. "I lost my father too d.a.m.n soon. I'm not going to lose you to exhaustion-or our child to extensive touring. It's not worth it. Nothing is."

My anger melts a little; I can't seem to be able to get angry for long.

I know he's frustrated the FBI hasn't found any new leads into his father's case. It's an old case. What Matthew wants is near impossible. But he's been pressing the Bureau to be better, do more, enhance their strategies, their intelligence, and their teams-he's even strategized to get an increase of funding to both the FBI and CIA, to ensure the United States have the highest degree of competence when in search of justice.

The impossible for him does not exist.

And yet, chaos is the evildoer's best friend, after all. And yesterday I leapt right into it without thinking-stirring Matthew's frustrations anew.

I smile as I watch him read the thick doc.u.ment in his hand. "I love you and those silly," I admit.

My smile fades a little when he looks at me. He gives me a smile.

And he pulls his to the bridge of his nose and eyes me across the room. "Don't try to sweet-talk your way into working yourself to the bone. That won't work with me."

"I didn't think it would," I lie, taking myself to the door. "I know what works." I mouth, Oral.

And I see the most adorable smile touch his lips before he leans back in his chair, looks at me soberly, and purrs, teasing me, "That's right."

I laugh as I leave, heading straight to Clarissa.

"Did you give the president a piece of your mind?" Clarissa asks with a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh, definitely." More like a little piece of pregnant mama booty. I head to my desk and look over the schedule. "Do you agree with him that this is a hectic schedule?"

"I told you from the moment we drafted it that we couldn't reasonably cover all these schools in such a short amount of time."

"Why didn't you insist?" I groan. "We need to redo it."

"Because I knew he'd set his foot down," she admits, still seemingly amused.

I sigh and look over everything, exhausted just thinking about moving all the visits around.

"What if I recruited a group of pa.s.sionate women to help me cover all these areas-spread our Kids for the Future message?" I ask.

Clarissa loves the idea so much that by that evening, we've got a new plan hashed out, and meetings set up with women like me who want the kids to have the best opportunities, the best futures, the best self-esteem, and the best chances at achieving their dreams one day.

I'm beat that night when I feel the mattress of his bed s.h.i.+ft, and his body spoon me from behind. I sigh contentedly as he buries his nose in my neck, planting a kiss there.

"Guess what? I won't bribe you with oral after all," I breathe sleepily.

"You may most definitely try." His chuckle is warm as he nuzzles my throat.

I smile. "I had a great idea today and found a way to have it all without . . . what did you say? 'Working myself to the bone'?" I frown and flip around, shooting him a black stare as he props himself on his elbows above me.

Even in the shadows, I can make out the amus.e.m.e.nt on his face, his chest bare, gloriously bare and muscular as he leans above me. "That's right," he says.

His eyes. I swear they're like the best coffee you will ever have.

"I appreciate you taking my concerns seriously," he says as he brushes back a strand of hair behind my forehead. "What's mine is mine. And I want my girl to be safe, always." He eases down my body, his eyes on mine looking wolfish and proprietary as he places a kiss on my belly. "And our little one, too."

I squeeze my eyes shut, his tender kiss spreading warmth all over my body.

"Are you ready to find out the s.e.x on Friday?" I reach out to stroke my fingers through his thick sable hair, then against the stubble on his jaw, feeling it rasp over my skin.

"I'm ready for it to be born already." He grins against me.

I run my fingers over his scalp as he nuzzles my pregnant belly. "I can't decide what I think it is," I say thoughtfully.

"It doesn't matter what you think, it is what it is," he says, quite practically, as he comes back up, propping himself on a pillow and drawing me to his side.

I laugh. "True."

"I've moved things around so I can be there with you to receive the news," he says, his voice husky now as he pulls my chin up and kisses me.

"Thank you."

"I wouldn't miss it. Not if I can help it."

Friday, we're stepping out of the car after my checkup with the gynecologist. Matt is fixing his tie after the full-blown kiss I gave him in the car on our way here. I'm just so happy. Blown away. The baby looks well. I have a picture in my clutch purse-several pictures, in fact-and we could see its perfect body, its eyes, and its face. And its s.e.x.

