A Few Flowers Part 5

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She nodded and mumbled an amen, then fumbled with her fork. Of all her preconceived ideas about Monty, that he would be a Christian was not one of them.

Now where were we? I believe you were telling me about coming in second place in that compet.i.tion.

Uh, yes, she mumbled.

I know its a difficult and grueling course. You must be proud of yourself.

Not really. The skills are good to know.

Silence hung in the air.

So, what else do you do with yourself? I already asked Robert if you were married. I hope you dont mind.

She shook her head.

Id like to get to know you better. Unless youre already seeing someone.

Again, she shook her head. The only male shed spent time with lately was Troy and she simply didnt have those kinds of feelings for him. Besides, lately Troy had been seeing a lot of Erin, which, in a way, she found a relief.

Conversation drifted to general topics, allowing her to relax, but inside, her mind was doing cartwheels. Rather than talk about herself, she had so much she wanted to ask him.

When the conversation lagged, he again steered it toward more personal questions. So, what do you do for fun? What do you do with yourself in the evenings? What are your hobbies and interests?

Besides the first aid thing, I like to go hiking. Its a wonderful way to enjoy the beauty of G.o.ds creation.

He sighed, staring off into s.p.a.ce for a few seconds. I obviously havent been able to do much of anything since the accident. I think I miss hiking most of all. Where do you like to go? Theres a great trail up the mountain at Golden Ears Provincial Park thats a real challenge. Ive yet to try the one that goes to the peak. Maybe someday we could go together?

She tried not to let her mouth drop open. She would have guessed his tastes leaned toward an expensive health club. You like to hike?

He nodded. I find the trails a great place to escape to get my head together.

Cindy enjoyed a brisk walk in the forest. Hiking was also cheap, the only cost being the boots and backpack, which lasted for years, plus the gas to get out of town.

Want to go hiking together? Although, Ill be going pretty slow, compared to what youre no doubt used to. And Ill have to stick to the level ground. Ive been cooped up so long, I think Ill go stark raving mad if I dont get out soon. Most of all, Id really enjoy your company.

I guess we could go slow and easy, maybe take a lunch and make a day of it.

The words barely out of her mouth, Cindy realized what she had just committed herself to. Instead of convincing him to stop sending more flowers, she had obligated herself into spending an entire day with him.

She folded her hands in front of her on the tabletop. Ive answered all your questions. Turnabout is fair play. Besides hiking, what do you do for fun? So far, weve only talked about me.

Monty laid his fork down to thoughtfully swirl the last of his coffee at the bottom of the cup.

Lately Ive spent most of my time working. Aside from hiking, I sometimes go sailing when I can get away for a day on the weekend, which isnt often anymore. He paused to drink the last sip of his coffee. I was doing some work on the boat the day of the accident. He laughed without mirth for a second. I fell in, and, boy, was that water cold. I had to either drive home soaking wet and freezing or strip down to my underwear with the heat up full blast. Good thing I found an old pair of shorts on the boat. He smiled, and his ears reddened. Afterwards I was pretty embarra.s.sed, but at the time, though, I didnt care. I really thought I was going to die.

His laughter disappeared. I really thought that was the end, Cindy. I dont think theres any way to say thank you for something like that, but if it wasnt for you and G.o.ds timing, I wouldnt be on this earth today.

Cindy gulped. Monty reached across the table, touched her hand, and gave it a little squeeze. His tender gesture reminded her so much of the pitiful way he had tried to do the same thing in the car that night. The memory almost brought tears to her eyes. I dont know what to say, she choked out.

Im sorry, I really meant to keep today lighthearted. I think Id better get you back to work.

They made pleasant small talk until they reached her office. He parked the car and escorted her to the main entrance. Before she had a chance to say good-bye, he clasped one hand between his larger ones. May I call you at home?

She pulled her hand away, nodded, and hurried inside.