When the doctor confirmed what it was, he told us with a grin, and Matt and I just looked at each other-all of it so real, now that we can give the baby a name.

The reporters at the White House are restless, having heard of my appointment and been given permission to wait for our return on the steps.

"President Hamilton, do you know what you're having?"

He draws me to his chest as we both face the reporters, and they all calm down. He says just three words.

"It's a boy."

"It's a boy!" they return happily.

"Quick picture, Mr. President!"

I hear the echoes of other reporters who second the thought.

"All right-take a few shots, and then I trust you'll let us get back to our jobs."

They start snapping pictures in excitement, and we pose at the entrance of the White House, Matt's hand on the small of my back, his eyes drifting down to meet mine as we smile at each other. I think we're both still replaying the news in our minds-me bewildered and enchanted that I'm having a little boy, my little Matthew Junior-when Matt, back to being businesslike, tells them, "All right, have a good day, everyone," and ushers me inside.

He pats my b.u.m as we head down the halls. "Have a good day, wife."

"I will. I have a baby room to decorate. You go get it, husband."

He winks, his smile dazzling as he starts walking away to the West Wing.



Charlotte Weeks and months fly by as I prepare the baby's room and continue with my Kids for the Future campaign while Matt continues meeting with heads of state, signing treaties, tweaking trade agreements, and more.

One of the schools I'm visiting on my new, less hectic schedule inquired whether the president could make a speech for the high school students, and I was thrilled when he said yes.

Everywhere he speaks, Matt draws crowds. You'd think it was due to the mythical importance of his father's legacy and his family's name, but I know that it is not. People like to feel close to him. Hear him speak. All around America, there are proud people-proud to be American.

Today, I admit I get a little giddy watching him speak again.

"It's easy to believe that we aren't capable of living up to our potential. I never believed I would-or even cared to try to. After the loss of my father, I continued to be reminded of all that the world lost, and I felt a sense of powerlessness. I wasn't powerless. I had in my power to give you the one thing he most wanted to give. Me. Never underestimate the power of your own worth."

Once he closes, the claps and cheers are so deafening, they follow us out.

He rides with me back home, Wilson and Stacey accompanying us, both of them grinning ear to ear, not even bothering to hide their satisfaction.

Our economy is growing by leaps and bounds, our exports have increased by 20 percent, and there are new jobs being offered every day. Aside from that, Matt is a champion of consumer rights, minority rights, gay rights, women's rights, and controlling nuclear proliferation, and advocates embracing the diversity our country has thrived on and welcomed for generations.

He speaks to reporters like they're his best friends, stops to greet all men and women, and the message is always clear-in whatever he does. YOU can make a difference. YOU can create new jobs too. YOU can be innovative, different, free. YOU can be yourself.

Governing is not easy. Sometimes it feels as if ages ago, Matt and I were idealists. But sometimes, like for the past year, it feels like we were the realists.

Months go by fast, between governing and the social scene that comes with the White House. I'm close to full term now-my body so very curvy, and somehow very arousing to my husband, and even to me. It feels so sensitive-his touch always electric on my skin. Tonight we were invited to the Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., premiere of a movie one of his friends produced, and I'm wondering how I'll manage to wear heels. Maybe ballerina flats and an empire gown would work.

"Look stunning," Lola advised.

"You mean sometimes I don't?" I arched a teasing brow.

"Haha. Truly, Charlotte. People are obsessed with you, and Matthew Hamilton's devotion to you. Millions of women in the world dream of fitting in your gla.s.s slipper.

The hot president, his hands gliding over your body as you dance, his wors.h.i.+pful eyes only on you, the most desirable world leader with his clear adoration of you. Politics are dynamic and young-a symbol of the revitalization in our country. Look daring, edgy."

"I'm nearly nine months pregnant," I say.

"Exactly! And you're still standing."

"Lola, you kill me," I laugh.

But I definitely pulled out a lovely chiffon empire-cut gown in a light pink color, which I'm wearing with my hair back in an elegant waterfall look.

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White House: Commander In Chief Part 24 summary

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