Alone in the elevator, she leaned against the wall, trying to will her heart from pounding so hard. She had expected a stilted and awkward conversation, but instead, she had enjoyed herself. Making arrangements to see him again had fallen into place naturally. However, seeing him again was a very bad idea.

Before she completed her industrial first aid course, the instructor had recommended a book to the cla.s.s. She had been so impressed with it that shed decided to buy it rather than check it out from the library. One of the chapters described common responses of a victim toward their rescuer.

From his reaction to their first meeting in the office and his wanting to somehow pay her back, to the flowers, to their get-to-know-you lunch, he displayed the cla.s.sic symptoms in the correct order, according to the book. The book cautioned rescuers that in a male/female situation, it was common for many victims to mistake their extreme grat.i.tude for affection, erroneously believing themselves to be in love with the rescuer. The projected outcome of such a relations.h.i.+p was doomed from the start, having been based on unrealistic or false expectations.

The elevator door swooshed open. Brenda, Melinda, Ann, and Susan stopped what they were doing, lifted their arms at the same time to study their watches, and shook their heads in unison. Cindy wondered how much theyd practiced their little performance while she was gone.

Very funny, she groused as she marched to her desk.

Cindy squeezed her eyes shut at the onslaught of four voices bombarding her at once.

Whats he like?

Did he take you somewhere really nice?

He sure is good looking, isnt he?

What did he say?

Is he as nice as he looks?

Did he ask you out again?

Cindy threw her hands up. Stop it, all of you! Four pairs of eyes burned into her. We had a nice lunch, and yes, Im going to see him again. Okay? She tried her best to ignore them and resumed her work. Before long, they took the hint. As she typed, her mind ran through a mental checklist of her meager selection of shoes, and which ones had the lowest heels, then she kicked herself for thinking about such a thing.

Are you running away from home or something?

Cindy sat in the middle of her bedroom floor surrounded by all the hiking supplies she had just pulled out of her bedroom closet. Partly because of her new job and partly because of spending so much time with Troy, she hadnt been hiking since last year. She hadnt realized until she talked to Monty how much she missed it.

Im going hiking next weekend with Monty.

Erin snorted. Sounds like fun, she said, not at all sounding like she meant it. While Cindy shared many interests and activities with Erin, hiking was not one of them.

Cindy pushed everything to the side. I guess its time for me to make dinner.

She had everything nearly ready and was about to dump the water out of the cooked noodles when the phone rang.

Hi, Cindy, its Monty. What are you doing?

She nearly dumped the noodles on the floor. Im making supper. How about you?

Im just finis.h.i.+ng up at the office, and I was thinking of asking you to join me for dinner.

Youre too late. Ive already started cooking dinner for myself and my roommate.

Oh. Is there any way I could convince you to join me?

Cindy didnt need this. As much as she enjoyed his company, she couldnt see him again other than the hike that shed already committed herself to. Sorry, Monty, not this time.

When then? Im free anytime you are. Tomorrow?

No, not tomorrow.


Cindy squeezed her eyes shut. She definitely didnt need this. Obviously she had led him to the wrong conclusion and now she needed to make her intentions clear. Tell you what. Im making lasagna, why dont you come here? We can talk.

Sounds great! His enthusiasm almost made her choke. I can be out of here in five minutes.

After giving him directions, she hung up the phone and continued a.s.sembling the lasagna. When she slid the pan into the oven, she went to tell Erin what shed done.

Erin was hanging up the phone. I knew you were making a big lasagna, so I invited Troy.

Cindy slapped her hand to her forehead and groaned. Monty phoned, and I have something to discuss with him, so I invited him, too. Now what?

Erin rested her hands on her hips. Wont there be enough to feed four?

Erin obviously had no concept of the amount of lasagna Troy could eat, a fact Cindy had learned the hard way. I was going to make a salad, so I guess Ill just make a bigger salad and some quick instant pudding for dessert. Do we have any of that spray whipped cream left?

Erin grinned and shook her head, which meant that Erin had used the rest of the can to make fancy coffees when Troy came over last night.

Cindy hurried to add more volume to their meal and was nearly finished when a knock on the door stopped her.

It was Monty, holding a paper bag with the logo of a nearby bakery. Unlike earlier in the day, he stood a couple of inches taller than she did.

I brought something extra for dinner, he said as he looked down at her feet, which were cuddled up in her flat-soled bunny slippers. A frivolous item she never would have chosen by herself, they were a gift from Erin, a joke meant to take her down a peg or two after she accepted the lofty position of executive secretary. She wore them constantly because her feet were always cold in the drafty old house.

Monty grinned. Nice slippers.

Blus.h.i.+ng, she took the bag from him. Id like to introduce you to my roommate and best friend, Erin.

He extended his hand. Pleased to meet you, Erin, he said cordially, nodding as their hands touched.

No sooner had they closed the door, when another knock sounded. As soon as Erin opened the door, Troy sauntered past them and flopped down on the couch. What a day! When he spotted Monty, his eyes widened, and he stood. Excuse me, I didnt see you.

Monty walked to Troy and shook his hand while Cindy introduced them. The difference between the two of them was like night and day.

In addition to Troys fair complexion, long wavy blond hair, and the bluest eyes Cindy had ever seen, his boyish grin nearly sent women into a swoon. As usual, Troy wore snug jeans and a baggy sweats.h.i.+rt, and his damp hair showed that he had been home and showered before his arrival.

In contrast to Troys height, Monty was barely average. His dark complexion matched his nearly black hair, which was meticulously cut and perfectly combed back. When he smiled, he radiated elegance and dignity. Monty still wore his tailored suit and tie, showing that he had just come from work.

The timer on the stove dinged, so Cindy excused herself. Monty followed.

Cindy reached into the cupboard for the plates. Im sorry, Monty. It appears that neither one of us knew the other had invited a guest.

Not a problem. Can I set the table for you?

She pointed in the direction of the cutlery drawer. Do you work late often?

Yes. I like to work in peace and quiet after everyone is gone, and its not unusual for me to be there till midnight or later to finish up.

Your card said youre the systems manager. I dont even know what it is you do.

I write and manage various business programs, but I started out doing computer games. I still do some, but not as many as I used to.

Computer games? You make money doing that?

He nodded. Im working on one right now about teenagers cleaning their rooms. The dust bunnies under the bed come equipped with laser cannons. The pile of clothes and dirty socks and other teen paraphernalia builds until it either destroys the room or it gets cleaned up. Which seldom happens, by the way, just like real life.

He gave her a mischievous grin. I always give the staff a couple of hours to test the games for suggestions or improvements. The business programs are boring. They dont offer to test those. That would mean work.

She couldnt imagine the soft-spoken man in the pristine suit beside her making battle games about killer dust bunnies.

Cindy pulled the lasagna out of the oven. Can you call Erin and Troy?

Monty disappeared for a few seconds and came back alone, his cheeks slightly darkened. They look like theyre busy, and I didnt want to disturb them.

He remained in the kitchen while she scuffed into the living room, where Troy sat on the couch with Erin in his lap, locked together in a fervent kiss, heedless of the world around them. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, imagining what Monty must have thought.

She marched back into the kitchen. Cover your ears, she grumbled. She sucked in a deep breath and yelled, Suppertime! at the top of her lungs.

Monty and Cindy could hear the shuffling from the kitchen.

Nice touch, Monty whispered.

Red-faced, Erin and Troy entered the kitchen and quietly sat at the table. Already knowing the routine, Troy bowed his head while Erin led a prayer thanking G.o.d for their meal.

Erin immediately started the conversation by griping about the traffic on the way home.


Monty listened politely to Erin but watched Cindy. In the informal atmosphere of her own home, she was even more delightful than she had been at lunchtime. Her smoky gray eyes sparkled with laughter while she teased Erin as Erin continued to complain without missing a beat.

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A Few Flowers Part 5 summary

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